Chapter 133 AI organization taking action

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  Chapter 133 The AI ​​organization in action
  "Jia Peng, is there any news about AI7089?" "

  I have found the location of AI7089. Because we reincarnators know the information about the side mission, we can know that he is a self-awakening omninic bionic. Human beings, but other people in this copy world don’t know this.

  In addition, AI7089 deliberately concealed it, and his awakening was not known to everyone. AI7089 is still living a life like an ordinary android. He is now staying in the place where he bought him Among a family, it seems that he has a very good relationship with that family." "

  The side mission is to protect the safety of AI7089 and improve its favorability. It seems that it will take a period of contact, but since the Lord God can release The mission is to ask the reincarnation to protect him, which proves that there will definitely be danger that will find his head. I plan to contact that AI7089 first to see if I can find an opportunity to complete the mission." After the simple call ended, the words and deeds left the reincarnation

  . A new coat was taken out from the watch. In the previous battle, the clothes on his body had been soaked in blood and had a large number of cuts. Naturally, he could not continue to wear such clothes into the inner city area.

  Walking on the street, Yan Daoxing, who was wearing a black windbreaker, found a pretty good hotel to stay temporarily. At present, he did not plan to return to Flamo Villa immediately. Since Sakura and the others could know the airport where Yan Daoxing got off the plane, they naturally It's not hard to find Flammore House.

  If they really carry out a second ambush at Flamer Villa, then with their current state of words, deeds and words, there is no way they can fight against this guy Yamazaki Arima. You must know that Yamazaki Arima's words, deeds and words were not very big in his heyday. He is sure that he can defeat someone, and he is vaguely aware of his words and deeds. There is a high probability that Yamazaki Arima has hidden some tricks and is difficult to deal with.


  Yamazaki and Arima returned to the entrepreneurial park on the outskirts of the city. They walked into a twelve-story building located in the corner of the entrepreneurial park like ordinary people and arrived at the top floor of the building. There were many people coming and going, and they looked like ordinary office workers. However, Yamazaki Arima and the two of them knew very well that everyone on this floor was actually a member of the AI ​​organization.

  Most of the members have used artificial skin technology to transform their appearance into that of the original humans in this company, replacing those humans who exist in this building. As for those who were originally located in this company, Humans have long been dealt with by the omnics organized by the AI.

  Yamazaki and Arima walked into the company and came to the offices and rooms inside the company. At this time, there were two other reincarnations who did not belong to Sakura and three omnipotent robots from the AI ​​organization. Here, the two reincarnations who do not belong to Sakura, one is the only remaining captain of the blood-striking team, and the other is a lone reincarnation who entered the dungeon alone.

  The two of them looked at the faces of Yamazaki and Arima, as well as the disappeared Kojima Ryuuki. They had a guess in their minds, but they were inevitably surprised by the possibility of this guess. The two of them looked at each other without saying much. What to say, they were afraid of offending the two Sakura reincarnations. Although they were not afraid, it was best to avoid offending Sakura as much as possible.

  It's just that these two reincarnations are afraid of Sakura. As the leader of the AI ​​organization, AI7088 doesn't have so many ideas.

  "Only the two of you have returned. So you made a mistake, and one of your companions was killed by the other party, right?" Upon hearing

  this, Yamazaki Arima glanced at AI7088 with an unclear expression and spoke slowly. : "Adam, we did miss this time. I admit that I underestimated the other party and did not pay too much attention to the other party's strength, which led to this failure. This result is indeed my problem." At this time, AI7088

  changed The face of a man in his thirties, wearing a suit and looking like a successful man. In fact, he does look like the original human boss of this company. Now that human boss has long disappeared in AI7088 or Adam prepared aqua regia.

  "Next, our AI organization will take over from you to deal with the target person. I hope you can understand."

  After hearing Adam's words, Yamazaki Arima lowered his eyelids slightly and nodded and said, "Of course, this is what we want."

  Before, Yamazaki had Ma really wanted to personally avenge his companions and teammates. Moreover, at that time, he thought that he could kill Yan Daoxing extremely reliably. He never thought that if the three of them joined forces, Yan Daoxing would be able to escape. It was just that he never expected that from now on The reincarnations of Yan Daoxing's camp obtained information and carried out an ambush, which turned out to be such a result. So at that time, he did not seek Adam's help, and even refused Adam's request to ambush Yan Daoxing, but the result was It was Yamazaki Arima who suffered a huge defeat. He lost again to words, deeds and actions with a completely impossible result.

  Finally, the responsibility to complete the mission prevailed. Yamazaki Arima no longer struggled with whether he could avenge his teammates with his own hands, and finally decided to deal with the enemy Samsara as his first priority.

  "Adam, I suggest you start with the other five people on the list and try to reduce the wings of those three people as much as possible. However, there is one of my undercovers among those five people. Don't accidentally hurt him when the time comes." Hearing Yamazaki Arima's

  words After speaking, Adam nodded slowly and said: "Okay, then act according to your plan. Someone under my command has already researched a way to avoid federal network detection, although it is not possible to make some big moves on the network. , but at least there is no problem in finding some people through the Internet. Now I will let them find the people you mentioned. After we find them, we can start." "

  Adam, has the combat transformation been completed?"

  Adam took a deep look at Yamazaki Arima, nodded and said: "Of course, the combat transformation has been basically completed, and we have to thank your companion for the technology provided to us. I have to say, your companion provided us with The technology has been of great help to us, at least it has allowed us to obtain extremely powerful power."

  After saying this, the Sakura member who had been standing behind Yamazaki Arima immediately replied: "Adam, you don't have to be polite. Since we are united now, we are naturally obliged to provide some technical help to the AI ​​organization. Besides, our goals also need your help. There is no need to be so polite." Nodding, Adam said: "Okay, then

  I I won’t say thank you anymore, let’s take action now!”

   What, I owe two chapters, I won’t forget it, I’m really not in a good state these days, writing is very difficult, I’m sorry.

  (End of chapter)

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