Chapter 347: Blood Qi Trial (2)

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  Zhou Baopu could feel that the blood around him became thicker, as if it were blood. Although it has not turned into blood, the air in the void has become very viscous, as if he is not walking in air, but in soft water.

  Don't dare to be careless, Zhou Baopu did not absorb this blood energy, because Zhou Baopu was determined not to absorb it before he understood the function of these blood energy.

  But after just a few dozen steps forward, Zhou Baopu already felt that if he didn't absorb the blood energy, the blood energy would really open his pores and burrow directly into it.

  His body was originally normal, but wrapped in all this blood, it seemed so empty in comparison.

  The pressure formed by the blood around him was so great that it almost wanted to crush him. The low pressure inside his body and the high pressure outside his body began to conflict with each other, making him, the middle man, very hard and enduring immense pain, because He was resisting the temptation now, resisting the screams and screams deep inside him.

  "Dad, how many years of blood has he endured now?"

  Although he thought it was impossible for Zhou Baopu to join the Wang family, Wang Caifeng still cared about Zhou Baopu after all. Seeing that Zhou Baopu had been in for a long time, she couldn't help but asked eagerly. Wang Caifeng knew that the time was still short, but it was estimated that Zhou Baopu should have withstood the test of ten years of blood energy.

  "No, now he has not even passed the one-year blood test."

  After saying this, Wang Ke frowned.

  After carefully sensing the blood energy in the trial hall, Wang Ke was sure that he had indeed sensed it correctly, but why on earth was it that Zhou Baopu had not been invaded by the blood energy at all even after he had entered the time?

  This looks incredible!
  Could it be that Zhou Baopu would not feel the temptation of flesh and blood? Could it be that Zhou Baopu was a hard-hearted person with no feelings?
  This situation is very strange. After Wang Ke sensed this situation, he felt strange in his heart.

  "How is this possible? Didn't he go in for a long time?"

  Wang Caifeng shouted eagerly when Wang Ke said this.

  When ordinary direct disciples of the Wang family enter the trial hall, they frantically absorb the blood and energy inside, and will not stop until they have absorbed all the blood and energy inside.

  Of course, there were also some direct disciples who couldn't withstand too much blood energy and even fell into coma in the Bloodthirsty Hall.

  But no matter what the situation is, it is not Zhou Baopu's current situation.

  Sensing this, Wang Ke couldn't help but guess: "Maybe he didn't know that these blood energies could be absorbed, but felt that these blood energies might be dangerous, so he didn't absorb them boldly. After all, because I wanted to give him an unexpected surprise, He was not made aware of the nature of these trials."

  When Wang Caifeng heard what Wang Ke said, she felt a little relieved, but she was still a little worried, and she couldn't help but be secretly surprised. She didn't know that Zhou Baopu was really too cautious. Instead of absorbing this blood energy, has something really happened to Zhou Baopu?
  "Don't worry, let me see if I can bring out the images inside?"

  Wang Ke saw the worried look on Wang Caifeng's face and knew that although his guess made Wang Caifeng feel a little relieved, Wang Caifeng was still concerned about Zhou Baopu. Didn't let go. Comparing his feelings, if Wang Caifeng was in this situation after entering the trial hall, Wang Ke would also be very anxious.

  Wang Caifeng didn't say anything after hearing Wang Ke's comforting words, but looked at Wang Ke pitifully, hoping to see Zhou Baopu inside as soon as possible.

  Wang Ke saw Wang Caifeng's eyes and couldn't help but feel shocked. It seemed like he was back when Wang Caifeng was a child. At that time, Wang Caifeng would follow him with such eyes and beg him for a candy or a bunch of candied haws. , of course that was when he was teasing little Wang Caifeng.

  Wang Ke saw this look again, and couldn't help but start to think that no matter what Wang Caifeng had gone through, no matter how old Wang Caifeng was, no matter how much Wang Caifeng disliked him as a father, Wang Caifeng was his daughter after all. It will not change over time.

  Wang Caifeng's performance made Wang Ke's heart ache, so he started to raise his hands, closed his eyes, and gradually sensed the situation in the Bloodthirsty Palace. He didn't have time to think about what state Zhou Baopu was in, so he started to move his hands continuously and pinched them quickly. The final seal was raised.

  As those final seals gathered into the void, a blurry image gradually floated in the air.

  With the continuous addition of final seals, the blurry image gradually became clearer. When the image finally stabilized and was no longer blurry, Wang Ke finally stopped what he was doing and at the same time began to look at the image in the void. After the image stabilized, I went to see Wang Caifeng's reaction.

  At this moment, Wang Caifeng stared blankly at Zhou Baopu. Although Zhou Baopu did not have any accidents, her concerned eyes did not leave Zhou Baopu for a moment.

  "What on earth is this child doing? Why isn't he absorbing the blood?"

  Wang Caifeng looked at Zhou Baopu, wondering why. When the other disciples entered the trial hall, they all devoted themselves to absorbing the blood without caring about their own safety. But only Zhou Baopu not only He didn't absorb this blood energy, and seemed to be on guard against something. Wang Caifeng couldn't help but feel very strange when he saw this situation.

  "He is resisting these blood energies. Obviously, he is not very reassured about the blood energies in the trial hall, so he is still in a testing stage." Wang Ke looked at Zhou Baopu. After hearing

  Wang Caifeng finish his article, he began to slowly He said, "It's just that the blood energy in the trial palace is not something he can resist if he wants to. Furthermore, the blood energy in the trial palace is very pure and is gathered directly from the void. There is no need for him to go Resisting these blood energies. By absorbing these blood energies, maybe his strength can be raised to another level." "But

  he has been resisting, what is the purpose of this?"

  Wang Caifeng thought, as if he was smashing a piece of pie. As if it was on his head, Zhou Baopu could safely absorb it. Why hasn't he taken any action yet?

  "It's not that he doesn't want to act, but that he is too cautious. I'm afraid that when he discovers the truth, he will frantically absorb these blood energies. And as I said just now, these blood energies are not something he can resist if he wants to. . You have to know that the blood energy in the trial hall is thousands of years old, and you can imagine how strong it is. It is simply not something that a kid like Baopu can stop."

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