119. Chapter 118 The End of the Civil War

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  Chapter 118 The End of the Civil War

  Everyone doesn’t like fishing.

  Since there is no war in the Western Region at the moment, Leon will not be idle enough to find something to do for himself.

  However, strategically, we despise the enemy and tactically, we value the enemy.

  This wise saying is the discipline that Leon, the Marquis of Antolia, gives to all Antolia armies.

  Therefore, although the noble banquets at Brook Castle have not been interrupted, and although the entire western part of the kingdom is still stable and harmonious, the tight strings of the Antolian people have never been relaxed.

  In fact, to be honest, Leon really doesn't have a good impression of the aristocratic banquets of this era.

  In his opinion, it was nothing more than a social occasion for nobles to compliment each other and show off to each other, but as a member of the nobles, there were always things that he had to get involved in so as not to appear unique.

  It is precisely because of this that during the time he was stationed at Brook Castle, Leon actually never missed a banquet.

  This is not because the western nobles are so intoxicating with their skills in making rainbow farts. It is entirely because the voice of Antolia can exist in the western part of the kingdom.

  As a member of the newly promoted nobles, Leon is now a marquis.

  Even if he wants to return to Antolia as soon as possible to continue his single-player game and slowly develop, everything that happens in the kingdom will inevitably affect the south of the kingdom, making the Jimena family Faced with a choice.

  Therefore, it is also appropriate to get to know more nobles.

  This is not only to facilitate subsequent trade exchanges, but also to allow yourself to obtain more sources of information.

  Interesting anecdotes about the western part of the kingdom, gossip about the Duke of Norton, the movements of the northern rebels...

  Noble banquets are not only a place for nobles to socialize and show off, but they are also a way for nobles to share their knowledge with each other while exchanging cups and cups.

  The more information he obtained, the more Leon realized the importance of having an intelligence network of his own.

  Thinking back to a few months ago, such important news as the rebellion in Sadwind Castle was actually brought back to him by Master Collins who went to Parma City.

  If Collins hadn't taken a trip, he might not even have time to prepare in advance.

  Due to the lack of information sources, Leon had to suppress the disgust in his heart and go out in person, wandering among the slutty ladies who were smeared with a strong smell of powder, and shuttling between the deep-thinking nobles.

  And this made Leon finally make up his mind.

  After he returns to Antolia, he must build an intelligence team loyal to the Jimena family so that Antolia's eyes can be found in every corner of the kingdom!
  Because this is not only Antolia's extremely urgent need at the moment, but also the proper meaning of changing from passive to active.

  In addition, Leon finally realized a very important issue.

  That means...it's time to find a partner!
  Leaving aside the rest, at least in the Kingdom of Andal, the Jimena family is the only one in the family, so the number of people is really small.

  Long before the expedition north, Aaron had mentioned the marriage to Leon again and again.

  And now, Leon has become a Marquis, a Marquis who is only twenty years old and is deeply trusted by His Majesty the King!

  For any noble in the Kingdom of Andal, Leon Jimena is a worthy marriage partner and an oversized sweetheart. Not to mention the viscounts and earls from the western part of the kingdom, even the powerful Duke of Mercia also showed their intention to marry.

  Although this is a bit over the top for Leon to a certain extent, it is also an opportunity that belongs to Leon.

  This was something he had only recently learned from the western nobles.

  Swinging from side to side, with a vague attitude.

  It doesn’t say there will be a marriage, nor does it say there won’t be a marriage.

  Although it whets the appetite of many nobles, it also allows Leon to take this opportunity to win more chips for Antolia, focusing on the style of a sea king.

  That is, I love you, but I might marry her.

  As a result, the nobles in the western part of the kingdom showed more goodwill to Antoria, and even made considerable compromises on many business agreements.

  After all, if we can marry with the Jimena family.

  Then the heir born will definitely become the first heir to the title of Marquis of Antolia!
  This is a great temptation for any noble.


  the banquet of changing glasses will eventually come to an end.

  Just when Leon was struggling with how to escape from the passion of countless western nobles, the Northland rebels moved south, allowing Leon to escape smoothly.

  Yes, after going through this period of fishing, the Northland rebels, who were originally stationed thirty kilometers away, ended the sit-in war that lasted for more than half a month, moved forward, and stationed themselves at Stream Fort. outside the city.

  "The rebels in the north may not be able to sustain their food supplies."

  As the western nobles ran back to their own territories one after another, at an emergency military meeting, Leon made an overall judgment on the overall situation of the kingdom's civil war:

  "The northern part of the kingdom It is not the main source of food in the kingdom, and the central part of the kingdom needs to supply a large amount of food and grass every year." "

  Now, nearly half a year has passed since the Duke of Sorrow Castle launched his army, and the food and grass of the northern rebels are estimated to be almost exhausted. "

  Otherwise, the rebels who have been fishing north of the stream castle have no reason to suddenly launch an attack on the west of the kingdom."

  However, after launching an attack, Leon can be said to have no fear of the rebels entrenched outside the city. .

  Are you kidding me? From Oak City to Nangu City, from the killing of the Duke of Galicia to the lifting of the siege of the royal capital, all these battles were fought by the Southern Allied Forces based on their strength!

  The current situation has already changed from offensive to defensive.

  All the Confederate Allied Forces had to do was to huddle in the creek fort and defend it. There was no need to fight the rebels outside the city like they had in the past few battles.

  So all Leon had to do was to command the garrison of Brook Fort in a familiar manner and resist the offensive launched by the northern rebels.

  After all, no matter how elite the northern rebels are, they are completely unable to compare with the plateau hounds that invade Thorn Ridge every year in the Year of the Jackdaw.

  However... just

  when Leon thought that this boring city attack and defense would last for more than half a month, the rebels led by Viscount Cummings suddenly stopped.

  Immediately afterwards, an explosive news came from River Valley City.

  Perel, the Duke of Sorrowwind, accidentally drowned on the banks of the Hom River. Now, he does not know whether he is alive or dead.

  The moment he heard the news, Leon suddenly felt a strong premonition in his heart.

  This battle for the throne that affects the entire Kingdom of Andal seems to be coming to an end in this slightly funny way...

   Go back to farming!

  (End of chapter)

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