213. Chapter 212 Explosives, Acid and Dragon’s All-Out Attack [Please subscribe]

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  Chapter 212 Explosives, Strong Acid and Dragon’s All-Out Attack [Please subscribe]

  The process of being overawed took two or three hours.

  After all, there are many people involved and the composition of the personnel is relatively complex.

  Many of the soldiers in the local military here in Myanmar are ethnic minorities from various states and regions.

  There are often associations between township parties in the ranks.

  For example, most of the bacterial officers under Bai Zhiyong are from the Karen (*) ethnic group.

  There are also some Shan, Mon, Chin and even Chinese whose ancestors came from the Xia Kingdom.

  Therefore, when Chen Xuan was subduing, he had to consider the composition of the township party and divide it into sections.

  The Bai Zhiyong tribe gradually annexed KNU through a small number of contract conquests.

  In this case, it will take more time to get it done.

  However, during the process of subduing, accidents still occurred.

  For example, a group of Shan soldiers discovered something was wrong in advance and tried to escape with about a company of troops. There was even a firefight. Fortunately, there were no major casualties.

  The military advantage at that time had been transferred to Chen Xuan.

  He had already subdued more than 70% of Bai Zhiyong's men, so he was able to solve it without any danger.

  But as time went by, as the number of troops surrounding Myawadi became smaller and smaller, more and more middle- and lower-level officials became suspicious.

  At the time of final statistics, the actual number of soldiers under his command was only more than 6,900.

  Two to three hundred people noticed something was wrong in the last few waves of transfers and fled downstream along the banks of the Moi River. Chen Xuan was too lazy to chase them.

  After the subduing is completed, the next stage of the task is to reorganize and clean the battlefield.

  The DKBA assisted in the seizure of the inventory of bacterial weapons and ammunition carried by Bai Zhiyong's troops.

  But it did not completely disarm them.

  Because Chen Xuan plans to recruit a group of young men as appropriate!
  As contractors, they can all be taken [cross-border] to Naroa.

  It can be regarded as a new force.

  Myawadi's crisis was resolved without any bloodshed.

  Sulapei not only had to appease the DKBA soldiers under his command, but also had to immediately start cleaning up the battlefield.

  The high explosives and gas cylinders that Chen Xuan asked him to raise before taking action were also ready.

  The explosives mainly contain TNT and RDX.

  The former has better safety and stability and will not explode even if it is hit by a bullet. It was the best-performing explosive in the world before the end of World War II.

  It is widely used in various bullets and artillery shells, and it still plays an irreplaceable role in the military field.

  The latter is a well-known military high-energy explosive. It is 1.5 times more powerful than TNT. It is a colorless crystal and contains toxicity. It can be used to make rat poison. It is generally used in the military to fill various artillery shells. The main component of mixed explosives used in modern artillery shells is black. Sorkin.

  The total number of the two is not much, just over a ton combined.

  But don't underestimate this ton of high explosives.

  If it were made into a bomb, it would be enough to knock over half a city block.

  You must know that the actual charge of the 2,000-pound MK84 aerial bomb is only three to four hundred kilograms.

  As for the gas barrels, there are seventy or eighty, which is just an added bonus.

  If you want to detonate a gas barrel, you must first remove the pressure relief valve and check valve, then deflate the gas, allowing the surrounding flammable gas to mix with air, and finally ignite it.

  After mixing evenly, the power of deflagration is not small.

  Xia Guo's previous gas tank explosion in a restaurant almost destroyed half of the shops along the street.

  The power and harm are equally astonishing!
  But it’s also a good weapon to use against monsters!

  In addition to this batch of explosives and gas cylinders, there were also about 700 liters of industrial acid.

  Mainly sulfuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, the three oldest strong acids in industry, as well as a small amount of acid catalyst super acid, are all packed in sealed containers.

  Chen Xuan carefully put it away and stored it in a separate storage compartment.

  These industrial acids are small in quantity and have extremely strong corrosive properties. They may be useful in battles against monsters.

  All the subsequent arrangements in Myawadi kept Chen Xuan busy.

  Taking advantage of this period of time, the Magatan soldiers took a nap and rest.

  It's a good idea to sleep for a while.

  Chen Xuan estimated that he would have to finish cleaning the battlefield and arrange everything, at least until after dawn.

  He planned to hand over the stall to Surape first.

  Once all the supplies that need to be transferred are collected, you must return to Magtan City immediately.

  After all, the crisis they are facing there is far more serious than the dispute between DKBA and KNU.

  From [cross-border] to now, he has stayed in Blue Star for almost five hours.


  the timeline is closed.

  Naroa Continent, Magtan City.

  One hour after Chen Xuan left.

  The Black Demon Dragon Baile Tobias Croady finally completed the final preparation of the monster army.

  In order to gain the authority of the law controller, it is preparing to launch a powerful attack!

  In this attack, the demon dragon gathered the remaining 80,000 monsters.

  It will personally serve as a vanguard and use its powerful strength to break through the defense lines of those reptiles.

  Otherwise, it would be difficult to advance quickly just by relying on the mindless pressure of the monster swarm.

  The most critical thing is that it does not want to give the law controller enough time to breathe and recover.

  From the Black Demon Dragon's point of view, the miraculous timing attack that guy just unleashed would definitely come at a high price.

  This is not to be taken for granted.

  Rather, it is based on its inherent knowledge and understanding of those who control the law.

  The demon lords of the demon descendants are also controllers of the law. Whenever they activate the law, they always need a certain amount of rest and sacrificial power replenishment to restore their power.

  Of course, the power of the Demon Lord's law can easily destroy the world.

  Ordinary power is almost impossible to contend with the power of law.

  But the power is directly proportional to the cost.

  Otherwise, the opponent will not stick to the city, but will choose to counterattack fiercely.

  The logic here is very simple and crude, and it is very consistent with the cognitive behavior of respecting strength.

  Does a truly strong person still need passive defense?
  I'm afraid I might have gone out of the city long ago to chase them and beat them up.

  It was based on this principle that the Black Demon Dragon Baile decided to take a chance.

  After all, it cannot resist the temptation to master the rules of the law.

  In addition, there is another very important point, that is, there is a dark mandala formation here.

  This great formation only restrained the natives of Naroa and had no effect on the monsters.

  In other words, the dragon can enter and exit freely.

  If something unexpected happened, it would still have a way out.

  If you want to destroy the Dark Mandala Formation, you must first destroy all the ritual crypts in the area.

  Anyway, it is only temporarily responsible for this area.

  The real devil in charge will not come until the next transmission channel is opened.

  It is precisely because of this that the Black Dragon appears to be unscrupulous.

  This is equivalent to using the power and resources of other demon generals for personal gain. If you

  win, you will make a profit, and if you lose, you will not lose.

  Anyway, no matter what the outcome of this wave of "top shifts", the Black Flame Demon Lord will not punish it.

  At this moment, nearly 40% of the monsters gathered below it were various goblins and night shadow wolves.

  Because this teleportation channel happens to be connected to the area where several large goblin clans live in the Demon Realm.

  The remaining monster legions are still the same three -

  the black-backed pig, the dog demon, and the one-horned monster.

  Together with some fangs, they formed the rest of the monster cluster.

  In addition, there are some smaller monsters.

  This does not include the Death Ray Rhinoceros, Beholder Demon, Headless Stone Demon and Thorn Throwing Piranha that are responsible for long-range attacks.

  Even now that the cannon fodder group and the vanguard group have been wiped out, the monsters still have room to attack.

  The only fly in the ointment is that the flying monsters were almost completely wiped out, with only one-tenth of the number remaining.

  At the moment, all high-level guard-level monsters are surrounding it, and

  tens of thousands of monster armies are officially setting foot on the land in the outer direction in cluster units.

  They stepped on the corpses left behind by their companions, like black army ants covering the earth.

  The temporary defense line south of Magatan City has been almost destroyed.

  Continuing forward from here, you can reach the tower defense line directly.

  That is the main part of Magtan City and the real defense area of ​​the city.

  Now it seems that the road is completely smooth.

  The real offensive and defensive battle is about to begin, and it was just a small warm-up before.

  Separated by a distance of one or two kilometers, the monsters and the Magtan defenders looked at each other.

  The manic goblins jumped up and down, even to the point of incontinence with excitement.

  The Black Demon Dragon Baile has never had a good impression of this kind of excited inferior monster.

  Goblins are also unpopular among demons.

  The final analysis is that their disgusting reproductive ability can even break through the reproductive isolation among demons.

  That alone is disgusting enough.

  Coupled with the bad character of the goblins, except for the priests, heroes and lords of the tribe, the wisdom of most low-level goblins serves evil thoughts.

  Their orderliness is extremely poor, and their combat effectiveness is not outstanding.

  The lowest level goblin can't even defeat the farmers of Naroa when fighting alone.

  No matter whether it is physical fitness or natural ability, Goblin has no bright spots.

  The only thing worthy of praise is that goblins have a body structure similar to humans and can use various weapons as easily as the "terrible erect ape".

  Goblins equipped with inferior weapons can possess certain combat effectiveness.

  For example, Goblin Sword and Shield Bearer, and Goblin Warrior.

  In addition, these lively inferior species also have good combat learning abilities.

  Goblins who survive each battle can learn from it and pass it on to their young.

  Some goblins have also learned how to lay traps and simple deception tactics.

  As for high-level goblins, they have stronger learning abilities. They can not only practice profound magic and combat skills, but also gradually get rid of goblins. Bad roots in nature.

  For example, most of the Goblin heroes are guys who are very skilled in fighting and fighting.

  Therefore, just the two points of weaponry and weak learning ability give goblins the strategic value of the group.

  These characteristics predestined the goblins to become cannon fodder for demons.

  Demon lords from all sides like to use goblins as cannon fodder. Anyway, they reproduce quickly enough and they don't feel bad if they die. Even if they are used to kill the arrows and magic of the Naroa natives, it is cost-effective.

  Even the Goblin lords and heroes don't pity these kin, after all, the reproductive power is there.

  Among the goblins on the scene at this time, the highest-ranking one was the goblin hero Jike.

  It was still wearing the tattered knight's armor, and the red cloth cape behind it was dancing in the wind.

  Through the V-shaped slit of the helmet, one can see a pair of wise eyes melancholy looking at the city not far away.

  It wasn't until the monster army was assembled that the black dragon Baile raised his neck and let out a loud dragon roar.


  The surging dragon's power was like a prison or a sea, spreading in all directions.

  The garrison guarding the defense line of the city tower and the battle fort were immediately frightened.

  This was a frontal deterrent from the superior species.

  At the same time, this dragon roar is also the charging cry of the monsters.


  "For the Gate of All Origins!"

  "For the mother of Gray and Green!"

  "Tear these reptiles of Naroa apart and dedicate their flesh, bones, and souls to the great gate!"

  Black The demon dragon came to the sky, its huge black wings fully unfolded, covering a large area, and
  it let out a rich cry in the language of the demon.

  This makes the monsters who are already in Dark Moon's excited state become even more excited and restless!

  "For the door! For the mother of Gray and Green!" The

  talking monster echoed, and even though it couldn't speak, it roared as a beast.

  For most brainless monsters, it is not difficult to arouse their emotions.


  the demon dragon ordered.

  It immediately retracted its black wings, and its body transformed into a streamlined shape and rushed towards the Magtan City ahead.

  Those high-level monsters guarding those who could fly flew after them, and those that couldn't fly also launched an astonishing dash with powerful chaotic magic power.

  Fifth level monsters are basically comparable to early gold level magic practitioners.

  In addition, there is a black dragon whose strength has not yet returned to its peak state.

  The previous female warriors of Zerikan had to use secret techniques to increase their strength to the peak of gold level before they could cut off the dragon's tail.

  In terms of individual strength alone, the monsters can be said to have completely crushed the Magtan defenders!

  The biggest advantage of the defenders is the geographical location and various defense methods!
  While the monsters were making noise, a long horn had already sounded in the city.

  "The longbow team is on standby, the crossbowmen are cocked!"

  "Raise the light curtain to protect the city!"

  "The second and third brigades of the garrison are arrayed on the wall!"

  The chief officer of the garrison took command personally.

  His voice was amplified by the sound transmission horn and quickly spread to every corner of the tower.

  A huge city-level shield rose up, covering about a quarter of the city.

  The thick light mask was rippling with sparkling light, making everyone feel extremely safe.

  But from the moment the shield is raised, a massive amount of magic energy is consumed every moment.

  After being hit, the mana consumption will increase exponentially.

  However, as an important part of city defense, large-scale magic energy shield generating devices are indispensable!
  The garrison soldiers turned their crossbows, trebuchets and the only magic energy cluster launcher.

  On the city tower, the Zerikan female warrior Satyr silently pulled out the two swords from her waist.

  His dark brown eyes stared at the black dragon swooping in from a distance, ready to fight.


  (End of chapter)

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