245. Chapter 245: The decline of gods and the exiles (please subscribe!)

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  Chapter 245: The gods decline and the exiles (please subscribe~!)
  The battle in the fairy city is a confrontation between two worlds.

  And obviously, the Far South Continent side was completely defeated in this confrontation!
  The sacred tree is broken, the reverse world is shattered, and the blind saint dies!

  Su Ye remembered that since then, even the speed at which the Sea of ​​Mist dissipated had increased...

  "So... the disastrous defeat in the Battle of Immortal City had a bad negative impact on the world of the Divine Continent?" Su Ye's eyes flickered. , speculation arose.


  Su Ye's eyes flashed.

  He already knows the origin of the 'Counter World'.

  This shadow interface is formed by the rules of the Divine Continent world being overlaid by the rules of the Immortal World!

  And the entire counter-world was turned into powder amidst the infinite lightning and mighty heavenly power...

  "Such a loss will have a negative impact on the already weak and unfavorable world of the Divine Continent. It is obviously not low... "

  The world is declining, and then...affecting the gods?!"

  "Of the gods in the Northern Territory, the weak fell into slumber or even died; the strong also ran out of ammunition and food, and had to provoke wars and engage in blood sacrifices to replenish their losses... ..."

  Su Ye pondered, with many thoughts flowing around, as if he had some realization.

  He felt that his guess was very likely to be close to the truth!
  "The gods are fighting, and the world will be in chaos..."

  "However, the natives killing each other, to me, is a good thing... In the future, the resistance to the development of Far South Continent will be much smaller..."

  Su Ye sighed with emotion , and then, the thoughts in my mind turned.

  He was thinking about what he could gain from the current situation in Far South Continent...

  "First, open up Far South Continent and replace the rules of the Divine Continent with the rules of the Immortal Way, so as to gain understanding of the law and the level of cultivation of divine seeds. Rapid improvement."

  Relying on the benefits gained from landing in Far South Continent, Su Ye's progress in cultivating divine seeds is almost approaching the middle stage of crystallization!

  Cultivate progress and surpass the progress of cultivation!
  There is no doubt that practicing will be much smoother...for example, you can focus on improving your magic power and increase the speed of advancement!

  "Second, explore the Far South Continent, gain experience points, and improve your career level."

  Su Ye has discovered that he can gain a certain amount of experience points by exploring the Far South Continent.

  [Exploring a new land, [Sea Mud] experience points +15]

  are not many, they are all around a dozen or a few dozen points. Compared with the first discovery, the 10,000 experience points rewarded are somewhat scarce.

  But considering that Su Ye is still in a wilderness area, this level of experience value is undoubtedly acceptable.

  "You should be able to gain more experience points by going to major city-states or core areas..." "

  Third, it's about the 'gods'..."

  Su Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, with a faint light.

  Being able to widely grant divine spells and grant spellcasting abilities to mortals, the status of such an existence is obviously not low.

  At least, it is also at the Nascent Soul level...but yet so weak?

  Su Ye is very interested in this...or in other words, covets it!
  "After comprehensive consideration, it is necessary to go to Aino City..." Su Ye thought.

  After all, the [Goddess of Fertility] in Aino City is suspected to be sleeping or dying.

  In this case, the risk is more controllable.


  at this time.

  On the ground, Moore snorted.

  He slowly opened his eyes, with a startled expression on his face: "I'm not dead?"

  Then, feeling his physical condition, Moore felt even more surprised in his heart.

  All injuries are healed!

  Even the old injuries suffered during the war have recovered as before!

  This fact made Moore overjoyed!

  The foundation of a warrior lies in the physical body. If the body is damaged, even if it is given medicine, it will be difficult to enter the ranks.

  "Your Majesty, Goddess of Fertility, is this a miracle?!"

  Immediately, he realized something and raised his head.

  Su Ye stood by the wind, holding the sky high.

  Moore's pupils shrank, extremely surprised.

  Flying in the sky! This is a symbol of the second level!

  Even some of the bloodline.

  Due to the characteristics of his bloodline, he is still unable to fly after reaching the second step!
  And those who can fly are undoubtedly noble beings.

  In addition, Su Ye has that powerful, noble, and unquestionable demeanor.

  Moore subconsciously thought of the prince he had seen at a glance when he was serving in the Aino army.


  the noble man with pale skin has a more majestic and profound demeanor than Prince Aino!
  "Could it be... His Highness from another city-state?"

  Moore's heart tightened when he thought of this.

  He quickly got up, took his daughter, and knelt down in awe.

  "Wandering warrior Moore, I pay my highest respect to the noble one!"

  "Get up."

  Su Ye nodded slightly.

  He adjusted his tone and spoke in Shenlu language.

  Before going to Far South Continent, he deliberately learned the Shenlu language... This language belongs to the same language family as the indigenous languages ​​of the islands, and many vocabulary and grammar are interchangeable with each other.

  Su Ye knew a little about the indigenous language, and as a crystallized monk, he had strong thinking ability and memory. He completely mastered the language in a few hours.

  There is no abnormality in talking to the natives of Shenlu.

  "I plan to go to Aino City, are you willing to be my follower?" Su Ye said casually.

  "I am willing to serve you!"

  Without any hesitation, Moore bowed his head respectfully.

  The origin of this great man is unknown, but he is so powerful and noble that there is no need to say anything more!

  This is likely to be a unique opportunity in his life, and he must seize it.

  "Very good."

  Su Ye said.

  Then, he glanced into the distance.

  Malina and the curse crew arrived here.

  Moore was a little nervous. He looked at the cursed crew members, felt the cold evil spirit, and felt chills in his heart.

  "A formal warrior...and a formal warrior who has entered the ranks..."

  Although he can be considered a 'formal' warrior, Moore himself knows that there is a gap that is difficult to cross between those who have entered the ranks and those who have not.

  In the three major cities, a person like him who has not entered the rank cannot be called a formal warrior at all.

  That is to say, Aino City's military force was weak, and he showed the potential to enter the ranks, so he was awarded the status of a formal warrior.

  What's more, according to his induction, these cursed crew members can be considered strong among advanced warriors, probably second only to the warrior captain!
  Such an outstanding person could easily kill dozens or hundreds of beings like him!

  "Such an elite warrior..." he sighed with emotion.

  And then.

  Moore looked at Malina.


  There was a bit of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes.

  This lady has a faint spiritual power flowing out of her body, and her exquisite robes show her noble status.

  The most important thing was that he had a vague impression of this lady's face...

  "Do you know her?" Su Ye asked playfully.


  "I know her." Moore swallowed.


  "Exiled Marlina."

   Sorry, it's too late for a nap

  (end of chapter)

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