Chapter 91 Phase Combination Spells

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  Chapter 91 Phase Combination Spell

  When the audience sitting in front of the empty screen is nervous.

  The four members of Brand's team were in a more relaxed mood.

  Although there were indeed a lot of monsters approaching them, Brand had a relatively "mature" way of dealing with this kind of siege where the individual strength was not strong.

  About half a year ago, when Brand was returning home from the academy, he was attacked by an extremely large number of bandits.

  At that time, Brand thought that he must learn some spells that could deal with crowd tactics in the future!

  At this time, half a year later, Brand no longer cares much about the crowd tactics.

  Although the person in front of him is not a human being, his individual strength is not very high, and it is still within Brand's response range!
  When the monsters approached a certain distance, Brand's body flashed with a stronger magical light.

  ——This is a manifestation of a large amount of magic being mobilized.

  Soon, the spell model was completed.

  A magic disc about two meters in diameter with various strange patterns appeared at Brand's feet.

  The moment the magic disk appeared, the magic power in Brand quickly gathered towards it.

  As the magic power is gradually poured into it, the light of the spell disc becomes brighter and brighter.

  When the light reaches a certain level.

  Countless gray-white light spots like fireflies rose up in an orderly manner from the magic disc at Brand's feet.

  Then, under the guidance of Brand's mental power, they flew towards the group of monsters running from all directions like snowflakes in the sky.

  Facing the "snowflakes" flying from the front, the monsters dived in without fear!
  What surprised them was that these gray-white "snowflakes" did not cause any harm to them.

  The "snowflake" disappeared the moment it came into contact with the World of Warcraft's skin.

  ——It’s like it’s penetrated!

  At the same time, several people watching the battle in Hollandburg were puzzled by Brand's "flashy" snowflake spell.

  The host on the magic crystal screen exclaimed in admiration:

  "Phase mark! Intermediate spell! The core of phase combination spells!
  This is not the domain of mage apprentices! In terms of learning difficulty, it is almost comparable to high-level spells. Comparable!
  Mr. Brand is truly a super genius at the Kaya Empire Mage Academy!

  I am very much looking forward to the next development!"

  After hearing the host's explanation, Yersen was very surprised and said: "Brand has actually learned the intermediate level Is there a spell?"

  Compared to Yersin's surprise, Viscount Robert was a little confused and said: "After all that, what is the use of this spell?"

  Mr. Holland was a little uncertain at this time and said:
  "The host is not Is that the basis for combining spells? I think Brand and the others will release other spells next!"

  At the same time, Celine's studio.

  The dean and Celine were also watching Brand's practical assessment.

  It was different from Mr. Holland and the others who were slowly assembling the empty screen.

  The dean directly took out a large "advanced version" from the space equipment.

  ——There are no assembly and activation steps at all!

  Watching Brand release the "Phase Mark" spell on the magic crystal screen, the principal looked a little surprised.

  There weren't many things in the world that could surprise him, but Brand's genius was obviously beyond his imagination.

  Looking at the "snowflakes" in the sky on the magic crystal screen, the dean suddenly asked Celine with some confusion:
  "If I remember correctly, Brand has been learning magic for less than a year, right?"

  Facing the dean's question, In doubt, Celine nodded and said: "Yes!"

  At the same time, the corners of her mouth under the veil were slightly raised. Looking at the surprised look on the dean's face, she asked happily: "What? I

  regret giving him Give it to me?"

  Hearing what Celine said, the dean also smiled and said,

  "I don't have such a powerful teaching ability as little Celine! If Brand worshiped me as his teacher, he should now be with other students. Little one, let's run in the snow like that!"

  Hearing this, Celine's smile widened under her veil. She waved her hand and said,   "

  For the sake of my good mood, tell me what you have to say!"

I don’t think the old guy like the dean would make her happy for no reason!
  There must be something required of her!
  Pretty much what Celine thought.

  After hearing Celine's words, the smile on the dean's face suddenly became flattering.

  He rubbed his hands and said with some embarrassment:

  "I just want to ask, what are those 'dried leaves' in the jar you took back before?" When the

  dean asked this question, Celine's face changed. His smile faded a bit.

  ——She doesn’t have much of that stuff.

  But Celine thought about it, and finally took out a small box from the space equipment and handed it to the dean.

  At the same time, she explained: "This thing is called tea. It is not eaten directly. It needs to be brewed with boiling water..."...


  Brand's side, the "snowflakes" of the phase mark covered most of the surrounding Warcraft. After the majority.

  He begins to prepare the next spell!
  At this time, the leading troops of Warcraft had already rushed to the mountain col where they were.

  Just when the monsters were about to charge at the creature in front of them.

  Brand's body shone with a more intense magical light.

  The spell model was constructed in the palm of Brand's right hand, and in the next moment, magic power continued to pour in.

  A black vortex gradually formed.

  The moment this black vortex appeared, the Warcraft suddenly realized that something had changed!
  Their bodies seemed lighter, as if there was a new force destroying their body balance!

  Without giving the Warcraft any time to think, Brand threw the vortex in his hand into the distant sky.

  The black vortex began to "grow" rapidly after leaving Brand's side.

  At this time, the Warcraft clearly felt the black vortex in the sky pulling on their bodies!
  And this pulling force is gradually increasing!

  Their running appearance has gradually changed.

  And when this power reaches a critical point.

  ——Gravity is offset!
  One by one, the monsters left the white snow and rose into the sky involuntarily!
  No matter how they struggle, it's all in vain!
  And this is just the beginning!

  As Brand's mental power detonated the "phase mark" in the Warcraft's body, the "gravitational pull" of the black vortex on the Warcraft suddenly increased dozens of times.

  Countless floating "black shadows" flew toward the black vortex at extremely fast speeds.

  With dull crashing sounds, the monsters quickly gathered into a "ball" in the sky.

  At this time, a light blue "wind bullet" condensed in Brand's right hand.

  Then it flew towards the sphere composed of monsters in the sky...

   Thanks to the book friend "Luo Chenyuan" for his monthly ticket
  (end of this chapter)

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