Chapter 476 The Dean’s Reminder

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  Chapter 476: The Dean’s reminder
  to contribute to the mage community of the Human Alliance.

  Can't say there's anything wrong with it.

  However, the specific amount of contribution needs to be considered!

  Of course, Brand will definitely not dismantle his own dean.

  When the dean said these words with a righteous expression.

  He just cooperated and showed admiration.

  Immediately afterwards, he seemed to be satisfied with Brand's cooperation.

  The principal of the college smiled and pulled Brand to a chair in the square to sit down, and then talked about the rewards for this exchange event:
  "Originally, I was going to give you a task. If you can contribute to the college at the mage event, If you get a good ranking,

  I will be able to follow the contract and open the academy secret library for you in a reasonable manner.

  But now there is no need to bother so much, you will be locked in the first position directly.

  So as long as the exchange activities for the younger generation are over, You can just go to the college secret library and pick something you like."

  Hearing this, Brand was a little curious and asked:
  "Is the contract mentioned by the dean a contract that every dean must abide by?"

  The dean nodded. Head, and then explained:

  "Every dean of the Royal Mage Academy of the Kaya Empire needs to sign a contract before taking office. The

  specific content of the contract is confidential.

  The general content is to enable the academy to develop better.

  Academy Secrets The management and use of the library also falls within the scope of the contract, and even I cannot access the contents at will. Usually only

  those who have made great contributions to the college can receive rewards from the college secret library."

  Brand has already heard this. The items collected in the college's secret vault are very precious.

  However, he didn't have much real sense of how precious it was.

  Thinking of this, Brand asked:

  "Dean, can you briefly describe what's inside?
  Even if there are contract restrictions, it's okay to briefly describe the general categories, right?"

  Stroking his beard with one hand, the dean responded with a smile. :
  "Top rune array creations, rare alchemy potions, top materials, top mage inheritance, artifact remnants, and many mage secrets with various special effects." While listening to the description of the dean


  Brand opened his eyes unconsciously.

  As if he wanted to see Brand even more shocked, the dean added:
  "Every dean of the college, including me, can be said to be a relatively top figure in the magic world of the Human Alliance.

  We, the people, work together to The maintenance of the academy's heritage is naturally not that simple.

  Perhaps when the academy's secret library was first established, it was indeed relatively shabby.

  But after so many years, under the management and maintenance of so many academy presidents,

  I think even the top mage of the Human League The treasure trove of power will not be much different!"

  When the dean finished speaking, Brand couldn't help but ask:

  "Can I only go in and pick one thing?"

  The dean said helplessly:

  "It would be nice to be able to pick one. In fact, this is the first time that a college student has received a reward from the college's secret treasury.

  If you hadn't happened to be an honorary professor of the college, you wouldn't have had this opportunity.

  In the past, you were a formal tutor of the college . They have made great contributions to the development of the college.

  Or they have achieved breakthrough results with huge influence in research.

  Only then will they have the opportunity to obtain rewards from the college secret treasury.

  And even so, they can only obtain rewards from the college secret treasury. Curry picks an item!"

  Although the dean of the college had explained it this way, Brand still did not give up and continued to argue:
  "But with so many top-level inheritances and items, isn't it inappropriate to put them in the warehouse to gather dust?
  Forget about the materials, but knowledge will become obsolete one day.

  I think it can be used before they become obsolete!

  In addition, this time I not only earned honor for the academy.

  Since the younger generation of other mage forces did not even meet For my courage.

  So I should be considered as earning a 'great' honor for the academy!
  This should be a bonus!

  I think it is completely reasonable for me to go to the academy's secret vault to pick two items!"

  Hearing this , the principal of the college spread his hands regretfully and said:

  "No matter how much you say, it's useless. The usage restrictions of the college's secret library are very strict.

  Even if I agree subjectively, the contract will not allow it.

  In comparison, you might as well Think carefully about what kind of item you want to pick.

  After clarifying your needs, I may be able to give you some useful suggestions."

  Brand responded without thinking:
  "I want the highest value. Yes!"

  The principal of the academy shook his head and said:

  "Value is relative.

  The collection in the academy's secret treasury cannot be measured specifically using the general equivalent of magic gold coins.

  Some of the things in it may not be of much value to you, but for some To people, it may be a priceless treasure.

  On the contrary, what is useless in the eyes of others may be a priceless treasure in your eyes.

  So it still depends on what you need."

  After hearing this, Brand fell into a brief thought.

  Immediately afterwards, he asked:

  "Is there any way to help me defeat the top knight?"

  After learning about Brand's needs, the dean smiled and was about to respond.

  However, Brand found that he had not given enough details, so he added another condition:
  "A method that allows me to defeat the top knights in a fair duel."

  In a fair duel?
  Upon hearing this additional condition, the dean couldn't help but frown slightly.

  After pondering for a while, he responded:

  "There are many ways for you to defeat the top knights in the future.

  But if you want a short term..."

  Before the dean could finish, Brand further added. Said:

  "A means that can be realized within two or three months!"

  After learning Brand's complete request.

  The dean's brows widened.

  Then, he patted Brand on the shoulder and said seriously:

  "You are just a junior mage now.

  Even in a few months, you should still be a junior mage.

  What can a junior mage do? Defeat the Great Knight in a fair duel?
  Still the top Great Knight!
  If nothing else, how do you deal with the power of the Great Knight?"

  Hearing these "deja vu" words.

  Brand wanted to say that he already had a way to deal with it.

  But when the words came to his lips, Brand changed his words again.

  ——He was going to ask something useful directly.

  "Can the principal of the college tell me whether a magician with large-scale damage magic and defensive magic can defeat a top knight?" Hearing

  Brand's strongly pointed words, , the dean’s old face couldn’t help but have a look of doubt.

  After thinking for a moment, the dean of the academy commented:
  "It can only be said that there is a certain possibility.

  In a real battle, the strength of both sides' methods can only be used as a reference.

  The ability to adapt to the situation on the spot is also very important.

  You can You should also understand.

  In addition, if you want to compare it with the top knight of the Human League. What

  I must tell you is:
  although great magic is called the magician's unique skill, it has broken through the original limit of the magician's realm.

  But In fact, the knights also have similar means!"

  Although there was some speculation in advance.

  But at this moment when I really heard the dean’s reminder.

  Brand still felt heavy pressure!

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