Chapter 487 Sudden meteor shower!

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  Chapter 487 Sudden meteor shower!
  Hearing such helpless and bitter remarks, Brand couldn't help but patted Finn on the shoulder sympathetically.

  Andy also said helplessly on the side:

  "It was fine some time ago, but as the weak teams in the kingdom gradually withdrawn,

  our team battle became more and more difficult.

  I think it won't be long before we will be eliminated."

  Regarding the situation of the college’s “second team” struggling in exchange activities.

  Brand was also more helpless.

  After all, the strength of the academy's second team is only that high.

  He is now directly locked in the first place, and at the same time joins the exchange activities of the older generation.

  Fortunately, everyone in the college is also tolerant.

  The instructors also said that everyone has done a good job and the college will distribute rewards after returning.

  After chatting with Andy Finn about their respective recent situations, they went to the dining room to have dinner together.

  When the sky was getting dark, Brand said goodbye to the two of them and headed towards the gate of the mage town.

  At the same time, he also took out the information provided by the library members and examined it carefully.

  Brand is quite interested in the so-called "underground trading market for mage inheritance" around the town.

  In his opinion, this should be similar to the "black market".

  There are also many things of shady origin, but most of the products in this trading market are the inherited knowledge of various mages.

  Although I just spent a large amount of money with Mr. Romien, my wallet is quite dry.

  But in this kind of trading market, the most popular thing is not magic gold coins, but all kinds of mage knowledge.

  If that doesn't work, he also has spell scrolls with various effects that can be used for trading.


  After walking out of the gate of the mage town, a gentle female voice came over.

  Xun Xun passed by and saw Catherine smiling and waving to him next to a library carriage not far away.

  Brand then smiled and leaned over.

  Because he didn't plan to stay in the mage town for a long time, Brand used the blank screen to contact Catherine in advance.

  ——After visiting the underground trading market outside the town, he will directly return to the library station.

  After meeting up with Catherine, they found a remote place and put on the black robe and mask.

  The two began to head towards the largest trading market in the intelligence.

  It is said to be a trading market, but it is actually just an open-air area surrounded by stone walls.

  Inside are free stalls built using earth spells.

  When the two arrived, many stalls here were already displaying various kinds of knowledge passed down by mages.

  People with their bodies and faces covered up were walking through it.

  After briefly scanning the situation inside the trading market, Brand quickly took Catherine to join in.

  What was not unexpected was that

  most of the people on the stalls contained low-level mage knowledge at the level of mage apprentices.

  ——Formal mage-level knowledge accounts for very little, and most of it requires the use of equal or even higher-level knowledge in exchange.

  After visiting most of the trading market, Brand felt like digging for gold in the sand.

  There are indeed some mage inheritances here that seem to have shady origins.

  However, the inheritance level displayed on the stall is too low and its value is relatively limited.

  When he asked if there was a more advanced inheritance like this, the other party looked at him warily.

  Catherine also noticed Brand's impatience.

  After a brief thought, she suggested in a low voice:
  "Master, why don't we set up a stall ourselves, state the terms of the transaction, and then let others come over to inquire?" She

  glanced around and looked at the trading market where people were coming and going.

  Brand nodded in agreement.

  He came to an unmanned stall and picked out a few inheritances for exchange and put them on them.

  After making another sign with the words "Only for knowledge exchange at the same level".

  Brand felt that was enough.

  Glancing around, he saw that Catherine on the side had already set up a lounge chair covered with soft animal skins for him.

  Seeing this, Brand's face under the mask unconsciously put on a smile.

  After lying down in a comfortable recliner.

  Brand took out the "magic book" and started practicing under the cover of his black robe...

  It turned out that setting up his own stall was more efficient.

  After a while, someone came over with a similar value of inherited knowledge to inquire about the exchange.

  If the other party's inheritance knowledge library just doesn't have it.

  Brand will then sign a confidentiality contract with him "for use only by the other party, his relatives, and the other party's forces", and then exchange the inheritance.

  By late at night, when the trading market ended, he had also gained a dozen pieces of mage knowledge in different fields.

  ——Small half of them are unique inheritances of various mage forces and official mage levels.

  Returning to the library station, looking at the various inheritances on the table in front of him, Brand happily decided to continue tomorrow.


  Time passes slowly in ordinary days.

  In addition to training with Catherine every day, studying spells in the laboratory, and occasionally paying attention to the construction of his personal residence.

  Brand would also go to the trading market outside the mage town to set up stalls and exchange spell knowledge after dinner every day.

  In the blink of an eye, more than half a month passed.

  Just when Brand thought that such dull days would last until the free communication stage of the mages' event.

  This night, during the daily process of setting up a stall.

  The magic in the sky suddenly rioted!

  next moment!
  A large number of meteor showers dragged their long tails, falling from the sky towards the area surrounding the mage town.

  In just three or two breaths, they had already arrived above everyone's heads.

  Immediately afterwards, a terrifying magic ripple suddenly appeared, starting from the inside of the mage town and spreading to the surrounding areas at an extremely fast speed.

  Under the influence of this terrifying magic ripple.

  Numerous fire rain and meteors suddenly stagnated, twisted, and finally returned to nothingness!
  After the ripples subsided.

  As if everything before was just a dream.

  The sky has returned to the clear night sky as before!
  Seeing such a scene, Brand put down the "magic book" in his hand that shone brightly with magic power.

  Catherine beside her also put away the shield in her hand.

  After a short period of silence, the entire trading market gradually became filled with lively discussions!
  The next afternoon.

  Brand was conducting research in the laboratory when the space necklace on his chest suddenly shone with purple light.

  After he took out the blank screen and agreed to the communication request.

  The Director of the Imperial Foreign Affairs Department, Sonia Fuentes, appeared on the magic crystal screen in front of her.

  At first, she was still frowning slightly because of some annoying things.

  But after the empty screen was connected and Brand was seen on the magic crystal screen.

  Sonia's mood suddenly became much happier.

  ——The slightly frowned brows instantly relaxed, and a sweet smile unconsciously appeared on his face.

  After exchanging greetings for a while, Sonia got down to business.

  After Sonia's narration, Brand realized that something important happened today.

  ——The diplomatic visiting team of the Bruns Empire entered the royal capital of the Kaya Empire this morning!
   Thank you book friend "Brünnhilde of Extreme Europe" for your monthly pass.
    Thank you book friend "hyjdy" for your monthly pass.
    Thank you book friend "Hehe223" for your monthly pass.
    Thank you book friend "KAMIU" for your monthly pass.
    Thank you book friend "Jameszcjj" for your monthly pass
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    thanks book friend “Irritable Single Youth” for his monthly ticket
    Thank you book friend “Green Waters Flow the Earth” for his monthly ticket
  (end of this chapter)

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