Chapter 88 Disaster

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  Chapter 88 It's a disaster.

  "Boss, boss, you're back! It's a disaster! It's a disaster!"

  As soon as he returned to the company with the box, Spider Shi Shiba said this with all his teeth and claws, which made Li Pan's heart skip a beat.

  "Ah? Did it fall again??"

  Shiba was silent for a moment,

  "Yeah, it didn't fall that much..."

  Li Pan felt that his electrocardiogram was the same as the stock market curve.

  "No, boss, there is something serious! Our employee team has lost contact! Rama is in trouble!"

  Li Pan angrily thrust the box into the spider-like operating pliers,

  "Don't make a fuss, our company's employees have lost their Isn't it normal for Lian Na? I think Rama also needs to practice and practice. Today I met a guy who is about the same age as him, and he is already on duty to catch monsters. By the way, eighteen, check out ACA's spaceships and shuttles

  . Check the machine to see if they have a registered warehouse and sales department. Put this box in the blue zone first." "

  Oh... but the bottle really said that there is trouble in Rama!"

  The bottle? Oh, that 'bottle'? Okay, let's go and take a look.

  The 'bottle' that Rama picked up now lives with Rama and is placed in the grocery room of the company's logistics warehouse. "It said it is afraid of the dark", it can be regarded as a safekeeping process.

  Li Pan followed Shiba over, and the blue and white porcelain bottle was placed next to the pillow on Rama's floor, so he knocked on the bottle and said, "
  Hey, are you swollen?"

  Then "Boo!" a human head stuck out of the bottle, " Rama is in trouble, ahhh!"

  Li Pan said, "Ahhh! Damn it!!"

  Spider Shi.18 said, "The boss screamed so loudly."

  "Damn, I scared you to death! What the hell!"

  Although Monsters, flesh and blood, have been seen a lot, but this one suddenly came out, and Li Pan was also startled, and he almost burst out with a Nine Yin True Dragon.

  If you look closely, you can see that this human head is not a real thing, but a state of a spiritual body. Now it has no face and hair, it is just a white dough, and the outline of the human head is simply outlined. It is obvious that it is not fully adult yet.

  However, the oral tube and even the vocal cords have grown and are connected to the bottleneck. They can 'speak' by disturbing the airflow. No wonder Shiba can also 'hear'.

  "What kind of monster is this??"

  Li Pan pulled out his sword and wanted to try to chop off this 'head'.

  The 'head' seemed to have sensed his plan, and quickly retracted into the bottle, like a hermit crab, shouting to himself, "

  Rama is in trouble, ahhh! Rama is in trouble, ahhhh!"

  Spider Style.18, "Well, you see what it said."

  Li Pan was suspicious,

  "You can't contact Rama? What about Ah Qi? Doesn't its mechanical skeleton have a positioning chip?"

  Spider Style .18,

  "Mr007 has also lost contact with the Internet. Boss, didn't you send them to recruit that thug? The signal disappeared in the Tianlong Gang neighborhood two hours ago. I checked the news and NCPA police alerts. It is said that there was a gun battle nearby, and people from the Dongcheng Club launched the attack, probably in retaliation for the siege they suffered not long ago. Maybe someone used battlefield-level signal frequency blocking equipment to interfere with communications." "Dongcheng Club? Their house was ransacked just now

  . , do you have enough energy to retaliate so soon?"

  However, Li Pan thought about it, it is also possible that Dongcheng is worried about the dispersion of people, and does not dare to find a place from the Ye family, so he just picks the weak ones. It is not necessarily possible to attack the Tianlong Gang first to unite the people. .

  "Well... Lama is wearing formal clothes. Normal gangsters shouldn't be able to hurt him, right? Besides, Aqi is here... Okay, let's go to

  support, just in time to brush up on the daily routine... You should also take this bottle with you to avoid it. Out of control."

  "Oh, I'm out in the field!"

  Spider Shiba happily picked up various light and heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, howitzers, and swarm missile launchers, and followed Li Pan onto the company's aerial vehicle, automatically reloading with a clatter.

  Li Pan also looked at the battlefield map sent by Shiba. The last time they attacked Dongcheng Hui, this time they attacked the community of Tianlong Gang, a slum in the center of the city called "Tianlong Village".

  This is not a specific community zoning, but an area at the junction of four districts: the commuter area, the old capital area, the port area and the industrial area. It is the boundary corner of these districts. It is some distance away from the subway and high-speed commuter lines. It has poor infrastructure and public security environment, and is an inner-city suburb with low housing prices. It is a no-nonsense zone. Development has been interrupted due to the influx of large numbers of immigrants, and many real estate projects are unfinished. .

  Immigrants who come to work live in this area for low rent. Illegal buildings and shacks are everywhere. It has always been a battlefield for various gangs.

  In fact, many violent criminal organizations have their bases in this place. It can be regarded as a real gangster community in the Night City. Even the NCPA dare not enter. The local police stations in several districts have passed the buck to each other and no one is on duty. But now this place The Tianlong Gang was the most powerful and had the most public houses, so it was also called the 'Tianlong City Walled City'.

  Li Pan had been here for a while before, working part-time, moving bricks, clearing out some garbage, repairing it, and setting up street stalls. However, if he didn't have the protection of a gang background in a place like this, he would definitely be bullied. He also had his stall opened several times and received several beatings. He had no choice but to go to the Peace Hotel to kill fish. Forget it, let’s not mention the past.

  "Is this building a stronghold of the Tianlong Gang? The plan is as follows. The two of us will divide our troops into two groups, flank them on both sides, attract attention, then meet at the signal disappearance point, and fight in together. Is there any problem?" Shiba said there was no problem


  This time it was an employee rescue mission. Li Pan was happy to use the company's weapons to save two bullets, so he directly put on an SBS combat armor, took two smart assault rifles, and connected the smart enemy tracking system to the Fuxi 15 chip. Control the scan, get a large-caliber shotgun for self-defense, fill it with level 4 magazines, and carry a dozen grenades with it.

  Then he picked up the terminal tablet, gave the green light to Spider-Shiba All the Way, and gave it permission to use a set of weapons and equipment.

  "There are a lot of people in Tianlong Village, and most of them are poor people who cannot pretend to be a group. I tried my best to plan a route across from the gangster hall. You can also come in and use smart bullets to avoid killing innocent people. I will reward you in the subnet

  . The gold system is also shared. If there is a bounty, you can refill the gun...Huh? Damn it? Why did you bring a 'Gravity Hammer'? Where did you get it?" The 'Gravity Hammer'

  is a controlled military cluster-type submunition that can be used It can be launched on an accelerated magnetic rail or thrown through a grenade launcher. The bullet type can also be changed according to the target.

  The mother bomb of this 'gravity hammer' will throw a large number of tungsten alloy projectiles at a predetermined height, and generate a super gravity field to accelerate, smashing the projectiles down like hailstones, destroying targets within the killing range.

  Although the technology itself is outdated, it is still a "mildly cruel" weapon that is explicitly prohibited by the Scientific Ethics Committee from being used against citizens in peacetime.

  "I found it last time when I went to the warehouse of the technical department. It was developed by people from the previous company. I picked it up and used it." "Fuck,

  why is the technical department so empty and clean... It's not allowed, in a place like Tianlong Village , it has been demolished beyond recognition by private construction, and the load-bearing walls and foundation have probably been hollowed out. If you hit it with a 'gravity hammer', it will collapse a large area, so why not leave it in the car?"


  "There's no need for swarm missiles. The Vulcan machine gun's rate of fire is lowered by three gears... hmm? Hot-line laser cannon? Is this also from the technical department? Oh shit? Infrasonic pulse cannon? Oh shit? These shells are on Why is there a biohazard sign? No? What are you doing with all these prohibited gadgets? Do you want the ethics committee to handcuff me??" "

  This is not... I took them out from the technical department last time, and now I don't have access permission. Can't you put it back..."

  Li Pan understood, 'last time' refers to the time when the handkerchief went berserk.

  "Wow! You took it out to deal with me, right? I'm so angry!"

  "Oh! We're at the battle site, I'm leaving first, boss!"

  Spider Shiba quickly jumped out of the car.

  "Damn! This stinky brat!"

  Alas, even Shiba is careless. No one in this broken company can count on him.

  Li Pan also pulled down his mask, jumped from the aerial vehicle with a gun, and landed on the balcony of the slum. With the help of an exo-metal skeleton, he jumped from the building and climbed the building as if he were walking on the ground.

  With the intelligent assistance of the Fuxi 15 chip and the help of scanning and locking to calculate ballistics, there is no need to feel the hand. You don’t even need to aim. When you see a hostile cursor light up, you just hold the assault rifle and sweep it with a click, click, click, smart warhead. They flew over like a swarm of flies, breaking off the hands and feet of the gang members with markings on their heads along the way.

  However, smart bullets are so expensive. It is not cost-effective to shoot a member of the Tianlong Gang who costs 200 yuan a piece as soon as the shuttle is swept out. Li Pan would not be willing to waste such a waste if the company did not reimburse him.

  Fortunately, the members of the Dongcheng Club who came to retaliate this time are quite valuable. These people are obviously different from the tattooed gangsters that Li Pan swept away two days ago. They are all wearing black camouflage mercenary military uniforms and are dressed like ninjas. Although it does not have the level of exo-metal skeleton like SBS, it is also made of level 4 military bulletproof fiber. The arm guards and military boots have alloy armor inserts. There are also a large number of light and heavy weapons in hand, and all of them wear Yasha evil ghost masks. Uniformed and quick in action, they are obviously elites who have undergone specialized military training, the elite among gangsters!

  Li Pan bumped into a team of four people head-on, and it took him two rounds to knock them all down. Then he went up to refill his gun with shotguns, and when he was changing the ammunition, he looked at it, eh? The bounty is 14,000. A squad leader earns 5,000 yuan, and a soldier earns 3,000 yuan, which is comparable to that of a regular gang leader.

  Li Pan searched the NCPA bounty system and found out that these were members of the Dongcheng Association's top fighting sect, the thugs of the underworld organization, and the Takasugi Ghost Army.

  Kotaro did mention that there will be two factions, Yagyu and Takasugi, in the east city. It seems that this time the young master of the Yagyu family secretly negotiated with the representatives of the Ye family, but was stunned by Li Pan's cross-cutting. Now he is close to the Red Tengu. Takasugi Taketo, the leader of the martial arts faction, stood up and led the ghost army to unite the scattered hearts.

  But it’s of no use. Although the Tokugawa family won a battle before with the help of the Iga ninjas, it was also a reckless advance of the Hashiba Group. Now they have calmed down and faced off. The battle on the front line has become stalemate, relying on resources Crush, the Tokugawa family's military resources are at a clear disadvantage, and they don't give them a chance, so they are already somewhat overwhelmed on the battlefield.

  And now that the peace talks with the Ye family have been ruined, and the Tokugawa family's princess has been involved in a lawsuit again, and is being targeted by a group of security bureaus, the Tokugawa family's destruction must be imminent.

  There will be no eggs left when the nest is overturned. Where can you hozens from the Dongcheng Society escape to when the time comes?

  Naturally, Li Pan would not miss this opportunity to make extra money, so he went to the place where the gunshots were the loudest and the gunfights were the most intense. The ghost soldiers surrounded and suppressed the Tianlong Gang, and Li Pan counterattacked and suppressed the ghost soldiers. He inserted a knife from behind and wiped out both warring parties to death.

  To be honest, in front of soldiers with professional equipment and well-trained skills, these gangster militiamen can only be regarded as targets. Without special militarized training, they are just like online civil science enthusiasts, one bottle is less than half a bottle. The virtual targets Li Pan used for training in the military academy were more flexible than them.

  Moreover, the company's smart bullets this time are relatively high-end. In addition to infrared scanning, the tracking warheads can also track signals. They are the mercenaries wearing prosthetic military products. So as long as you have a general direction, just use the smart rifle to scan randomly, and the system will automatically It will calibrate the trajectory and guide the bullet at the end, which is basically a random killing.

  Although due to the complicated terrain of a three-dimensional battlefield like Tianlong Village, people occasionally jump out from all corners such as alleys, secret passages, windows, trash cans, sewers, etc. to shoot at Li Pan, but to be honest, these people who have not practiced, twenty Basically, few people could aim accurately beyond the first step. Occasionally, a stray bullet flew into his chest and bounced off the SBS armor with a 'ding' sound, let alone penetrated Li Pan's formal suit and level 5 armor. .

  It's really boring to be invincible and abuse food like this. So much so that Li Pan became a little lazy, and simply stopped dodging and suppressing the fire, so he sprayed all the way with the spray gun, "Crack, bang! Click, bang!" and his skulls were blown away.

  There's really not much to say. Shooting to kill is much more efficient than martial arts.

  After pushing it all the way to the meeting point agreed with Shiba, Li Pan probably paid almost 100,000 yuan, after tax.

  The main reason is that there are not many valuable elite monsters in the Ghost Army, and they have battlefield communication equipment. After a few waves of group annihilation, Li Pan realized that someone was watching them and immediately withdrew.

  And those who came later were local gangsters, some from the Tianlong Gang, but more of them were thugs from Southeast Asia, Africa, South America, and local gangsters. Anyway, human life is not valuable here. These people rely on their fierceness. When someone kicks in the door, they think it is a hostile gang coming to seize the territory. Some of them just come out with a kitchen knife to kill people. Their combat effectiveness may not be better than that of zombies.

  Moreover, Li Pan discovered that his Qi refining skills have improved a little bit.

  In the past, he could sense the residual energy of the living and the dead in the open space. Now in the three-dimensional terrain of Tianlong City Walled City, through the thin door panels and walls, Li Pan could sense the spherical space about three floors above his head and below his feet. . Ability to move through breathing, heartbeat, and walking. Keenly discern the approximate location and size of objects.

  It's like in addition to locking the blood and invincible self-aim, he also uses a perspective hanger. In this way, the 'murderous intent' hidden behind the wall door of the shack can be sensed in advance. "Bang!" A shot blasted through. The penetrating power of the four-level single-point shotgun blasted the person to pieces through several layers of plywood concrete walls.

  As a result, this first-person shooting game has become more and more simple. Basically, it is just shooting bullets towards the target.

  Li Pan didn't bother to replenish his gun, so he just cleared a straight path and wiped out everything that blocked the road.

  But Shiba actually arrived before him. The spider even activated the optical image, climbed up and down around the building where the coordinates were located, and monitored the circuit and network monitoring of the entire building. All the gunmen were mopped down with high-voltage stun guns.

  Well, it’s normal that it can’t be compared. After all, the Spider Shiba has eight hands and eight heads. This enemy-finding and killing efficiency is much higher than that of Li Pan. After all, it is a killing auxiliary drone that has been tested on the battlefield. As long as it is ethical The committee has relaxed various authority restrictions on battlefield robots, and equipped with some restricted weapons such as individual nuclear bombs, these professional killing machines are simply invincible, so the killing efficiency should not be too high.

  "Boss, we found Rama and Mr007."

  Li Pan jumped onto the spider, recharging the individual soldier's bones while changing ammunition,

  "Found it? Then you go directly to support? Is anyone injured?"

  Eighteen, " Uh... They don't seem to need support. I think they are playing mahjong." "


  I was really playing mahjong. I opened the door with a hacker level on the 18th Road and took Li Pan into the building. In the middle of a lot of shared apartments and pigeon cage public rental houses, there was a chess and card room. It might have a bit of a gambling character. Enter It also says that taking pictures is not allowed. By the way, in addition to chess and cards, there is a cafeteria nearby that provides catering services, as well as a public bathhouse, an old Chinese medicine doctor, and massage for the feet. It seems to be some kind of elderly activity center... A group of people are playing mahjong, and Aqi is sitting there

  . Watching from the side, it was mainly Rama playing, and his opponents were old men and old ladies...

  Li Pan pulled down his bulletproof mask, "What are you doing? Why aren't you online?"

  Aqi stood up and greeted Li Pan.

  "Oh, boss, here you are, take a seat. Mr. Liu said that he would join the team as long as he plays a few rounds with him, but he won't let me come. He said that the robot is cheating, and checking the guide online is also considered cheating, so we can only rely on Rama. Here There is no coffee, would you like some herbal tea?"

  "...Have a cup." Li Pan looked at Rama who was sweating profusely.

  Rama would definitely not cheat. He would not cheat at all. He touched a card to see if it would fit in, and then just played it out.

  The bottle in Spider Shi Shiba's hand shouted, "It's a disaster!!"

  Liu Heitu was overjoyed, "What a fool! Wahahahahaha! Give me money, give me money, give me money!"

  The aunts were furious, "Light up the cannon again!" "He does everything! How can you break the bank! You can't teach me anything! Idiot!"

  What a disaster...

  Rama, "Hey, boss, I don't want to play anymore, I've lost everything..."

  Liu Heitu smiled with his face flushed,
  "Ah hahaha! Don't leave, don't leave! We agreed! Play four more rounds with me! Hahaha, I'm so lucky today, hahaha! Please play four more rounds! Just four more Circle! I haven't won so many games in a long time, please!"

  Li Pan was also sweating and comforted,
  "It's okay, don't be stressed. I'll reimburse you for business expenses... How much did he lose?"

  Ah Qi calculated. After all, "I kept firing, and I lost more than 20,000 yuan."

  Li Pan sighed, wouldn't that mean that Rama would lose all his wealth? This old man Liu better be worth so much money...

  Shiba found this kind of computing game boring when he saw it, and suggested,
  "Boss, since they are fine, let's continue to kill monsters. I saw a few big guys on the way here just now." Weird, I didn’t even care because I came to meet up. Maybe I can still catch him if I go now."

  Li Pan took a look at a video sent by Shiba. It was probably two groups of gangsters doing business in the underground parking lot, and they were suddenly captured by Spider-Shiba Shiba. Crossing in front of them, everyone thought it was the other party taking advantage of others, and they were frightened by the chaotic scene of drawing guns and shooting, and their eyes widened immediately.

  "A few big monsters? Huh? This one-eyed dragon? Huh? This tattoo??"

  Hey, don't you think this is a coincidence? Both parties to the transaction, Li Pan, know each other.

  On one side is the Shura Society, and the leader is the Shura Niangui that Li Pannian has not caught!
  The other group is the Ghost Soldiers of the Dongcheng Association, headed by Inujuro, the young master of Yagyu who Li Pan has been missing all day long!

  Great! !

  (End of chapter)

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