255. Chapter 251 Picking up the car and picking up the goods [Please subscribe]

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  Chapter 251 Picking Up Cars and Picking Up Goods [Please subscribe]

  Lin Qiang stood by the door with a puzzled expression on her face.

  The information she knew so far was not enough to figure out the truth.

  She frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, she still didn't come to a conclusion.

  Li Qiaoqian's words only made her feel very nonsensical.

  "Why do you say that?"

  At this time, Li Qiaoqian stood up and walked to her, about to speak.

  Lin Qiang looked at the colleagues in the hall who were looking at the excitement, and quickly spoke first.

  "Let's talk after we go in."

  Then he walked into the reception room first.

  Li Qiaoqian said "Oh" and quickly followed in.

  When the soundproof door was closed, the colleagues surrounding the room looked a little disappointed.

  Their intuition told them that there must be some story.

  During the reception, Lin Qiang sat on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief, and then said earnestly in a teaching tone.

  "Qiaoqian, you are too rash."

  "Never mention the client's affairs or the details of the transaction in front of any colleagues in the future."

  "This is a taboo in the industry."

  In her opinion, Li Qiaoqian may be lucky. But he is still a complete rookie.

  "I...I understand, Sister Lin."

  She sat next to him, not daring to refute.

  In fact, during this period, Lin Qiang took good care of her and was willing to impart her experience in the industry.

  In contrast, other colleagues are more "superficially friendly".

  Although everyone had a smile on their face, she could feel the deep-seated indifference.

  This is also the most obvious difference between social social relations and campus social relations.

  With the air conditioner blowing on, Lin Qiang stood up and took two glasses of water from the water dispenser.

  After putting down the water glass, he continued.

  "We can talk now."

  "What does the list you made have to do with me?"

  This is what she is most confused about.

  Seeing Lin Qiang's oblivious look, Li Qiaoqian hesitated.

  Thinking of her warning just now, I suddenly realized something in my heart.

  "Thanks to Sister Lin for her usual teachings to me..."

  "Otherwise, I definitely wouldn't have been able to make that order."

  Li Qiaoqian happily changed her mind, and she suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity for her.

  After hearing her words, Lin Qiang always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't explain it.

  He could only nod with a smile and answer politely.

  "That's because you work hard enough."

  "By the way, Sister Lin, what's your lipstick color? It matches your complexion..." ...


  rambling a few words, Lin Qiang yawned and prepared to take it. Order takeout on your phone.

  She was so busy that she didn't even have a bite of hot rice in the afternoon.

  After ordering takeout, she saw Li Qiaoqian fiddling with her phone absentmindedly.

  Then he casually asked about Chen Xuan.

  "By the way, did my friend who came to apply for the job this morning pass the test?"

  Li Qiaoqian suddenly became excited and muttered for a moment before answering slowly.

  "He... doesn't."

  "By the way, Sister Lin, are you familiar with that person?"

  Lin Qiang said with a sigh as she yawned lazily.

  "He should be able to pass..."

  "I don't know him very well, we should be neighbors." "

  Before I joined the company, I rented there all the time." "

  We have been neighbors for three or four years. , but we didn’t talk much.”

  “I’ll take a nap for a while, and let him put it on the front table when the takeout arrives.”

  After a casual reply, Lin Qiang leaned on the sofa and slowly closed her eyes.

  In the afternoon I had to take another difficult client to see a house.

  It's really hard to live a day like this.

  After receiving a satisfactory answer, a smile appeared on Li Qiaoqian's face unconsciously.

  "Then I won't disturb your rest, Sister Lin."

  After saying that, she got up and left the reception room. The screen that lit up on her phone was the chat page with Chen Xuan.

  He entrusted Li Qiaoqian to find a whole-house cleaning team and planned to clean the villa carefully.

  Lianjia has relevant supporting channels surrounding the home furnishing industry.

  From Lin Qiang's words, she imagined Chen Xuan's life changes from unknown to high-spirited.

  "Sister Lin doesn't know yet, but this is a good opportunity for me..."

  She thought silently in her heart, not intending to let go of the potential stock in front of her.


  Sitting on the chair in the 4S shop, Chen Xuan twisted his slightly stiff neck.

  He put the phone behind the screen into his pocket.

  Li Qiaoqian responded quickly and said that she had made an appointment with a professional whole-house cleaning team for him.

  The time is set at 10 a.m. the day after tomorrow.

  It is expected that everything will be done before evening.

  He would have to make two trips then.

  You have to go to the streets first, accept commendations and interviews, and then go to the villa.

  The male salesman sitting opposite Chen Xuan was looking at him expectantly.

  Seeing him put down his phone, he quickly said enthusiastically.

  "The 2025 B5 Zhiya Deluxe Edition Onyx Black you chose is in stock in the store." "

  If you are willing, you can pick up the car today." "If you

  want a mortgage, you can negotiate a cash discount of up to 8,000 yuan." "

  If you want all We can give you a new car decoration fund of 3,000 yuan." "

  Of course, whether it is a mortgage or a full payment, you will enjoy 10 free basic maintenance services in 5 years..."

  When it comes to buying a car, most of the time you get a mortgage They are all higher than the discounts for full payment, but it is not necessarily true after including loan interest.

  Since there are commissions on loans and car insurance, salespeople will always go out of their way to sell them.

  Chen Xuan originally planned to make a counteroffer. As long as he was willing to negotiate, he could get a discount of several thousand more.

  But he thought about it and gave up the idea.

  Because it makes no sense.

  Time is money, there is no need to waste time on it if you are not short of money.

  He simply waved his hand and answered in a casual and indifferent tone.

  "Then sign the contract, full payment."

  Seeing that he had no intention of counter-offering, the smile on the face of this gentle salesman wearing glasses became even bigger.


  "Please come with me!"

  Chen Xuan followed him to the finance room with his bag on his back.

  After completing all the procedures, the 4S store directly handled the registration.

  He dealt with cash neatly.

  Just counting money takes time.

  The bulging backpack was once again mostly empty.

  But it doesn't matter, he still has a lot of cash in his storage compartment.

  Coupled with overseas assets, for an individual, there is really endless money to spend, but he still dare not spend it freely.

  The trading company's behavior of using the left hand and the right hand through the Burmese forces is a wash of water in a sense.

  For this reason, he has to bear import and export taxes, logistics fees, transportation losses and other costs.

  But this is acceptable. Internationally, it is normal to lose one-third of the price in washing water.

  In comparison, his model is already relatively cost-effective.

  In less than two hours, he drove out of the 4S store in a new car with good insurance and license plates.

  Just go to the vehicle management office the day after tomorrow to get the license plate.

  The brand new Volvo S90 sedan glows dimly in the afternoon sun.

  The reason why I chose Volvo is simply because it is relatively low-key and not as eye-catching as BBA.

  But the quality is quite impressive and meets his pragmatic needs for transportation.

  Driving a new car, Chen Xuan drove leisurely on the elevated highway.

  The elevated road is not too crowded during off-peak hours.

  Instead of returning to the rental house immediately, he came to the Logistics Park in Dingjia District.

  Here I saw the energy storage power supply that arrived a few days ago.

  Speaking of which, he placed an order for this thing before the demonic disaster broke out.

  It took less than half a month to arrive.

  Now this energy storage power supply is of no use.

  After arriving at the designated logistics site and providing the delivery voucher, Chen Xuan saw the set of equipment.

  What he bought was a bargain in energy storage power.

  The rated power is 5500 watts and the energy storage capacity is 15KW·h.

  The total weight of the photovoltaic panels and drawer-type battery boxes is several hundred kilograms.

  So he simply called a minivan from the logistics park.

  Then with the help of a forklift, everything was loaded and transported to the large warehouse he had rented before.

  He drove the new car slowly and led the way.

  After arriving at the warehouse, Chen Xuan took out the key and opened the outer iron door and the rolling shutter door of the warehouse.

  The micro goods drove directly into the warehouse.

  Currently, in addition to Chen Xuan himself, Yang Renyong also has the key to the warehouse.

  His people also sent goods here several times.

  So when Chen Xuan opened the warehouse this time, the inner space was already filled with bicycle racks sealed in cardboard boxes.

  The tires and some other components are placed separately.

  Mainly to save storage space.

  Generally speaking, in addition to specialized customized goods, the goods from physical car stores are also like this.

  Need to be assembled after arrival.

  The warehouse was filled with a strong smell of paint and rubber.

  When unloading, the micro-cargo driver wearing a work jacket felt worried.

  "Boss, go call a forklift."

  "These goods of yours are not light!"

  He said with some embarrassment, holding a red Nanjing in his mouth.

  Truck operators usually don't help with unloading.

  Because most of the destinations have people and equipment to help unload the goods.

  But that's not the case for someone like him who does small transportation in the city. Most of the time, he has to lend a hand and help unload the goods.

  Chen Xuan shook his head when he heard what he said.

  "No need, let's unload the cargo together."

  "This actually doesn't weigh much."

  He looked at the steel bow behind the wheel that was pressed down by the weight, and said without blushing and his heart not beating.


  "I'll add 100 for you. Let's try it first. If it doesn't work, I'll call for a forklift."

  Chen Xuan was too lazy to bother and said in a deceptive way.

  Since he was willing to pay more, the driver said nothing.

  Putting down the side panel of the cargo truck, he looked at the large wooden box containing the photovoltaic panel components and swallowed.

  There are two boxes of photovoltaic panels, three boxes of modular stacked drawer-type energy storage power supplies, two sets of power distribution cables, and one box of circuit breakers, voltage regulators and intelligent control components.

  Originally, the manufacturer needed to send someone to guide the installation, but Chen Xuan refused at that time.

  Just asked for a detailed installation instructions and video tutorial.

  At first, he was planning to take it directly to Magtan City for installation.

  Now he has changed his mind.

  Because in the future, multiple sets of energy storage power supplies will have to be prepared to meet the requirements.

  Last time, he found a factory to place an order. This type of product is relatively niche in Xia's civilian market.

  Most ordinary people don't have access to this stuff.

  In other words, it has no meaning of use.

  Factories will open stores online, but they don't expect to close many orders through it. Most of them are just to have an additional publicity channel.

  After being distributed to various regions, specialized dealers receive the orders and then the factories deliver them.

  It is still relatively rare to directly contact the manufacturer for delivery like Chen Xuan's model.

  And he doesn't need to install the service.

  But when ordering in the future, he would have to ask the other party to send installers.

  It may even be necessary to make a contract.

  To facilitate subsequent installation and maintenance.

  Standing next to the micro goods, Chen Xuan took the lead in reaching out and hugging one of the large wooden boxes containing photovoltaic panel components.

  This box weighed at least sixty or seventy kilograms. At Chen Xuan's signal, the driver quickly hugged the other side.

  He thought it would take some effort, but he didn't expect it to be extremely easy to move.

  It's not as difficult as imagined.

  Although he was doubtful, he was still happy to see the result.

  Little did he know that Chen Xuan's hands on both sides were the real source of strength.

  Under such circumstances, the goods were unloaded quickly.

  After confirming that nothing was missing, Chen Xuan readily paid the fare and the previously promised 100 yuan unloading fee.

  This small amount of money is not worth mentioning to him, but it can bring happiness to micro-cargo drivers.

  Watching the truck drive out of the warehouse and away along the cement road.

  Chen Xuan lowered the rolling shutter door, turned on the lights in the warehouse, and began to put the energy storage power components into the storage compartment one by one.

  If it weren't for the presence of the driver, there would be no need for him to perform the scene of moving goods.

  Then he directly [crossed the border] and brought this energy storage power supply to Magtan City.

  It was first stored in the baron's castle.

  As for the installation, it’s not too late to talk about it later.

  He plans to place orders directly with Lanna Trading Co., Ltd. for the remaining energy storage power supplies and generator sets.

  Let Surape place an order with Lanna Company from abroad.

  It only takes about a week from Xia Guozou Logistics to Myanmar, and then Surape prepares the fleet to pick up the goods at the cargo airport in Naypyitaw.

  With his good relationship, it is relatively easy for him to receive the goods.

  As for Xia's entry and exit and customs registration of goods, it is not troublesome.

  Some time ago, Dianbei was sanctioned and the power grid was interrupted.

  The Fanzui Park there often places orders with companies in Xia State for high-power diesel generator sets.

  Just three or five days later, the roar of generator sets could be heard in the Fanzui Park.

  It's just so efficient.

  The same method can naturally be replicated in Myawaddy.

  For Chen Xuan, taking this opportunity to wash away a fortune counts as a fortune.

  The taxes and fees paid should be regarded as contributions to Guo Jia.

  After briefly handling the energy storage power supply, I took a look around the warehouse.

  When I walked out again, the sky had darkened.

  Driving his new car, he planned to find a restaurant to have a meal before returning to the rental house.

  Tomorrow, under the leadership of Zhang Heng, we have to discuss the custom-made metal armor with the people from Hongyu Heavy Industry.

  Use Blue Star's mechanical design skills to create a heavy-duty battle armor that combines part of the mechanical power.

  Then take it to Naroa for enchantment and strengthening, and finally equip it to the Magtan City garrison to form a pure heavy armored infantry.

  With such an iron army guarding the front line, it will not be so easy for monsters to tear open the defense line!
  Of course, the specific arrangements have to wait until everything is finalized!

   The most recent chapters will be more of a daily layout.

    It is also true that Dianbei ordered generators. You can check the news some time ago.

  (End of chapter)

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