Chapter 170 Accelerating Orbit

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  Chapter 170 Acceleration track

  "AGSS injection, Soup loading, beacon deep space

  point .

  "The navigation mark has arrived, the automatic navigation has stopped, the safety restraints have been lifted, and the engineering team is preparing for exit operations."

  Oxygen was injected into the helmet and he regained his energy. Li Pan waited for the glue tubes on his body to automatically detach and unlock one by one, and then pulled off his seat belt. Get up from the cockpit, adjust the control panel on your arm, and adjust the SBS's shipboard walking mode to extravehicular operations. The intelligent system automatically coordinates the pressure-gravity coefficient and magnetic restraint.

  Before, my iron boots were clattering to the floor. I felt relaxed and floated across the cabin on my tiptoes. I finally felt like I was in a low-gravity environment.

  Wangshan said, "Test, Test, hey, boss, can you do it? Why don't you sit in the boat and leave it to us to get out of the cabin." Broom head said, "Engineering team, the line is clear, don't

  fry the wheat, don't fry the wheat." ."

  Li Pan ignored him, put on the engineering mechanical skeleton, opened the hatch, and looked at the sea of ​​stars.

  The sea of ​​​​stars is a fart, it is black and there is nothing. God knows where it jumped.

  Of course, this beacon X1 is not a cargo point, but an acceleration track that is 20 kilometers long. Just like the railgun's ejection trajectory, the barrel accelerates the cannonball, accelerating the ship and throwing it out. Entering a critical speed that can jump at any time. Then Nana can use spices to navigate and jump to cargo coordinates.

  Usually such acceleration trajectories are recorded in the transportation system database, pointing to the directional space station or celestial body, and are activated through the system and operated automatically.

  However, X1 is an illegal acceleration track built privately by the Queen's people. It is usually rented out to pirates, smugglers, and mercenaries. It is a secret path that is not registered in the transportation system.

  Anyway, if your identity cannot be used by the local transportation system and you don’t want others to know your whereabouts, then you have to find a local smuggler to rent such an illegal acceleration track.

  Of course, this kind of illegal acceleration track is not maintained daily and is usually folded. After activation, the coordinates must be entered manually. In order to avoid orbit ejection errors and the risk of throwing the ship away, basic maintenance must be done first before use. If there is any problem, it must be repaired first. You have to pay for repairs at your own expense, and no one will reimburse you.

  Of course, in fact, as long as there is an engineering drone, this kind of work can also be done via remote control. It's a pity that the market has been so crazy recently. The drones at the LEO-PORT equatorial low-Earth orbit airport are all sold out. The batch ordered by Orange takes too long to arrive, and you have to flash the machine yourself to install pirated software. I really can't afford to wait.

  Some people say that’s not true. It’s nonsense that even mass-produced engineering drones can be in short supply.

  Yes, in fact, we do have the goods and the production capacity is no problem. The key is that we don’t have the transportation capacity.

  Wasn't it just last month that the company went on a rampage and destroyed tens of thousands of transport ships in Gao Tianyuan?

  In a place like LEO-PORT where land is at a premium, where does the factory come from? Now there are no ships, and all kinds of equipment and materials are piled up in tens of thousands of orbital factories and warehouses in space and cannot be transported out.

  Although the laws of the market will automatically adjust, due to free trade, the new ships of logistics companies will naturally give priority to those large companies that are willing to add money, and all of them will transport high-end goods ordered by large customers.

  Do you want to buy cheap fourth-grade consumer goods? Then wait until the express transportation system is restored and the goods will be slowly distributed in the market.

  In short, although technology has developed, the cheapest and most reliable things these days are still people.

  So Li Pan and four people from the engineering team established a communication command channel, and installed a yellow-painted engineering module robotic arm outside the SBS. Each one looked like a hairy crab, lying on the spacewalk module like a flying skateboard, and started the electric boost. , flying to an accelerating orbit thirty kilometers away.

  By the way, this time Wangshan took the hot salary slip and tricked a group of people from Three-Headed Dog. Now Panlong Construction's veteran security guards have reached eight groups of thirty-two people. Half of them guard the warehouse on the ground and salvage treasures from the bottom of the sea, while the remaining half follow the ship and set sail.

  Although these veterans did not graduate from a special starship military school, and they did not have a complete set of astronaut ideas in their heads, they basically lived in trenches or cabins in recent years. In many emergency landing missions, those noble starships The gentlemen all use remote control. If there is an electromagnetic abnormality, communication will be cut off. Basically, they are responsible for things like sailing and repairing the ship themselves, so there is no problem in helping Nana and assisting her in driving the cruise ship.

  So this time, three groups of people stayed on the ship, and the remaining group packed the heavy engineering components and followed Li Pan out of the cabin to inspect and maintain the accelerator.

  Li Pan went to the controller, entered the key code given by the queen, unlocked the startup permission, and then linked to the control program.

  "PONY, I'll leave it to you."

  Well, Pony Shiba also came over and is now sitting in the fire control officer's seat wearing a seat belt.

  PONY.18, "Okay boss, access the server, there is no virus. Give permission to the navigator"

  Nana, "Input navigation coordinates, manual track correction. Adjust the deviation value... The path is basically smooth, I want to use 50 mg of powder." That's enough."

  At the same time, the engineering team also received parameters in the channel, manually adjusted the module for orientation, aligned the track with the destination, and then conducted a trial run.

  Basically, as long as there is no problem with the orbital accelerator, you can jump directly into the container when you return to the ship.

  PONY, "Boss, your heart is beating very fast. Is it deep space syndrome? Why don't you go back to the ship." "

  I'm fine. Increase the deviation value by fifteen points."

  Li Pan had no choice.

  It’s still an old problem, the sequelae of being locked in the virtual cabin and unplugging the network cable. Anyway, it may be triggered as long as it is in a dark and claustrophobic space.

  The phobia of deep space is a similar situation. In the cosmic environment, the heart rhythm will be stalled, the adrenal gland secretion will be disordered, and in severe cases, it will lead to madness, fainting, and epilepsy.

  This symptom generally appears more frequently in fleet veterans and is a mental illness. Generally, deep space missions cannot be carried out after an attack. Therefore, in aerospace mode, the SBS will monitor the physiological status of the crew. Once the vacuum is entered, an alarm will be issued if the deviation value reaches the dangerous critical value rapidly.

  But Li Pan's physical condition is actually not bad. It's far from the point where I can't move and I'm incontinent.

  He was just plain scared.

  Unreasonable fear of deep space and darkness.

  Some people say that fear of darkness is fear of loneliness.

  Maybe so, every time Li Pan thought that he was alone in this vast expanse of darkness. He was scared to death. Genuine fear.

  But it's actually okay now. Wangshan is still asking for more money in the channel, and Nana and Shiba are also online.

  He is no longer alone...

  PONY, "Boss, someone jumped over!"

  "Huh?" Li Pan woke up with a start, "What's going on?"

  PONY drew an arc of light on the helmet display, marking the jump channel.

  "An unknown ship is jumping into orbit. It may be a pirate. It may also be a civilian."

  Li Pan couldn't help but frown. The X1 orbital coordinates were naturally kept secret. Logically speaking, only the Queen's old customers would know them. But out of courtesy, you have to inform the owner before using it.

  Moreover, the queen also knows that Li Pan will use this route recently, and she must have more than one secret acceleration track in her hand. It stands to reason that she will not arrange for two waves of people to use the same route in the near future.

  Someone from the Security Bureau? Is he from the company? A pirate he met by chance? Or maybe the queen betrayed her and sold Li Pan at a higher price...

  In short, she was definitely not a serious person. How could a legal ship break away from the transportation system and jump into such a vacuum?

  "How long does the engineering team have?"

  Wangshan said, "Fifteen minutes, there is a module here that needs to be renovated."

  Li Pan frowned, "What did the navigator say?"

  Nana, "You can't stop being a target, HAYABUSA Make a jump and become invisible."

  Li Pan looked at the SBS display that showed that there were still eight hours of space operation time, and nodded,

  "The ship command is given to Nana, and the weapon system is authorized to Pony."

  Pony. Eighteen, "OK, But there are only civilian PTP Railguns and mining ray guns."

  "Oh, let's make do with it..."

  After all, the original plan was to get rid of the dirty ship after picking up the cargo. Now that we are in a hurry to sail, LEO-PORT can't buy it, so naturally we don't have time to make any weaponized modifications.

  The only weapon on the ship now is the mining ray gun, which is used to shoot meteorites. Although it can blow up mountains, it has a short range, a slow rate of fire, no intelligent tracking and locking function, an appallingly low angular speed, and a ray frequency of Calibrated, high-energy particle deflectors for military use all have built-in ray deflection functions. It can miss a hundred rounds if it fires a hundred rounds...

  As for the civilian PTP Railgun, the point-to-point defense system is even worse. Although it has a target tracking and locking function, the distance and power are too low, and it can basically only hit space junk. If you expect civilians to hit people point-to-point to hurt them, it is better to drive a boat and hit people directly...

  Don't... Do I have such bad luck with wealth? A ship worth 230 million yuan encountered pirates when it went out...

  HAYABUSA sprayed out a plasma arc and accelerated away.

  Wangshan's whirring voice came from the headset,

  "Hey boss, if someone calls you later, don't agree."

  "Don't agree?"

  Wangshan, "The covert agent can hide, we But we can't hide it. This broken accelerating track is not worth a lot of money. If we hide here, we can't throw nuclear bombs at them. If they also want to use the accelerating track, they shouldn't dare to take the risk of firing with a railgun. But in

  case As soon as they communicated through the communication, they hid two demon dolls and threw them over, shocking our internal circulatory system and cutting off our oxygen. It only takes ten minutes to suffocate us to death!" Hiss... don't tell me, these

  veterans Be experienced. Li Pan really didn't expect it.

  Indeed, even in space wars these days, in addition to competing for firepower, various hacker golems are also hard to guard against.

  Now that HAYABUSA has jumped away and become invisible, naturally he can no longer actively communicate to reveal his location. Without Pony.Eighteen providing a firewall, the five of them, one superman and four veterans, would be awesome in individual battles, but in this vacuum environment, they have nowhere to exert their strength, and it would frighten people. , that was really a piece of meat on the chopping board...

  So Li Pan quickly agreed with Wangshan and the others to use light gestures to signal, everyone turned off the communicator, and hid separately under the solar panels of the orbital accelerator, fixed with hook locks space suit.

  After the unknown ship jumped to the ground, it was indeed detected that someone was hiding under the accelerator.

  In the distance, the ship's PPE engine could be seen pulling out a blue arc of light, circling X1 a hundred kilometers away, while calling everyone to contact them.

  However, no one from Li Pan responded at all.

  Fortunately, the ship did not fire in anger, but threw out two bright stars, one large and one small, that were like stars, approaching like meteors.

  Wangshan made a few gestures, and Li Pan nodded.

  Two shuttles and one medium-sized SMS or drone.

  There is no doubt that the one that can hold two shuttles in the cabin must be a cruiser class, and it is also equipped with SMS and drones. It is usually a military or modified pirate ship.

  Wangshan and the others moved very neatly, directly removing the heavy engineering module from their bodies, wearing only SBS, taking a rail rifle, and only carrying a one-hour solid-state oxygen battery.

  This is a brick-sized oxygen bag, made of synthetic material, inserted into the SBS mask oxygen port. In addition to providing rapid charging of equipment and weapons, it can also directly electrolyze oxygen, and can also be used as explosives and solid fuel when necessary. Generally, this piece is enough for an hour, and the rest is left on the engineering skeleton and can be replaced at any time.

  Is this about to enter a space battle?

  Li Pan also took a deep breath, also disarmed the equipment, fixed the exoskeleton and battery pack on the acceleration track, and took the rifle and jumped to the track to hide.

  Although he had received training in the school's simulation game, this was his first time shooting in a space environment. Although there were four veterans following him, he was still a little nervous.

  After all, this is different from the battle on the surface. On the ground, he punches with Superman, and 99% of the people can't react at all and are knocked away by the punch. But he can't use force casually in space, otherwise he can kick his legs and fly out into space like a meteor... Of course, there are also

  obvious differences in defense. If Li Pan doesn't mind the pain, he can usually use his face when being shot. Yes, but now the space suit cannot do it. If the space suit is damaged and leaks, it can be repaired with repair glue. If the solid oxygen in the battery pack and fuel pack is hit, it may explode. It depends on what you can do in it. How long have you been holding it in a vacuum?

  Therefore, Li Pan did not dare to go too far away from the reinstallation module, and he did not move quickly. After all, military training used mortal bodies, and he also knew that it was simulated training. But now I feel a little constrained.

  Li Pan also knew that his first time on the space station was a bit embarrassing in front of the veterans, so he signaled for them to leave first and move freely while he adjusted the SBS setting parameters.

  As a result, after Li Pan moved around for a while, he turned around and found that Wangshan and his four veterans had been divided into two groups and quickly maneuvered to both ends of the track. They jumped a long way.

  From time to time, he shoots out hook locks and leads the track equipment in a Z-shape. He is so coquettish and as dexterous as a flea in a garbage dump. God knows how long he has been living in this vacuum environment... so powerful


  but Li Pan doesn't know how to jump like a veteran. The metal skeleton can still use the set mechanical parameters. Now he has dismantled the track with a force, so he has to carefully crawl with his arms around the track, arching forward like a silkworm chrysalis, for fear that it will fall. If you accidentally jump into deep space, you can't get it back. Sigh, it’s ugly to be ugly...

  At this time, the starlight flying in the distance also stopped. The medium-sized machine body was orbiting thirty kilometers away, while the two shuttles were one after another, directly approaching the two sides of the orbit. Duan hovered and began to open the cabin to release people.

  Then Wangshan and the others opened fire directly.

  Yes, Li Pan didn't notice it at first. He looked up and realized that the four 'fleas' at both ends suddenly became active. They relied on fixed hook locks and jet maneuvers to perform X-shaped cross jumping maneuvers in pairs. , accelerated and turned almost irregularly, and at the same time raised his hand to shoot out streaks of silver light.

  Silently, Li Pan watched for a while before realizing that these guys did not wait for orders and went straight to work.

  Damn it? No, what's going on with you? Start working without saying a word?

  What's even more outrageous is that these three-headed dogs seem to be equipped with self-aiming locks. The two shuttles have just stopped and opened the cabin to release people. The people in the shuttles were directly hit by the oncoming crossfire... ...

  Sigh, I don’t know where I got the courage to stop the boat and let people go in front of the three-headed dog.

  The medium-sized machine body was an SMS with a three-piece space suit. After just one circle, it was discovered that something was wrong. All the people on both ships were dead. They quickly slowed down and distanced themselves, preparing to change course and escape.

  But thirty kilometers was already too close. A flea stopped and took a few shots from a distance. The three-piece aircraft suddenly veered off course, accelerated in a straight line, slid over the track, and stalled like a meteor and flew into the vacuum. .

  No, I haven't even climbed five hundred meters yet. You've all finished? ? ?

  Li Pan was also speechless, so he had to continue crawling forward. He finally adapted to the environment with twists and turns, and then relied on his waist strength to use raccoon walking and snake flipping. He evolved from maggot arch to snake walking and quickly climbed to the track. The accelerator end.

  When I turned to the front of the track and took a look, I saw the shuttle and about twenty people in spacesuits, floating in the vacuum like space junk and doing somersaults.

  Li Pan casually pulled out a corpse and took a look. He hit the bullseye with a bullet in the face and penetrated the helmet. The rail bomb shattered the head. There were broken jaws and spilled brains in the spacesuit, which were sticky. Gooey blood beads floated out like small amber balls, staining the space suit and staining a large area.

  Not even one missed, all headshots, just pure target shooting. Of course, these people were also fully armed and loaded with ammunition. It seemed that they did not come here specifically to say hello.

  At this time, the shuttle spinning like a top started and stopped again, the nozzle automatically aligned, and Wangshan waved in the cockpit.

  Li Pan jumped into the shuttle cockpit.

  The pilot was shot to death, and even the camera in the cabin was shattered. However, the console was intact and the ship could still drive normally.

  Is it so outrageous...

  Wangshan flipped a few switches, took off a communicator and threw it to Li Pan. He opened his right hand and made two gestures like a duck's beak.

  Li Pan nodded, attached the communicator to his mask, and heard a man screaming on the channel,
  "Sam! Jack! Answer! What's going on! What happened! Answer!"

  "Way, who is Sam ? , yellow fur or green fur?"

  The man was stunned, "Yellow... no, who are you?"

  "Oh, then your Sam's head exploded, just like a rotten cantaloupe. By the way, there is another rotten watermelon. It also exploded."

  The man roared, "Who! Who are you!"

  "Wait a minute, let me think about how to say that word."

  Li Pan looked at Wangshan, who was tapping on the console. He unlocked the communication channel and sent out a public channel invitation, so he waited for a while and replied,
  "I am your father."

  The man roared, "You are seeking death on horseback! Fire! Fire for me! Aim at the shuttle."

  PONY joined the group chat.

  Li Pan, "Hey, dear son, don't tell your father that I won't give you a chance to live. Surrender now, hand over your authority, and disarm. Maybe your father and I will spare your life." The man broke his voice, "Open fire! Blow up your mother.

  " Yes!"

  Li Pan said, "Check who it is first."

  PONY. Eighteen, "OK."

  The man said, "Who? Who is talking."

  Then he was disconnected and muted.


  "The Chainsaw-class cruiser is a 'battleship' converted from an industrial ship during the war. It has been retired from the fleet for at least 50 years. It didn't even have ICE installed, so it brought a ship that was probably just junk. The goods came out of the yard. I have turned off the host battery and engine. The

  registration plate is Kalmar Interstellar Industries, and the business content is garbage salvage. I guess they plan to take advantage of the lack of transportation capacity in the current market to build a ship for smuggling, but they There's quite a lot of cargo, and the cabin is full." "

  Okay, now it's our cargo."

  Li Pan turned on the internal communicator and shared the information.

  "This shuttle can still be driven. Wangshan and I will go grab the ship. The rest of the engineering team will continue working to get the acceleration track online as soon as possible."

  Wangshan looked at him and said,
  "Can you do it? You have never been on the battlefield. Don't. Pull me back."

  Li Pan didn't mind, that's how it is in the army, rookies have no human rights.

  "So let's take this opportunity to practice. I'll stand in front and block the bullets."

  "Humph, a few smugglers, it's not like shooting a moving target."

  However, Wangshan didn't object fiercely, so the two of them drove directly The shuttle flew to the chainsaw class to connect and seize the ship.

  (End of chapter)

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