Chapter 477 How can you slander me like this?

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  Chapter 477 How can you slander me like this?

  Three more days have passed since that day when I met the dean's elemental incarnation on the streets of the mage town.

  During these three days, in addition to participating in the exchange activities of the older generation of the Mage Festival as usual and obtaining the Mage gold coins.

  Brand also talked about the next "further education plan" with the library members who came to the mage town.

  Regarding this matter, the members of the library were in a very excited mood.

  ——This is indeed what they need!

  Because the pioneering war has entered a countdown within one year.

  During this time, more and more library members met the "war participation standards" established by Brand.

  ——The realm of formal mage’s strength.

  According to estimates, when the Pioneering War comes, there should be 106 members of their library following Brand to fight on the frontal battlefield.

  ——This has reached the minimum number of people in a small mage group.

  Although a standard mage group also needs a mage as the core of the mage group, Brand is not a real mage at present.

  However, everyone predicts that the "power of transcendence", a method of adding additional variables, has the opportunity to make up for this to a certain extent.

  Their "further education plan" this time is also laying a relatively solid knowledge foundation for various subsequent studies.


  This morning, in a spacious academic hall in the mage town.

  Brand was telling the more than 30 library members with official mage abilities in front of him about the next "further training plan."

  In addition to asking questions freely and making up for your own shortcomings.

  Brand is also planning to ask the library members to focus on the knowledge about the Grand Knight Golem and the inheritance of the Mage Group.

  Research on the technology of making the Great Knight Golem.

  Because library members have not yet met the requirements for making parts of the Grand Knight Golem in many professional disciplines, the progress of this research is very slow.

  The research situation of the mage group's inheritance sail is similar.

  Because all kinds of prerequisite knowledge are very complicated, everyone's learning progress is also very slow without anyone teaching them.

  The progress of actually applying this knowledge to the framework of the Library Mage Group also tended to stagnate for a time.

  So so far, in the orthodox mage group inheritance.

  The library only has a mage group frame and a permanent legion spell.

  ——Brand is ready to let everyone speed up the learning of these prerequisite knowledge to prepare for the subsequent improvement of the framework of the Library Mage Group.

  Of course, the specific application of the power of transcendence is also the current key research direction of the library.

  Because this is a new field, after discussion, Brand decided to let everyone freely play and learn possible relevant knowledge.

  After all the stories were told.

  He didn’t keep everyone waiting for long.

  Sanders soon walked into the hall with more than a dozen mages from the Arms Department.

  After introducing everyone, Sanders distributed scrolls with reading and writing functions for asking questions to the members of the library.

  After getting the scroll and listening to the wizards from the Arms Department explaining how to operate it.

  Soon, questions were raised one by one by the members of the library.

  Because there were many questions, the mages from the Arms Department began to answer them one by one.

  When the situation at the scene was on track, Brand and Sanders also walked out of the academic hall.

  During this process, he flipped through the scrolls in his hands and checked various questions raised by library members.

  Sanders also explained to Brand:

  "At this time every morning, our Arms Department will send mages from various professional disciplines to come here to answer questions for library members.

  If our mages have no other arrangements for the day, they will come in the afternoon You can continue."

  Brand nodded and said,
  "Thank you Uncle Sanders for your help."

  Sanders shook his head and said,

  "It's just an exchange of knowledge, there's nothing wrong with it.

  In my opinion, Brand, your 'virus method' is even more significant.

  If someone else discovers this method first and conducts in-depth research,

  many facilities and equipment in our empire that use this type of rune array may be attacked. Severe damage.

  And if we notice and study it first, it can become a weapon for us to attack others. Taking advantage of it,

  even if the other party finally realizes the problem.

  But for a long time, they They will be absolutely suppressed by us."

  Brand shook his head and said:

  "But the application of this type of rune array is not very wide, is it?
  And it can allow many knowledgeable mages from the Arms Department to teach library members, we have already It's a big advantage.

  At first, I was a little worried that Uncle Sanders wouldn't accept it."

  Seeing Brand so modestly, Sanders raised the scroll in his hand, and then said with a smile:

  "In my opinion , compared with the previous knowledge, the latest discoveries have higher value.

  Jonas also asked me to be mentally prepared to be slaughtered by you.

  But now it seems that our weapons department is not at all Loss."

  Hearing Jonas's prediction of a big kill.

  Brand looked in disbelief and said,
  "How could Uncle Jonas slander me like this?"

  Seeing Brand's reaction in front of him, Sanders' smile couldn't help but become more conspicuous.

  The next moment, he also started to accuse Jonas with a displeased expression:
  "Jonas, this old guy, doesn't know anything about academic research.

  Some time ago, because of the knight golem, he even talked about our weapons. Si’s mages are all trash!
  But how did he know that the problem is not with the knight golem at all, but with the special application of this rune array.

  If we are trash, then everyone who uses this rune array will be It's a waste.

  He, Jonas, directly scolded all the rune magicians in Farnes Continent! It's
  simply unreasonable!"

  Hearing this, Brand was slightly surprised and said:
  "Uncle Jonas usually sees They sound quite gentle, don't look like they can curse?"

  Sanders waved his hands in disgust and said:
  "When we old guys were still young, Jonas was the most scoundrel.

  Now that he has retired from the front line and has become an old man in the eyes of others, he just needs to maintain his image!"

  Seeing that Brand was confused, in order to increase the persuasiveness of his words, Sanders added:
  "Roberto also knows these things.

  Last time, when the orcs evaded the war circle and sneaked into the north, Robert Jonas caught Tuo and scolded him for a long time.

  If you don't believe it, you can ask him."

  Brand asked curiously:

  "Are you talking about the leader of the Palace Mage Group, Mr. Roberto Mendez? ?"

  Sanders nodded and said:
  "Yes, if you are not familiar with him, I can take you to get to know him later.

  In two days, he will also find time to come to Mage Town."

  Brand shook his head. Shaking his head, he

  said, "Let's wait until we have a chance. Although I also want to get to know Mr. Roberto, I won't have much free time in the next few months."

  Sanders said,

  "That's right. In addition to the Mage Festival, preparing for war is also a troublesome matter.

  Are you planning to go abroad to participate in the 'recovery' of the Knight Golem?"

  Brand shook his head and said:

  "Maybe I don't have time."

  Hearing this , Sanders reminded aloud:
  "I think you can deepen your participation in this matter.

  In addition to harvesting some knight golems, His Majesty the Emperor is also preparing to issue an additional batch of meritorious deeds to the participants of the plan."

  When he heard that he had received the meritorious service, Brand's eyes brightened for a moment.

  But in the end, he still said helplessly:

  "I can only say it depends on the situation. I have more important things to do in the past few months.

  If the recovery of the knight golem is a little later, then I will have a chance. Participate."

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