174. Chapter 173 Leon sets his sights on the church’s treasury

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  Chapter 173 Leon set his sights on the church's treasury.

  Father Matthews stood on the edge of the road, looking far away toward the north of Antolia.

  "Help me take a look! Are you dressed neatly?"

  He tidied the priest's robe with some anxiety, but he always felt that something was missing, so he couldn't help asking the waiter on the side.

  "Uh... pretty good!"

  "No! No, no! Something is very wrong!"

  Father Matthews couldn't help but frowned.

  He lowered his head and stared at the white holy robe he was wearing, as if he finally realized what the problem was.

  "Bring me my canine tooth necklace."

  "Father Matthews, didn't you say you were going to greet the cardinal of the church today? If you bring Antolia's canine tooth necklace..." "

  Get used to it!"

  Father Matthews shook his head, grabbed the necklace from the waiter's hand, which was personally gifted by Leon Jimena, Marquis of Antolia, and carefully put it on his neck.

  This is a necklace made from the teeth of a plateau hound.

  With this slightly ferocious necklace covering Father Matthews' white wool sacred belt...


  He let out a long breath of relief, and finally felt a lot more comfortable.

  Although Father Matthews has completed the transformation of his thoughts, because the Antilian people have a long-standing antipathy towards the church, he always wears a coat with strong Antolian characteristics when traveling on weekdays.

  No, suddenly changing into his priest's robe was a bit unaccustomed.

  Today is an extremely special day for Father Matthews.

  The civil war in the Andal Kingdom not only affected the nobles in the kingdom, but also affected the churches throughout the kingdom.

  As the state religion of the Andal Kingdom, although the rebellious nobles would not fight against the respected bishops and shout to kill, this does not mean that the robbers and robbers who broke out in various places during the civil war would also do the same. Never offend the church.

  The church has money.

  This is the consensus of many people in the Andal Kingdom.

  Just the tithes paid by various places every year add up to an astronomical figure.

  This also led to the fact that at the end of the Andal Civil War, not only the nobles and mercenaries were killed and injured, but also the bishops of the major dioceses.

  Especially in the south of the kingdom!
  And now...

  the civil war in the kingdom has long since subsided.

  Many positions were vacant in various major dioceses. Father Matthews, who received Leon's permission, naturally set his sights on a higher position.


  In the past, he would not have dared to think about the position of bishop.

  Where is Antolia?
  This is a famous place of mixed beliefs in the Andal Kingdom.

  Almost all of his previous priests had been chopped off with a knife. He was lucky enough to be alive and well. How could he expect to go further?

  Leon's strong support and the "church" built on the west bank of the White Blade River gave Father Matthews enough confidence!

  He also needs to make progress!
  After living in Antolia for such a long time, Father Matthews basically understood the character of the young lord.

  When it comes to the church, Leon actually doesn't shout about fighting or killing like his father.

  Although he is in arrears with his tithes, he is also an extremely devout believer!

  This is officially certified by Father Matthews!
  There is no way, if anyone dares to say that the noble Marquis of Antolia is not pious, Leon will dare to give him a hard time!
  Coupled with the scale of the "church" built by Leon, it is indeed a wonder.

  Matthews naturally wanted to consider arching it as Leon requested before the church was completed and transformed into the Pantheon of Antolia!

  Matthews is bound to win the position of bishop in the southern part of the kingdom!
  You know, this decision was fully supported by Leon Jimena, Marquis of Antolia!
  And his purpose is quite simple.

  If Matthews becomes the bishop, not to mention that Antolia's tithes can continue to be owed in the name of building churches, even Leon can lose a few percent of the tithes paid by other nobles in the south of the kingdom. !
  Good guy!
  The reason why he is obsessed with the position of bishop is entirely because he is interested in the hidden benefits of collecting tithes.

  This lets the church's magicians know that he will definitely vomit three liters of blood and become a governor.

  But it is precisely because of this extremely simple purpose that even though Leon has not yet returned from the abandoned land, Aaron, as the great steward of Antolia, devoted a lot of energy and provided help to the leaders of Antolia. The people issued strict orders!

  During the cardinal's stay in Antolia, he must not kill the church's sticklers, nor insult the church in front of the clergy!
  If you want to scold him, wait until the cardinal leaves before scolding him; if you want to fight him, wait until he leaves Antolia before you fight him!
  "Father Matthews! The Cardinal is here!"

  Hearing this, Matthews looked hurriedly not far away.

  I saw a group of luxurious carriages, slowly passing through the endless mushroom forest, appearing in my field of vision.


  As the church's convoy slowly drove into Antolia, Cardinal Maxim's mood at this time was actually a little uneasy.

  In the Andal Kingdom, there are a total of six cardinals appointed directly by the Pope.

  There are two in the west of the kingdom, and one each in the east, north, south, and the royal capital.

  Although this was Massim's first time coming to Antolia, he had indeed heard about the great reputation of this land.

  After all...

  there was an appalling incident where six priests were replaced within a year.

  If Leon Jimena hadn't become the only marquis of the Andal Kingdom, and if Father Matthews of Antolia hadn't ensured his safety countless times when he set off, Massim really didn't want to come. .

  But he had to come.

  Because under Leon's operation, letters recommending Father Antolia to become the southern bishop were already piled on his desk.

  According to the church's practice, field trips are necessary before filling the vacancies.

  But in Masim's heart.

  He really couldn't figure out what the priest from Antolia had to compete for the bishop.

  With the Antolians having no fear of the church?

  With the Jimena family defaulting on tithes for decades?
  Although after becoming a marquis, Leon gave a very reasonable explanation for the arrears of tithes - building a church for pilgrimage by the Antolian people.


  is this really possible?

  Maxim didn’t believe it anyway.

  "Welcome to the Cardinal!"

  The voice from outside the carriage quickly brought Maxim's thoughts back to reality.

  He opened the curtain in front of the car window and looked outside.

  Matthews, the only priest in Antolia, is wearing a pure white holy robe and standing on the side of the road.

  It's just that...

  looking at the canine tooth necklace worn by Father Matthews around his neck, Maxim's face began to twist in an abnormal way. "

  Help, is it too late to run now?"
  (End of chapter)

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