246. Chapter 246 Temple Cleansing, Far South Specialties (Please subscribe)

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  Chapter 246 Temple Cleansing, Far South Specialties (Please subscribe)
  Sinners, rebels, and exiles.

  ——This is Malina’s reputation in Aino City.

  Or, historical evaluation?

  After all, no one who was exiled into the Sea of ​​Mist survived. It is reasonable to say that it is a historical evaluation and a final conclusion.

  Marlena can still accept her own notoriety.

  Successful kings and losers, as losers in political struggles, want to have a good reputation when their political opponents are in power, which is naturally an unrealistic luxury.

  But then, after learning more information from Moore, Malina's expression changed instantly!
  After she was banished, the senior officials of the Temple of Fertility still wanted to attack her family with a butcher knife!

  The priestly family, which lasted for nearly a hundred years and was once prominent, was reduced to ashes in the slaughter and turned into a blood sacrifice!

  Hear the words.

  Marina trembled as if struck by lightning: "How dare they?!"

  Being banished to the sea is a kind of political compromise.

  Logically speaking, all of Marina's 'sins' should accompany her as she sails into the Sea of ​​Mist, and be wiped out from now on!

  As for her family, they shouldn't be implicated... at least on the surface, there shouldn't be any impact. In theory, her family can continue to send people into the temple to serve as priests ten years later.

  This is also an unspoken and unspoken rule among the internal fights in the temple.

  After all, if it is an internal struggle, it can be unscrupulous and it will also harm the collective interests of the temple.

  However, this ancient practice has been destroyed in this generation!

  After she was exiled, Malina's family was still brutally attacked, and even the children of several years old were not spared...

  Even after that, the top officials of the temple continued to kill Malina's remnants. In the name of ', he launched a purge in Aino City and sacrificed many innocent priests and civilians to the gods... It was for

  this reason that Moore was so impressed by Malina.



  Listen to everything.

  Marlena fell to her knees in despair, as if her spine had been removed.

  This time she followed Su Ye back to Far South Continent. Although she was coerced, she had no intention of returning home and meeting her relatives and friends again.

  And this beautiful expectation, at this moment, like a bubble in the sun, shattered with a bang!
  Her mind was in a mess.

  "Are they all slaughtered?"

  Su Ye's eyes moved slightly, thoughtfully.

  When he was reading the memory just now, he didn't pay much attention to it and just passed it by.

  But at this time, when I thought about it again, I felt a little strange!

  "Slaughter the entire priest family... and even continue to kill other priests?"

  "Eradicate the remnants? This must be just a superficial reason! After all... this kind of behavior is just like killing for the sake of killing?"

  "Wait... maybe this is the purpose?" Su Ye's eyes moved slightly.

  "Perhaps, twenty years ago, the magic given by the Goddess of Fertility began to decrease...and the temple's senior officials, in order to ensure their own strength, chose to reduce the number of priests and increase blood sacrifices?" "If so...


  " The world robs the gods, the gods rob all living beings, and all the living beings are killing and plundering each other..." "

  It's so sad..." Su Ye sighed secretly.

  "However, if this is the case, [The Goddess of Fertility]... may be weaker than I thought."

  Su Ye thought.

  Then, he looked at Marina, who was heartbroken, and said softly.

  "Do you want revenge?"

  The entire clan was wiped out, and he was left alone. He hated the ruler of Aino City to the core, but at the same time, he had a high reputation... he was very valuable!
  "Revenge..." Marina murmured.

  Her lost eyes suddenly lit up with a little flame!
  "Lord, please help me!"

  "I am willing to give everything!"


  a few days later.

  Crunch. The wheels rolled.

  Above the wilderness, an earth-moving dragon with its back covered in scales and lying on all fours pulled a spacious and luxurious dragon carriage and moved quickly.

  Moore sat in front of the cart, pulling the reins and acting as driver.

  Now, there is a bright red feather on the top of his head, above the bronze crown.

  This is the symbol of an advanced warrior!
  After meeting a noble man and being given a secret medicine, Moore, who had been wandering on the threshold of entry for several years, finally stepped onto the 'first step' and became an entry-level warrior.

  With such strength, any city-state in Far Southern Continent can obtain a place to settle down.

  It can be said that class migration has been achieved in one step!

  "It's just..." Moore felt worried.

  "The exiled Malina..."

  This priest is said to be exiled in the sea of ​​mist.

  Now, he is sitting in the carriage behind him.

  In addition, she also clings to a noble person of unknown origin, but extremely powerful.

  They were heading towards the now stormy Aino City...

  Even if he lacked political sensitivity, Moore knew the sinister meaning. Words such as seizing power and usurping the throne appeared in his mind one after another, which made him feel a little frightened.

  "It's just...what choice do I have?"

  "This noble man gave me the secret medicine and chose me as a follower...to give me glory and power." "

  What's more, without this noble man, I and I would be together. My daughter has been lying dead in the wilderness for a long time..."

  Thinking of this, Moore's eyes showed determination.

  Sharing honor and disgrace, betting all one has on this well-intentioned noble man is the best choice for a down-and-out warrior like him who lacks background!


  in the carriage.

  The dim yellow candlelight swayed, reflecting a gentle luster.

  "This guy...is quite knowledgeable?"

  Su Ye leaned back on the soft chair and smiled faintly.

  He didn't care much about Moore.

  It suits your eyes well, so just cultivate it with your own hands.

  If you know your interests, you can train and appoint them. If you have different intentions, you can kill them easily.

  Anyway, it’s just an idle move.


  He held the white porcelain cup and exhaled gently.

  However, what was contained in it was not spiritual tea, but a light brown liquid similar to hot cocoa, thick and sticky, and exuding a fragrant aroma.

  Like the earth dragon that Su Ye tamed, this is a specialty of Far South Continent!
  This drink has an excellent taste and is rich in spiritual energy. It is the drink of the nobles of Far South Continent!
  In the Shenlu language, the pronunciation of this drink was rather complicated, so Su Ye simply named it 'hot cocoa'.

  "Naming is part of colonization!"

  Doing as the locals do and drinking hot cocoa is also a beautiful thing.

  "Many specialties from Far South Continent are very valuable... If we monopolize the trade, it would not be difficult to transport them to the open sea and earn ten times the profit..."

  Su Ye thought.

  Along the way, in addition to earning experience points, he was also exploring the specialties of Far South Continent. So far, he had discovered twenty or thirty kinds of valuable or unique spiritual objects.

  These things can generate huge profits!
  Just thinking about it.


  Su Ye frowned slightly.

  As soon as his consciousness swept away, he could see a group of forty cavalrymen surging towards them in the distance.

  The leader has a high nose, cold eyes, a wolf pattern embroidered on his hat, and two gray feathers, full of evil spirit!
  "The Blood of Tihuakan?"

   There will be more in the afternoon

  (end of this chapter)

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