Chapter 171 Container

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  Chapter 171 Container
  18 not only hacked into the Chainsaw class ship system, but also took over the ship and shut down the engines and engines, and also locked all the hatches.

  The smuggling crew members inside the ship had no choice but to use chainsaws and fire axes to cut open the doors one after another in an attempt to escape.

  Wangshan and Li Pan didn't talk nonsense. They shouted directly when they entered the door, raised their hands to surrender, surrendered their guns and refused to kill. They counted down to three, two and one, and then cleared the rooms one by one with rifles.

  The monitoring of each cabin is directly transmitted to their SBS system by Shiba. In addition, the Chainsaw class is an old ship used by the civilian reform army during the war years. The outer layer of the hull is made of military alloy, and the inner structure is made of military alloy. Civilian materials, so there is no need to cooperate with special CQB tactics. The two men picked up their rifles, and with the help of the perspective auxiliary line drawn by the intelligent assistance system, they fired through the door. A burst of humanoid target shooting came directly into the ship through the door. The crew cleared.

  In this way, the two of them cleared the way to the command room, smashed the door and beat the captain into pieces, then pried open his skull, dug out the chip card slot, and inserted it into the cabin to read the cargo hold data for Shiba.

  Li Pan looked at the cockpit, "Can this ship be sailed back?
  Wangshan smashed open the captain's jaw and dug out his gold teeth,

  "Why are we sailing back? A LEO-PORT ship slot costs 1.5 million. This broken ship is not worth three months' space.

  Li Pan was curious, "Then where did they stop?"

  Wangshan looked at the dead people everywhere, "Couldn't you have asked earlier?"

  Nana received the communication channel,
  "His star map has the coordinates of the asteroid belt. , not registered in the transportation system, probably a private dock or pirate port.

  During the war, many secret military bases and supply depots were established in Gao Tianyuan. Some of them are still used by interstellar fleets, but most of them were sold to private individuals or simply abandoned. "

  So what are they smuggling?"

  PONY.18, "It says imported consumer goods, but the container is equipped with professional ICE and electronic locks. They can't open it unless the owner of the goods can open it, and I can't unlock it remotely." That

  is These smuggling pirates are just carriers, not cargo owners.

  Both the ship and the people were worthless, but the cabinet was locked, and it was transported using this secret route. It must be something valuable.

  Li Pan was quite curious, and he had to open the cabinet later, which was probably locked, so he could practice with it, so he silently recited the "Heart Sutra of Slaying Evils", projected his soul, opened his eyes, and shot out green light. There was a photo in the container.

  When the soul leaves the body, it can pass through the wall and enter the room, and travel through Taixu. A mere cabinet cannot stop him.

  Li Pan turned around to the cabinet and took a clear look.

  These people are really smuggling, and they are shipping mixed cargo. The ship is loaded with a bunch of messy things, such as imported luxury goods, jewelry, various chip electronic products, data cards, rare metal materials, and prosthetic plug-ins. Anyway, they are those products that have good sales volume and considerable added value, and because of the current lack of logistics capacity in the market, the price has increased several times or more.

  However, since large military equipment had been swept away by major companies, what he brought here were mainly small and medium-sized civilian products. There were a lot of packaging boxes, and Li Pan didn't have time to search and identify them one by one.

  But what surprised Li Pan was that there were still some living creatures here.

  It was a constant-temperature sterile ecological cabin that was slightly larger than his apartment. It was an internal circulation ecosystem that was isolated from the outside world. It was actually nuclear-powered. This ecological equipment alone cost at least tens of millions.

  There are custom-made LCL hibernating cabins in the cabin. There are eggs in the cabin. There is some kind of genetically synthesized beast in the egg. Looking at the accompanying brochure, it seems to be some kind of furry and cute genetically synthesized beast, a bit like a doll in a cartoon. , a cross between a cat, a rabbit, and a hamster is now hibernating in an egg.

  This looks like a toy that only wealthy people can afford. Customized living genetic pets are probably the result of the recent popularity of popular animations. Children of wealthy people follow suit and customize pets. They order a large batch and give a few as gifts. Raise friends together and start building your own social circle from an early age.

  The poor children grab electric bats and fight in groups on the streets, building their own social circles. In short, everyone has a happy childhood.

  Li Pan is naturally not familiar with this kind of super luxury market, but it is estimated to be quite valuable. After all, genetic coordination itself is a business scope only for large companies.

  However, it stands to reason that living objects cannot be transported through the Star Gate. It seems that this batch of goods should be loaded from a local illegal laboratory.

  It is indeed necessary to take illegal waterways, and it is just ordinary contraband, but these things have clearly not been inspected by customs. If they are caught, they will probably be betrayed for hundreds of years.

  Well, starting with hundreds of years, of course if you have money you can commute your sentence. But for a broken boat like this, the bail money probably can't even afford it.

  These are just the things. If you say they are valuable, they must be valuable. But the embarrassing thing is that although this chain saw is rubbish, the container is quite big. Even if an army was mobilized to blow open the container, Li Pan estimated that HAYABUSA's cabin would not be able to accommodate the large amount of cargo inside.

  And looking at the little pets inside, Li Pan estimated that there were multiple insurances inside. If he forcibly opened the warehouse, some alarm mechanism might be triggered, and several fleets might jump over from the local area to grab the goods. Take away the rice.

  What's more, they themselves are going to pick up the goods, so they don't have time to open the treasure chest here.

  Wangshan understood Li Pan, after all, everyone was poor. Seeing Li Pan staring at the warehouse with his eyes open for a long time, he knew that he was reluctant to part with it. It would be a pity to rob such a large batch of goods and throw them away, so he suggested.

  "Why don't we set this ship on an automatic route, drive it into deep space, write down the coordinates, and come back to pick it up when we have time?" "That's the only way to do it first...


  Tsk, why is it always so invisible and intangible lately? Shouldn't the thing be transferred to another one?

  Li Pan asked another shuttle to load the corpses of the crew onto the ship, and then asked PONY.18 to install the encryption and positioning golem, and put the oil The saw class sets automatic navigation. First, it uses the PPE engine to accelerate in a straight line and drives into deep space. Based on the remaining solid propellant, it calculates the approximate trajectory of the chain saw class and fakes the illusion of normal travel to create a mobile treasure box. The ghost Boat.

  Anyway, that nest of genetically modified organisms has a nuclear-powered greenhouse, so it will probably be fine if they can be stored for hundreds of years. It’s the same thing when you wait until the money is in circulation and then take it out.

  So after a small delay, everyone started the acceleration orbit, and HAYABUSA jumped into deep space.

  This time, there are only coordinates and no waterway for this jump, so Nana needs to use spices to navigate.

  However, a specialized navigator like her has been trained frequently in the academy and has long been very proficient. Lie down in the special LCL bubble chamber before piloting.

  To a certain extent, navigators are similar to hackers. They both use their brains. Compared with hackers, who have long-lasting computing power and need to cool down for a long time, navigators use their brains as soon as they come up. Output the maximum power and draw a super-light jump channel with the help of spices.

  The time is only a few seconds, but it is obvious that a sudden burst of high-load overclocking will have an irreversible negative impact on the navigator's brain, not to mention that long-term use of chemicals such as spices will lead to serious side effects and sequelae.

  Take Nana as an example. Although the fleet said that she had a split personality caused by surgery after being bullied, it may actually be related to the side effects of high-intensity pilot training and taking spices.

  Of course, Li Pan also asked Nana for advice. After all, the navigator could be found by spending money.

  But Nana readily agreed to this mission and was even looking forward to it.

  After all, spices are indeed addictive. It is said that during the navigation process, in a state of mental super-sensory perception, you can have a super-high-level tide-like pleasure. Everyone knows it.

  Therefore, some navigators who were soaked in LCL vacuoles for a long time during the war were completely unable to get rid of this drug dependence. So much so that their bodies became edematous and refused to leave the cabin. In the end, their whole bodies rotted like giants, and they were in high altitude. Under the infusion of energy nutrient solution, it gradually swelled into a disgusting tumor like a hippopotamus.

  But this kind of sacrifice is necessary. The sacrifice of one person is better than the sacrifice of a boatload of people, right?

  It can only be said that this is the price that humans must pay to explore the unknown deep space.

  Then it arrived.

  Well, it was WARP12 after all, and Li Pan jumped to the coordinates with just a few seconds.

  PONY. Eighteen will send out the scanned star map.

  "Boss, we have found the target. Now we are approaching and preparing to pull it into the cabin."

  Is this successful?
  Li Pan was a little confused for a moment.

  Thirty-five million worth of goods...what exactly is it...

  Of course, in terms of value alone, this thing is probably not as valuable as a cabinet in the cabin of the smuggling ship just now. But Li Pan has also seen men with tens of billions. Their wealth is like a fleeting cloud. Money is not important. What is important is what is in front of him. It is the general manager of Monster Company, who wants something by name.

  By this time today, Li Pan no longer questions the judgment and vision of the company managers.

  At the beginning, 'Tai Sui' only had 35 million, so 0113 sent all the dreadnoughts over. Many times, the value of a monster cannot be measured purely in terms of money. It must be equal to something, that is, a silver key, or the manager's annual salary for three years, or his life for three years.

  Li Pan came to the cargo hold. At this time, everyone was already busy operating the mechanical arm to pull the container into the hold and fix it.

  Since this is what TheM Company wants, it might be some kind of monster. In order to avoid opening it rashly and releasing any evil spirits. Li Pan also asked everyone to avoid him. He sat upright and took out all the silver keys of the Silk Sword Pill to prepare for any eventuality. Then he kneaded the hand and recited the incantation again, used the "Heart Sutra of Killing Evil", and shone the projection of the soul into the cabinet.

  The next moment, Li Pan's eyesight went dark, he blinked and was confused.

  Didn't shine in! ?
  Eight possibilities!
  Li Pan jumped up and stared.

  I'll take another photo!
  I'll take another photo!

  buzz again! Got it.

  Li Pan only felt a stinging pain in his head, bleeding from all seven holes, stars in his eyes, and the world was spinning for a while, as if he had been thrown into an iron wall... Well, he was really dizzy and bumped into it, duang! There was a sound that made everyone weak.

  Good guy, good guy!

  Li Pan is overjoyed! Laughing loudly!
  His expectations were not in vain!

  There is a barrier in this container!
  And what he was guarding against was prying eyes like his! !
  It's a monster! It’s a serious monster, haha!
  PONY. Shiba asked on the radio,
  "Boss, are you crazy..."

  "Hahaha! It's okay, don't worry about me! Hahaha!"

  A group of people looked at the surveillance camera where Li Pan banged his head against the cabinet. His face was covered with blood and he was still laughing. They also looked at each other.

  "Hey, we got the things anyway, and we need to settle the money." "

  We can't let him hit it like this. Can pony伱 unlock it?" "

  But this cabinet doesn't seem to have a door or a combination lock." "

  Oh, it's troublesome. What, go directly to the plasma cutting machine."

  "Huh? Where's the boss?"

  Li Pan was gone. He had already entered with the silver key.

  As expected, the cabinet was densely packed with secret spells from scriptures, not from Onmyoji or elves, but some that many people didn't recognize at all, but it was very obvious that they were talismans with ancient seal script characters on the cultivation side.

  The space in the cabinet is surprisingly vast, as big as a twisted space like a mustard seed. There is a vast deep sky above the head, as if it is another world, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

  Infinite spells and seals are written on the four walls of the cabinet, extending endlessly towards the darkness in the distance, as if the opposite side itself is the entrance to Xuyuan.

  Is that really the case?

  In fact, when he discovered that the previous company had used zombies to seal a mess, and that Duan Kecheng had also passed through three lives locally, and that the Demon Cave clan had long been in contact with the fairy world and both sides of the company, and could freely enter and exit various worlds, Li Pan Just some speculation.

  But now that I saw in the cabinet, these secret spells and talismans that clearly had the effect of resisting my soul's power, I became even more confident.

  He is not alone.

  In the previous company, there must have been people who were cultivating immortality.

  But the existence of that person has probably been deleted.

  Li Pan looked back at the iron wall covered with runes behind him.

  But can the silver key open the door and cross the barrier?

  Anyway, the two keys can't escape what comes in and out. If you can't get any more gains, it will be a huge loss.

  Thinking of this, Li Pan's heartache actually overcame his phobia of the abyss for a moment. He held the Jianwan handkerchief and strode towards the inside of the magic circle.

  Then he regretted it after just a few steps.

  Even the anger of being framed, deceived, and defrauded of 50 billion could not be wiped away by the fear that could not be eliminated, occupying the whole body again.

  There was nothing, and
  the metal boots were like frames, stepping on the alloy cabinet, and they were passed into the deep darkness, and no echo could be heard.

  It was like he was alone, step by step, away from the hustle and bustle, heading straight into the dark silence.

  Nothing can be seen, nothing can be heard, nothing can be touched.

  "Come out, you monster... come out quickly!!!"

  Li Pan shouted into the darkness, unable to even hear his own echo.

  "Hey, Va Gui, Va Gui, squeak, Va Gui!" There was

  no reply...

  but with a sound, Va Gui broke away from Li Pan's fingertips, jumped to the floor, knocked it, and bounced back into his hand. Signaling that he is still there.

  Realizing that he was not alone, Li Pan's fluctuating emotions stabilized for a while, and he regained his rationality and seriously thought about the situation at hand.

  The ghost is still there, but I simply can't talk to him anymore.

  This is normal. Immortal cultivators and magic weapons communicate with each other through the soul. Li Pan's "Heart Sutra of Slaying Evils" is still unable to take effect. The soul is suppressed and cannot leave the body. Naturally, the demons are also trapped in the sword pill. .

  And since the method of Yuan Shen is restricted, the method of wielding weapons must also use Yuan Shen. Needless to say, the skill of decapitating people with swords must also be sealed.

  I'm afraid this formation is specifically aimed at immortal cultivators.

  But Li Pan is not a pure immortal cultivator. He is also the manager of Monster Company, and he has other technical skills.

  Yes, even the soul can't get in, but you can use the silver key to open the back door, and your body can directly enter the barrier.

  Moreover, even though Kenmaru was isolated and his consciousness was silenced, he could still move. This showed that the magic circle barrier was not powerful enough to completely suppress the two Qi-refining gods of him and Fugui.

  Then you can still fight.

  Li Pan thought for a while, took out another silver key, and said to Zhong Jianwan,
  "You are fast and can go far. Go out and take a look and see where things are."

  Fugui's heart beat in his palm.

  So Li Pan held the sword pill and the silver key in his hand, threw it, and heard a soft tinkling sound, then saw the sword pill jump and cut in mid-air, then turned into a golden light and pierced into the vast void. among.

  And Li Pan also sat on the ground, tapping the ground to prevent the ghosts from finding their way back.

  After knocking like this for 3,600 times, and after sitting there for about an hour, golden light flashed from the void, turned hundreds of times around Li Pan's head, dissipated the sword light, and fell to the ground with a clang.

  The black sword pill turned into red gold at this time, and emitted white smoke. It was so coaxed that it caught fire. God knows how far it flew, and the sword pill was burned into this state.

  Li Pan took a look and swallowed.

  Okay, then there's no need to go forward. This ghost space formation can't even break through with the speed of the flying sword of Defeat Ghost, so Li Pan's Mach 5 dash will be of no use.

  Li Pan thought for a while and groped around for a while, handkerchief? Jade card? None of it seems to be of any use. I'm afraid that using the solution method from the immortal side, it really won't be possible to break this seal.

  If we do this, do we need to key in to open the door and remove it?
  No, that's not right. After all, the corporate dogs on the scientific side have no ability to resist the method of the soul.

  And this magic circle can be used to restrain the soul, so it must be something on the immortal side.

  So he must have learned it, or at least heard about it, or at least seen it. There is no way there is no clue at all.

  Li Pan simply calmed down, closed his eyes and meditated. In the darkness and silence, he tried hard to recall the true traditions, those Taoist canons, those heavenly books, and those secret traditions that he had learned in Shangzhen Temple.


  Li Pan felt his forehead was hit hard.

  Opening his eyes in confusion, he saw Teacher Xian standing in front of him.

  "You're not doing morning classes, why are you dozing off here!"

  Li Pan turned around in confusion and saw a quiet study under the morning light, with green smoke curling up, and the faint fragrance of ink in the air.

  No, that's not right... He, he is not Li Pan... He is Li Qingyun...

  "Master, Master... I had a dream..."

  Teacher Xian rolled his eyes,
  "I saw it. I didn't write a word!" If you come last in the annual exam this time, you will be in disgrace! Don't blame me for punishing you!"

  Li Qingyun shuddered, suddenly woke up, and hurriedly apologized,
  "Master! I know my mistake! I must work hard. I just thought of a question and couldn't figure it out, so I accidentally fell asleep..." "

  Really, I'm thinking of a question, let's talk about it."

  Teacher Xian said, "You can't explain it, so I won't slap you" eyes staring at him.

  Li Qingyun was clever and quickly took out a piece of white paper, dipped it in ink, and with a swipe of his pen, he drew out the talismans and seals in the magic circle.

  Then he took a sneak peek and saw Teacher Xian's stinky face, which seemed to have softened a bit, so he asked carefully.

  "I, the disciple... had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly dreamed of this formation. I was trapped in it and I didn't know how to break it. I asked the teacher to teach me..." "

  Dream it again? Your fate is not bad. Ah..."

  Teacher Xian stared at him for a while, but in the end he didn't ask any more questions. He just raised his hand and put away half of the formation diagram drawn in front of Li Qingyun.

  "You don't need to think too much. With your current Daoxing computing power, it's not time to measure the topology matrix."

  Li Qingyun looked confused, "Topology...what..."

  Seeing the stupid look on this apprentice's face, Teacher Xian still He explained a few sentences,
  "This is the formation diagram from the Xu Xing Dao. The upper level formation Dao is already the ability of the 'Refining the Void and the Dao' stage. Look at the corner you drew, it is the method of the Great Luo Dao.

  " , is "The Way of Returning Home to Nowhere", also known as "The Great Law of Flying Beyond the Sky". It is said

  that the sky has no way, the heavens have no form, the sky has no moon, the sky has no trace, the void has no crossing, and the vacuum has nowhere to return.

  In fact, this is not a 'formation', but a 'door', between 'nothing' and 'existence', between 'emptiness' and 'reality'. It is a passage that can travel around the world and fly across the sky. If you can't use it

  , Naturally, you are trapped in the law, not knowing where you are going or where you are going. But as long as someone guides you and holds the road guide, you can go straight to the land of Daluo Vacuum." "Wow..." Li Qingyun

  digested After a while, he couldn't help but look at Teacher Xian with admiration, "Master, you really know everything..." "

  Huh, I don't know this, so what qualifications do you have to preach and teach. Okay, don't think about these things." , brush more sets of papers."

  Teacher Xian snorted and walked away.

  (End of chapter)

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