Chapter 486 Unwavering Andy!

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  Chapter 486 Unwavering Andy!
  I heard that Brand wanted to come and observe his wedding.

  Cold sweat started to flow down Andy's back instantly!
  ——He just said a few sour words casually, Brand wouldn't be so heartless, right?
  For a brief moment, Andy's thinking reached its peak.

  The next moment, he looked confused and said:

  "Wedding? What wedding? Why don't I know what kind of wedding I have?"

  Seeing Andy pretending to be stupid, Brand came closer, then reached out and patted Andy on the shoulder.

  Then, with a curious look on his face, he said:

  "I heard from Yersen that you and Finn are already engaged? You will get married when you reach adulthood?

  I want to ask when the specific date will be? I have prepared top-notch gifts for you. !
  You really don’t give me a chance to deliver the gift to you?
  I just want to observe it!

  I haven’t attended other people’s weddings for a long time!”

  After hearing this, An Di did not hesitate at all, and quickly shook his head and said:

  "Impossible, absolutely impossible, you should give up as soon as possible!"

  Seeing Andy so heartless, Brand pointed out:

  "If this is the case, the quality of the gift may be We have to lower the level!"

  Hearing this, Andy couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken.

  ——That is the top gift from the Master of Rune Array!

  Seeing the flash of heartache on Andy's face.

  Brand made seductive remarks:
  "It's too late to regret now!"

  Hearing this, Andy shook his head again without hesitation:
  "Impossible! This is a matter of principle!
  No matter how tempting your gift is, I will definitely I won't agree!"


  Andy looked firm.

  Brand regretfully gave up the idea of ​​going to Andy's wedding to watch.

  Andy breathed a huge sigh of relief.

  Although this is indeed a matter of principle that will not change.

  But being tempted by Brand with a gift is also a great torture!

  After skipping this topic, Brand might come up with other despicable methods, so Andy quickly changed the topic.

  He pointed at the empty screen and said,

  "The results of the draw are out. Our college's team is the attacking team."

  He followed Andy's finger and looked over.

  On the empty screen, combatants from both sides have begun to enter the scene.

  Arrive at the starting point and prepare for a short period of time.

  The bright red magic signal that represents the official start of the battle flies into the sky!
  There is no direct charge to the fortress like in the academy team battle.

  Finn and others first controlled the knight golem and used spells to obscure their vision and perception in various areas outside the range of the fort's weapons.

  Immediately afterwards, heavy siege equipment was quickly put into place.

  I saw a siege weapon in my academy's team that looked like a bed crossbow, but had a somewhat special shape.

  Brand asked curiously:
  "Andy, what kind of crossbow is that?

  There is a rune array on it, and the crossbow arrows seem to be a little special!"

  Looking in the direction of Brand's finger, Andy responded:
  "Then It is a wall-breaking giant crossbow. The crossbow body gives the arrows extremely strong penetration, and there is also a special earth magic on the arrows.

  After piercing the stone wall, the arrows can continue to corrode the surrounding stone, making it Become vulnerable.

  In this team battle, after its arrow pierced the wall of the fortress.

  If not treated,

  the surrounding walls will be completely corroded in about a few minutes.

  At that time, only one or two spells are needed. It can destroy the wall.

  This is also a common siege equipment in siege battles."

  Is this a common siege equipment?
  Brand scratched his head, then pointed to another steel vehicle with a sharp head on the empty screen and asked:
  "That kind of charging vehicle should be used to break open the gate, right?

  But I think the fortress gate It's not very hard. Why did Finn and the others choose this kind of ordnance?"

  Andy shrugged and said,
  "The number of troop-carrying shield vehicles is limited, and the shell of this kind of vehicle also has strong defense capabilities, so it can be Use it as a shield vehicle.

  The attack power of the fortress ordnance is very strong. It is irrational to rush forward directly on foot.

  Under this premise, of course, we must make use of all available conditions."

  After hearing this explanation, Brand A look of realization on his face.

  On Andy's side, Brand looked like he had gained some knowledge.

  He couldn't help but feel a little happy.

  ——At least in the military field, he can crush Brand!
  While the two were chatting, the academy team controlled several catapults and began to throw a huge "metal ball."

  Just when Brand was a little confused, Andy took the initiative to explain:

  "This is a special alchemical creation that can continuously produce an 'elemental mist' that can interfere with perception in a large area around it.

  This special elemental mist It is more troublesome, not to mention difficult to dispel, and the coverage area is not small at all. It is

  very thankless to deal with, and the attacker can continue to throw this kind of alchemical creation.

  However, because there are not many trebuchets, the defender will also throw them The thrown alchemical creations are destroyed in time.

  Therefore, the area that these fogs can cover is ultimately limited."

  Andy almost finished his words.

  Those big metal balls that hit the ground began to release a milky white elemental mist around them.

  As these big metal balls roll forward along with their inertia.

  A series of elemental mists rose up.

  At the same time, numerous ordnance inside the fort also began to attack them.

  Although the alchemical balls that were thrown were destroyed one by one.

  However, under the continuous throwing of catapults, the area in front of the left side of the fortress gate was gradually covered by the elemental mist.

  At this time, part of the force of the academy team, covered by the elemental mist, began to sneak closer to the fortress.

  After a period of stealth, the fortress also discovered this situation.

  While various defensive ordnances were attacking this area more intensively.

  They also used methods to dispel the elemental fog.

  Watching the battle between the two sides gradually unfold on the empty screen, Andy also explained:

  "Because the attacker can control the knight golem relatively freely, they usually don't press all their power on it at once.

  Like this time , Finn and the others set up three-direction offensive forces outside the fort."

  As Andy finished speaking, two catapults suddenly changed their throwing directions.

  Soon, elemental mist gradually rose in the area on the right front of the fortress gate.

  Such changes naturally attracted the attention of the fortress.

  After a few simple trial attacks, they quickly discovered that

  there were also enemies in the right front area of ​​the fort approaching the fort under the cover of the elemental mist.

  And when they were about to react.

  Directly behind the fort, several city-breaking crossbow arrows shot out, hitting the outer wall of the fort!
  Follow closely behind, under the protection of various siege vehicles.

  The main force of the college also charged out from the spell-mist area directly behind the fort and beyond the range of the defensive weapons, and launched an attack on the fort!
  ——Thus, a thrilling battle officially begins!

  If the strengths of both sides are equal, the academy's team will definitely have a good chance of winning.

  After all, the two feint attacking troops on the left and right in front of the fort really involved a lot of energy from the defenders.

  At one point they even rushed to the gate of the fortress.

  At the same time, the main force directly behind the fort was also making a difficult attack and successfully opened a path to the interior of the fort.

  There were even a large number of knight golems rushing into the castle.

  However, the final victory still belongs to the mage team of the Walls family.

  As for the reason.

  After the battle, Finn explained with a look of helplessness:
  "We were killed by their concentrated fire as early as halfway.

  They should have a very powerful detection method.

  Various concealment methods including elemental fog are basically impossible." It had no actual effect.

  During the battle, they directly locked our identity and location, and then eliminated us one by one!

  As for the knight golem that finally rushed into the fortress, it was probably to save us some face. .

  After all, the relationship between our two countries is quite good, and Gaelius is still my secretary."

  (End of Chapter)

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