Chapter 157 Sword Rain Part Three

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  Chapter 157 Sword Rain Qi SanK
  turned over and jumped onto the bridge, making a sword dance with one hand.

  "Since you want to fight, let me see your real one... What does this taste like? What are you eating in the acid rain?" "

  Uh, I said the more you drink, the more sour it becomes. Wait a minute, wait a minute..."

  Li Pan hurriedly After drinking the mutton soup, he threw the rice cooker away and wiped his mouth.

  "K, are you here to compete for the Holy Grail?"

  K stood with his sword in his hand, glanced at the blood on the corner of Li Pan's mouth, looked at the broken corpses on the ground, and remained silent in the heavy rain for a moment.

  Li Pan searched for it, picked up the Holy Grail that was filled with mud, acid rain, and blood among the corpses, and handed it over casually.

  "Here, if you want it, I'll give it to you."

  K raised his eyebrows,

  Li Pan spread his hands,

  "If you said you wanted it yourself, then take it, this thing will be of some use to you. Isn't it?

  To be honest, I'm so exhausted right now that I'm a fool. I have no interest in dealing with these things. If you want, just take it back. By the way,

  this thing has already reached 150 billion. How about the two of us? Divided... Oh shit? This rainwater has evolved into pure water! It's so magical..."

  K narrowed his eyes and swung his long sword,

  "Draw the sword!"

  Li Pan took a sip,
  "Hey! Try it! No. It's sour! It's really clean water!"

  "Draw the sword!"

  K shouted angrily,

  "I am the champion knight of the Cornelius family! I will take whatever I want with my sword! I don't need anyone to give it to me! Pull it out! Sword!"

  Li Pan shrugged, threw the Holy Grail behind his head, and moved his muscles in a sword dance,
  "I think so, no one can force you to do what you want, so K, what do you want? ?"

  K frowned, "What do I want?"

  "Yes, your wish. Holy Grail, honor, money, power, K, what exactly do you want?
  You said you want revenge, right? But the werewolves of your world They have been extinct a long time ago, right? Can't you see that these werewolves 0791 are all pets created by the elders of your vampire clan? Those who have a grudge against you have been extinct a long time ago, right?" Li Pan spread his hands

  "So K, what are you chasing, what do you want?
  Let's be honest, I'm not used to it, and I don't like being in debt to others. You've helped me many times. Whatever you want, in one sentence, I'll help you. Bring it.

  There’s no need to deny it. Although my blood is of some use to you, you definitely didn’t help me because of the blood, right?
  It’s not because you want me because I’m handsome!

  What do you want?”

  K's eyebrows were raised,

  "You want to ask me this at this time?"

  "Isn't it the right time to ask this when it's like a stage play!"

  In the heavy rain, Li Pan held his sword upside down, exposing the hilt. on the cross.

  "I read the brief history of the Vampires you gave me. This mithril sword was a weapon used by the slaves who rebelled against the Vampires in the past, right? I saw an interesting legend in the book, saying that the Vampires are immortal
  . Every time he is killed, he will be recalled again and again. Only pure human beings can completely return the immortal undead to the eternal sleep. Is this what you mean? Look at

  those little gifts you gave me, Silver Awls, darts, silver bullets, you still go hunting for the wolves alone and put yourself in danger...

  What are you doing? Are you tired of living and want to die?"

  K narrowed his eyes and let the rain wet his temples. ,
  "Broom head, you look very stupid, but your mind is quite delicate. And you can actually read that book..."

  Li Pan smiled and said,

  "I dare not say anything else, but what I am best at recently is... I’ve read a lot, you can read ten lines at a glance!

  And I have experience with women like you, gothic and dark style! You

  usually don’t make a sound or fart loudly, and you look like a rose with thorns! In fact, your nerves are slender , extremely sensitive and fragile! I like to be depressed the most! I often engage in self-mutilation, self-abuse and suicide!

  Of course, this is actually normal. Only heartless people can survive in this shitty world.

  Don’t feel inferior, everyone these days They are all somewhat ill. Just cooperate with the treatment for depression."

  A sick smile appeared on K's face, and he stabbed with the sword,
  "Then give it a try! Use all your strength to kill me!"

  The sword broke through instantly. He exceeded the speed of sound, cut through the rain wall, and slashed through the air with his sword, cutting off the mountains of corpses with one sharp sword.

  Li Pan jumped up like an ape, protected the blade with Jiuyin Qi, and deflected the long sword that was stabbed like a tornado. There was a dense jingling sound of weapons clashing, like a bird flying in a storm. maneuver.

  K is really a cold woman. When she kills someone, she will not recognize her relatives and will never hold back.

  No, it should be said that she has already kept her hand in her own way. Didn't she just talk nonsense for a long time, give Li Pan a full stomach, and recover her anger for a long time?

  Although the vampire's prosthetic body is definitely weaker than these cosmic beings with hundreds of millions of combat power, but now the god is equipped with K armed to the teeth, if Li Pan is seriously injured and has a weak blood, and explodes with all his strength, A sword rushed over and chopped off his head, but it was still possible.

  Therefore, although the opponent's sword was as violent as a storm, as dazzling as light and shadow, and could cut off his head if he was not careful, Li Pan, who had eaten and drank enough, could barely cope with it, and he knew it in his heart. Very.

  Basically, K now doesn't put in all his efforts, he just has the attitude of working as a worker and fishing for fish.

  After all, everyone is paid by the boss and receives the company's social security, so they have to cope with the work properly. Li Pan also expressed his understanding and cooperated with the performance tacitly. The two of them jingled, one move and another, and the swords clashed. , the swords and winds roared together, making the sword shine brightly and water splashing everywhere, as if forging iron.


  K shouted loudly, and used a move like splitting Huashan with all his strength, raising his sword to his head and slashing it down with all his strength.

  Li Pan drew his sword, releasing his strange power and twisting her swords together. K took advantage of the situation and came close to him.

  "So who raised those werewolves?"

  Li Pan couldn't help but wonder, "Why are you still struggling with this? They belong to the Julius family."

  K frowned, swung his sword to sweep Li Pan away, and stabbed him with another lunge. .

  "Julius? It's impossible... there's no one else?"

  "How is it impossible? She admitted it herself."

  K turned his sword sharply, swung his swords around in a windmill, and advanced towards him with a lunge.

  "Illegal prosthetics can be traced back to their makers and production technology using genetic reverse engineering. The Julius family's genetic code is very obvious, and the werewolf I captured was not her family's technology at all.

  Moreover, for an imperial noble with a background like Yulia’s, every move is monitored by the Grand Duchess. How could she do these things under our noses? "

  Li Pan frowned, swung his sword and stabbed forward, dancing with K.

  "But she paid for it. Our company arranged a financial audit and found that a large amount of unidentified expenditures were made from her account. This is the most important thing, isn't it. "

  In the world of capital, it doesn't matter who is doing the work. Whoever pays is the ultimate responsible person and the owner of the assets.

  If it weren't for Shiba, he would have indeed found evidence of Yulia's account flow and saw her With her financial resources and power, TheM Company would not easily agree to choose her to cooperate among the elders.

  But K still shook his head,

  "No, no... I heard that the alliance between the Julius family and the Pompius family is in progress. On the verge of breaking up, she was caught in the middle and couldn't cope with it, so she left the imperial capital with an excuse. Her mind was no longer there, so how could she focus on such a borderland?

  And how did you steal the Holy Grail this time? Who is your insider?

  Li Pan also felt something was wrong, "You don't know? " It's Emilia. "

  K's face turned cold with fierceness, and his sword suddenly accelerated, almost cutting off Li Pan's head.

  "The knight commander of Aemilius is your internal agent! ? "

  Li Panhan was stunned. Faced with the sudden escalation of the onslaught, the pressure increased tremendously,

  "She took the initiative to find me!

  K was angry, "Are you going to sleep with her if she comes to you? "

  Li Pan said anxiously, "I didn't sleep with her! " I just wanted to make some money, but accidentally fell into her trick! "

  K snorted coldly and suddenly became furious again,
  "That's not right! Then why did Yulia agree to sign a contract with you? Doesn’t she have a trust disorder? "

  Li Pan, "Uh... why don't we talk about Emilia? "

  K snorted coldly, the speed of the sword was so fierce that the power of the sword went up a notch. One sword came forward faster than the other, and the three swords came down with thunderous force. If Li Pan hadn't used his internal strength to protect the sword, I'm afraid the sword wouldn't have been touched. It was smashed.

  Li Pan was short of breath for a moment, and his scalp was numb from the chop. Just as he was about to persuade K to calm down, he suddenly got excited and his hair stood on end.

  K also sensed something at this moment, and subconsciously tried to dodge, but suddenly His body froze.

  Then the next moment, a bolt of lightning swept from the rain curtain, penetrated K's chest and blasted out. It swept under Li Pan's ribs, sweeping out a big hole from his ribs to his navel. Good guy,

  again What a sniper. Can you still fight swords well these days?

  Now the two of them didn't care about sparring there. They hurriedly hid behind the pile of corpses and trash cans with their heads in their hands.

  Li Pan covered the blood on his abdomen. Hole, watching the bloody hands on the poncho flying out to catch people, I was speechless.

  Nashi Laozi's reincarnation soul-chasing hand was actually cracked in this way! Oh, as long as the relationship is not directly aimed at him, he can hit the cow across the mountain, the spell on the poncho It won't be effective! It's really rubbish!
  Fortunately, this shot can't kill Li Pan. He was full just now and his energy and blood were strong. When he lowered his head to check, the remaining blood baht money he had was... It has automatically flown to the wound and formed a network of blood vessels that are as bright as a spider web and as bright as glass. It is like the regeneration of slime mold and is repairing the wound at a speed visible to the naked eye. It's okay, okay, it's okay, it's okay, the situation is not serious

  yet ...

  "K, are you okay...huh?" K! "

  Li Pan rushed forward and saw that something was wrong with K.

  The weakness of the vampire's prosthetic body was too obvious. To put it bluntly, it was the head, heart, and spine.

  And the shot was aimed directly at her, from the middle of the back. The rear heart blasted a big hole in K's heart.

  Although the Blood Knight's SBS armor activated independently, performed emergency evasion, activated the accessory heart blood supply, and inserted a bunch of enhancers into her neck, the effect was not good. It could even

  be It seems to have had side effects.

  It can be clearly seen that K's fangs have grown out, his eyes are like wild beasts, the lenses are glowing white, and his skin is gray and transparent, exposing the veins and blood vessels all over his body. There is no trace of beauty in his face. She is as hideous as a ghost, and her muscles and bones are still increasing and strengthening under the injection of strengthening drugs, swelling almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, changing from a beauty to a beast. Well, this is the so-called 'blood thirst'


  This The curse of blood, like the long knife of the guillotine, hangs over the heads of the blood knights all the time.

  Especially when the blood is gushing, the combat power is fully unleashed, and the battle is in full swing. If you are careless and are suddenly fatally injured, you will be very likely to suffer. If you lose control easily and run away, you will lose your mind and start to turn into a blood beast.

  There is no way, these days, money is fighting power, and technology is fighting power.

  The difference between your tens of millions of prosthetic bodies and others' hundreds of millions of prosthetic bodies is just this Big.

  Not only are the combat capabilities of various parameters inferior to others, but there are also various hidden dangers, flaws, bugs and disadvantages.

  This is the gap between first-rate companies and second-rate companies.

  "K! wake up! wake up! Hello! Control yourself! puff! "

  Li Pan slapped K, but K punched him directly, making Li Pan fly up like a spinning top.

  However, after receiving a punch, Li Pan reacted. It's no longer possible. This bitch has already He went berserk, so he quickly rushed to the pile of corpses to find the Holy Grail.

  It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the blood thirst can be quenched with the Holy Grail... Huh? Where is the Holy Grail? Where is the Holy Grail that I threw here casually?

  "Brother--brother! Where is my cup! "

  Hearing the call, the blood baby popped up from the floor and pointed his hand,
  "A woman stole it.

  Li Pan was shocked, "Ah, ah? " Why didn't you stop it? ? "

  Blood Infant," Huh? But that woman also smells like you, big brother? I thought she was with you too.

  Li Pan was speechless, "What does it taste like to me? " Why does everyone smell like me? No, it smells very strong..."

  "Ah——! ! "

  "Ouch! " ! "

  K rushed over and punched Li Pan again.

  Good guy, the blood beast's fist was really big and hard, just like a fired cannonball. Li Pan was knocked off the viaduct with one punch.

  Blood Infant, “Big Brother——! Bold monster! "

  Pfft, it doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter to me, don't hurt her..."

  Li Pan also vomited blood, held his head and got up and took a look. He saw a row of blood knights standing gloomily in the heavy rain, each one of them. They were as skinny as wood, like freshly dug out mummy skeletons. Their eyes were shining with scarlet red, and they all turned to look at him.

  Li Pan swallowed,
  "No, what's going on with these guys?" Why don't you just slap them all to death? "

  Blood baby, don't worry, brother, I have sucked all the blood essence out of these little demons..."

  Then the group of steel-armored mummies drew their swords and rushed forward, like a group of tanks ejecting, chasing Li Pan.

  Blood Infant, "But their armor seems to be able to move on its own. They should be some kind of mechanism puppet. I

  only have a spiritual clone here now. My skills are limited and I don't understand the local mechanism methods, so I can't help."

  Li Pan . , "Oh! So you really took the opportunity just now to put your Taoist body back and practice in seclusion, right! Please can you be more reliable..." K, "Ah——!" K, who was wielding the big sword,


  , Falling from the sky, swooping up!
  Li Pan twisted away and dodged a sword to the head.

  The sword wind split the road with a bang, and the blow resounded throughout the world, breaking the long sword directly! The broken blade cut against Li Pan's scalp!
  However, Blood Beast K casually lifted it up, directly demolished the floor, lifted up the entire asphalt board and land-based alloy and swung it! Shoot people!

  K was going crazy there, but those tanks were still motionless. "Boom!" 'A projectile thrust comes over and hits someone. Li Pan was so beaten that he ran away with his head in his arms.

  Damn it! It turns out that this bitch K is so fierce when her fighting power is fully activated! No wonder his eyes were wide open and he didn't dare to express his anger!
  And the fighting power of these blood beast knights is too outrageous! The destructive power alone is probably in the hundreds of millions! By the way, it turns out that if you are so good at killing ghosts, you can easily kill things of this level!
  Kill the ghost! Kill the ghost! Damn it, it's such a big one, you have to pull it out...


  K picked up the street lamp and threw it like a javelin, and was almost stabbed through by Li Pan.

  "Oh no, no time to wander around! Where did the Holy Grail go?"

  "This way, this way."

  The blood baby quickly pinched his fingers to lead the way.

  Li Pan vomited old blood and ran desperately in the rain.

  The blood beast K led a large group of mummy knights, chasing after them like some kind of rampaging undead army.

  And the most terrible thing is that people continue to join the chasing team.

  Along the way, there were all kinds of cyberpunks, gangsters, NCPA, mercenaries, robots, drones, floating vehicles, and shuttles. They kept up with the team in the heavy rain, and from time to time, people would ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping biubiubiu at Li. Pan shot.

  In the end, it was like a parade, noisy and noisy across the entire city, rushing all the way to...

  Huh? Is it Chiyoda Prison?

  The main reason is that this terrain has just been flattened by nuclear explosions, and the cordon is still in place. It is really unique. It is like a meteorite falling in the center of the city, setting off a crater-like plain, and the surrounding buildings have also They were all abandoned because of excessive radiation, and it was a scene as silent as a doomsday wasteland.

  At this time, the nuclear explosion site in Chiyoda had been turned into a wide lake by the pouring rain.

  Xue Ying led the way, and Li Pan did not hesitate. He plunged into the lake with a sudden movement, twisting his waist and scurrying into the radiation water like a snake.

  Now the pursuers couldn't help but feel numb.

  You can risk your life for 150 billion, but you have to live to make money before you can spend it.

  This is acid rain radiation water, okay?

  The stacks of Resident Evil are all stacked up!
  The georg counter is screaming man!

  So most of the pursuers had to stop, and they were so angry that they fired artillery outside and bombed wildly.

  The SBS equipment of the Blood Knights also failed under the continuous acid rain and high radiation environment, and stopped one after another.

  Only the blood beast K was still running rampant. With a roar, he jumped into the lake and swam after him.

  Fortunately, the genetic bloodline of the Cornelius family limited it, and the rampaging blood beast was not as agile as Li Pan in the water. It was gradually pulled away, and could only be left behind in a rage of incompetence.

  And Li Pan also caught up with the woman who stole the Holy Grail from a distance.

  It turned out to be Kiriko Shiranui.

  Well, in fact, there is nothing 'unexpected', after all, he has his taste, and can escape from water in heavy rain, and sneak into Li Pan's side to steal the Holy Grail. How many people can there be in this night city.

  At this time, Li Pan was a little surprised when he sensed the other party's "qi".

  Although I don't know whether it was because of the sealing of the Daitengu or because of the frequent double training with Li Pan, Shiranui Kiriko's "ki" was at least a hundred times stronger than when they first met, and she finally had the ability to seal the Demonic Jonin.

  You can see from a distance that Shiranui Kiriko dived into the water, and then actually pulled out a diving suit from a container sunk at the bottom of the lake, pulled out a portable submersible, directly turned on the turbine, and accelerated to dive into the underground prison facilities that were polished by rain. Got hit.

  Huh? Is this already prepared?
  Li Pan looked at the empty container in surprise. There was more than one diving equipment that could be stored in it. In other words, Shiranui Kiriko was not the only one at the bottom of the lake at this time... Could it be...

  Li Pan thought about it and immediately figured it out.

  It's Koga's Demon-Sealing Ninja!
  Those ninjas want the Holy Grail too!

  No, maybe it's not the Holy Grail.

  It's something hidden under Chiyoda Prison and sealed in the Great Spiritual Center of New Tokyo...

  (End of this chapter)

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