Chapter 200 Dizzy

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  Chapter 200:
  All the leaders present bowed and said yes.

  Ning Xuejian found it boring and wanted to leave. Fang Che said: "The Xue family doesn't dare to trouble you!"

  Fang Che was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "Thank you, Lord Jian!"

  With Ningxue Jian's words, the Xue family really wanted to avenge Xue Wansi. Weighed and weighed.

  Ding Ziran took two steps and said: "Boss Fang! I want to follow Master Jian..."

  There was a blazing light in his eyes.

  This is the first time Fang Che has seen this kind of light in Ding Juran's eyes!

  That is a light full of hope!
  "Go ahead."

  Fang Che patted Ding Juran on the shoulder and said, "You have to remember, I'm not your boss. You are your own boss!" "

  You are!"

  Ding Juran said stubbornly.

  Then he said: "In times of crisis, we help each other and serve as barriers for each other!"

  He read each word with such piety.

  Fang Che was stunned.

  This was exactly what he said before the fight with Ding Juran when he first entered Baiyun Martial Academy.

  Unexpectedly, he still remembers it until now.

  For a moment, his mind wandered, as if he had returned to the time when the two were competing in the ring.

  It didn't take long, but it seemed like a lifetime ago.

  He couldn't help but feel an inexplicable warmth in his heart, and said softly: "Yes, in times of crisis, we help each other and act as a shield for each other."

  He smiled slightly and said: "No matter we win or lose, we are all friends!"

  Ding Juran's eyes burst out with dazzling light. of light.

  Immediately, Ding Juran walked up to Mo Ganyun and others and said goodbye one by one.

  Ningxue Sword said: "There is no need to be so sad. I will teach you for a while, but you still have to go back to the martial arts academy and sharpen yourself." Then the other

  party Che said: "Practice your sword well!"


  Ningxue Sword grabbed it. Qi Ding was alone, his sword flashed, and he disappeared without a trace in an instant.

  The Tianren Martial Arts Academy is now doing its best to treat Xue Wansi.

  The mountain chief was in despair, his face looked like he was mourning for his heir.

  It's over, it's all over.

  After Ningxue Sword left, the entire venue was filled with uproar.

  What happened today is really an eye-opener!
  Tianren Wuyuan won the championship, and everything was going in the normal direction, but in the end, Xue Wansi insisted on causing trouble.

  So in the end, a Boss Fang from the Baiyun Martial Academy was created.

  As a result, Xue Wanshi rushed into the street without even making a single move.

  And he was so frightened that he knelt down.

  Moreover, I was stunned.

  Moreover, I was so frightened that I peeed and pooped out.

  Moreover, what happened to the soul...

  Then, the mountain chief was dismissed from his post.

  This thing is so…

  it’s simply dizzying.

  The question now is...

  what should this champion do to receive the award?
  You must know that this Xue Wanshi is the captain of the championship team.

  But now that he is like this, will he receive the championship trophy? How to get it?
  If you accept it, it’s a joke; if you don’t accept it, it’s also a joke.

  And even if Xue Wanshi changed his clothes and went up to receive the award, he would never be able to clean the shit he had pooped in his crotch in front of hundreds of thousands of people in his lifetime!

  Doomed to be a lifelong stain.

  But these have nothing to do with Baiyun Martial Arts Academy.

  The Baiyun Martial Arts Academy is still waiting to receive the award. At least we are the runner-up.

  You have to give us this trophy, right?
  Ouch, this thing...

  everyone is numb.

  It's simply weird...

  Li Changkong came over, slapped Fang Che on the back of the head, and scolded with a smile: "Just cause trouble for me! After all, you haven't been here during this time, and basically nothing strange happened, okay, If you come here, you will give it to the whole family!"

  He scolded me.

  But Li Changkong was very proud.

  Your Tianren Martial Academy has always been known as the best in the world. How is it now? Your first place was frightened by my student's voice!
  And the word "scared" is not an adjective, but "scared".

  Invisibly, the value of Tianren Martial Academy's championship suddenly shrunk by more than 90%!

  However, Baiyun Martial Arts School has risen directly to the top.

  What is this concept?
  Although the team we sent didn’t win, we didn’t send the strongest one!
  It's out now, how's it going?
  Did you see that?

  All the teachers present can understand what is going on with Xue Wanshi. Li Changkong was naturally more aware that this was like a recruit who usually met the standards in all events in the training ground, but was suddenly frightened to death when faced with the cruelty on the battlefield of life and death.

  Something that is easy to understand.

  Huang Yifan also came over, with a complicated expression on his face. I feel happy, proud, and a little scared at the same time.

  Looking at Fang Che, he said softly: "Are you reaching the ninth level?"

  Fang Che nodded and said: "Almost."

  Huang Yifan scolded: "I didn't let you come, why did you come? Isn't this making trouble?"

  In fact, Huang Yifan felt extremely refreshed and hearty as Fang Che defeated the people of Tianren Wuyuan in such a majestic and domineering manner.

  But when he thought of Fang Che's identity as a demon, he started to feel uncomfortable again.

  How great would it be if this really was a genius from our martial arts academy?
  It just happened to be a traitor from the Yixin Cult!
  Huang Yifan was also suffering a lot.

  Li Changkong said: "Deputy Commander Huang, are you going a little too far? No matter what, Fang Che has restored the reputation of our martial arts academy!"

  Huang Yifan said angrily: "If the higher-ups blame us, won't the martial arts academy still have to suffer? Someone who shouldn't have appeared has appeared, don't you understand?"

  Li Changkong said angrily: "Then we are going to tie him up? We didn't bring him here. Fang Che couldn't bear to worry and came here on his own. What's wrong? Who should be blamed? Zhao Shanhe?!"

  Huang Yifan felt suffocated in his heart and couldn't describe the feeling, "Anyway... ugh, what the hell!" He stomped his feet and sulked.

  I can’t say it!

  Lao Huang, I am so suffocated.

  The medical team of Tianren Martial Arts Academy began to diagnose and treat the seriously injured. White lights flashed around them, and various injuries were quickly restored.

  Of course, Fang Che's healing pills were not taken out.

  The injuries these guys received didn't hurt their roots, so they were of no use.

  Besides, these elixirs are now in short supply, which is unjustifiable.


  There is a saying that goes well.

  No matter who is missing in this world, the sun will still rise as usual, and everything will still go on as usual.

  Although the head of Tianren Wuyuan was dismissed.

  But this martial arts competition will not stop because of this incident, and the person who takes over has not yet come, so he can only continue to perform his duties if he removes the mountain chief.

  Next, the martial arts competition finals proceed as normal.

  Before the second grade class was over, it got dark.

  So there was a truce and it would continue tomorrow.

  Mo Ganyun and others had also returned from treatment. Their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and ointments were applied to the broken bones. Everyone holds healing medicine in their hands and comes to reunite with Fang Che to celebrate.

  "Boss Fang, you are so majestic. How did you do it?"

  Mo Ganyun's eyes turned blue with envy.

  Others like Yu Zhongge looked at the red scarf on Mo Ganyun's head with some pity. Judging from today's situation, Mo Ganyun may never be able to take off the red scarf on his head in this life... "Hey, fortunately it wasn't there at the time

  . It's tied green."

  Qiu Yunshang sighed.


  Everyone laughed.

  Mo Ganyun's face turned the color of pig's liver, and he said angrily: "I will definitely catch up with Boss Fang in the future, I will definitely be able to..."

  Halfway through, he remembered how Fang Che had scared Xue Wansi to death with a direct roar today, I couldn't help but feel discouraged.

  He waved his arms to speak with great momentum, but also lowered his arms.

  The crowd burst into laughter.

  "Boss, where is your cultivation now?" Yu Zhongge asked.

  "Well... My cultivation level is such that if I were to hit Mo Ganyun... I'm afraid one roar wouldn't be enough."

  Fang Che said seriously: "I guess it would take two."

  Mo Ganyun had a look of resentment on his face: "Don't compare me to this. ."

  The first-grade finals have been played, and they have nothing to do.

  Just keep chatting for a while, and Li Changkong doesn't care.

  "Boss Fang, what do you think is the future path for the four of us? How will we plan our journey in the near future?" Yu Zhongge asked.

  Ding Juran has left.

  Only four remain.

  Fang Che pondered for a moment and said, "What do you think?" "

  Today, you, the boss, killed Xue Wansi in one fell swoop. It shocked me a lot."

  Yu Zhongge said solemnly, "So, I want to go out and do the mission."

  Mo Ganyun also nodded repeatedly.

  Several people had previously thought of going on a mission with Fang Che, but now it was obvious that this was no longer possible. Fang Che has surpassed them too much.

  If he follows Fang Che again, in addition to being a hindrance, Fang Che will be the nanny.

  Mo Ganyun was a little disappointed and said: "We just persuaded Xie Gongping to leave the team, and now, Boss Fang has abandoned us again. I don't know if this is retribution." Singing in the Rain, Above Autumn Clouds, Jing

  Shuanggaodu It's a big laugh.

  But the laughter was somewhat bitter.


  Among those traveling with Fang Che, four people fell behind!

  And it is seriously behind the times.

  If we were to compete now, I am afraid that no one would be able to make a single move under Fang Che.

  If it were a life-and-death fight, even four of them would be killed by Fang Che. How to form a team with such a gap?
  Moreover, the most urgent thing is... Ding Juran was taken away by Ningxue Sword, and he will be back soon.

  By then, Ding Juran's strength will probably have leapt forward.

  Now there are only four sons from aristocratic families who have the best resources, the best foundation since childhood, and the strongest foundation... they are left behind!

  The two eighth- and ninth-level families were far ahead.

  This... is so embarrassing!

  "It's right to do the task."

  Fang Che pondered for a moment and said: "First find the elixir, fight the monsters, and gain various experiences, and then start to fight with the Demon Cult. Without going through the process of finding the elixir and fighting the monsters, face it directly. You four are not experienced enough for the Demon Cult."

  Judging from the generals Fang Che met while raising Gu to become a god.

  With Qiu Yun's superior strength, he can basically win at the same level, he can barely win at half a level, and he can fight at one level up. If you go above one level, your life will be in danger!

  There are even many demon sect geniuses among them. If they meet them, even if they are at the same level, Mo Ganyun and others may not be their opponents.

  There are geniuses who can leapfrog the battle not only here, but also over there!
  Moreover, the people over there were all inhumane, unscrupulous, sinister, and full of underhanded tricks; Fang Che was really worried that Mo Ganyun and the others wouldn't be able to handle it.

  "Then just follow what Boss Fang said!"

  Yu Zhongge said, "What do you three think?"

  "That's what we mean too."

  The four of them sighed at the same time.

  Singing in the Rain is the best.

  During this time, he also understood. Nominally, he occupies the leadership position of the small team, the first position. fact, he is only the boss in name only.

  (End of chapter)

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