Chapter 134 AI7089

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  Chapter 134 AI7089
  AI7089, maybe he should be called Eve now. This is a female name. AI7089 is very aware of this matter, and he also knows that this is the name of the first human woman in the Bible.

  As an android with a male body and self-awareness program, AI7089 felt that this name did not suit him that well.

  But as soon as he thought that this name was given to him by his little master Eva, AI7089 readily accepted this name that did not suit him. Eve would be Eve.

  Standing at the door of the Central Primary School, Eve looked at the children coming out of the school. He kept looking for the figure of Eve's little master. Finally, he saw the figure that he had been thinking about. He slowly stretched out his hands and hugged her. Stopping Eva who was rushing towards her, Eve tried not to let her face show an excessive smile. Instead, she smiled the iconic smile of an android, slowly stroked Eva's hair, and said softly to her. : "Eva, let's go home now."

  Eva looked up at Eve, nodded with a smile, and said: "Eve, let's buy some new stationery before going home, my pen and notebook They are all worn out."

  "Okay Eva, let's go buy stationery now."

  Eva's home is very close to the school, so Eve did not drive over, but held Eva's hand and walked slowly towards the stationery store. Go and walk, listening to Eva chirping about what she saw at school that day. Eve feels that even if he lives like this for a hundred years, he will not be bored at all.

  Eve didn't know how real human parents treated their children, but he felt that Eva was the same to him as the children of normal human parents. Eva was Eve's life and her soul. For Eva, Eve felt like she could give everything.

  In the supermarket, Eve followed Eva to help Eva get the stationery she wanted. But just when Eva was about to buy a green pen with a frog toy, there was a sudden sound at the entrance of the supermarket. There were screams and cries. Eve turned around and saw two robbers with knives. They were shouting at the clerk to hand over the money.

  Frowning slightly, Eve immediately squatted down and stretched out her hands to protect Eva. While whispering to protect Eva, she slowly walked towards the inner layer to prevent those people from harming Eva.

  But soon, the two robbers with knives were not satisfied with the change in the supermarket. They looked at the items on the customers inside the supermarket. One of them guarded the door, and the other held his pocket and walked toward the supermarket in turn. Someone from the inside came and threatened the supermarket customers to hand over all the money, jewelry, mobile phones and other things in their pockets.

  Slowly, the robber came to Eve and Eva. He looked at Eve and was about to say something, but suddenly saw the clothes on Eve and recognized that Eve was a bionic person!

  "It turned out to be a bionic man." He raised his foot and kicked Eve. The robber looked at Eve and shouted loudly: "Hand over your valuables to me, or I will kill you. I won't let you see your mother and father!"

  After all, Eva was just a child. After hearing the robber's curses and threats, she was immediately frightened and started crying. However, Eva's crying did not make her cry. The robber had no mercy at all. He was already nervous and felt more and more irritated by Eva's cries. His original intention was to scare Eva with a knife, but he never thought that because of his nervousness, he accidentally scratched Eva's arm. Blood immediately flowed out and fell on Eve's hands drop by drop.

  Looking at the blood that belonged to Eva on his hand, Eve felt as if there was a flame burning his core processor. He had never felt anger before, but he felt it for the first time today.

  Suddenly reaching out her hand, Eve grabbed the robber's wrist that was holding the knife. Eve's hand was so strong that the robber couldn't help but wailed and shouted loudly while trying to pull his hand out of Eve's hand. Eve screamed and cursed, and fell to her knees on the ground because of the severe pain in her wrist.

  At this time, Eve put her arms around Eva, blocked her ears with her hands and body, and whispered to her: "Eva, don't listen, don't look, leave everything to me, I will protect you, no I won't let anyone hurt you!"

  Eva hugged Eve and buried her head in Eve's arms. She nodded gently and really felt the sense of security that Eve brought to her.

  At this time, Eve looked at the robber who had completely knelt on the ground. He suddenly raised his kick and kicked the robber away. However, he saw the robber falling to the ground holding his stomach and passed out.

  At this time, seeing his companion being knocked down so easily, the other robber finally panicked and immediately left with the money on his body and fled.

  At this time, the sound of police cars came from outside. Soon the police arrived, quickly surrounded the place, and sent the injured to the hospital, including Eva.

  Elena rushed into the hospital with a hurried look on her face, asked the hospital nurse where Eva was, and hurried over.

  As a single mother, it is not easy for Ellena to earn enough money for herself and her daughter's daily expenses. Fortunately, her personal abilities are really good. She has climbed to the level of a middle-level manager in the company, and her status and The money is not bad, but the only thing that consumes a lot of time every day is that I rarely have time to spend with my daughter Eva.

  Fortunately, she bought an android to accompany Eva, so that Eva is not so lonely on weekdays. Today, when she received news from the police station that her android saved her daughter, she was even more grateful that she bought it. I bought this android, and I am glad that when I bought the android, I asked the store to set up a self-defense program, otherwise it is difficult to guarantee what will happen to Eva today.


  Elena pushed open the door to the ward. She looked at her daughter lying on the hospital bed, laughing and playing with her android. She finally breathed a sigh of relief. She immediately walked to Eva's side and hugged her tightly. , and after a long time he nodded to Eve, stood up and looked at the policewoman standing in the ward.

  "Hello, I am Eva's mother."

  "Hello, Ms. Statham, after the doctor's examination, Eva only has a slight scratch and does not need stitches. She can leave now, but before that we We need to check the android in your home.

  Because according to our investigation, the android's self-defense was excessive and seriously injured the robber. This is not what the android's self-defense program should have, so we want to check Let’s take a look and see if it’s the android’s fault or an accident. Please forgive me.”

  (End of Chapter)

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