173. Chapter 172 No one understands World Tree better than me! (Two in one!)

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  Chapter 172 No one knows World Tree better than me! (Two in one!)

  Naturally, Leon readily agreed to Alicia's proposal.

  After trying to lure Elta, although Leon cannot be said to have completely grasped the details of the moon elves, he can basically be said to be inseparable.


  he is not actually worried that sending envoys to each other will leak information about Antolia.

  Just let it out!

  Not only does it need to be released, but in addition to the key skills, it also needs to be released thousands of miles away!
  Because apart from the benefits of making the elves fearful, Leon really can't think of any harm this would do to Antolia.

  Moreover, if there is a real fight, Antolia may not be able to win, but he will definitely not lose!
  Leon is extremely confident about this.

  The military strength of the two sides is actually not much different.

  Leon has three legions in his hands: the Lapruk Army, the Antolian Militia, and the Antolian Mercenaries.

  The Elf Queen controls the most elite Elf long archers and Moon Spring guards of the Moon Elf clan.

  However, in any war throughout the ages, the strength of the army is actually only one aspect that determines the outcome of the war.

  Antolia, located to the north of the mountains, firmly controls the Beligori Pass connecting the Abandoned Land and Antolia, and has even begun to build the pass at the Beligori Pass.

  This is the location!
  But what about the elves?
  The Moon Shadow Forest is surrounded by open plains.

  In addition to being blocked by mountains in the north, as long as Leon wants, Antolia's soldiers can attack the elves in three directions: east, west, south and west!
  What's more, Leon's advantages are not just reflected in geography.

  The former Antolia was barren, but after the civil war that affected the entire Andal Kingdom and Leon's conscientious governance, Antolia, as Leon's "land of dragon prosperity", was enough to provide him with a steady stream of resources. Continuous troops and food!

  As for the elves...

  even the World Tree, which they regard as their most precious treasure, has aged prematurely. Even though the elves have dozens of elder-level masters, it is of no help when a large army is fighting.

  It’s not like there are no mages in Antolia!
  And not only is there a mage, but there is also a little red bottle! And Albert!

  At the same time, as the Marquis of Antolia, Leon is the largest noble in the entire southern Andal Kingdom.

  Pay attention to this prefix! Andal Kingdom!

  Leon's expansion of the abandoned land is legal. Not to mention the claims he made for himself, as a marquis, he also has a development order recognized by Wilbert I!

  If the elves dare to attack Antoria, they are attacking the Andal Kingdom!

  As a novice P Club player, Leon has a deep understanding of how annoying the large number of small country alliances exploded by attacking Shinra are.

  Even if it comes to a critical moment, it is not difficult to spend money to recruit militiamen from one's own vassals. After all... Leon did use the service payment to exempt the vassals from their military obligations, but that was in peacetime!
  Based on the above considerations, Leon naturally readily agreed to Ashley's proposal.


  Leon looked at the crowd standing behind him and immediately called out a familiar name.

  For this talent who single-handedly set off the gold rush in the entire Kingdom of Andal, Leon actually planned to put him in a position to collect intelligence and public opinion in Antolia.


  this is a little too early for today's Antolia.

  Although the establishment of the intelligence network has already begun, the results will not be seen in a short time.

  In this case, let's move Qiaoerni to a more useful position first.

  Even Qiaoerni's understanding of the elves is the same as the elves' understanding of humans, and most of them come from the distant past.

  But then he is already the one who knows the elves best in the entire land of Antolia!
  "Your Majesty the Marquis!"

  The former troubadour immediately trembled and walked out of the crowd behind Leon with great joy.

  "I appoint you as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Antoria in the Forest of Moon Shadow, responsible for handling all matters between humans and moon elves!"

  Giorni:! ! !

  This is a high promotion!
  As a former troubadour, he sang a lot of jokes about elves... ah no, there were legends and poems about elves.

  Therefore, what pleased him most was not the promotion, but the responsibilities of the position itself!
  Which legend of the Andal Kingdom does not contain elves?
  And now...him, Giorny! About to become the ambassador appointed by Leon himself! Be the first human to enter the Moon Shadow Forest!

  This means that he himself will personally experience everything in the legend, and even...become a legend!
  At this moment, Qiaoerni thought of many things in his mind.

  He could even imagine that in a few years, the name Giorni would be engraved in the history of Antolia and remembered by the world!

  The root of all this was that on the afternoon when he discovered the tree guard, he was seriously injured and confused, and escaped to the young lord!

  Since then, the gears of fate have turned, and the trajectory of his life has also changed.

  From the beginning of the gold rush, to now becoming the ambassador of Antolia...

  "I am willing to serve the Marquis!"

  In an instant, Giorni's eyes became extremely firm.

  Alicia didn't expect that the young lord would make a decision so quickly.

  But this proposal was made by her, so she couldn't drag it out for a long time, right?
  If this is the case, doesn't it mean that there is no one available for the elves?

  Alicia's eyes also swept towards the people behind her.

  It seems like he really has no one available.


  When she heard her name being called again, Elte felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

  At this time, he had already realized how much information he had leaked about the elves when he was captured. He was really not a qualified diplomat!

  Alicia can't control so much.

  She is a competitive elf queen!

  The elves are a clan of outstanding people!

  There is only one thought in her mind, that is, she must not be compared to humans!

  "In that case, I'll leave this mission to you."

  Alicia's decision made Elte burst into tears.

  But he couldn't say no.

  I had no choice but to bite the bullet and take the job.


  Hearing this, Leon couldn't help but feel a little excited.

  Although Elte was only captured once, Leon had already figured out the elf's temperament.

  Not to mention figuring out the elves' trump cards, Leon was even confident of figuring out the elves' underpants from Elte's mouth!


  The brief meeting will eventually come to an end.

  And after Leon used his own feet to personally measure the land in the Abandoned Land, he finally completed the site selection for the Jimena family's first city in the Abandoned Land!

  Right at the foot of the world tree with yellowing leaves!

  The Antolians pressed the fast-forward button twice on their exchanges with the elves.

  The first time was at the foot of the World Tree. Andrew ordered people to dig up two World Tree saplings planted by the elves.

  The second time was when Leon personally demonstrated his overly explosive diplomatic methods.

  But the reason why this site was chosen is naturally not to commemorate these.

  According to the elves, the World Tree possesses holy natural power.

  Although the height of this world tree is much lower than the one that protects the moon elves in the Forest of Moon Shadow, it is still a world tree! It is a pioneering artifact that can make those monsters living in the black fog stay away spontaneously!
  What's more...

  if you build a city here, it will not only be equivalent to adding a holy buff to the people who come here to pioneer, but it will also make this the first benchmark city built by the Antorians in the abandoned land!
  Leon asked himself, there is absolutely no one in this world who understands World Tree better than him!

  Relying on scientific instruments, an almost bug-like relic of our ancestors, Leon's understanding of the World Tree can be said to be unparalleled.

  In his opinion...

  the reason why the World Tree is not growing well is not just the influence of the black mist.

  The land beneath our feet that has been eroded by black mist for thousands of years is also the culprit of all this.

  When it comes to land, we have to mention the land compactor of Antolia.

  Since the land tamper can transform the original hard and compacted land into black soil suitable for the growth of crops, it can also transform it into soil suitable for the constitution of every World Tree baby!
  If the World Tree saplings in the hands of the Antorians can grow more vigorously than the World Tree saplings in the hands of the elves... then Leon has another hand that can be used to extort money after the Shadow Manipulator. Card?
  What’s the point of fishing when the lake is exhausted? Sustainable fishing is the right way in the world!

  And this is precisely the reason why Leon returned a seedling in the previous meeting and kept one for himself.

  Experimental group and control group!

  But any time traveler who has studied biology in junior high school will definitely know it!

  When the elves who regard the World Tree as a treasure see the original yellow leaves of the World Tree taking on a tender green color, and see the seedlings of the World Tree blooming with majestic vitality in human hands... Leon

  's The bad taste already made him eager to see the elves' eyes that were even more uncomfortable than eating flies!
  "Fort Wilson!"

  "This first new city built by the Antolians in the abandoned land is called Fort Wilson!"

  After extremely careful thinking, Leon finally made his decision.

  There are two tribes of mountain people living in Antolia who have deep connections with their ancestors.

  The Lapruk tribe is just one of them!

  Exploring the abandoned land is a promise made by Leon to the Lapruk tribe. It is also the Lapluk tribe that holds the title of independent army.

  But as a lord, Leon must not favor one thing over another.


  This is a very important point!
  Even though today's mountain people are extremely loyal to the Jimena family, before Leon can completely shape the national identity of "Greater Antolia", he must consider the thoughts of each tribe.

  Who discovered the Bergori Pass? It's the Nahuaco tribe!

  So... it can be said that it is only appropriate to name this city adjacent to the Berry Goli Pass after Wilson Navaco, a member of the Navaco tribe who discovered the Beligori Pass!

  Can't all the benefits be taken away by the Lapluke tribe?

  After finally completing everything he had to do when he came to the Abandoned Land, Leon immediately gave the order to the people behind him to return to the Thorn Territory.

  As an envoy from the elves, Elta, who returned with Leon, finally got a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg of Antolia.

  After passing through the narrow Bergori Pass, what appeared in front of him was a land completely free of black fog!

  Elte was very sure that it was not the black fog that first appeared here and then was dispersed by the Antolians, but the black fog that permeated the place, and it might not even have crossed the continuous mountains at all!

  After realizing this, Elte was completely confused.

  The elves have lived surrounded by black mist for thousands of years.

  For thousands of years, the pervasive black mist restricted the activities of the moon elves to the Moon Shadow Forest, so that they knew very little about the outside world.

  They only feel that under the protection of the World Tree, they are the luckiest race in the world!


  who would have thought?

  Just on the other side of the mountains, humans have long been freed from the black mist!

  At this moment, Elte felt that her world view was collapsing and her outlook on life was shattering.

  In addition, the towns located in the southwest highlands are always impacting Elte's soul. Those Antolian miners who drive the tall-footed monster birds to mine on the spot have also greatly broadened Elte's horizons. .

  Could it be that... the reason why the Antolians wanted to obtain the fire of the Moon Elf clan was because they set their sights on the skeletons wandering in the abandoned land?

  The elves who have lived in the abandoned land for thousands of years certainly know that after receiving the fire of the eternal fire, the stupid skeletons will have simple wisdom.

  But the pride of the elves made them dismissive of this.

  In their view, even with simple wisdom, those skeletons just changed from stupid skeletons to stupid skeletons, but they never thought of letting those skeletons become tools in their hands.

  However, from the tall strange birds driven by the Antolian miners to mine, Elta realized for the first time the wisdom possessed by humans.

  This major discovery, which was enough to shock Elta for a whole year, made him feel a little depressed.

  However, at this time, Leon had no intention of caring for the elf messenger's emotions.

  At this time, he was just extremely eager to return to the Thorn Territory, return to his lord's study, and return to the scientific equipment.

  The purification of the black mist does not just mean the expansion of the land.

  When Leon returned, he also brought back a large number of strange plants from the abandoned land.

  He needs to know what they do.

  Because only in this way can Leon truly anchor the expansion direction of the Antolians in the Abandoned Land!

  This point is particularly important!

   Thanks to book friend "Yi Wenzhe" for naming the new city. If you are in the group, please @ me and receive a Qixi Festival limited red envelope. The group number is in the introduction.

  (End of chapter)

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