Chapter 346: Blood Qi Trial (1)

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  Wang Caifeng was outside the Bloodthirsty Hall, watching Zhou Baopu continue to go deeper into the hall, and her mood was a little agitated as Zhou Baopu continued.

  Because she knew that with Wang Ke's character, Zhou Baopu would not be able to see him smoothly. However, since she had decided not to remind Zhou Baopu, it was too late for Wang Caifeng to regret it. After all, Zhou Baopu had already entered the hall.

  However, just when Wang Caifeng was looking anxiously in the direction of the hall and worried about Zhou Baopu's safety, she suddenly felt someone tapping her shoulder from behind. When she turned her head and looked around, Wang Caifeng couldn't help but froze, because the person behind her should not have appeared in front of her. At this moment, Wang Caifeng appeared in front of her, which made Wang Caifeng a little stunned.

  "Don't worry, he will be fine."

  Wang Ke looked at Wang Caifeng's stunned eyes and said comfortingly to the shocked Wang Caifeng.

  Zhou Baopu had already entered the main hall to see Wang Ke, but Wang Ke walked out of the main hall after Zhou Baopu entered the main hall. What was going on?
  "Dad, aren't you waiting to see Zhou Baopu in the hall?"

  Wang Caifeng looked at Wang Ke who was comforting her, as if she was a child again, but she still asked her doubts.

  "Yes, I'm waiting to see him, but in order to make up for the debt I've incurred over the years, I decided to give him a big gift before meeting him." "Big gift?"


  Caifeng didn't know why.

  "Look carefully, where is this hall?"

  After listening to Wang Ke's words, Wang Caifeng paid attention to the hall in front of her at this moment. The buildings in the Bloodthirsty Hall are not the same layer, but are floating in a sea of ​​bloodthirsty. On the river, there were small islands, constantly changing directions. Wang Caifeng looked at the main hall in front of her and determined where it was.

  "This is the trial hall, don't you think?"

  "You guessed it right, everyone of us Wang family children will have such an opportunity before they are eighteen years old. He is also half of our Wang family, so let him enter There is nothing wrong with the trial hall."

  Wang Caifeng knew that despite Wang Ke's words, in fact, logically speaking, Zhou Baopu was not qualified to enter the trial hall. Because in terms of seniority, Zhou Baopu can only be regarded as a bloodline of the Zhou family. Although he is also her son, he does not belong to the inheritance of the Wang family. At this moment, being able to let Zhou Baopu enter the trial hall shows that Wang Ke is really determined to treat Zhou Baopu well. .

  "I wonder how many years of blood energy you have activated, dad?"

  "A thousand years."

  Wang Ke looked at Wang Caifeng, as if he already knew that Wang Caifeng would ask such a question, and couldn't help but tell Wang Caifeng with a smile. Now that he decided to open the trial hall, Wang Ke had no intention of being stingy. Opening up a thousand years of blood energy to test Zhou Baopu was the limit of what he could do.

  Of course Wang Caifeng knew what Wang Ke's actions meant, and she couldn't help but feel happy for Zhou Baopu.

  Wang Caifeng clearly knows that the blood energy in the trial hall is divided into ten years, one hundred years, and one thousand years. Those with slightly inferior qualifications can only get the ten-year blood trial. Only those whose strength meets the requirements of the Wang family will be given the hundred-year blood trial. Refining, only those with outstanding qualifications and direct descendants of the Wang family will have the opportunity to obtain the thousand-year blood test.

  And because she knew how strict the Wang family's requirements were, she didn't expect Wang Ke to be so generous, so Wang Caifeng couldn't help but feel happy for Zhou Baopu.

  "Dad, I thank you for Baopu."

  Wang Caifeng's thank you was definitely from the heart. Although he, Zhou Baopu and Zhou Kunlun suffered a lot of hardships due to Wang Ke, Wang Ke could treat Zhou Baopu like this, and Wang Caifeng It felt like everything was worth it. After having a son, Wang Caifeng seemed to take her own happiness lightly.

  However, Wang Caifeng still feels a little guilty about Zhou Kunlun now. She feels that her love has brought harm to him. If it is true love and if these injuries have been predicted, Wang Caifeng may not love Zhou Kunlun because of that. If so, it is actually contradicting itself.

  When you truly love someone, you can be selfless, even so selfless that you stay away from your lover and watch him be happy.

  Rather than selfishly, knowing that it will hurt, but still shamelessly guarding him, that is not called *.

  That is extremely selfish, so selfish that there is no love, so selfish that you only think about yourself and never think about loving others.

  "I hope this child can break through the test of a thousand years of blood energy. Although I don't know what his system is like, but if he can get into Hua Changqing's eyes, it probably won't be too bad." "But can he bear the thousand years of blood energy

  ? ?"

  At this moment, Wang Caifeng heard Wang Ke's expectations for Zhou Baopu, and couldn't help but worry about Zhou Baopu. After all, she knew that although the blood gathering array in the trial hall was not very powerful, it could not withstand the blood energy for a long time, ten years, or a hundred years. The trial is enough to make the ordinary direct disciples of the Wang family look at him with eager eyes, and it can benefit them a lot.

  What's more, it's a thousand-year blood test?
  "Don't worry, even if he can't stand the test of a thousand years of blood energy, as long as he can withstand a hundred years, he can be regarded as adding a young talent to our Wang family." Wang Caifeng heard what Wang Ke said at this moment and immediately realized that Wang

  Ke It was not that he wanted to give his thousand-year blood energy to Zhou Baopu, his grandson, but that he wanted to directly drag Zhou Baopu into the Wang family and make him a member of the Wang family. In that case, it would not be considered a violation of the family rules.

  It turned out that Wang Ke had such a thought in his heart. Wang Caifeng should have thought of it a long time ago. Now that he heard that there was such a meaning in Wang Ke's painting, Wang Caifeng realized that it seemed that he should not be too happy.

  Of course she could understand Wang Ke's thoughts, but with Zhou Baopu's personality, it would be extremely difficult for him to join the Wang family.

  Although Wang Caifeng knew this, she did not bring it up now because she knew that even if she brought it up now, it would not change Wang Ke's mind.

  In Wang Caifeng's view, Wang Ke, like Zhou Baopu, is extremely stubborn. What's more, after taking the helm of the Bloodthirsty Palace for so many years, Wang Ke's habit has not only not eased, but has deepened, so that now, even her daughter has to be careful when speaking to Wang Ke. What's more, Is it someone else?
  Wang Ke looked at Wang Caifeng, as if he had guessed Wang Caifeng's worries, but did not say anything, because once his idea was decided, just as Wang Caifeng thought just now, no one could shake it, and his biological daughter could not shake it. No, he can make some sacrifices to restore the relationship between father and daughter, but his decision to give up is not included in this.

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