Chapter 247: Awakening of consciousness

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  Mei Ji raised her head, with milky white spiritual fluid still hanging from the corner of her mouth. Looking at the huge blood-red blood cocoon, she couldn't help but be stunned. After wiping the spiritual liquid around her mouth and standing up, Mei Ji came to Xue Cocoon and stared at it intently. Her heart was full of hope, hoping that Zhou Baopu would wake up soon.

  At this time, Zhou Baopu's consciousness was completely plunged into chaos, and his consciousness and Shi Xuangui's consciousness had been completely integrated. After more than three months of fusion, the two are really indistinguishable from each other. The consciousness of the two people formed a huge black ball, but it was still ignorant and ignorant, as if it had been sealed by something, and they could not remember anything.

  Black Ball, which had been silent for more than three months, began to change at this moment.

  In Zhou Baopu's sea of ​​consciousness, everything seemed so plain, with only a huge black ball suspended in it. One hundred and eight talisman roots were still frozen in his sea of ​​consciousness, as if he had not forgotten the order Zhou Baopu gave them before falling into coma.

  However, the one hundred and eight talisman roots, as if they couldn't wait any longer, began to slowly absorb the spiritual liquid in the spiritual liquid pool.

  The blood cocoons were like gluttons, scrambling to absorb the spiritual liquid in the spiritual liquid pool. These spiritual liquids were already flowing continuously, gradually spewing up from the ground. When Shi Xuangui's ancestors chose this place to build their cave, they didn't choose it randomly, but because of the spiritual veins here.

  On top of the spiritual veins, he carved a pool to collect all the spiritual liquid, so that one day it could be passed on to his descendants. It was not without reason that Shi Xuangui's cultivation level was able to improve by leaps and bounds in such a short period of time. The spiritual liquid in the spiritual liquid pool played a great role in this process.

  Absorbing the spiritual fluid, the blood cocoon also began to change colors. From the original deep red to the current red and white, it is a very magnificent color, with white inside and red inside. Mei Ji was stunned by the scenery in front of her, but there was no fear in her heart, but instead she was full of expectation.

  She stayed here for three months, paying attention to the changes in the blood cocoon almost every moment, but her expectations were always met with disappointment.

  However, it was different now. Xue Cocoon finally had some reaction. Thinking of this, Mei Ji felt extremely excited. The same dead silence as before almost made her feel desperate. Now that there was some movement in the blood cocoon, Mei Ji was so excited that she almost threw herself on the blood cocoon to call Zhou Baopu.

  In Zhou Baopu's sea of ​​consciousness, a little bit of white light gradually entered. Could it be the spiritual liquid absorbed by the blood cocoon from the spiritual liquid pool?
  When these spiritual liquids entered Zhou Baopu's sea of ​​consciousness, they were attracted by the one hundred and eight talisman roots, and all of them rushed towards them.

  Dots of white light were like fireflies, exuding bright white light, gradually climbing up the one hundred and eight talisman roots, making these talisman roots even brighter. Zhou Baopu's sea of ​​consciousness gradually became brighter. As the white light spots increase, it becomes as bright as day.

  Against the background of these lights, a black ball the size of an egg was suspended in Zhou Baopu's sea of ​​consciousness. It just floated like that, floating slowly, expanding, contracting, contracting, and expanding silently, as if it was telling something, but nothing could be said.

  "Zhou Baopu, I beg you, please wake up quickly, okay?"

  Mei Ji looked at the huge blood cocoon and continued with a choked voice: "I have been waiting for you here for three months, why haven't you come back yet? What's going on with this huge blood cocoon? Are you and Shi Xuangui okay?"

  Although Zhou Baopu's consciousness merged with Shi Xuangui's, it was still vague. Hearing Mei Ji's call, he suddenly felt A kind of throbbing. The dark ball, which was originally extremely calm, actually began to fluctuate slightly. Zhou Baopu only subconsciously felt Mei Ji's call and was not completely awake.

  "The one who merged with your spirit should be called Shi Xuangui. It was his ancestor who transferred me here from the Beauty Hall. Unfortunately, he disappeared not long after I came. He also taught me how to practice , although I can’t understand those words, but this technique is really powerful. I just practice according to the pictures above, and I feel that I have become a lot stronger. Zhou Baopu, when will you wake up? I can do it for you. What?"

  Meiji murmured. She was really lonely and had not seen anyone in the past three months.

  She couldn't get out of the cave at all. In the entire cave, there was nothing except a pool of spiritual liquid. In the pool of spiritual liquid, there was a blood cocoon and Shi Xuangui's body. Let alone Mei Ji, even if it were anyone else, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to bear the loneliness and loneliness.

  But Mei Ji actually endured it. In addition to practicing the exercises and drinking spiritual liquid to satisfy her hunger, Mei Ji paid attention to the blood cocoon whenever she had time. But no matter how eager she was, there was nothing abnormal about the blood cocoon. Today she discovered that the blood cocoon that had been silent had finally moved.

  Shi Xuangui also fell into a coma. If there was no accident, his consciousness would never wake up. Because his situation is not the same as that of Zhou Baopu. Although Zhou Baopu's consciousness is the same as his, it is integrated with other consciousnesses, but this integration occurs in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

  In this case, as time goes by, Zhou Baopu's sea of ​​consciousness will gradually awaken Zhou Baopu's consciousness, and will continue to assimilate Shi Xuangui's consciousness. The reason why the consciousness of the two of them has not reacted for so many days is actually such an assimilation process.

  Although Zhou Baopu's consciousness is not under Zhou Baopu's control, it is autonomous, as if it is a natural instinct, changing Shi Xuangui's consciousness all the time. If Zhou Baopu's consciousness was awake, Zhou Baopu would definitely not do this, but the fact is that Zhou Baopu's consciousness was difficult to awaken, so he did this kind of thing, and it was just his subconscious self-protection.

  However, after all, Shi Xuangui is the Blood Saint who is about to become the Blood Lord. Although his consciousness is not very powerful, it is still more than a star and a half bigger than Zhou Baopu, who is just a Blood Lord. In this case, it would probably take a lot of effort for Zhou Baopu's consciousness to assimilate his.

  Shi Xuangui's consciousness would not be awake unless something unexpected happened. But when he heard Mei Ji's words, when he heard that his ancestor had completely dissipated, Shi Xuangui's consciousness began to fluctuate. Like Zhou Baopu's conscious body, when he heard things related to himself, he couldn't help but start to throb.

  Although the two fluctuations were in tandem, Zhou Baopu's consciousness fluctuated first, while Shi Xuangui's consciousness fluctuated behind. But after a while, the two fluctuations reached an astonishing agreement. Although their consciousnesses are not different from each other, when the fluctuation occurs, it is difficult for them to stop.

  Whether it is Zhou Baopu or Shi Xuangui, there is obviously an obsession in their consciousness, and this obsession has been awakened.

  Zhou Baopu heard Mei Ji's call and wanted to continue to rescue Mei Ji. He wanted to fulfill his promise and take Mei Ji to escape. But now, his mind felt like a mess, and it was difficult to think clearly about anything, so he wanted to wake up and tried his best to regain his consciousness.

  Shi Xuangui's obsession was that when he heard Mei Ji say that his ancestors had disappeared, it was no longer possible to remain calm. That was his ancestor, his only relative, and now he disappeared so easily. How could this keep him from being anxious? Shi Xuangui also felt that there was something wrong with his consciousness. He thought about some things, but those things were always vague and he couldn't think clearly, so he couldn't help but want to wake up.

  The originally silent egg-sized black ball began to undergo drastic changes. When the change reached a certain level, it split into two halves with a loud bang. Originally, Zhou Baopu's spiritual body was smaller, while Shi Xuangui's spiritual body was larger. Now after the fusion, the two split spiritual bodies are actually exactly the same size, and it is no longer possible to tell who is who.

  However, these are obviously just superficial. When the two black balls stopped opening, they did not stop changing, but gradually began to rotate again. The rotation turned faster and faster, and finally it was divided into black and white. It turned into two Tai Chi, suspended in Zhou Baopu's sea of ​​consciousness.

  After the two Tai Chis were formed, both Zhou Baopu and Shi Xuangui's consciousness began to slowly recover.

  As if they had just woken up, they began to know who they were and what they were doing.

  What they are doing is the fusion of soul and blood. Obviously, both of them are very clear about this. At present, the consciousness of both has turned into a ball with a Tai Chi pattern, and both exist in Zhou Baopu's sea of ​​consciousness. The fluctuations emitted by the two also began to synchronize.

  Just like when they first merged, Zhou Baopu's thoughts and Shi Xuangui's thoughts were actually on the same page. Maybe this is a tacit understanding.

  "Baopu, are we successful in this way?"

  "Maybe so, I'm not sure."

  The two don't need to speak at all, because they are communicating with consciousness, which is faster and more precise than verbal communication. Convenient, you can immediately know what the other party wants to express when they have an idea. Shi Xuangui communicated with Zhou Baopu for a while, and suddenly thought of a question.

  "Aren't I condensing my blood body? My spiritual body and physical body are still in a state of separation. No, I can't go on like this. I can only successfully condense the blood body, and then let the blood body, spiritual body and physical body merge. Only then can I truly become a Blood Lord. Zhou Baopu, help me, I don’t want to disappoint my ancestors, I must become a Blood Lord!"

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