Chapter 89 Ambush

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  Chapter 89 Ambush
  So Li Pan made a quick decision and gave Rama 100,000 yuan so that he would not have any psychological burden. The boss would reimburse the business expenses and you could just continue to play with him and earn money for Old Man Liu to join the team. I took Aqi and Shiba to fight the elite monsters.

  Needless to say, Yagyu Inujuro, the master of the Tojo Club and the heir to the Yagyu family, has a level 5 combat capability and is worth at least one million. If he can be caught alive, the price will be even higher.

  Although Shura Niangui's status is slightly different, his combat power and equipment are not bad at all, and he is also a fifth-level person.

  Although the overall power of his Shura group is not as strong as that of the East City Alliance, this newly rising force often acts in more extreme and cruel ways, especially when the criminal case on the farm was exposed recently, and the bounty on its head is in the millions. In a short while, the effort was paid back.

  When you earn money, you have the motivation to do things. In order to avoid being escaped by these two big fish, everyone rushed to the parking lot. With spider-like all-terrain maneuvers and optical invisibility, this wave of flying over walls and walls arrived at the destination almost silently.

  Don't tell me, I'm pretty lucky today. Li Pan thought that the other party was frightened by Shiba. At this moment, not to mention killing each other, he had probably fled in all directions. For two million, you can only check the surveillance and see if you can track down one by luck.

  But who would have expected that the two groups not only did not fight each other, nor ran away, but actually started drinking together in the parking lot! ?

  It's really a cup of wine. Just two muscular men with shirtless bodies, revealing tattoos and prosthetic scars, hooking their biceps together as thick as a child's thigh, holding a cup and drinking a cup of wine. They also call each other "Arnie's chicken!" and "Ou Doudou!"

  What's going on...

  Seeing the spider-style stealth sneaking in and the live broadcast of the video feed, Li Pan also had the expression of a subway man.

  What's going on? ? Are gangsters so passionate? Have a fight and then show off on the spot? ?
  The scene of the muscular brother drinking a glass of wine was so eye-catching that Li Pan was shocked for a moment and did not move to clear the people. He temporarily slowed down and asked Shiba to sneak in and listen to the other party's conversation.

  It turns out that during this meeting between the Dongcheng Club and the Shura Group, they were suddenly startled by a spider passing by. They drew their guns and said, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!" "Koh, oh, oh, oh, oh!" They yelled and shot at each other for a long time, but after a while of fighting, not many people were killed, and they also realized that it was an own mistake, and it was not directed at themselves at all.

  So the bosses from both sides came forward in person, called each other for a while, and actually resolved the misunderstanding and ceased fire. The two sides even became sworn brothers on the spot and planned to continue the unfinished deal!

  Well, people who usually don't even care about me when the King of Heaven comes, will kill their whole family to make an example if they look at me sideways. There is a compelling reason to swallow his anger now.

  Needless to say, the Dongcheng Alliance was suddenly attacked during the negotiations and was heavily surrounded and suppressed by the Ye's Group. It suffered heavy losses. It completely gave up the idea of ​​making peace secretly and planned to completely turn against the Ye's Group and fight hard.

  It's just that although the family's great cause and strength still exist, this time the Dongcheng Association was beaten to a wasteland at the community headquarters of Night City, and a large number of weapons and equipment were confiscated. Now the Tokugawa Zaibatsu has no spare power to support them. Not long ago, the Red Tengu came again The use of armed military academies in the coup has recently led to the Security Bureau tightening control over the military's armed forces. Therefore, although there are still a large number of cannon fodder and miscellaneous fish under their command, the Dongcheng Association does not have enough arms.

  If you don't have a gun in your hand these days, you won't even make a fart sound. Therefore, Dongcheng Club urgently needs to smuggle a batch of arms from other channels to arm its younger brother.

  Coincidentally, the Shura group has a lot of weapons on hand.

  Shura Niangui is also a brother in trouble. He didn't know who he offended, so his home was ransacked. The Shura Group was attacked and a large number of key members were killed. The Shura Group was different from the Dongcheng Society. They originally had insufficient background, all the backbones were killed, and the younger brother also The organization has been scattered, and the organization structure has basically been lost. There is only a pile of equipment and no manpower.

  But it doesn't matter. The main assets of the Shura Group are in the hands of Nian Gui himself, and he is protected by the vampire's concubine, so the loss is actually not big. As long as the Shura group is temporarily disbanded to avoid the limelight of severe crackdowns, then a wave of people will be recruited to come back to the world.

  Therefore, Nian Gui also plans to get rid of the remaining illegal assets as soon as possible, and run away with blood. By the way, he also has the channels of the Ye family, and can introduce them to the equipment and even the company confiscated by the Ye family from the Dongcheng Association. Wouldn't it be nice to make some extra money by flipping a batch of the security department's weapons and selling them to Dongcheng?

  So the two sides hit it off. Even the Ghost Soldiers' attack on the Tianlong Gang this time was actually a cover-up, because people from the Dongcheng Society were watched wherever they went, so they simply used the pretense of attacking the Tianlong Gang and the Ghost Soldiers to attract external attention and cover up the arms deal.

  After confirming that there was indeed an armed force of unknown origin, suspected of being Ye's, that was looking at the ghost soldiers to kill and behead them, the two parties clarified the misunderstanding and decided to complete the transaction immediately while their opponents were attracted away.

  Therefore, the two gangs who used to kill people and fight each other every day, under the constant external pressure, hit it off and reached an agreement. They cut off the chicken heads, burned the yellow paper, and became brothers.

  Li Pan took a look and said, "Haha,

  what are you wishing for? It's okay for you to wish for eternity and forever, but you want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day?" good! I will help you all!

  So the team held a meeting in the communication channel,
  "They sent people to get the arms of the Shura group. The spider type has the best maneuverability. You can follow me now. You can kill people, steal goods, and intercept the ghost army. I'll leave it to you if you have time." Come back and attack from a flank!

  The parking lot they chose is connected in all directions. There are many escape routes and it is easy to escape, but it doesn't matter! There are many bombs on the floating car. Just throw one down and have fun!
  Ah Qi, I will give you all these equipments. Anyway, smart There is no need to aim the bullets. When the battle starts later, you can fire at Exit A from this point. Don’t be afraid. You have already alerted the snake. They don’t dare to fight for a long time and force them to evacuate from Exit B. The gravity hammer’s killing radius covers at least

  three There are four exits, and if you throw them well, the group can be wiped out. I went around from the side and blocked them in the safe passage. Surrounded on all sides

  , a dragnet, no one can escape! I want them all!"

  So he quickly made a plan, and Li Pan He left all his weapons to Ah Qi. He had a pistol in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. He kicked two explosive bombs in his pocket and swam quickly to the other side of the parking lot to ambush.

  As expected by Li Pan, the two big bosses paid their respects, and the younger brothers first went to the secret warehouse in Tianlong Village to get the weapons from the Shura Group. Seeing under surveillance on the other side, the boys had inspected the goods and were about to transfer the money. Li Pan also authorized Shiba and Ah Qi to take action together.


  "The signal disappeared!"

  "Someone is attacking!"

  "Ta-ta-ta!" "Bang-bang-bang!" "Boom!" The

  general-purpose mechanical prosthesis used by Aqi can be directly connected to military outer metal Bones, and then let Shiba load a shooting unit module through the communication channel through remote transmission, and it can turn into an automatic turret on the spot. It can control two assault rifles and a shotgun at the same time, and fire fiercely at the shooting position selected by Li Pan.

  Click, click, click, click, throw dense smart bullets at the opponent like raindrops, blowing up the vehicle immediately, turning the parking lot into a sea of ​​​​fire. In conjunction with grenades, use laser electromagnetic grenades to block the opponent's retreat.

  Li Pan took advantage of the gangster being caught off guard and squatted quietly in the corner above the emergency survival passage. He used his internal strength to suppress his pulse and breath, and remotely watched the peripheral situation through the communication channel.

  As expected, as soon as the guns started firing, the two waves of people panicked and fired firecrackers indiscriminately. OlaOla yelled for a while and had no time to fight back at Aqi's shooting point, so they fired randomly. He cleared the magazine and ran to the car.

  After all, these gangsters were frightened. They were afraid that their enemies would drop a few battalions at any time to arrest people, so the younger brothers stayed behind and fired at each other. The big brothers immediately squeezed into the remaining vehicles and retreated under personal protection. .

  So Li Pan gave permission, and Shiba accurately calculated the trajectory and dropped the gravity hammer.

  "Whoosh - boom!" There was an earth-shaking loud noise, and flowers of steel burst into bloom in the parking lot instantly.

  Among the illegal buildings in Tianlong Village, public civil air defense projects such as parking lots have slightly stronger structures, but they are incomparable to military facilities. This gravity hammer broke directly into the ground. After a violent explosion, tungsten steel projectiles were fired randomly in the strong gravity field, blasting the parking lot like a scene in a tomato juicer.

  The convoys of the Tianlong Gang and the Shura Group were blasted frontally by cluster bombs, and everyone was really numb. Even a level 5 Superman can't withstand such a bombardment, okay?

  At this time, one side was blown up, and the other side was ambushed. A large number of people were crushed to death in the iron sheet, buried under the rubble, and were beaten into incomplete pieces by the flying projectiles. The remaining unlucky ones were screaming and wailing. He crawled out of the rubble, his screams and moans echoing in the parking lot. The scene was like purgatory.

  Li Pan still controlled his heartbeat, sensing the 'qi' coming through the door, without saying a word, and even deliberately let a gangster covered in blood go downstairs.

  The gangsters also had communications and found that there was an emergency survival channel open, and the gunfire was fierce, as if the commando was about to kill them, and the survivors did not dare to stay any longer, so they forced themselves to escape towards the survival channel.

  Li Pan closed his eyes, sensed the 'qi', and recognized the one-eyed dragon of the Yagyu family. Ha, this guy's blood is really thick. Even a gravity hammer can't kill him.

  Taking advantage of the fact that the opponent had just entered the emergency survival channel, Li Pan calculated the time and directly threw the blast bomb.

  "Bang! Bang!" After two loud noises, bright light and smoke instantly filled the confined space of the escape staircase.

  Li Pan was so close that he was shocked enough that his hearing and vision were completely lost, but it didn't matter, the shrapnel from the blast bomb couldn't break the armor, and he activated the brain plug in advance to enhance his willpower, so Li Pan gritted his teeth and resisted Feeling dizzy, endure the smell of rust filling your mouth and nose, leap into the sky and split Huashan with all your strength! Look at the one-eyed side of the one-eyed dragon and chop it off with your sword! Behead with one sword!
  After all, the one-eyed dragon of the Yagyu family crawled out of the Shura field. The moment it was blasted, his body reacted subconsciously, shrinking his head and bending over, arching his body like a shrimp, then started accelerating and jumped backwards!

  His reaction was so fast, if he stabbed him rashly, he might actually jump out!
  But after all, this one-eyed dragon had an old injury that had not healed, and now it was suddenly plotted against him. He was seriously injured by the gravity hammer. He finally escaped, and Li Pan raised his hand and put two grenades on his face, and was shocked by the sound, light and sound waves. His eyes were dizzy, blood spurted from his mouth and nose, he couldn't use 30% of his abilities, his body movements were also out of shape, and his reactions were still 30% slower.

  So even though the opponent had already managed to dodge to the limit and was not killed by the sword, he still could not completely dodge it. Li Pan pounced on him, swung his sword diagonally, and chopped off half of his shoulder and half of his calf!

  The one-eyed dragon endured the pain and rolled back twice. Before he could straighten up, Li Pan shot him twice in the chest, causing his chest armor to burst! His head was splashed and he fell to the ground!

  The rest of the matter was simple. Li Pan blinked and quickly regained his vision and hearing. He chopped down the nearby gangster who was staggering with a few swords, and walked up to Young Master Yagyu to take a look.

  This Yagyu Inujuro is really a bit miserable. He is really a real master. If he can win a one-on-one real sword fight, he is really worthy of anyone in this city of night. It's a pity that the gravity hammer just now! ’ He hammered, used his sword to chop the steel bullet, and broke the sword. Now he was hit by two shots and one sword from Li Pan, and he couldn't get up again. He could only fall to the ground and cough up blood.

  Li Pan didn't bother to exchange lines with him, so he shot out his remaining eyeball, pulled out his head and spine, and inserted it into his belt. Then bang, bang, bang, shoot and kill the gangsters who were still struggling.

  "Boss! SMS is coming! Two stations! It's Muramasa's evil spirit!"

  "The Ghost Soldiers are coming too!"

  Seeing the battle situation updated by Aqi and Shiba on the channel, Li Pan changed the words for Hei Yuan. Play, thinking quickly.

  'Shura Nengei' may not be dead yet, but it's almost there. Inujuro Yagyu also organized some defense and rearguard action, but he simply left everyone behind and fled in the first wave of racing cars. As a result, he was hit by gravity and was beaten. Hidden under the ruins.

  This 'Evil Ghost' was obviously his back-up, and he rushed over to dig through the rubble to save people. The action of the Ghost Soldiers was also planned. Young Master Yagyu lost the ball, so he naturally rushed over like crazy to take revenge.

  Li Pan immediately arranged in the channel
  , "The plan remains unchanged. The spider type is responsible for intercepting and killing the ghost troops. Ah Qi, please contain the SMS first! Eighteen, what else can be used on the floating vehicle? Can the hot-line laser cannon be installed now?" "

  Shiba controlled the mechanical arm on the shuttle to check the pile of things,
  "It won't work. The spider type and the electric energy pack will work, but the energy grid of the floating vehicle is simply not enough. This won't work either, the capacitance requirement of the pulse cannon is too high. , how about dropping a bomb? There is another bomb..."

  "The one with the biohazard warning sign? Fuck, just throw that one down and I'll kill it first, okay! Okay, I'll clean it up, and the aerospace ship will evacuate first. Stay away, don't get blown away by SMS."

  Li Pan hid in the ruins and looked at the battlefield.

  Ah Qi was controlling the prosthetic body and metal skeleton to fly up and down, clicking and firing around the SMS. But unfortunately, the smart bullet used this time was not an armor-piercing warhead. It was okay to hit the plug board. Five The military alloy of grade SMS cannot be worn.

  Unlike the last time Li Pan had a head-on confrontation with the machine that he had demolished, these two SMSs had obtained weapons permissions and were flying in the sky, firing at them with machine guns. They were all level 5 armor-piercing projectiles against armored vehicles. It's possible to break Li Pan's defense by hitting him, but it's too risky to attack him head-on.

  Fortunately, the main goal of the two SMSs is to rescue people. One of them shoots at Ah Qi to contain each other. The other one rushes directly into the ruins of the parking lot and clears the area with a burst of fire. No matter whether the enemy or we live or die, the remaining gangsters are wiped out. Sweep them all into pieces, clear a space, and then manually carry and dig out the rubble to save people.

  Li Pan was not in a hurry. He had dismantled an Evil Ghost before and knew the location of the driving control unit. From this distance, he could try to snipe, but if he missed, a hail of machine gun bullets would sweep over him. You may not be able to hide yourself.

  There is no need to take this risk. Just let them help dig out the 'Nian Gui'. Anyway, the spider style side is crushing the game.

  Again, facing a killing machine like the Spider, the Ghost Soldiers are no match at all. Although this can be considered a military organization, it assembled armored vehicles and rushed over to rescue people.

  But they arrived too quickly, and their route was too predictable. They were ambushed halfway by the invisible Spider. All kinds of infantry mines, grenades and machine guns bombarded them indiscriminately. Three of them were destroyed in the first wave. The car blocked the ghost soldiers in the street from front to back, so heavy that they could not even lift their heads.

  And soon, as people from the Tianlong Gang gathered around and beat up the drowned dog, the ghost army, which was already at a disadvantage, became even more overwhelmed. Now they are not thinking about whether they can rescue the young master, but they have to find a way to survive on their own.

  If we use a more prudent plan, let the Spider merge with the aerospace ship first, replace it with a hot-wire laser cannon, and then snipe the SMS from a long range.

  With a spider-style fire control radar and optical stealth, he can blow up these two SMSs with at most two shots. If he fires more than one shot, he will lose. But this may not be enough time.

  "Boss, the three-headed dog has entered the scene."

  "Oh, these dogs are coming too fast..." Well, okay,

  the three-headed dog also has something to say, and they have also noticed that there have been recent incidents in the Night City. He was so crazy that he actually fought against them for monsters!
  Is there any mistake? Everyone who comes out to earn retirement pension is counting on the gang's head reward for drinking money! But there are still people trying to rob them of such a small amount of money! My uncle and sister-in-law can’t bear it anymore!
  So with a buzzing sound, the three-headed dog's armored anti-gravity troop carrier flew overhead and headed straight for Tianlong Village.

  An SMS immediately ignored Ah Qi and rushed to block it. Biubiu fired two shots from a distance, and then the next second, BOOM! Gotta explode. Muramasa's fifth-level mecha demon turns into fireworks in the sky as soon as he meets him.

  Well, give it a second...

  When you see a three-headed dog, you must not shoot first. Most of the time, people actually show up in order to get permission to kill. After all, if they want to apply for shooting, they have to go through the security bureau's approval process. It's more convenient for self-defense.

  What else is there to say? Just let it go as soon as you see fit. The three-headed dog still needs to be given face.

  "Withdraw, Nian Gui is left to them."

  Li Pan ducked away without any hesitation.

  After all, if people seek death, they will die.

  After spending so many years in the military academy, playing CQB games with the veterans in the training system all day long, Li Pan has long passed the age of ignorance and has been wiped out to the point of losing his temper.

  There is a huge difference between professional soldiers and civilian enthusiasts. Li Pan estimates that with his current level and the company's armament, he can still compete with a mobile unit of the level of Mars MM, but the challenge is to have the armament. The border veteran with teeth really thinks too much.

  As for the three-headed dogs who fought through all the heavens and hells and lived until they retired, to be honest, they wouldn't make much money even if they were beaten to death. Maybe they would tear off a piece of meat. Li Pan was really touched. They don't want to touch them. If we face them, it would be safer to drop nuclear bombs directly...

  (End of this chapter)

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