118. Chapter 117 Leon’s fishing routine

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  Chapter 117: Leon’s Daily Fishing

  Compared with the anxious war under the river valley city, the western part of the kingdom has a completely different style.

  Regarding this point, as early as when the Marquis of Antolia Leon Jimena led the Southern Allied Forces with high morale into the western part of the kingdom, the only marquis in the Andal Kingdom was keenly aware of it.

  Rather than supporting the king, it was more about remaining neutral.

  During this civil war in the kingdom, the nobles living in the west of the kingdom provided all support except help to Wilbert I.

  Of course, having said that, the decision of the western nobles naturally has its rationality.

  On the surface, Viscount Cummings, who was loyal to the Northland rebels, led his army to occupy 30 kilometers north of Brook Castle, so that the nobles in the western part of the kingdom did not dare to act rashly.

  In private, although King Wilbert I offered a high bargaining chip to the nobles in the west of the kingdom, Perel, the Duke of Sorrowwind Castle, also did not give less.

  Therefore, under this strange balance, staying neutral is the best choice.

  Not only can it save the western part of the kingdom from war, but it can also allow the local nobles to take advantage of both sides and gain maximum benefits.

  In the Kingdom of Andal and the feudal system centered on the nobility in this era, although this kind of behavior that eats both ends is not liked by the monarch, it will not be liquidated after the war.

  After all...

  the Northland rebels are indeed stationed in the area near the west of the kingdom to protect the country and the people. This reason is not only reasonable, but also legitimate.

  However, with the lifting of the siege of the royal capital and the quelling of the Helsin rebellion, it was time for the western nobles to take a clear stand.

  Therefore, when the Southern Allied Forces, led by Leon, finally arrived at Brook Castle after dozens of days of running, the nobles in the western part of the kingdom were already waiting there.

  And not only the local nobles of Brook Castle, but the Duke of Mercia, the head of the nobles in the western part of the kingdom, was also present.

  "Marquis of Antolia!"

  When Leon got off his horse, among the people present, except for the Duke of Mercia, who had a higher title, the rest of the nobles paid Leon the most standard courtesy.

  Obviously, the well-informed nobles had already heard the news that Leon was canonized as a marquis.

  "Your Majesty the Duke."

  Leon greeted politely.

  "The Marquis of Antolia is really young and promising!"

  Although this was their first meeting, the Duke of Mercia immediately showed the goodwill of the western nobles.

  Everyone is not a fool.

  Immediately behind Leon were tens of thousands of soldiers from the southern nobles.

  Perhaps Leon didn't think much about it, but in the eyes of the nobles in the western part of the kingdom, Leon's arrival had a very clear symbolic meaning.

  Assisting the western nobles to resist the northern rebels is a task assigned by the king to Leon.

  But at the same time, it also meant that Wilbert I asked the nobles in the western part of the kingdom to no longer be neutral, but to clearly support the rule of Wilbert I.

  Otherwise, it is really uncertain whether the southern coalition led by Leon came to resist the northern rebels or came to the west of the kingdom to provoke others.

  "Your Excellency, the Duke is exaggerating. It's all for the sake of the kingdom." Leon said with a smile.

  "Don't worry, Marquis, the western nobles will always be His Majesty the King's most loyal vassals. All the food and grass needed by the Southern Allied Forces to be stationed at Brook Castle will be provided by the western nobles." The Duke of Mercy gave the answer without hesitation

  . own attitude.

  The time for sizing up the situation has passed.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that although the Northland rebels' offensive is still fierce, it is just a fight between trapped beasts and will subside sooner or later.

  Since the nobles of the south can be loyal, so can the nobles of the west!
  Everyone is loyal!

  "Thank you, Your Majesty the Duke!"

  Now that we can reach an agreement on supporting King Wilbert I, some things can naturally be discussed openly.

  After all...

  since you are here, you can't just do things for the king, right?

  Although he didn't get a job to appease the eastern nobles, the western part of the kingdom was not bad either.

  Antolia’s interests must also be taken care of.

  For example, moonlight velvet, or little red bottle.

  With the death of the Duke of Galicia, the Brave family, which had ruled the city of Parma for nearly a hundred years, collapsed, and the moon velvet supply agreement previously signed by Leon and the Duke of Galicia naturally became a piece of waste paper.

  Now that we have the opportunity to directly contact the nobles in the western part of the kingdom, we naturally cannot let go of this opportunity for direct sales from the manufacturer.

  You know, the western part of the kingdom has always been the most prosperous commercial area in the kingdom.

  If an agreement can be reached with the Duke of Mercia, then the moon velvet from Antolia will not only have a new acquirer, but it may even open a trade route to the Principality of Norton!
  Therefore, at the aristocratic dinner held exclusively for southern nobles in Brook Castle, Leon took the initiative to propose the moon velvet business.

  "Of course!"

  Faced with the olive branch offered by Leon, the Duke of Mercia agreed happily.

  After all, this is a matter of making money, so why not do it?
  What's more, the well-informed Duke of Mercia has heard about the moonlight velvet from Antolia. Now that there is an opportunity for cooperation, he will naturally not refuse it without reason.

  "The Marquis is expected to stay in Brook Castle for a while. I will ask the nobles under my command to come and have a detailed discussion with the Marquis in the next few days."

  After hearing this, the wine glasses clinked, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

  At the moment, the western nobles are asking for help from Leon. They are afraid that the Marquis from the royal capital will shoulder a secret mission issued by the king. Naturally, they will not miss this opportunity to get closer to each other.

  So much so that on the day after the banquet, when the Duke of Mercia's men handed over the agreement drawn up by the Duke himself, even Leon himself was a little surprised.

  Because the conditions offered by the Duke of Mercia are really quite open, far more favorable than the previous agreement between Leon and the Duke of Galicia.

  "Your Majesty the Duke is interested..."

  However, business is business, and you still have to do what you should do.

  The reason why Leon came to garrison in the west of the kingdom was ultimately to guard against the rebels from the north of the kingdom.

  When the Southern Allied Forces officially took over the garrison task at Fort Brook, Leon, under the leadership of the Count of Fort Brook, personally conducted on-the-spot reconnaissance of the current situation.


  he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

  This is really not Leon's deliberate attempt to fish.

  Probably out of fear of misfire or military misjudgment, the Northland rebels led by Viscount Cummings were stationed thirty kilometers north of Brook Castle.

  Not to mention launching an attack, the northern Xinjiang rebel camps did not even have siege weapons, making it impossible for Leon to even think about fishing.

  In short, the western part of the kingdom is currently focusing on a sit-down war, which is very different from River Valley City, which is still war-torn.

   Thanks to book friends "Quihuan" and "XPNTY" for their support, each person will receive a shadow monster~
  (End of this chapter)

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