Chapter 90 Fighting

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  Chapter 90: Fighting against
  Mr. Holland. Mr. Holland is not worried about Brand’s safety.

  Every student trained by the Kaya Empire Mage Academy is a valuable asset for the future of the empire, and the academy will certainly not allow any casualties among these mage reserves.

  So as a father, Mr. Holland is very happy to see Brand grow up in a battle that is not life-threatening!
  "They're coming out!"

  Viscount Robert, who had been staring at the screen, noticed that the door of the igloo behind Finn opened, and he shouted excitedly!


  After the door of the igloo opened.

  The three Brands dragged a large backpack out of the igloo.

  Because the clothes he wore were much thicker, Brand had stopped the magic output of Liuyan Bodyguard at this time.

  However, when they suddenly came outside the cold and windy igloo, the three of them still felt a chill.

  After seeing the large backpack the three of them were dragging, Finn immediately walked over, picked it up, and carried it on his back.

  ——The weight and size make it look like it was prepared for him.

  Andy tightened his multi-layered leather jacket and said to Finn,
  "Finn, try the weight first and see if it increases or decreases."

  Finn took two steps with his backpack and jumped twice. He said:

  "Although it seems to be much lighter than the usual training weight, we may have to fight soon, so we can't carry too much weight. Let's leave it like this." After talking about the backpack, Finn talked about

  his discovery.

  He pointed at the "Ice Crystal Butterflies" flying in the sky not far away and said:

  "I found those butterflies have been lingering nearby. But I don't seem to have seen this kind of creature in the illustrated book. Do you recognize it?" Look

  . Looking at the butterflies flying in the distance, Brand and the three of them frowned.

  In order to identify which creatures in the snowy mountains can be eaten, they specially recited illustrations that recorded common creatures in the snowy mountains.

  ——This kind of butterfly is not included in the illustrated book.

  Brand suggested: "How about we shoot one down and take a look?"

  Andy objected to Brand's suggestion: "What if this is a social creature? For example, if we shoot one, a group of them will fly over? "

  Ivy didn't quite agree with Andy's guess: "There shouldn't be too many social creatures in the snowy mountain environment, right?" At

  this time, Finn rubbed his chin and said with some uncertainty:

  "I have been observing them for a while, and they have been It keeps a close distance to us, and I always feel like it's monitoring us."


  When Finn said this, the three Brands were surprised.


  Here at Fort Holland.

  The huge magic crystal screen has been divided into two screens, one is the host's screen, and the other is Brand's screen.

  At this time, the host was also focusing on the "highest" difficulty level five scene.

  ——Because there are enough people paying attention, and depending on the situation, there will be a fight soon!

  While the other team was still inside the igloo and had not come out, Team Brand was already standing outside the igloo at this time.

  Seeing the four members of the team on the screen looking towards them from time to time, Viscount Robert looked a little anxious and said:

  "What are they looking at us for? Shouldn't we carefully observe the surrounding situation at this time?"

  Mr. Holland was very happy at this time. eating chili.

  After hearing Viscount Robert's words, he said:

  "Isn't it already obvious? Look at Brand and the others who have 'looked at' us many times. Their eyes seem to be 'observing us'. Yes, isn't this because the thing that transmitted the picture was discovered by them?" After

  a slight pause, Mr. Holland said again:
  "I am very worried about the secrecy of the monitoring equipment. These children who are still in school are It can be discovered. I can't imagine what effect something like this can have on the battlefield?"

  Viscount Robert also suddenly realized what Mr. Holland said, but he had a different view:

  "I think Mu The En Empire should not make such a low-level mistake. If this thing is really so useless, we will settle the score with them!"

  It was just at this time.

  In the scene, Finn from Team Brand squatted down and grabbed a ball of snow from the ground.

  Then, he squinted his eyes toward the direction of the picture and began to "measure the distance."

  The host seemed to have expected this to happen.

  He smiled and said:

  "It seems that our surveillance equipment has been discovered, but the problem is not big. We will turn on the concealment function of the surveillance equipment immediately." ...


  Brand's side, just as Finn was holding the snowball, preparing to hit A butterfly takes a look at the situation.

  They were somewhat surprised to find that several butterflies in the sky suddenly disappeared from their sight.

  Brand immediately noticed the abnormality in the surrounding environment:
  "There are fluctuations of magic power! It feels a bit like the rune circle is activated!"

  Although the butterfly has disappeared.

  But Finn still threw the snowball in his hand towards the ice crystal butterfly's previous position.

  -- didn't hit anything.

  Finn said: "It seems that it is indeed something used for monitoring, otherwise it would make no sense if I rolled a snowball and they would be scared away." At

  this time, Ivy suddenly pointed in the distance and said in surprise: "You guys Look over there, is there something coming towards us?"

  Look in the direction of Ivy's finger.

  Far away from them, several streaks of snow mist seemed to be splashed by running, "spreading" towards their position.

  "That should be the monster running!"

  Andy was a little unsure.

  In order to get a clearer view, the four members of the team walked to the edge of the mountain col.

  They soon discovered that there were a lot of monsters approaching, and they were from all directions.

  Seeing this scene, the team's atmosphere became a little more serious.

  In order to recognize the strength of these monsters, Brand quickly gave himself a telescope.

  As the glimmer of magic power flickered in his eyes, the appearance of the running monster in the distance quickly became clear.

  He said:
  "There are all kinds of orangutan snow monsters, frost snow yaks, ice lizards, and big frost snakes. Judging from their size, these guys are not very strong.

  Although there are a lot of them, they are not impossible to fight. A dozen, it seems we can reserve some meat and magic cores."

  Finn waved the ice ax in his hand and said:

  "Then get ready to fight. I happen to be a little hungry too."


  Fort Holland.

  The host on the empty video screen looked "pleased" and began to comment on the two teams' coping methods:

  "We can see that both teams have now discovered the group of Warcraft that is surrounding them.

  At this time, it is safest to The best response is to stay away from the igloo, because the monsters are not coming towards them. Although they also have a small amount of bait gas on them, the monsters will still attack them, but the pressure will definitely be less than staying in the col to face the enemy. A lot.

  However, what is regrettable is that both teams seem to have chosen to face the enemy head-on at the mountain col. It can be predicted that they will face an extremely difficult battle next!" (End of this chapter


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