146. Chapter 145: Hold on, don’t wander! (Additional update! Follow up on the rescue plan!)

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  Chapter 145: Hold on tight, don’t wander! (Additional updates! Subscribe to the rescue plan!)
  The warm sunshine of early winter shines through the pale golden light curtain that envelopes Antolia in the city.

  The cool breeze blew up the withered yellow leaves on the ground, rolled up the dust scattered on the ground, and slapped everyone's robes.

  Albert raised his head and looked at the scene before his eyes with his stunned eyes in shock.

  After that eye-catching white light flashed, the entire Antolia was enveloped by the pale golden light curtain in mid-air, so that it was completely beyond the scope of his cognition.

  As an archmage, Albert had not felt this confused mood for many years.

  Before this, he felt that even if he could not be said to have learned everything from ancient times to modern times, he basically knew something about magic and everything related to magic.

  However, everything that happened in Antolia refreshed the archmage's understanding again and again.

  First came the potions, then the magic texts.

  And now, with the help of these magic tools that the Antolian people call ancient magic texts and magic text circuits, under their own eyes, Antolia is shrouded in the light curtain in front of them.

  "Ancient magic..."

  Albert knew that he should change his slightly old-fashioned ideas.

  After all...

  on the special magic path of ancient magic texts, even a great mage like him is just a beginner, no different from the mage of Antolia or even the mage apprentices. .

  "Is this the original stone tablet..."

  Compared to Albert, who was doubtful about his life, as a priest of the Lapluke tribe, Fast was quite shocked in his heart.

  The Lapluk people have guarded this old stone tablet for many years.

  At least before becoming a vassal of the Jimena family, this stone tablet had a single purpose, which was to keep the wild beasts in the mountains and forests away from the Lapluk camp.

  And now, under Leon's personal control, the Lapluk stone tablet has finally been restored, glowing with a brilliance that has never been seen before!

  "Your Majesty the Marquis..."

  For a moment, the old priest burst into tears.

  With a snap, he knelt down in front of Leon.

  For every Lapluke living on this land, this stone tablet has a very special meaning and a very special emotion.

  At this moment, Fast was extremely grateful for his original decision.

  If I had not agreed to Leon's proposal, and had not resolutely led the Lapluke tribe to be loyal to Leon, then... the stone tablet in front of me would probably have been covered in dust for many years.

  "Get up quickly..."

  It wasn't until Fast fell to his knees with a snap that Leon recovered from his previous shock.

  He quickly helped the priest up.

  "The Lapuluk tribe is also a part of Antolia and is a subject of the Jimena family! As the lord of this land, Leon has a duty to do so!" "

  This stone tablet will be placed here for the time being. Send Lapu Rook warriors guard day and night."

  "After the construction of the Pantheon on the other side of the White Blade River is completed, I will place this stone tablet in front of the bear otter totem of the Lapruk tribe!" "

  Thank you for your gift!" Fast Said quite excitedly.

  "It's just..."

  "How long can this light curtain last?!"

  Leon couldn't help asking hesitantly as he looked at the light curtain above his head that gradually turned from clear to blurry.

  Yes, the repair of the magic text circuit went very smoothly.

  A barrier of flickering light also enveloped the sky above Antolia.


  this thing can't be a one-time prop, right? !
  If this is the case, do you have to run over and engrave the magic text circuit every time before using it?
  You know, just now I spent more than an hour repairing the magic circuit on the stone tablet!

  "Warm stone!"

  Faced with Leon's question, Fast immediately gave the answer:

  "The ancestors of the Lapluke tribe once mentioned that this stone tablet needs to be driven by warm stone! This is why the tribe was originally sent to The reason for going to the southwestern highlands to excavate warm stones." "

  However, because the magic circuit on the stone tablet had long been broken at that time, the warm stones excavated had no use except for heating, so I thought it was because of too much time. A long time ago, priests of all generations conveyed the wrong words during the handover..."

  Fast said with some embarrassment.

  "Since then, the Thorn Leader has a city defense formation?"

  Hearing Fast's words, Leon's mood suddenly improved a lot.

  "More than that!"

  Albert, who had been silent for a long time, said, "According to the previous scale of this light curtain, if its coverage is limited to the Thorn Territory, it may be enough to withstand magic attacks at the level of the Archmage!" Hearing this

  ! , Leon couldn't help but widen his eyes.

  In terms of conventional military power, Antolia is not afraid of any opponent.

  But when it comes to cutting-edge combat power at the archmage level, there is only one Albert in the entire Antolia, which is also slightly inferior to the Bravis family in its heyday.

  But now, with this light curtain in front of her, Antolia has made up for the lack of top magic combat power, and the price she has to pay is just the warm stones that can be seen everywhere in the southwestern highlands.

  Thinking of this, Leon naturally felt particularly comfortable.

  "Your Majesty the Marquis..."

  There is no doubt that the successful restoration of the Lapruk Stone Stele has given a shot in the arm to the mages who were originally suspicious of the ancient magic texts.

  Just as the mages in the Lord's Garden were conducting intense discussions on the follow-up research on the ancient magic texts, Stann was seen leading a group of mercenaries in a hurry.

  Obviously, the mercenary leader of Antolia realized what was unusual before and saw the light bursting out from around the lord's castle. Naturally, he hurried over to check on his lord's safety.

  "It's okay here. That light curtain is just a magic barrier to protect Antolia's safety."

  "Magic barrier..."

  After a moment of daze, Stan's face suddenly became extremely excited:
  "Since Antolia With such a powerful barrier, can Antolia's mercenaries go out..."


  Before Stan could finish his words, Leon stepped on the brakes without hesitation.

  As a lord, Leon naturally knows Stain's temperament very well.

  Although the civil war in the kingdom has just ended, Stan has always been a restless guy and must have wanted to do some business outside.

  If it were normal times, Leon might still agree.

  But now...

  when the Shadow Manipulator is completed, it will be the time when the Antolian army sets foot in the abandoned land. Naturally, it will not let people go at such a critical time point.

  "Hold on, don't wander!"

  "When spring comes next year, there will be plenty of opportunities to go to the battlefield!"

   Thanks to "Novel Lovers" for the reward!

  (End of chapter)

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