275. Chapter 271 Dog Walking Tactics [Please subscribe]

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  Oga the Blasphemous Charm is not a reckless person.

  The succubus's character is inherently deeper than the dragon's.

  Monster is just a general term.

  A more accurate name should be "Demon".

  Different demons also have different characteristics.

  From this point of view, it seems that the background of the coexistence of all races in the Naroa continent is similar.

  Succubi are naturally good at mind control and charm.

  The most outrageous thing is that their charm is not limited to gender and ethnicity.

  Powerful succubi can even enchant unconventional races such as balrogs, water elementals, and stone giants.

  Therefore, the fighting style of Oga, the Blasphemous Charm, is not as explosive as that of the Black Demon Dragon.

  Either do a high-speed dive with the dragon's breath, or tear the earth apart with sharp claws.

  In comparison, the succubus' attack methods are relatively "gentle".

  But when it affects an individual, it is equally fatal.

  Therefore, compared to the Black Demon Dragon Baile, Oga the Charm of Blasphemy is a little less rampant and a little more steady and thoughtful.

  However, Chen Xuan would not just wait for her.

  During this time, he flew several kilometers.

  It has been determined that Ojia, the blasphemous charm, has some kind of induction to the [Ten Thousand Source Order] he holds.

  It's just that the effective range of this sensing ability cannot be determined yet.

  Therefore, Chen Xuan cannot initiate directional void shuttle rashly.

  Otherwise, if he ran too far away at once, Oga might not be able to lock his position.

  The other party could find Magtan City most likely not by sensing the location of the [Wanyuan Order].

  After all, after the demon dragon fell, he promptly put the [Wanyuan Order] into the storage compartment.

  The greater possibility is that this is the place where the dragon fell.

  Since Chen Xuan plans to use the dog-walking tactic to lure away the blasphemous Charm Oga.

  Then he must be prepared to spend a lot of time and effort on this.

  When Chen Xuan flew several kilometers away.

  Oga, the blasphemous charm, finally came to her senses.

  The pair of black membrane wings behind her suddenly opened.

  The membrane wings are very thin and resemble bat wings.

  After it is fully unfolded, even the tendons distributed within it look clearly visible.

  Pink mist seemed to appear out of thin air, lingering around Ojia.

  It reflected her extremely hot figure.

  It seems to be hidden in the clouds and fog, which makes people unable to see clearly but makes them feel itchy.

  Succubi are absolute beauties of any race.

  Every inch of her body seems to have been carefully carved, which can well arouse the desires in people's hearts.

  But such a beauty is a rose with thorns.

  Casual touching will only cause pain, or even death.

  This is not the first time Chen Xuan has dealt with a succubus.

  Sophie, the heart-flayer succubus who was raped by the wild boar Ragnar, left a deep impression on him.

  It was also at that time that he saw the power of magic tears.

  Although succubi are good, they cannot escape the ferocious nature of monsters.

  Faced with the multiple-choice question of beauty and life-threatening, he can still find the answer.

  Ojia, with pink mist all over her body, looked like a harrier, jumping up to twenty or thirty meters high.

  I saw her jumping directly from the ground into the black mass in mid-air.

  The black group she entered personally also changed accordingly.

  The chaotic magic power surging on the surface became condensed in an instant.

  From a distance, it looks like a black spherical aircraft floating in the sky.

  After Olga entered the black group, the next second the entire black group's back sprayed out chaotic magic power in a clustered state.

  This thing really flew in the direction Chen Xuan left like an aircraft.

  And the speed is not slow at all, like a sailing ship with smooth sails, its position changes every time it blinks.

  You must know that the diameter of this black mass reaches an astonishing one kilometer.

  It looks like it's moving a fraction of a cent, but in reality each change in displacement is measured in hundreds of meters.

  Under such circumstances, the black group's progress is not slow.

  Even slightly faster than Chen Xuan.

  The maximum flight speed of the [Spirit of the Sky] wings with gold-level magic elements input is 450 kilometers per hour.

  This is equivalent to flying 125 meters per second.

  When the black group chased with all its strength, it was actually faster than the [Spirit of the Sky] wings.

  But Chen Xuan is not worried.

  There is a time lag in the pursuit. By the time the black group is about to catch up, both sides will be further away from Magatan City.

  And he can directly activate [Same Domain Flash].

  After many times of strengthening, his [Flash in the Same Domain] can flash up to a full distance of 3.5 kilometers at a time.

  And it can move in all directions without blind spots.

  Whenever the black group wanted to catch up, Chen Xuan would flash in place and appear 3.5 kilometers away.

  Even if the speed of that big black ball is maxed out, it is still difficult to catch up quickly.

  The pursuit and escape of both sides seemed to be meaningless except for getting further and further away from Magtan City.

  Chen Xuan, who has reached the gold level, can activate [Same Domain Flash] hundreds of times in a row.

  If you drink a potion that can restore physical energy, you can activate it more times continuously.

  According to the current rhythm of chasing and escaping, hundreds of consecutive [Flashes from the same domain] will be enough to bring the blasphemous charm Oga and this damn big black group to a place two to three thousand kilometers away.

  Chen Xuan's first target was not the giant city of Attucks.

  It is six to seven thousand kilometers away from Magatan City, and it will undoubtedly take a lot of time to fly there.

  After comprehensive reference to the places along the way that are capable of resisting the charm of blasphemy.

  He decided to target the Black Leaf Outpost, more than 2,700 kilometers east of Magatan City.

  Not only was there a teleportation array that could reach the giant city of Atax, but there were also heavy troops stationed there.

  It is an important outpost for the giant city of Attax to maintain stability on the western border of the kingdom.

  Both the previous crusade and the subsequent investigation team were transited through the teleportation array at the Night Outpost.

  Therefore, once they reach there, it will be difficult for Oga, the blasphemous charm, to be as arrogant as before.

  Sentinels, like battle forts, are designed for war.

  Basically it is the location with the strongest defensive power in the area.

  This time Oga, the blasphemous charm, was obviously traveling quickly and lightly, with only elite monsters accompanying her.

  Instead of an army of monsters like a wave.

  Under such circumstances, bullying the weak is not a problem.

  But once you encounter a tough nut, you will be powerless.

  Demon general-level monsters target platinum-level experts.

  The combat power of a single target is enough to push most gold-level magic practitioners to the ground and rub them.

  Of course, except for a few freaks who can fight beyond levels.

  But freaks will always be freaks and cannot be discussed as common examples.

  Therefore, the Demon General level is enough to walk sideways in the giant city battlefield.

  Compared to the aboriginal power system.

  Among the monsters, there seems to be an obvious hierarchical gap above the Demon General.

  You must know that the Demon General is the direct subordinate of the Demon Lord, but his strength is completely different from that of the Demon Lord.

  The former can only be regarded as a strong one, while the latter can already use certain rules and laws.

  Chen Xuan can see this from the various clues he has obtained before.

  It is precisely because of this that the Dark Dragon Baley and the blasphemous Charm Olga are so interested in the so-called "Law Controller".

  No matter what, the Demon General is indeed very strong, but not so strong that he can instantly kill Chen Xuan from a distance.

  The legendary demon lord seems to have many restrictions, and it is difficult to enter the Naroa continent to cause trouble.

  There is a system of mutual restraint running in the dark.

  The appearance of Ojia, the blasphemous charm, gave Chen Xuan a wake-up call.

  Magtan City's so-called safe zone is just deceiving itself.

  Logically speaking, Magtan City, which can single-handedly defeat the demonic disaster, can indeed usher in a period of stability.

  But in reality this is not the case.

  Killing the Black Demonic Dragon and taking away the [Ten Thousand Sources Order] means that Magatan City has been contaminated by Karma.

  It attracted the attention of the Black Flame Demon Lord.

  The word cause and effect carries many profound meanings.

  It's like a rope. When you grab one end, you're already pulling on the other end.

  Putting aside the gossip, Chen Xuan and Ojia, who were chasing each other, just left towards the east.

  As the huge black mass disappeared at the end of the horizon, Baron Bezos, who had always been standing on guard on the tower, breathed a sigh of relief.

  But what followed was a deep worry.

  Under the hand of fate, the trajectory of Magtan City has already changed.

  It was nirvana in destruction.

  But what awaits it may not be a better future.

  Until now, Baron Bezos has been helpless.

  The fate of the entire city was tied to that man by slender chains.

  But no one can tell what the future holds.

  They were dragged forward, saving their lives at the cost of their freedom.

  In essence, the bet is still on an uncertain future.

  Under such circumstances, Baron Bezos naturally hopes that Chen Xuan can successfully deal with the blasphemous Charm Olga.

  He sighed leisurely in his heart.

  He clutched the [Image Crystal] in his hand and turned to leave.

  This is evidence for dealing with the giant city later.

  After all, such an investigation team, with most of its members possessing gold-level strength, was destroyed like this.

  Even a giant city with a big business will feel pain.

  The huge city has a large population and a lot of talented people.

  But even so, the gold-level powerhouse is still a treasure and has relatively high-end combat power.

  If a reasonable explanation cannot be provided, Magattan City will most likely be angered by Marquis Andrea.

  What Chen Xuan told him before leaving came to Baron Bezos' mind.

  "The giant city is another high mountain pressing on the top of Magtan City." "

  But believe me, it won't take long for Magtan to usher in new opportunities." "

  During my time away, Keep the entire city on alert."

  "The defense line in the east direction of the city is deploying powerful Red Arrow anti-tank missiles."

  "Have Dora Yuclan and Belia Yuclan speed up the training progress of the Magtan mobilization second corps. "

  Don't save bullets, do more live shooting."

  "Keep the caravan trade flowing. This matter should not affect the flow of materials in the city." "

  The last thing is about the Mist Mountain Expedition."

  "Let Everyone is on standby, waiting for my call."

  Chen Xuan's instructions were simple.

  The general idea is to let him maintain the normal development of Magtan City.

  Don't get bogged down by things like Blasphemous Charm.

  But his first two sentences are intriguing.

  From these words, Baron Bezos heard Chen Xuan's ambition to subvert the giant city of Attucks.

  However, the size of the giant city is so huge. No matter in terms of population, regional scope and strength, it cannot be compared with the state city of Magtan.

  Moreover, as a long-established giant city, it is also an important city guarding the western territory of the kingdom.

  There are many strong men in Attucks City who are at the gold level or even above.

  There are even more outposts and fortresses within the jurisdiction, forming a fairly stable control grid.

  The most important thing is that almost all the giant cities in the Naroa continent are prepared to withstand large-scale wars.

  This is a tradition that has been carried out for hundreds of years.

  Under such circumstances, subverting the giant city of Attax is nothing less than wishful thinking.

  The same is true even for Chen Xuan, who has many magical means.

  As time goes by, Baron Bezos becomes increasingly confused about his cheap master.

  Shaking his head, his expression relaxed a little.

  The departure of Blasphemous Charm and Black Group made everyone in the city breathe a sigh of relief.

  But he couldn't waste this precious time, and he had to take action immediately.


  two water hours later.

  In the sky more than 2,100 kilometers away east of Magatan City.

  Chen Xuan, wearing the [Spirit of the Sky] wings, maintained a high-speed flight.

  The wings flap gently, dancing with the aura of elemental magic.

  Light cyan light spots continued to gather around him and then slowly dispersed, leaving a dazzling trail behind him while he was flying.

  The blasphemous charm leads the black group in hot pursuit.

  The distance between the two sides continued to shorten and then suddenly lengthened.

  His dog walking tactics are still very successful so far.

  Chen Xuan maintained his flying posture, looking back from time to time to observe the situation behind him.

  After this period of pursuit, the blasphemous charm hated him with itch.

  This feeling of not being able to catch up is the most annoying.

  Although her temper is not as violent as the dragon's, she is not a good temper either.

  At this moment, I wanted to grab Chen Xuan and skin him with cramps.


  "The plan should work."

  He thought in his mind, feeling a little tired after all the hard work.

  The continuous [Flash from the same domain] is draining his energy.

  Occasionally, Blasphemous Charm will use long-range means to snipe him.

  It is even more necessary to use [Time Stop] to avoid attacks. After each stop, Chen Xuan will turn around and shoot a few RPG rounds or sweep a shuttle with an M2 heavy machine gun.

  When facing high-level enemies, such firepower seems a bit inadequate.

  The 70mm rockets fired into the air were either exploded on the spot by Oga's pink chain, or were actively deflected in other directions.

  The 12.7×99mm .50 bullet fired by the M2 heavy machine gun hit Ojia's body and could only emit a ball of orange sparks the size of a teacup.

  Although this level of attack would not cause her substantial harm.

  But it annoyed her beyond measure.

  "Damn reptiles!"

  and passed several aboriginal settlements along the way.

  She also gradually realized that something was wrong with the situation.

  Because the other party obviously didn't look like he was running for his life.

  Instead, it has a bit of teasing frivolity!
  ...(End of chapter)

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