276.Chapter 272: Using power to bully the devil【Please subscribe】

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  Chapter 272: Using power to bully the devil [Please subscribe]

  "Where is he going?"

  Olga's intuition told him that this hateful human being in front of him must have bad intentions.

  There must be some kind of conspiracy hidden in the chase.

  But she had no choice. She couldn't let this guy go just for the sake of conspiracy theories!
  And Ojia is also observing the opportunity. She is waiting for Chen Xuan to get tired.

  Although the power of the law is powerful, it cannot be activated endlessly.

  What both sides are fighting for is staying power.

  Whoever lasts longer will have the last laugh.

  But she also thought of another possibility.

  That was because the human in front of her wanted to lead her somewhere.

  However, the area that Oga, the blasphemous charm, is responsible for is not here.

  Therefore, she did not know much about the distribution of aboriginal forces around her.

  Each demon general has his own area of ​​responsibility, which is a point-to-point pioneering invasion.

  The area she is responsible for is tens of thousands of kilometers away from here.

  This time, we only moved across regions to regain the [Wanyuan Order].

  Indeed, I don’t know much about the distribution of nearby aboriginal forces.

  I just roughly understand the location of the giant city of Attax.

  After having concerns, the speed of pursuit by the blasphemous Charm Olga and the black group led by him suddenly slowed down a bit.

  This makes the black group, which was slightly superior in speed, become as good as [Spirit of the Sky].

  Even if Chen Xuan doesn't need to activate [Same Domain Flash], he can still keep the distance between the two parties roughly constant.

  This relieved his pressure a lot, and he could temporarily stop exchanging energy for a safe distance.

  However, this scene also made Chen Xuan frown secretly.

  While Oga was wondering about his motives.

  Chen Xuan is also always paying attention to Aojia's developments.

  Both sides observe each other, neither one wants to be manipulated by the other.

  This continued for more than half an hour.

  They advanced about two hundred kilometers.

  Chen Xuan's goal, the Black Leaf Sentinel Point, is getting closer and closer.

  He felt his fatigue getting worse, so he decisively took out a [Second Level Energy Drink] and poured it into his mouth.

  After swallowing "Gudong", my fatigue immediately subsided a lot.

  Just when he was full of confidence, the blasphemous charm Olga and the black group who were chasing him suddenly stopped.

  Instead of slowing down, there was an emergency brake.

  After a moment of pause, the black ball flew towards the direction from which it came, carrying the surging chaotic magic power.

  This trick of playing hard to get caught Chen Xuan off guard.

  However, he still resisted the desire to stop.

  The other party was most likely deceiving him and wanted to see if he was luring the enemy away for Magtan City.

  As a result, Chen Xuan not only did not stop, but continued to fly forward.

  He even took out the [Wanyuan Ling] and came up with the temptation of straight bait and salty waves.

  Taking back the [Ten Thousand Sources Order] is the core mission of Profanity Charm Ojia this time. Chen Xuan wants to see who loses his composure first.

  Sure enough, in more than ten minutes, he and Ojia ran in the opposite direction, and the distance between the two sides was nearly 200 kilometers.

  Then Olga started chasing again.

  Chen Xuan may not care about Magtan City, but Ojia cannot care about the [Wanyuan Order].

  If he really ran away, or got into the battle fort of the Naroa Aboriginal people, Oga might not be able to catch him easily.

  Just as Chen Xuan speculated.

  To Oga, Magatan City is just an ordinary aboriginal city.

  She put no effort into it.

  To her, there is no difference between Magatan City and other Naroa Aboriginal cities.

  But the two key factors of [Wanyuan Order] and [Law Controller] have different meanings to her.

  So she can only lie but not really.

  In contrast, Chen Xuan didn't have so many worries.

  He was "fishing" to begin with, so there was no need to tell the truth.

  Not paying attention to the situation behind him, Chen Xuan just flew forward with such concentration.

  Due to the distance difference, it would take some time for the black group to catch up with him this time.

  After this back and forth, when the black group caught up again, the two sides were less than 80 kilometers away from the night sentry point.

  Under the bright sun, Chen Xuan looked far in the air and could see the outline of the sentry point.

  Blackleaf Outpost is essentially a battle fortress within the jurisdiction of a giant city.

  It has the function of guarding the throat of the region.

  At the same time, it is also the only place with a giant city-level teleportation node within a radius of two to three thousand kilometers.

  Although it is called Sentinel Point, it is actually a city covering an area larger than ten Magtans.

  Looking there from dozens of kilometers away, you can already see a continuous stretch of peripheral fortifications.

  Centered on the Night Outpost, there were several straight roads in the direction from which Chen Xuan flew.

  There were many businessmen and farmers on the road.

  In addition to vehicles such as mules, horses and oxen, many farmers directly use wheelbarrows to transport goods.

  Magical cultivation has popularized extraordinary physiques.

  This allows seemingly ordinary farmers to have stronger labor force.

  Black Leaf Sentinel is not a commercial city.

  There is a high fee to enter the city.

  But as a nearby giant city-level teleportation node, it has become a material turnover place.

  Wooden sheds were erected in the large open space outside the fortress, forming a transshipment center for markets and horse and cart logistics.

  The city is divided into two circles of defense.

  The entrance fee for the outer ring is 15 kronor per person per day.

  The entrance fee for the inner circle is 25 CZK per person per day.

  Functional purity is still maintained within the circle.

  Except for a few commercial streets integrating businesses, hotels and major guilds.

  Most are defensive buildings.

  There are many bunkers and towers, and every street and every wall can be turned into a fortification.

  Therefore, most people who enter the city basically go for the giant city-level teleportation array.

  The teleportation array has teleportation coordinates everywhere, not only can it reach the giant city of Attax directly.

  It can also be transmitted to other transmission node cities thousands of kilometers away in the other two directions.

  There are three teleportation arrays in total.

  Among them, there are two small teleportation arrays, which are also the parts open to the outside world.

  The single transmission range of each small transmission array is a cylinder with a diameter of 12 meters and a height of 20 meters.

  In order to increase the transfer efficiency, a steel frame cart with approximately 9 layers was manufactured.

  This allows the three-dimensional range of transmission to be utilized.

  The fee for a single delivery per person is 200 kronor, and the goods carried will be calculated based on weight.

  After each batch of transfers, you need to rest for at least 30 minutes.

  Therefore, there is a certain limit to the total amount of transmission in a single day.

  In addition to two small teleportation arrays, there is also a medium teleportation array with a diameter of 35 meters and a height of 45 meters.

  This teleportation array is not open to the public and is exclusively used within the giant city of Attucks.

  Specially used for emergency transmission or war transmission.

  Relying on these teleportation arrays, Black Leaf Sentinel can earn huge amounts of money every day.

  In addition to the daily maintenance of the teleportation circle, most of this money was used to supplement defense expenses.

  According to the information provided by Baron Bezos.

  There are three legions of troops stationed at Black Leaf Outpost.

  They are the Black Leaf First Legion, the Second Legion and the Mixed First Legion.

  The first two legions belong to the standard legions under the giant city sequence and are relatively elite.

  The latter is a mixed legion formed here, including not only human sergeants but also foreign soldiers.

  The number of members of the legion is unknown and is considered confidential data.

  However, Chen Xuan estimated that the garrison here was at least 250,000.

  After all, the area of ​​​​the defense zone is here.

  At this moment, Ojia, the blasphemous charm who caught up with Chen Xuan again, also discovered the black leaf sentry point ahead.

  Seeing the heavily guarded sentinel, she guessed Chen Xuan's intentions almost instantly.

  It is different from the weakly defended Magtan City.

  Tier 4 giant crossbows and magic cannons are deployed here.

  The main defense node is also occupied by a magic tower.

  The defense level is several levels higher than that of Magtan City.

  When Oga, the blasphemous charm, faced the Black Leaf Sentinel Point, he couldn't be as arrogant as he was in Magtan City.

  Bullying the weak and fearing the strong, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages are the instincts of almost all intelligent creatures.

  Chen Xuan didn't have so many worries and just headed towards the Black Leaf sentry point at full speed.

  Chasing and failing to catch up, enduring and enduring, Ojia only felt endless frustration.

  Soon, the two sides arrived at the 20-kilometer mark of the outer defense line of the Black Leaf Sentinel Point.

  Here, Chen Xuan was discovered by the Magic Tower.

  The front guard tower blew the horn.

  There are no airspace zones around here.

  Even wild flying monsters flying nearby may be shot down.

  Outsiders riding flying monsters need to report upon landing in advance.

  He pressed on.

  The fourth-level giant crossbow below is blessed by runes and has an astonishing range of two to three kilometers.

  Coupled with the auxiliary locking of the magic tower, it can ensure accurate hits on most air targets.

  To resist a Tier 4 giant crossbow is no less than to withstand an armor-piercing projectile from a CG4 recoilless rifle head-on.

  His energy is consumed very quickly, and the effect of [Energy Drink] is not as good as every time.

  He estimated that he would reach the bottleneck of energy recovery after using [Flash of the Same Domain] five or six more times.

  The black group behind was still chasing him persistently.

  The movement in the sky also attracted the attention of the sentry point.

  As a giant city-level sentinel.

  The security here is far tighter than Chen Xuan imagined.

  The scope of the alert is also much wider.

  Various emergency measures and mechanisms are also very complete.

  It is indeed a sentry point specially designed for war.

  After the front line of defense blew the horn, another stream of beacon smoke rose.

  The dull sound of drums was like thunder in the sky, continuing to echo inside and outside the sentry point.

  Multiple warning measures have put the war machine of Black Leaf Sentinel in full swing.

  Giant crossbows, trebuchets, and magic cannons hidden everywhere stretched out one after another.

  The elemental magic light balls at the top of the magic tower were lit up and turned into small magic whirlpools.

  These magic towers look like torches from a distance.

  He is excited at the moment.

  They have many abilities.

  Not only can it cast spells on enemies within range.

  It can also achieve detection and early warning, target locking, shield defense and other effects.

  It can be regarded as a defensive building with multiple effects.

  Each magic tower costs a lot of money to build.

  Moreover, the construction period is very long, and it requires the assistance of magic pattern blacksmiths, rune architects, and fourth-level and above spellcasters to build it.

  The more functions and higher energy level it has, the higher the construction cost of the magic tower.

  In just two or three minutes, the entire Black Leaf Sentinel Point entered a state of war.

  Chen Xuan watched with his own eyes as mana shields with different coverage areas rose up below.

  The front end of the magic cannon is filled with purple light, and a layer of milky white light is also accumulated on the giant crossbow.

  This means that all the city defense equipment is on standby and can be fired at any time.

  Compared with the black ball with a diameter of one kilometer, Chen Xuan is as small as a sesame seed.

  The sentry point was also on guard against the menacing black mass.

  Wait until it is less than ten kilometers away from the outer defense line.

  Guessing that the distance was almost there, Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and activated [Flash of the Same Domain] continuously.

  After three quick flashes, he appeared in the open space behind the sentry point.

  He couldn't directly flash into those defensive battle forts that were covered by shields.

  But now it can be considered a breakthrough to the back of the defense line.

  If the black group and Oga, the blasphemous charm, continue to pursue, they can only choose to cross the defense line.

  In this way, Black Leaf Sentinel will definitely launch a counterattack.

  After falling mysteriously, Chen Xuan hung the [Wanyuan Order] on his waist.

  He took out a set of ordinary lightweight leather armor from the storage compartment and put it on.

  At the same time, he wore an adventurer's emblem that had not been updated for a long time.

  After putting on a simple disguise, he staggered towards the nearby road.

  The Black Leaf Sentinel Point has a device to monitor the movements of monsters.

  Mainly to capture the chaotic magic activity nearby.

  It is divided into 1 to 12 single shots according to the energy level.

  The higher the energy level number, the greater the threat from the monster.

  Currently, the device in the monitoring tower at the sentinel point is emitting a buzzer warning.

  In the column sign ahead, the number 7 is flashing.

  This means that the chaotic magic of the seventh gear appears in the surrounding area.

  Most of the defense measures in Naroa are against monsters.

  This is also why Chen Xuan can easily "sneak" into the Black Leaf Sentinel Point by relying on the effect of [Flash in the Same Domain].

  The tight security here is aimed at monsters.

  There is not much defense against non-monsters of any race.

  Except for urban areas within two circles, sensitive areas that include teleportation arrays.

  Therefore, there is no pressure for Chen Xuan to sneak into the defensive position.

  This is already the largest material transfer point within a radius of more than a thousand kilometers.

  Chen Xuan, who sneaked in, wanted to see how powerful the blasphemous charm Olga was.

  It was precisely because of this that he did not put away the [Wanyuan Order].

  The blasphemous charm was too arrogant and didn't take him seriously at all.

  Then he will let Olga see who is the weak and helpless reptile.

  If you can't fight from the front, then attack from the side.

  If he couldn't beat him from the side, he could still choose to attack from behind...

  there was always an angle from which he could beat the blasphemous Charm Oga to death.

  Ojia, who was in the black group, was already a little crazy.

  She felt that Chen Xuan was teasing her.

  But if they continue to move forward, a direct conflict with the Black Leaf Sentinel is bound to break out.

  However, the clear feeling from the [Wanyuan Order] made her feel itchy.

  It has to be said that Chen Xuan's conspiracy is quite damaging.

  Finally, when approaching the forward defense line less than 5 kilometers away, the black group chose to retreat.

  Chen Xuan did not put away the [Wanyuan Order], but continued to move forward along the road.

  This [Wanyuan Order] cannot be put away for the time being, lest the blasphemous charm lose its target.


  (End of chapter)

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