Chapter 158 Sword Rain Part 4

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  Chapter 158 Sword Rain Part 4
  Li Pan quickly waved to his younger brother, grunting, dancing and gesticulating, signaling him to follow Shiranui Kiriko and lurk carefully to see what the imperial ninja was planning, and then come back in time to inform him ...

  The younger brother expressed that he didn't understand. He stretched out his hand and dragged Li Pan's soul out and asked,

  "Brother, what do you want to do?"

  Li Pan lowered his head and looked at his mist-like hands, only to see that his figure at this time seemed to be An erratic water shadow.

  Then he turned to look at Gulu Gulu's body sinking underwater, and saw a golden chain, one end of which was pulled out from the heart, and the other end was connected to the center of the body's eyebrows.

  Damn, the soul-catching hand is on my head...

  But that's okay.

  "There are acquaintances of mine down there. I don't know what they are planning behind my back after stealing the Holy Grail. I'll follow them and have a look. Brother, help me protect the law. In

  addition, the blood beast chasing behind me also trapped her. Don't let her go. Take it off! Listen to my signal later, watch my eyes, and be careful not to hurt her!"

  "Don't worry, brother!"

  Xue Ying gestured OK, then turned into a streak of red light, like a piece of red silk, Wrapping it around Li Pan's body, Li Pan saw a flash of blood in his eyes, turned around, jumped out like a torpedo, and beat the blood beast with three punches and two kicks until it rolled back and forth in the water.

  Hey, I promised not to hurt her...

  In this situation, Li Pan's soul left his body and his body was used by his younger brother. In fact, he was taken away from her.

  But Li Pan could still feel that the power and spiritual thoughts were constantly coming from the chain in his heart, and he could still apply the spells and techniques freely. It seemed that his younger brother had not taken possession of him, but was just using the blood puppet method to control his body like a puppet servant.

  Of course, Li Pan is not afraid of his younger brother taking the body. If he really dares to take it, the devil in his belly probably won't let him go.

  Li Pan shook his head and stopped thinking about those things. After all, he was not a monk from the divine sect. He practiced different methods. Although he could leave the body, he could not act like the clone of the Son of Blood. Go freely.

  But fortunately, he has learned a lot of mantras in Shangzhenguan Middle School. When it comes to the method of Yuan Shen, Xuanmen may indeed be slightly inferior, but it does not mean that others cannot do this.

  So Li Pan silently recited the "Heart Sutra of Taishang Jiutian Xuannu Killing Evils" which was passed down in "The Secret of Taishang Jiutian Xuannu Killing Evils".

  Recite it silently once, and your body shape will stabilize into three parts and condense into one body.

  After reciting it more than a hundred times, the ghost in the mirror and the soul like bubbles in the water were freed from the chains.

  Finally, the out-of-body soul was condensed into a blue light one foot long and one inch wide.

  Just like a sword with fish guts, as Li Pan moved his mind, the blue light swung around, like a film of floating light, refracted from the water's ripples, and went straight to the bottom of the water.

  The heart moves at will, and the virtual image is invisible, but it is as fast as light and shadow, not a bit slower than your blood god's son.

  In just a moment, Li Pan sneaked into the bottom of the pool and quickly found the Jiahe people.

  Although the facilities outside the prison were all flattened by nuclear explosions. But the prison dungeon with three defense functions has not completely collapsed. However, due to heavy rains and pipeline leaks, groundwater overflowed and underground facilities were basically flooded.

  Li Pan followed Shiranui Kiriko, turning around, holding the elevator noose all the way down, and finally followed her and arrived at an underground palace.

  With a sweep of his consciousness, Li Pan found out the surrounding layout.

  There is actually a shrine built under the water cell of this prison.

  No, the shrine obviously existed long before the prison was built. The prison also specially built an alloy frame on the outside, poured concrete earthquake-proof walls, and built an underground air-raid shelter. Although the ground was flooded by the nuclear explosion, the underground drainage and ventilation facilities were still there. The function is good, and a bubble-shaped molecular film is arranged at the entrance of the channel to block pollutants, but it has been cut open at this time.

  Shiranui Kiriko sneaked in through the opened secret passage, crawled out of the tunnel ditch, and washed away the wastewater and sewage from her body in a temporary quarantine station built with polyethylene plastic.

  Li Pan had no intention of watching her take a bath now, and jumped into the shrine with a flash of blue light.

  The layout of the shrine is very simple. There is a Japanese-style palace gate torii in front of the door, and the shrine is in the back hall. If there is anything special, it is that in the center of the shrine square, there is an ancient well. At this time, from the mouth of the well, there is a continuous stream of water. A spring water gushes out, giving birth to a pool of spiritual spring.

  But this spring water is extremely clear, and it is clearly filled with spiritual energy. Although it is far from the fairy world, it is a rare earth vein spiritual cave in this poor place 0791.

  As expected, the demon-sealed kunoichi from Koga had arrived first, and they all came down in wetsuits. After taking off their uniforms and equipment outside to flush away the sewage, they set up these altars in front of the shrine.

  At this time, they fetched water from the spiritual spring pool, wiped and washed their bodies again, burned incense, fasted, bathed and purified themselves, and then changed into witch costumes one by one. They didn't look like ninjas at all.

  And these witches set up an altar-like array in the shrine.

  Beside the Lingquan spring, under the torii shrine at the entrance of the shrine, a layer of white curtains was drawn up, like a military formation in a river drama, with three altars set up and three banners hung in succession.

  There is a bow placed on the first altar, and the banners on both sides read, "Eight Banners Great Bodhisattva to Remove Disasters."

  There is an arrow in the second altar, and it is written on the lantern flower tent, "Exorcism and Suppression of Eduo Wen Guangfa Heavenly King".

  There is a wine dish placed in the third altar, and a military flag is written on it. He transforms into the demon king of the sixth heaven.

  In each altar, there are four younger shrine maidens, holding naginata, sitting guarding the four corners of the altar.

  Beside the spiritual pool, a group of older witches were sitting around, holding rosary beads and chanting mantras like monks and nuns.

  Beyond the altar and the spiritual spring, you can see the main hall of the shrine not far away, which is enshrined on a small earthen bag.

  It was a small wooden shrine temple, just a little bit as big as the Earth Temple. From a distance, it looked like a short sedan covered with gold foil, but it was surrounded by layers of talismans to dispel evil spirits, and it was also surrounded by layers of charms inside and outside. There are layers of charms posted all over.

  There is also a line of words written on the plaque of the small temple.

  The world clarifies the Dragon King Temple.

  Li Pan could tell at a glance that the bows and arrows, the wine plates, and the things sealed in the temple were definitely monster-level treasures. They were most likely the demon-sealing objects used by the Imperial Court to suppress and seal them.

  It seems that this is the Chiyoda Spiritual Pivot node that Kotaro and Shiki mentioned.

  However, both of them are not here, so it seems that this operation was carried out by Koga's group alone. While the two of them were being stirred up due to the corporate war, they planned the action in private.

  At this moment, Shiranui Kiriko arrived after stripping off her clothes. She crossed directly over the altar and came to the spiritual spring. She also bathed in the spring water and changed clothes. She wiped her body hastily, and then like other Koga kunoichi, she changed into red and white clothes. She dressed in a witch costume, then used the Holy Grail to scoop up a cup of spiritual spring to drink, and then passed the Holy Grail to the next person.

  Eight people gathered around the pool, twelve people at the altar, and exactly twenty people were chanting incantations around the altar. It was just like what Li Pan had seen in Shiranui Kiriko's dream. It was clearly a serious demon sealing ceremony. .

  Moreover, after drinking the spiritual spring in the Holy Grail, the energy of these witches soared almost at a speed visible to the naked eye. If it was a flame as big as a match before, it is now a blazing torch, and the eight of them are almost burning. 'Get up and reach the level of an apostle!

  Then there was a gurgling sound, and there was a burst of water bubbles in the ancient well, and then a spiritual light rose into the sky, and then a claw! Break out of the water!

  No, not an entity, but an aura that has almost become a substance.

  The spiritual light turned into some kind of fox-like monster and crawled out of the spring.

  And the person wrapped in the spiritual light, Koga Qianji, dived up from the eye of the spiritual spring.

  It was obvious that she had released the magic seal, and her whole body exuded amazing spiritual power. Her long hair moved automatically without wind, her eyes bloomed with flame-like brilliance, and nine dazzling spiritual lights were behind her back, and the dazzling light enveloped her whole body!

  This is definitely the first level of the awakened apostle, no, it must be the existence of the first level of the demon god!
  And it doesn't stop there! The nine spiritual powers behind Koga Asanhime are like chains, connecting the earth veins of the spring, pulling amazing spiritual powers!
  This earth-shattering power was like shaking the mountains, giving everyone astonishing oppression!
  So much so that the eight apostle-level shrine maidens surrounding the spiritual spring had to concentrate on reciting the incantation.
  Koga Asahime crawled out of the spiritual spring, almost lying on the ground. When she climbed out of the spiritual spring, her hair was completely pale and her skin was also pale. He is aging rapidly, his eyes are as wild as wild beasts, and there is no trace of humanity. It is obvious that he cannot bear such power and is already on the verge of collapse.

  Then Kiriko Shiranui came out and gave Koga Asahime a sip of water with the Holy Grail in her hand.

  The effect was immediate. Koga Asahime actually recovered from the edge of collapse. Then she got up with a heavy breath, put on a goddess costume, and started dancing amidst the silent chanting of the Koga people.

  Yes, while dancing and singing, he guides his own demonic power and affects the terrifying spiritual power from the earth's veins, which lingers around his body like layers of silk scarves, as if he is wearing layers of flying clothes. Fairy clothes.

  As she sang, she took off her bow and arrows, and drank all the secret medicine in the wine saucer.

  At this moment, all the spiritual power in his body soared into the sky! It was almost like a beam of light breaking through the clouds and shooting straight into the sky!
  Even her whole body was wrapped in brilliant spiritual light, and those supernatural spiritual powers were like some giant beast opening its eyes, already emitting a powerful aura that shook the mountains and shook the heaven and earth.

  Then she drew her bow, nocked an arrow, and shot out.

  The flying arrow jumped over the spiritual spring and hit the Dragon King's temple gate.

  With a bang, golden light and spiritual fire shot into the sky, layers of sealing barriers broke apart, and the spell ignited without fire.

  As a gust of spiritual wind blew by, the temple door opened, revealing a crack. .

  It seems the seal has been broken.

  Koga Asanhime shot an arrow, then collapsed to the ground, her spiritual energy dissipated, and she began to age rapidly again, almost passing. The surrounding witches quickly gave her a few mouthfuls of holy water from the Holy Grail before rescuing her.

  And when no one was paying attention, Li Pan flashed his green light and flashed into the Dragon King Temple.

  The temple was empty, with only a stone box placed on the altar.

  Li Pan was cautious enough to get closer and take a look.

  Who wanted to be illuminated by the green light? The stone box opened with a snap.

  What I saw in the box was a piece of mutton-fat jade tablet, three inches square.

  Li Pan suddenly felt that the brand looked familiar, so he picked it up and took a look.

  Oh shit? ? ?

  It’s Penglai’s brand! ?
  Li Pan was startled, but after a closer look, it didn't seem to be the case.

  There are no words like 'Tai Shang' or 'Jiu Zhen' on this brand. It has neither been sealed nor enshrined, it is just a blank slate.

  However, if this is really the Immortal Jade Tablet, it should be a magic weapon of Xumi Mustard Seed.

  You're welcome, I'm not being kind, I'm being unjust.

  Then, with a flash of green light, Li Pan attached his spirit to the jade tablet, and then floated out of the Dragon King Temple, swaggering past under the noses of the kunoichi.

  It's not that Li Pan looks down on them, but this cultivation of immortality is really about fate. This means meeting each other thousands of miles away if they are destined, but not knowing each other if they are not.

  Most of the time, it is not true that cultivators treasure their own secrets and hide the unfaithful Dharma. After all, they are like Penglai, who take exams every year, but how many disciples can really be selected?
  Even if the secret manual of magic weapon is put in front of you for you to learn, if you can't learn it, you can't learn it. If the method doesn't work, it means the method doesn't work. This is the same as everyone wants to be a scientist, but still few people can pass the exam at Tokyo University. That makes sense.

  What? What to do with the Holy Grail?
  The Holy Grail really doesn't matter, can it still grow two legs and run? And it seems that these kunoichi just use this cup to drink a few sips of holy water to increase their spiritual power and restore their youth.

  But it was a pity that these kunoichi obviously couldn't trust Li Pan, a comrade they had only known for three months and had fought twice. They didn't reveal anything about the demon-sealing plan to Li Pan throughout the whole process. They obviously wanted to keep the things here a secret from him.

  Okay, then Li Pan just pretends not to know.

  However, he was not the only one who wanted to grab the Holy Grail.



  Amidst the screams, the miko holding the Holy Grail to fill the spiritual spring with water has been beheaded with a knife. Her head is in a different place, and her blood blooms like a blooming red cherry.

  The falling Holy Grail was firmly caught by an invisible hand. As the blood soared into the sky, it fell like petals. Invisibly, it was bathed in blood rain, watering out an optically invisible prosthetic human form.

  Well, the normal operation of prosthetics in a radiation environment will indeed be disrupted, but these days humans have long been accustomed to fighting in nuclear-contaminated battlefield environments. After all, as long as you spend enough money, you will have enough equipment. Solved problem.

  "You bastard!"

  Shiranui Kiriko immediately broke through the defense and transformed directly into a big tengu. Her clothes exploded with anger, and a superhuman flying fist hit the blood-stained corporate assassin.

  The company's assassin chuckled, raised his hand and released a wave, uh, probably some kind of technological plasma cannon, which directly blasted half of Shiranui Kiriko's body. If she hadn't unlocked the seal and was extremely fast, The moment the other party raised his hand, it flashed, and she was probably immediately reimbursed, blown to pieces, and the filing cabinet could no longer be opened.

  "You go and get the inheritance of the Dragon King!"

  Koga Asahime, who had white hair and had not fully recovered her youth, also roared angrily, grabbed the naginata, exploded with such force that it exceeded the speed of sound, and slashed at the assassin with one strike.

  The assassin held the Holy Grail, flicked his wrist, and revealed a monomolecular wrist sword. With two swings of his hand, he cut off the naginata and went straight towards Koga Asahime's heart.

  But from behind Koga Asanhime, an animal claw suddenly appeared. With one claw, it knocked the company assassin away and pinned him to the ground. Unfortunately, the claw crushed a trailer and was like playing with it. It was almost impossible to slap it on a prosthetic body with a combat power of 100 million. Unscathed.

  However, the company's assassin obviously failed to detect the possessed demon. He didn't know what invisible thing was exerting power around him. He was greatly surprised. His whole body burst out with high-voltage electromagnetic pulses, crackling with blue light and exploding like a violent thunder on the ground. But it was a mistake that caused the spiritual power that bound the whole body to disperse.

  Then Kiriko Shiranui roared and kicked him.

  The company assassin wanted to dodge, but a pile of mud arms stretched out from his feet. He was suddenly pulled and unable to dodge. He was kicked in the head and spun out.

  Koga Asahime also seized the opportunity to fight, followed closely, grabbed the severed naginata blade, concentrated the remaining spiritual power on the tip of the blade, rushed from behind, and pierced the assassin with one knife.

  It's a pity that although the coordination between the two of them was perfect, it was not enough.

  Far from enough.


  The red-hot high-energy ion beam swept past, instantly killing several young female ninjas who were running towards the Dragon King Temple. It swept across two sections, burned them to a scorching heat, and reduced them to pieces of charred charcoal without any trace of their human form. .

  "Ping ping ping ping ping!"

  At the same time, tens of millions of alloy warheads, roaring metal storms, suddenly roared out from behind everyone, directly covering the pool and killing those who were still holding the rope with their fingers. "Earth Escape!" "Water Escape!" "Fire Escape!" "Hidden Clone!" were in their mouths. The older ninjas who read the message were directly blasted into pieces of broken limbs and flesh all over the sky.

  "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  What's more, dense plasma cluster cannons roared out directly from the entrance, and thermobaric bullets and incendiary bombs were bombarded indiscriminately. With the fierce fire support, the blazing The explosion and shrapnel directly took away the Dragon King Temple, the altar, and the ancient well in one wave. They were blown up into the sky and razed to the ground. In an instant, everything was turned into a sea of ​​flames.

  Yes, the company dogs had sneaked in invisible at some point and surrounded the altar from three sides, occupying favorable terrain and surrounding the altar. These humanoid weapons, with their own combat power of hundreds of millions, their weapon systems, and ammunition and equipment also worth hundreds of millions, opened fire directly at this moment, pouring ferocious and brutal crossfire towards the heads and faces of the female ninjas.

  In just an instant, the entire group was wiped out, creating a tragic scene unique to Shura Purgatory.

  Li Pan was wrapped in a jade token, floating faintly through the battlefield of blazing wind and blood. Looking at this bloody scene, he felt helpless.

  Didn't I tell you to stay away? This world's Holy Grail bidding war is not a child's love game.

  Although Koga Asahime and Shiranui Kiriko still relied on the two demons and big ghosts to protect their bodies and resisted desperately, the other kunoichi obviously did not have such superior demons, and they were directly blown up with arms and legs broken, and their eyes and brains were flying everywhere. It is estimated that the Koga 21 family will be in a cold mood this time.

  Li Pan didn't have time to express his feelings. While the fierce battle between the two groups was going on and no one noticed him, he sneaked out of the prison with a jade sign attached. When he emerged, he saw that the bottom of the water was also filled with turbulence and explosions. Bubbles and swirls.

  Needless to say, the scene the Jiahe people created under the lake just now was so huge that it naturally attracted all the company dogs from all over the world to this new battlefield.

  There are seven or eight people outside right now, fighting with their 'brother' in the water.

  But don't tell me, Duan Kecheng is quite strong.

  This guy was scuttling back and forth like a torpedo, wielding Catherine's Sword, using the sword as a knife, casually cutting out invisible blades of energy, and slashing fire blades in the pool, forcing the company dogs to dodge in all directions.

  It's not that the company dogs have suddenly become weak, it's that the younger brother is too strong.

  Although he is also using Li Pan's body now, compared to the tragic situation where Li Pan was fighting with others and getting blood dripping from them just now, he is much more clean and neat. He can kill them with a single blow from a distance. His momentum is astonishing and unparalleled in ferocity. , no one dared to stop it.

  If you run away slowly, you will be cut in half with a knife, and the body and head will be in different places. And the light waves of various bullets fired from long range were cut off directly by him with one knife, without obeying the rules of physics.

  So much so that by the end of the fight, these people were not so much fighting with their younger brother as they were surrounding him, recording test data, and studying what the blazing swords and fire blades he chopped out were, what their ingredients were, and what their principles were.

  Li Pan shouted, "Brother! Stop playing! The person I asked you to watch is here!"

  Xueying casually slashed out a piece of sword light to force everyone back. A torpedo hit him and threw his body back to him, pointing to the water. .

  "Brother! I am entangled by these little bastards, so I can only save your body first! Your mother-in-law was captured by her family!" "Damn! Are you cheating!"


  Pan was furious, and he jumped out of the water. Sure enough, From a distance, I saw the blood beast K being grabbed by a mechanical arm and flying away while being hoisted by a military aerial vehicle. The sky is full of military drones and SMSs, and military equipment of all kinds of forces are fighting on the ruins of Chiyoda Prison.

  The sound of explosions, gunfire, and the roar of collapsed buildings was deafening, resounding throughout the world.


  This broken place is really an endless purgatory...

  Li Pan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly.

  Suddenly he came to his senses and looked at the jade token in his hand.

  This jade tablet was like a black hole whirlpool, absorbing the Dao Qi in his meridians. The originally wordless mutton-fat jade tablet was gradually revealing a talisman.

  The blood baby poked his head out, "Brother! Why are you so dazed! There are so many people aiming at you! Even my soul chasing hand can't catch you!" Li Pan subconsciously turned to

  look at him, "What kind of talisman is this?

  " Ying looked at Li Pan's hand, confused, "What talisman?"

  Li Pan was stunned,

  "You can't see it either?" ! Go quickly!"

  "I'm here..."

  Then it suddenly dawned. Li Pan looked down at the water. The little sun was slowly blooming, emitting thousands of rays of light, as if there were thousands of golden swords reflecting from the water, twisting straight. into his eyes.

  Damn it, here we go again...

  this is the fourth time...

  Before Li Pan could react, he had no time to react. Suddenly his eyes turned red, and the blood baby turned into a red scarf, covering his head. He rushed over and wrapped Li Pan's whole body.

  Ah, brother...

  (End of chapter)

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