145. Chapter 144 Holy Light! (Two in one!)

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  Chapter 144 Holy Light! (Two in one!)
  Living wood is available.

  Under the successive efforts of the gold diggers, this special magic material that Leon thought would take a long time to obtain was actually delivered to the gold mines along with the mined gold in just half a month. In front of Leon's eyes.

  Although the gold diggers suffered heavy casualties in the process, what Antolia had to pay was actually only a small amount of money.

  After all...

  there is no such thing as work-related injuries in this era.

  What's more, the gold diggers didn't realize that they were actually just working for the Antolian people.

  What drove them to walk desperately into the sunken forest was the golden light in their eyes, which could be exchanged for strong liquor, maids, wealth and status.

  And all Leon has to do is just sit back and enjoy the results in his study.

  Light the candlestick on the table, open the documents in your hand, and use the quill in your hand to outline the future of Antolia while browsing the magic books.

  However, although the living wood is available, there has been no progress in the ancient magic text.

  Or more accurately, not much progress has been made in the runic direction regarding the Shadow Manipulator.

  Because with the addition of a large number of mages and mage apprentices, more and more ancient magic texts scattered in magic books were rummaged out by the mages of Antolia.

  "Blazing", "frozen", "hurricane"...

  Different ancient magic texts have different powers, and are also given different meanings and different lines.

  This is a completely different way of casting spells than chanting a spell.

  However, scattered magic texts are similar to scattered professional definitions. Although they have been excavated by mages, they have never been able to form a complete system.

  Until Fast, the priest of Lapruk, looked at the drawings about the shadow manipulator for the first time at Leon's invitation.

  As the spiritual leader of the Lapluk tribe, Fast has extraordinary emotions about returning to the abandoned land.

  He desires more than anyone else that Antolia, under the leadership of Leon, can reshape the land on the other side of the mountains into a place where humans can live.


  after thinking about it for countless days and nights, Fast provided Leon with a valuable idea:

  "Whether it is the same ancient magic text or a different ancient magic text, if you want to make it truly perform... The power of magic requires the connection of the magic text circuit." Fast

  pointed to the symbol he copied on the vellum and said very seriously:

  "The shadow manipulator requires the magic text named 'Purification' as the entire magic text. The core of the magic text structure, but...these magic words with specific meanings are all connected by similar magic text circuits and integrated into one." "The shadow manipulator is like this, that piece of magic text stored in

  La The same is true for the stone tablets of the Pluk tribe."

  Just a few days ago, although the "purification" magic text required to build the shadow manipulator still left Leon at a loss.

  However, among the vast collection of books in the Ancient Archives, the mages found a magic script symbol that was very similar to the patterns on the Lapluk Stone Tablet.

  It was a magic text called "Holy Light".

  And this naturally made Leon feel quite happy.

  "Can the Lapluk stone tablet be repaired?"

  Leon was very sure that the stone tablet, which was regarded as a treasure by the Lapluk tribe, must be an ancestor's mechanical device similar to scientific instruments and shadow manipulators. creation.

  Although Leon had never witnessed the function of that stone tablet with his own eyes, he could infer from Fast's memory that it was most likely a device with defensive properties.

  "You can try!"

  Fast nodded with a hint of excitement: "I hope the Marquis can take action without hesitation!"

  Can Fast himself do the repair of the Lapluck Stone Stele?
  The answer is of course yes.

  Similar to chanting a spell, what is most needed to draw the magic circuit is spiritual power.

  Because those seemingly complicated magic text circuits are actually not simple to draw. Only one with extremely strong mental strength can withstand the huge mental impact suffered in the process of drawing those special symbols.

  It's just that...

  although Fast's spiritual power allows him to repair the stone tablet with his own strength, Leon is the only lord of Antolia after all.

  Now that he has decided to be loyal to the Jimena family, Fast will naturally use this precious opportunity to further win people's hearts.

  The old priest was very open-minded about this.

  Whoever can lead the Lapluk people back to the abandoned land will be the eternal lord of the Lapluk tribe!
  "I will."

  Leon nodded seriously.

  He has always been very satisfied with this priest from the Lapluk tribe.

  It was precisely because Fast led the Lapluk people to surrender that Antolia officially opened a key link to win over the mountain people.


  a few days later.

  Including Archmage Albert, Collins, Kerman and other mages from Antolia stood silently in the garden outside the lord's castle.

  In front of them, a stone tablet more than two meters high stood in the center of the garden.

  In fact, no matter which angle you look at it, the stone monument in front of you is far from tall.

  However, it was this stone monument that was far from tall, but it brought an inexplicable shock to everyone's hearts.

  This is an indescribable emotion.

  This stone tablet, a creation from the ancestors and regarded as a treasure by generations of Lapluke tribesmen, seems to contain the power that connects ancient and modern times, and is endowed with a very heavy historical atmosphere.

  Even though this stone tablet did not emit any magical fluctuations, no one dared to ignore the patterns and patterns engraved on the stone tablet.

  In the past, they, perhaps like Albert, did not know what it was, nor did they know the true meaning of ancient magic.

  But after these days of immersion and baptism...

  ancient magic!

  This word, which used to be extremely unfamiliar to their ears, has left an indelible mark in the hearts of all mages.

  Because they knew very well that the lines engraved on this stone tablet were the ancient magic texts that made their hearts tremble, and they were connected by magic symbols one after another through magic text circuits!

  At this moment, no one knows what will happen when their lord, Leon Jimena, Marquis of Antolia, repairs the damaged magic text on this stone tablet.

  And this also filled the hearts of everyone present with curiosity.

  Standing in front of the stone monument, Leon finally took a deep breath and opened his eyes that were originally closed.

  This is actually not the first time Leon has tried to draw a magic text circuit. Before that, he had drawn it countless times on various stone slabs.

  But in any case, there will be a difference between simulation and actual operation.

  Besides, he only has one chance!
  This stone tablet has withstood the weather for many years. The special stone used in casting the stone tablet also makes this stone tablet unique to Antolia.

  Therefore, he cannot fail and does not allow himself to fail.

  Leon rarely wore his lavender noble robe, but put on a black round-neck robe that symbolized his identity as a mage.

  He stretched out his hand and slightly pressed the brim of the mage hat on his head, as if hoping that this familiar and well-fitting mage robe would bring him good luck in this attempt.

  The damage to the magic text circuit on the stone tablet is not serious. Otherwise, it would be impossible to complete the repair of this stone tablet based solely on his current understanding of the ancient magic text.

  The young lord took a deep breath again, and finally slowly pulled out the sword in his hand from the scabbard.

  The so-called inscription does not mean holding a quill pen to write and draw on the stone tablet.

  Only by using the tip of the sword in your hand to leave clear and smooth traces on the stone tablet can it be called an inscription.

  With a crisp sword roar, the long sword in his hand was as smooth as piercing through thin paper, and was lightly nailed to the stone tablet in front of Leon.

  If it were a sword next to it, it would naturally not be so light.

  However, the long sword in Leon's hand was enchanted, so that the hard stone used to build the stele only caused Leon's right hand holding the sword's hilt to feel a slight resistance.

  This feeling...

  is somewhat similar to the slightly rubbing and sluggish feeling when the tip of a calligraphy brush cuts across the rice paper.

  Leon's hand was steady.

  He extremely lightly manipulated the tip of the sword that had already penetrated into the stone tablet, and gently moved the sword in his hand while it was embedded in the surface of the stone tablet for about a few millimeters.

  Although theoretically speaking, even if it is double-edged, the sword is usually only used for stabbing.

  However, the enchanted sword does not need to be compared with an ordinary long sword.

  Beside Leon, the onlookers' mages had already held their breath. They stared intently at the movements in Leon's hands, fearing to disturb Leon's operation and did not dare to make the slightest sound.

  Even the cold wind blowing past their faces would lift their hearts into their throats.

  But at this time, Leon obviously had no time to pay attention to and speculate on everyone's thoughts. He was concentrating on holding the long sword in his hand, putting all his energy into the sword edge that was moving on the stone tablet.

  Yes, it is true that drawing magic circuits does not require magic.

  But this is a great test for the painter's mental strength.


  the lines on the stone tablet that had become blurred due to the erosion of time gradually became clear under Leon's inscription.

  There seems to be an invisible power contained in those fine and complex lines.

  Although the vast majority of magic text circuits have remained in their original state after nearly a thousand years, for Leon, who is a first-time practitioner, even simple repairs will consume a lot of energy.

  At this moment, if Leon's golden finger is a data panel, then there is no doubt that the data representing spiritual power will rapidly decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  And as the magic text circuit on the stone tablet became clearer and clearer under Leon's inscription, Leon seemed to have entered a state of selflessness.

  In the eyes of everyone, Leon seemed to be engraving an artistic masterpiece that made him work hard.

  Every movement of the sword's edge adds a lifelike touch to this work of art.

  It's almost done!

  Time ran away inadvertently, and when Leon finally began to repair the last broken magic text circuit, everyone present widened their eyes in unison.

  At this time, the most difficult moment has arrived.

  Leon's mental power has bottomed out, but the last magic circuit has not yet been completed.

  But he didn't dare think about anything else.

  At this time, Leon only knew that the stone tablet in front of him was the last treasure in the hearts of the Lapluk people, and in a short period of time, there would be no chance for him to do it again in the land of Antolia.

  The sword edge is still moving slowly on the stone tablet.

  The faint black mist that gathered around the sword edge also appeared and disappeared as the sword edge moved.


  when the last magic text circuit slowly closed under Leon's inscription...

  In an instant, a light that no one had expected suddenly bloomed on this ancient stone tablet.

  With Leon as the center, the dazzling light covered everyone's eyes in an instant, skipping the castle garden and extending to the huge city...

  At this moment, Leon could not see anything except the vast white light in front of his eyes. thing.

  But he was extremely calm inside.

  Because he did not feel the slightest threat in the white light that suddenly blurred on his face. On the contrary, the young lord only felt an oncoming warmth.


  what happened?
  The sudden white light not only flashed through the eyes of everyone present, but also crossed the wall of the Thorn Territory in an instant.

  The citizens in the city, the laborers on the construction sites, the soldiers in the military camps, the craftsmen in the workshops, and even the hunters far away in the mountains and forests... Although compared to

  Leon and the mages who are closest to the stone monument, among the citizens The sudden flash of white light in their eyes was only fleeting, but...

  everyone knew very well that the scene just now was by no means an illusion in their eyes, nor was it an illusion caused by exhaustion.

  Just now, a dazzling light flashed across the land of Antolia!
  They stared at each other blankly.

  When someone finally came to his senses and was about to ask...

  a light golden hemispherical light curtain, glittering with stars, gradually formed in the sky of Antolia.

  It seemed to be a sacred and untouchable barrier containing infinite power, surrounding the entire Antolia from the eastern woodlands to the southwestern highlands!

  The Antolians do not believe in gods.

  But those refugees who were packed up by their families to Antolia due to the war in the kingdom firmly believed in the existence of gods!

  When they looked at the hemispherical barrier shrouded in mid-air, the refugees felt only endless shock and piety in their hearts.

   I'll try to update it later! But my classmates will come to play tomorrow, and I have to prepare tomorrow's manuscript in advance. I'll see if I can write it. If there are additional updates, I will post them before twelve o'clock.

  (End of chapter)

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