214. Chapter 213 Fierce Battle of Magatan [Please subscribe]

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  Chapter 213 Fierce Battle of Magatan I [Please subscribe]

  The swooping black dragon is extremely oppressive.

  It was as if a piece of the dark sky had collapsed.

  After all, the size of the dragon is comparable to an "air bus".

  Of course, there is no such thing as a "bus" in Naloa.

  But it did not hinder the shock it brought to the defenders.

  Looking at the huge figure getting closer and closer in front of them, the garrison below felt their throats tighten.

  Everyone could only silently clench the weapons in their hands to relieve this sense of tension and suffocation.

  Nasram Sissoko, the chief of the garrison, stood on the tower behind the defense line, his eyes fixed on the black dragon.

  When the huge figure of the Black Demonic Dragon approached the defense line, he suddenly waved his hand.

  "Fire the crossbow!"

  His order was instantly transmitted through the magic transmitter to every fighting position on the defense line.

  The long-arm crossbows and scattered crossbows set up on the battle fort rotated under the control of the sergeant, aiming at the black dragon in the sky.


  With loud orders, the sergeant cocked the crossbow.


  The sound of sharp crossbow arrows breaking through the wind came from everywhere in the direction of the tower.

  The crossbow arrow as thick as a child's arm shone with the halo of runes and shot straight towards the black dragon.

  Their power penetrated the large city-protecting light curtain with undiminished power, rising like meteors one after another.


  The Black Demonic Dragon, which had just arrived, received the first "big gift" from Magatan City.

  Facing the dozens of giant crossbow arrows that were shot at it, it did not dare to neglect at all.

  I saw dark air currents emerging around the demon dragon's body, and its wings either stretched or contracted, allowing it to perform a series of difficult maneuvers.

  Most of the giant crossbows were dodged by it, and only a few successfully hit its body.

  The giant crossbow arrow that can easily kill third-level monsters alone can only make its huge body tremble slightly when it hits the demon dragon, and at the same time consumes part of its chaotic magic power.

  After dodging this round of city crossbow fire, there was another long bow salvo that was like a downpour.

  They were like thin black needles, flying towards the dragon head-on.

  This time, the Black Demon Dragon Baile did not make any major maneuvers to avoid the attack. Instead, he hovered in place, raising his neck and inflating his chest.

  The rain of arrows shot from below seems to be slow but is actually fast, and will envelope the demon dragon in an instant.

  But at the last moment, the dragon suddenly opened its mouth full of sharp teeth.

  The head, which was comparable to a small house, sprayed out a stream of dark magic flames wrapped in green acid!
  To the people below, the size of this demonic flame is simply a waterfall of concentrated flames.

  The breath of demonic flames was seen sweeping through the arrow rain, and all the arrows were burned or dissolved in mid-air.

  Then it turned into "raindrops" of hot iron juice emitting orange light and fell all over the sky.

  Even if a small number of arrows break through the edge and hit the dragon, it will be difficult to cause effective damage.

  Even the body-protecting chaotic magic power consumed is insignificant.

  After all, Belle Tobias Croady is also the sixth demon general under the Black Flame Demon Lord, and he is also a powerful high-level demon dragon. Its strength is far more powerful than monsters of the same level.

  Even though it was affected by the ban and its strength has not yet returned to its heyday, it still has the strength of mid-gold level. Only magic practitioners at the peak of gold level can stabilize it in a duel.

  Gold level and the levels of strength above gold level are inherently qualitative changes.

  It is indeed difficult for low-level single-target attacks to cause effective damage to it.

  We can only interfere with its offensive as much as possible and continue to eliminate its chaotic magic.

  This wave of breath only lasted for a few seconds, and the seemingly powerful rain of arrows was controlled.

  The magic flame can melt metal arrowheads into molten iron in just an instant.

  The arrow shaft and arrow feathers were completely destroyed.

  In addition, the magic flame is also mixed with highly corrosive acid, making this process extremely easy.

  And after the molten iron fell, it actually caused a certain amount of damage to the large city defense shield together with the aftermath of the magic flame breath.

  The entire light curtain was rippling crazily, and a small amount of the mana reserve was visibly depleted.

  The orange molten iron in the sky made a beautiful scene like iron trees and silver flowers appear above everyone's heads.

  Coupled with the wanton magic flames and dark green acid, it formed a strange picture.

  Fortunately, the large shield was strong enough to withstand all these attacks.

  As the basic means of protecting the city, every city in the Naroa continent never cuts corners on fortifications and shields.

  The dense iron juice fell on the shield and cooled quickly, and finally returned to an irregular-shaped metal ingot, sliding along the curvature of the light curtain to all sides.

  The free-flying dragon did not stay in place for long.

  It always maintained a high-speed dive, and when it fell, it breathed out a breath of magic flames.

  Sometimes they also fly in other directions within the city.

  Wherever it passes, large shields will be opened to deal with it.

  The method to break this magic shield is not complicated.

  Or a single attack can break through the upper limit of the shield's defense, thus opening a local breach that cannot be healed for the time being.

  Either you have to continue attacking until the magic shield generating device is overloaded or the magic energy reserve is exhausted.

  The first method cannot be accomplished by the current Black Demonic Dragon, because the city's large shields all have super-level defense characteristics. If it can be restored to its heyday, it will be no problem.

  But now there is nothing we can do.

  So it chooses the second method.

  Through high-frequency attacks, the device is overloaded and the shield's magic energy is consumed faster.

  Moreover, when it roamed and attacked unscrupulously, it also peeked at the flaws in the city.

  In order to prevent it from revealing the truth, the fog of war rose up everywhere in Magtan City.

  Its attacks attracted the attention of the defenders every moment.

  In this way, the high-level guards and monster army at the rear can take advantage of this opportunity to drive straight in.

  At this moment, large groups of goblins were running towards the tower.

  They were drooling and moving forward one after another.

  From time to time, a Goblin who couldn't keep up would be pushed to the ground by his companions, and then trampled into a puddle of green flesh.

  This group of despicable guys really looked like a swarm of green ants, heading towards Magatan City in a mighty manner.

  The speed is actually not slow, and it can approach the city in two or three minutes at most without any obstacles.

  The group of goblins is huge and bloated, with a total number of approximately 30,000.

  Later came the black-backed pigs, dog demons, unicorns and other types of demons.

  Viewed from a certain angle, the queue of monsters marching toward Magtan City seemed to have no end in sight.

  "Abandon targeting the demonic dragon!"

  "Except for the city crossbow, the longbow team locked onto the enemy goblin cluster and fired beyond visual range!" "The crossbowman

  prepared to launch a direct shot, and the mage team was prepared to cast spells with the fire spell caster." "

  The demonic team The energy scatterer remains charged."

  "Ms. Satir, please be prepared. If the shield is broken, be sure to stop the black dragon as soon as possible. Please!"

  Nasram, the chief officer of the garrison. Sissoko is an aging veteran.

  He also possesses peak silver-level magic cultivation, but he is over sixty years old.

  This is because his qualifications are not too high.

  In comparison, Tanson Mars, the deputy lieutenant of the garrison who was previously responsible for commanding the temporary defense line operations, was much more talented than him.

  But Nasram is a native of Magtan City and has rich combat experience.

  He once served in the battle line of the Kingdom of Duroa as a mid-level lieutenant and served for more than ten years.

  After returning to Magtan City, he was appointed as the chief of the garrison.

  Moreover, he is highly skilled in personal combat and fights in person all year round.

  The slow improvement of magic element cultivation is partly due to the hidden injuries left by the battle.

  Sensing the dragon's subsequent harassment, Nasram quickly understood its intentions.

  Most of the garrison's attacks are "scratches" to the dragon.

  But it can have a good killing effect on the surging monster swarm.

  Therefore, instead of letting the garrison stare at the magic dragon and fight, it is better to choose to unleash its combat power.

  Use the city crossbow to interfere with the magic dragon, and then use the Zerikan female warrior Satyr as the last line of support.

  This was the hope that Chen Xuan entrusted to them before leaving.

  Satyr is not only a true gold-level strongman, but also has the ancient sword master inheritance.

  Her strength far exceeds that of an ordinary early gold level magic practitioner.

  The previous lone slaying of the dragon's tail is the best proof.

  With this big card in hand, Nasram has the confidence to fight king against king and pawn against pawn.

  So he paid enough respect to Satir.

  After hearing his name, Yama Satir just turned around and nodded gently.

  She was not sure whether Magtan City's side could hold on.

  But whether it's to get her brother's bones back or to fulfill her previous promise, she will try her best to fight.

  Of course, if the situation goes wrong, Satyr will decisively choose to evacuate.

  In the longbow team, nearly two thousand archers, under the command of the commander, drew arrows in unison, drew the bows, injected magic elements, raised enough elevation angles, and then fired simultaneously!

  With enough coordination, a hail of arrows can be fired every three or four seconds on average.

  The pouring rain of arrows fell on the goblin group, and his heart suddenly felt cold and his heart was soaring.

  Round after round of arrow rain continued to fall, leaving countless corpses of monsters riddled with arrows along the way.

  But this still cannot stop the monster's advance.

  Soon, the front of the monster army entered the 300-meter average range of the city tower's defense line.

  At this time, the crossbowmen responsible for direct strikes began to show off their power.

  The strong sound of the crossbow strings echoed around, and short and straight crossbow arrows were fired at the monsters at the front.

  The longbowman continued to shoot and continued to strike at other monsters in the back row.

  Most of these archers are professional archers in the garrison, and some are from adventurers and mercenaries.

  In addition to longbows, most archers also wear short swords or flails and other melee weapons.

  Although they are responsible for long-range strikes, in fact most of the archers except the elves are muscular men.

  The kind of arms that are as thick as thighs.

  How can you be too thin to pull a strong bow?

  Only elves and half-elves still maintain a slim and well-proportioned figure due to their ethnic talents and characteristics.

  At the same time, the fire spell casters who had already prepared one step ahead were also constructing spell models.

  Explosive fireballs, fire bombs, fire rain, flaming tornadoes, scorching blasts and other fire spells are condensed and formed.

  They almost joined together and turned into a raging sea of ​​fire, rushing towards the group of monsters.

  Immediately, a layer of the monsters in the front row was scratched off.

  The flames burned the flesh and ignited the foul-smelling black smoke.

  "Wind spellcasters are casting, natural spellcasters are preparing!"

  "Tanson Mars, prepare to activate the freezing trap magic circle!"

  On the high tower, Nasram gave the order to attack in an orderly manner.

  Tanson Mars, holding a two-handed sword, received instructions and activated the freezing trap outside the city through the formation disk.

  At this time, a large group of black-backed pigs were passing by that location.

  When the trap is activated, the magic-patterned slate buried underground emits a blue-white light representing frost.

  The magic around him quickly gathered, and then turned into freezing frost.

  The ground was visibly covered with white frost, and the corpses and plasma formed solid ice.

  The drifting snow even obscured part of the view.

  "Hoo ho ho!"

  The cold wind blew hundreds of meters vertically, and even the surrounding temperature was slightly affected.

  When the wind and snow blew away, hundreds of black-backed pigs were already frozen into ice sculptures.

  They block the way forward and hinder the follow-up of subsequent monsters.

  I have to say that Magtan City's counterattack was quite powerful.

  Seeing the situation below, the Black Demon Dragon Baile couldn't help but increase the frequency of his breathing.

  From time to time, he would also activate dark witchcraft, constructing illusory dragon claws to slap the shield.

  The successive attacks really made the shield below become a lot weaker.

  And at this time, further away, the Death Light Demon Rhinoceros, Beholder Demon, Headless Stone Demon and Thorn-throwing Piranha had all entered the fighting position within range.

  Hundreds of light balls, stone bullets, beams and wooden spear-like wooden spikes flew towards him.

  The addition of long-range attacks suddenly made the situation of the shield precarious.

  Gritting his teeth, Nasram still did not relax, maintaining high-frequency output against the approaching monster group.

  Just when the offensive and defensive battles became more intense.

  Ophelia and Kitty Girl were sneaking around a tower.

  At this time, the half-elf Ophelia was carrying a "Stinger" FIM-92 anti-aircraft missile launcher on her shoulder.

  It is a classic shoulder-launched individual air defense missile.

  It has a variety of targeting systems, including identification friend or foe radar and infrared-guided red-eye system.

  It can also be fired directly through a simple optical sight.

  It is specially designed to attack low-altitude flying targets, with an explosive charge equivalent to 600 grams of TNT and an armor penetration of approximately 8 mm.

  The black dragon that spits magic flames from its mouth has become the easiest infrared target for the red-eye system to lock.

  Once she was ready, Ophelia pressed the launch button.


  The clustered tail flames spurted out from the rear end, setting off a burst of smoke.

  Accelerated by the propeller, the stinger missile flew towards the magic dragon at an extremely fast speed.

  And Kitty Girl was not idle either, holding an M134 rapid-fire machine gun in her hand.

  Equipped with 7.62mm armor-piercing projectiles, specially designed to deal with armored targets!

  Picking up the multi-barreled machine gun, Kitty Girl also decisively pulled the trigger.

  The motor rotates and the gun flame suddenly surges!

  (End of chapter)

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