Chapter 246: Winter passes and spring comes

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  Shi Xuangui's ancestor couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this, but out of fear of the bloodthirsty demon sword, he didn't do anything. But just when he was about to seal the space passage, he suddenly thought of Mei Ji. At this moment, Mei Ji looked at the empty Hall of Beauty, and when she thought that it was a pool of blood before, she could not help but tremble all over.

  But now, only Mei Ji is left in the Hall of Beauty, and there is no one else.

  She knew that Zhou Baopu did not abandon her on purpose, but that Zhou Baopu himself could not protect himself; she knew very well that due to Zhou Baopu's condition, Zhou Baopu could not care about her at all. Meiji doesn't blame Zhou Baopu, but she is still worried about her current condition. At the same time, she is also worried about Zhou Baopu's condition.

  While Mei Ji felt lucky for Zhou Baopu's escape, she also felt sad for her own situation. She even envied Zhou Baopu's coma. After being comatose, at least you don't have to face all your fears soberly.


  In the quiet secret room, the ticking sound of blood could still be vaguely heard.

  The trembling Mei Ji was filled with fear at this moment.

  Even though all the enemies have disappeared, the tyrant-like dragon is no longer in sight, and the boundless sea of ​​blood has disappeared, the emptiness and loneliness of this room still makes Meiji worried for a while. Mei Ji burst into tears, as if feeling sad about her situation.

  is not that right? It would be impossible for her to escape from the Dragon Pond. He probably drowned in the water before he even got out of the Jiaolong Pond. She wants to fight hard, but she doesn’t know where to start. Should she start by learning to swim? This is unscientific and unrealistic! Meiji was completely confused. Facing the empty Beauty Hall, she even missed the previous crisis.

  In the crisis, although her life was in danger, she was not the only one facing it.

  Sometimes, what defeats people is not the difficulties and crises in life, but the loneliness and isolation in people's hearts.

  Being alone is called loneliness; having someone in your heart is called loneliness. At this moment, Meiji not only felt alone, but also lonely. When Zhou Baopu was around, she didn't feel anything. Now that Zhou Baopu left her, she suddenly realized that what was ordinary before was actually so precious.

  Just when Meiji was thinking wildly, Shi Xuangui's ancestor, as if he had made up his mind, waved his big hand in the cave, causing the same fluctuation in the Hall of Beauty. Meiji only felt her body tighten, and then she was caught in the space passage, and was teleported to the cave in the blink of an eye.

  "What's your name?"

  The illusive old man seemed to be dispersed by the wind. He looked at Mei Ji in front of him and said in a gentle voice.

  However, his gentle voice did not make Mei Ji relax her vigilance. Instead, it made Mei Ji even more frightened. Has Mei Ji ever seen the existence of a spiritual body? Looking at the old man's appearance at this moment, I immediately thought of ghosts. When she was a child, she heard many legends about lonely ghosts. Moreover, those lonely ghosts are harmful to people, and most of them are almost difficult to detect by people.

  She has been told since she was a child that if she encounters a ghost, she must stay away, otherwise she will be burned.

  And the old man at this moment, Shi Xuangui's ancestor, doesn't he look like a lonely ghost?
  The illusory figure kept floating and twisting in the air, like an ethereal smoke cloud, rippling in front of Mei Ji.

  "You, you... what are you?"

  Mei Ji saw the old man approaching her and couldn't help but step back, trying to keep a safe distance from the old man to avoid being contacted by him.

  "Don't get excited. I am Shi Xuangui's ancestor."

  "Who is Shi Xuangui?"

  Mei Ji was stunned and didn't react at all. It's not her fault, because she had never heard of Shi Xuangui's name, so she was not convinced by the old man's words. It felt strange.

  When the old man heard what Mei Ji said, he frowned and began to understand in his heart. Perhaps Zhou Baopu never mentioned Shi Xuangui's name to Mei Ji, which is understandable if Mei Ji's friendship with Zhou Baopu is not very deep.

  However, the old man was just stunned for a moment before he thought of a strategy.

  "You don't know Shi Xuangui, then you should know Zhou Baopu, right?" "

  Yes, of course I know! Where is he now, I beg you, tell me what's wrong with him now?"

  As soon as Meiji heard about Zhou Baopu, she came immediately He was so energetic that he even forgot his fear and shouted loudly to the old man, all the eagerness in his heart was written on his face. There were tears in her two beautiful eyes, which looked very shy and sweet. The old man was in a trance and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

  "Zhou Baopu is here too, but it's not convenient to see you now. Come and take a look, this is Zhou Baopu." The

  old man's body drifted to the side of the spiritual liquid pool, looking at Shi Xuangui's body and blood cocoon lying there, and pointed Xue Cocoon said to Mei Ji.

  Mei Ji looked at the blood cocoon, but she couldn't connect Zhou Baopu with the blood cocoon in front of her. However, thinking of the strange behavior when Zhou Baopu disappeared before, Mei Ji didn't know why, but she actually believed the old man's words. Facing the blood cocoon, he began to call Zhou Baopu's name.

  "Zhou Baopu, Zhou Baopu, can you hear me?"


  the old man said to Mei Ji, silencing her.

  "What happened to him? How did he become like this?"

  Mei Ji burst into tears, as if the person in the blood ball was not Zhou Baopu, but her Mei Ji.

  "I'm not very clear about the specific situation. I believe you, like me, have witnessed the whole process. Shi Xuangui is my descendant and a good friend of Zhou Baopu. After sensing the danger Zhou Baopu encountered, he wanted to Go over and save him. After some inspection, I found that you were actually trapped in a pool of blood.

  "So I teleported Shi Xuangui to you. To be precise, I teleported Shi Xuangui's spiritual body to you. It's just that you have never embarked on the journey of blood refining, so you can't discover Shi Xuangui. Shi Xuangui is about to become a Blood Lord. He must use a lot of essence and blood to shape his blood body, and then let the blood body merge with his physical body. After surviving ninety-nine great tribulations, he can truly become a Blood Lord.

  "I let Shi Xuangui go because your side had more energy. You must have seen what happened after that. Now the spiritual bodies of Zhou Baopu and Shi Xuangui are completely integrated, but they are both currently in a coma. . I don’t know what impact the bloodthirsty demon sword will have on their fusion."

  Mei Ji was half-understood, looked at the old man in front of her, and asked pitifully: "Then is there any way to wake up Zhou Baopu? ?"

  "I don't know either. This is the first time I have encountered this situation. There is no such record in history. After all, the bloodthirsty sword is so powerful that it is almost a legendary existence. No one knows , what kind of changes will this series of changes cause. I sent you here because I want you to do me a favor." "

  What favor?"

  "Help me take care of them both."

  Seeing Mei Ji hesitate , the old man said again: "You have also seen that I am like this now. I am neither human nor ghost, and I may disappear at any time. I hope you can help me take care of them two after I disappear. I I don't know when they will wake up, but I hope you can be patient enough to wait." "

  Okay, I promise you, I will take good care of them both. Don't worry."

  "In return, I have a technique here that is very suitable for your practice. I will give it to you as a reward." The old man said, and with a wave of his hand,

  a dark book appeared. Passing the book into Mei Ji's hand, the old man looked at everything in front of him with a look of nostalgia. At the same time, he looked at the place where the spiritual liquid pool was and looked at Shi Xuangui's sleeping peaceful face. His figure slowly began to dissipate. .

  Meiji watched the old man turn into specks of light in front of him and disappear before her eyes. Although she was still lonely now, looking at the blood cells in the spiritual liquid pool, her heart was filled with strength. Because she is no longer alone, because the care in her heart is right in front of her.

  Mei Ji suddenly understood that the reason why she felt scared in the Beauty Hall, but she felt at ease in this cave, although the two places were almost the same to her and she could not escape, both The only difference is that she changed from loneliness and loneliness to pure loneliness.

  She had the motivation to live in her heart. Looking at Zhou Baopu wrapped in a cocoon with blood cells, her heart was filled with motivation.

  As time went by, Mei Ji felt a little thirsty. After looking at everything in the cave, she found that only the spiritual liquid in the spiritual liquid pool was drinkable. Meiji didn't know what spiritual liquid was, but she was thirsty, so she picked up a handful of spiritual liquid, put it in her mouth, and drank it.

  "It's so sweet!"

  Meiji took a sip and couldn't stop. She didn't stop until she was full.

  At this time, she finally remembered the book the old man gave her, and took the book back into her hands. Mei Ji looked at the writing on the cover of the book, but she couldn't read it clearly. When she opened the book, there were only pictures inside, and she couldn't understand the writing underneath.

  Meiji gave up on recognizing the pictures below, but looked at the pictures one after another, and soon became obsessed with them.

  Unknowingly, Meiji continued to pose in various poses along with the various movements in the picture. Although she had never practiced before, Mei Ji found that after posing according to the posture in the picture, her whole body was filled with a flow of heat.

  This may be the benefit of practicing. Mei Ji sensed her own condition and continued to pose in various poses.

  Just like this, day by day passed, and it was more than March before I knew it, and the cold winter outside had turned into warm spring. But this was in a cave, so Mei Ji didn't feel any changes. On this day, Meiji was thirsty again. When drinking water, she suddenly felt a strange fluctuation in the spiritual liquid pool.

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