256. Chapter 252 Heading to Burma and Cutting Off the Beard [Please subscribe]

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  Chapter 252 Heading to Burma, the beard cutter [Please subscribe]

  Chen Xuan stood in the warehouse and thought about it for a while.

  Speaking of which, things will be really tight in the next few days.

  All the accumulated matters at Blue Star require him to deal with them one by one.

  But everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you lay a good foundation, you won't need to worry so much in the future.

  Instead of leaving the warehouse in a hurry, Chen Xuan simply activated [Void Travel Level I] here.

  Selecting the space beacon previously left in Myawaddy as the destination, the void shuttle channel was opened.

  A shining spatial singularity appeared in an instant.

  Then it suddenly expanded and turned into an oval space portal.

  There were ripples in the middle of this portal, giving Chen Xuan a feeling of déjà vu.

  "Why is this thing similar to the teleportation channel in the cave?"

  Chen Xuan calmly studied it for a while after the void shuttle channel was formed.

  He found that the appearance of the portal in front of him was almost exactly the same as the one in the Monster Cave.

  Considering that these transmission channels are all related to the Rose Key, it is normal for them to have something in common.

  After observing for a moment, he stepped through the portal.

  The ripples on the surface of the channel suddenly swayed violently, like water being touched.

  In just an instant, the scene in front of him changed.

  From Tianhai City, thousands of kilometers away, I arrived in a luxurious suite in the DKBA building in Myawaddy.

  This room was the anchor point he had reserved before.

  There are also elite DKBA soldiers guarding the door.

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes and sensed the spatial orientation slightly.

  Then he knew it well and activated [Flash in the same domain] and disappeared in place.

  When he reappeared, he was standing in the living room of the suite downstairs.

  This is the suite where Ahn'Qiraj and Ofelia live.

  When he appeared, Ahn'Qiraj was sitting in the living room, eating Lay's chicken tomato-flavored potato chips and watching the program on the 75-inch TV in front of him with relish.

  A Siamese variety show was being played above. Although there was a language barrier, Ahn'Qiraj was fascinated by it.


  "Master, are you here?"

  Seeing Chen Xuan appear, Ahn'Qiraj quickly put down the bag of potato chips in his hand, subconsciously licked his fingers stained with potato chip powder, and bowed quickly.

  In just two or three days, Ahn'Qiraj seemed to have completely adapted to the life of lying down in the Blue Star.

  And since she broke the shackles of the third level and became a fourth level archmage, her character has regained her cheerfulness and is no longer as gloomy as before.

  Living in Blue Star, she doesn't need to disguise her face.

  To her, everything in Myawaddy was new.

  Chen Xuan glanced at her with a smile, and then asked casually.

  "Can you understand what the people on TV are saying?"

  After hearing this question, Ahn'Qiraj nodded calmly.

  "I can understand it, and I can also understand part of it."

  "The languages ​​seen here are actually not complicated."

  The powerful mental power acting on herself has also improved her learning ability.

  By watching TV, you can also learn by yourself to a certain extent.

  If there were specialized teachers and teaching materials, it would only take ten days and a half for Ahn'Qiraj to fully master a language.

  It is worth mentioning that when Ahn'Qiraj answered, he used the local Burmese.

  And her pronunciation is quite standard.

  It just made Chen Xuan laugh a little.

  A cute mage girl from another world, but she speaks authentic Burmese.

  The sense of dissonance is like watching a TV series dubbed in Burmese.

  Seeing Chen Xuan suppressing a smile, Ahn'Qiraj frowned slightly.


  "Is it because what I said is not standard?"

  Ahn'Qiraj Lauder switched back to the common language of Naroa in a second.

  There was an inquiring look on his face, and he looked extremely serious.

  Due to the caster's persistent characteristic of pursuing the truth, she is somewhat obsessive-compulsive.

  "Standard, standard!"

  "But Blue Star is not the continent of Naroa."

  "There are many languages ​​here."

  "Currently, you should give priority to learning Eagle Language and Xiaguo Language." "

  Then Burmese, if conditions permit If so, then learn French and bullfighting."

  Chen Xuan replied seriously.

  He has already thought about the order of language learning.

  The TV here uses a satellite receiving antenna, which can receive two to three hundred stations around the world.

  So after Chen Xuan mentioned it, Ahn'Qiraj basically understood.

  In fact, regarding the learning of languages ​​from both worlds, the threshold only exists at the very beginning.

  As long as anyone other than him masters the Blue Star language, a large number of translators will soon be cultivated based on this.

  The difficulty now facing Chen Xuan is the teaching materials.

  He needs to personally act as a translator and compile a qualified language teaching material.

  When he was going through the new car formalities at the 4S store in the afternoon, he had already ordered several Xia Mandarin and English standard textbooks online, which came with the function of scanning the QR code on his mobile phone to read aloud.

  He will take some time to compile these textbooks in the common language of Naroa.

  After you have examples to compare, you can learn quickly.

  As for the twenty-six letters and Xia Guoyu Pinyin, just go to the elementary textbooks.

  Anyway, we are starting from scratch, and it doesn’t matter if we compile it or not.

  After all, Ahn'Qiraj Loud is also a fourth-level spellcaster.

  The powerful mental power of meditation allows her to stay focused at all times, and her memory and understanding abilities are far beyond ordinary people.

  This is the core reason why Chen Xuan cultivated Ahn'Qiraj as the first generation translator.

  The interaction between the two worlds cannot bypass the threshold of language and writing.

  In the future, all types of Blue Star weapons and industrial equipment will need to be transformed and operated locally in Naroa.

  "Okay, okay, sit down."

  Chen Xuan waved his hand, and

  Ahn'Qiraj, who was wearing a loose nightgown, sat back on the sofa with a soft smile.

  Holding the TV remote control in his hand, he switched programs skillfully.

  There was a trace of clear stupidity in the eyes that were staring intently at the TV.

  She doesn't know why in this world of poverty and demons, she feels completely safe.

  When I was in Naroa, the sense of crisis that hovered in my heart completely disappeared.

  The curtains were drawn in the room, and the light was a little dim.

  The light of the big screen shines on Ahn'Qiraj's small body.

  This makes the scene in front of me feel so lazy and warm.

  After a moment of silence, Chen Xuan spoke again.

  "By the way, where's Ophelia?"

  Just now his spatial sense enveloped the entire building.

  Ophelia was not found in the DKBA building.

  Don't know where she went.

  He had told the two girls beforehand to go out as little as possible.

  However, this order is not mandatory.

  Now Myawadi is basically under his control.

  Especially in the town area, the elites of DKBA have been contracted by him, so the possibility of being exposed is not high.

  In addition, Ophelia and Ahn'Qiraj carry [Disguise Powder] with them and can change their appearance at any time, which greatly reduces the risk.

  After Chen Xuan asked, Ahn'Qiraj stuffed a handful of potato chips into his mouth before answering.

  "She should have gone to the river to relax."

  "She has not been in a good state of mind these past two days, and she always talks in her sleep." "

  You can find her at the old Panna ferry."

  Ahn'Qiraj seemed to be interested in This situation is commonplace.

  "Okay, I understand."

  Chen Xuan didn't say much.

  Then he flashed away and left here.

  "But where is the old Panna ferry?"

  He thought for a while and simply flashed directly into Surape's conference room.

  At this time, Surape was in a meeting with his subordinates.

  Regarding the overall planning of various materials, there are also statistics on recent expenditures.

  Including the coordination of the military factory production lines, Surape is responsible for these.

  Chen Xuan, the hands-off shopkeeper, basically doesn't care about anything. He only cares about the results and doesn't care about the process.

  In contrast, his contractors need to shoulder the responsibility.

  Therefore, Chen Xuan does not need to worry about the really complicated process.

  The effect of [Flash in the same domain] can be said to be that it comes without a trace and leaves without a trace.

  The sudden appearance of Chen Xuan startled the DKBA officers in the conference room.

  The spatial displacement method is quite shocking to the native Blue Star people.

  Not to mention that these old-school Burmese people lack knowledge of all kinds of novel concepts of magic, fantasy and fantasy.

  Seeing this scene suddenly, everyone except the experienced Sulapei looked surprised.

  In the end, Surape stood up first.


  Just like Chen Xuan in Magatan City, asking them to call him "Lord".

  At Blue Star, he asked his contractors to call him "boss".

  This is not only a difference in title, but also a class distinction.

  Two teams of people, two names.

  Only those close subordinates could directly address him as "master".

  They were all wearing the standard military uniforms of Fu Jingjun and saluted Chen Xuan uniformly.

  The scene actually looked a bit serious.

  "How are you preparing?"

  Sulapei moved a new chair from the wall and placed it next to the first seat, asking him to sit down and talk.

  Chen Xuan was not polite. He sat at the table and looked around at everyone.


  "Report to the boss."

  "All the equipment from the rifle manufacturing plant has arrived and is being stored in the township warehouse." "

  One of the two ammunition production lines is in place."

  "The other is being dismantled for transportation. On the way."

  "The former Asia-Pacific City is being transformed into a training ground for mobilization troops in accordance with your requirements.

  "The senior instructor from the Clover Forest landed in Naypyitaw yesterday and is expected to arrive in Myawaddy by a special car the day after tomorrow at the latest. . "

  Su Lapei cleared his throat and went straight to the point.

  After all, he was the Silk Order of the Silkworm, and he still had a certain administrative level. When

  Chen Xuan heard this, he immediately understood.

  "By the way, those second-hand batches of Bald Eagle's Where is the bacterial aid? "

  To be honest, he has been coveting this batch of beautiful weapons for a long time.

  Compared with the previous old-fashioned goods, although the beautiful weapons are second-hand, they are definitely advanced weapons when placed here in Burma.

  And there are a lot of them, enough to arm them. Ten thousand people.

  All kinds of light and heavy weapons are complete.

  It can just alleviate Chen Xuan's need to arm Magtan City.

  However, after he asked, Surape showed a rare expression of embarrassment.

  His lips murmured and he hesitated. It took him a few seconds to answer.

  "There has been a change in this matter..."

  As soon as he said this, Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows.

  "A change? "


  "Sorry, boss..."

  Sweat broke out on Su Lapei's forehead and he apologized quickly.

  When facing Chen Xuan, he did not have any heroic aura.

  The young man with magical power in front of him was not only He is his master and the mountain he cannot climb.

  "Tell me about the situation. "

  Chen Xuan's tone was displeased. He had already planned the use of this batch of beautiful weapons.

  Who knew there would be another change at the critical moment when the goods were about to arrive?

  That batch of second-hand beautiful weapons was acquired by DKBA after he turned to Xiang Junzhengaxe. One of the benefits.

  These are the conditions negotiated in advance.

  Those beautiful weapons were loaded on the freighter two weeks ago and shipped to the Indian Ocean. They will then be packed into several small boats and transported from the Moi River to Myawaddy.

  Now it seems that either Junzheng broke the contract, or other forces took action.

  Sulapei pondered for a moment, organized his words, and then spoke slowly.

  "It's General Yiqinnon. "


  Five minutes later, Chen Xuan knew the origin of Yi Qinnong.

  He was a senior member of the Myanmar military. His

  subordinates were in charge of the troops in central, eastern and Naypyitaw areas of Myanmar. .

  There are a total of thirteen bacterial zones in the Myanmar Bacteria Army, with a total strength of approximately more than 300,000.

  Among them, the three major bacterial areas of Central, Eastern and Naypyidaw protect the capital. There is no doubt about the identity of each other.

  This guy requested at the parliament two days ago that the batch of second-hand art equipment be given priority to the eastern bacterial area. The border there borders the spheres of influence of multiple bacterial valves and is a sensitive area with high pressure.

  As compensation, DKBA will receive the equipment replaced by the Eastern Bacteria Zone.

  There is also an assistance compensation of US$9 million.

  The two houses of government are currently discussing this proposal.

  Governor Suoqi is fighting hard, but he may have little effect.

  "This is a scam!"

  Second-hand fine art weapons are a hot commodity, and everyone wants to take a bite.

  How could Chen Xuan tolerate the other party taking food from the tiger's mouth?
  "If I conquer or kill Yi Qinnon, can these beautiful weapons be returned to our hands?"

  He looked at Sulapei and said indifferently.

  "Should...should be able to!"

  "As long as Yi Qinnon gives up the proposal, this batch of beautiful weapons will be distributed according to the original plan." "

  But if we accept this batch of beautiful weapons."

  "Ji Zhengaxe will send out an inspection team Move in."

  Chen Xuan nodded, indicating that he understood.

  As long as the fine art equipment can be obtained, the inspection team is nothing.

  Myawaddy is his territory and no one can use it.

  Either subdue them or kill them directly.

  If the opponent's background is relatively large, the worst result is to kill him and then find someone to disguise himself through [disguise powder].

  "I will go find Yi Qinnon."

  "Give me his information."

  Chen Xuan made a decision in his heart.

  Upon hearing his words, Surape nodded quickly.

  "I understand, boss..."

  "At noon in five days, the two meetings will hold a final vote."

  Just when Chen Xuan wanted to say something else.

  Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the conference room.

  "Si Ling, there is an urgent message from Ba'an City in Kelunbang, please check it."

  Su Lapei glanced at Chen Xuan, and after seeing him nod, he shouted to the door.

  "Bring it in!"

  The conference room door opened, and the soldier walked in, put down a letter and left.


  (End of chapter)

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