Chapter 199: Greenhouse flowers rarely see the wind and rain

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  Chapter 199 Flowers in the greenhouse, hard to see the wind and rain.

  Fang Che strode forward all the way, closing his mouth and not saying anything.

  But with his aura fully activated, wherever he went, the crowds there would be intimidated by his aura and they would move out of the way unconsciously.

  All the way forward without any lag!
  From the perspective of those on the opposite side and to the side, as Fang Che strode forward, he would roll over and over wherever he went, automatically giving way to a road.

  It was like a large ship suddenly passing by in the sea.

  Several leaders of the Tianren Martial Academy shrank their pupils.

  This Fang Che's aura is so powerful.

  And he was concentrating and gathering momentum along the way. As he strode forward, his momentum became stronger and stronger.

  Behind Fang Che, where they were originally sitting, several girls opened their mouths, looking at Fang Che who was majestic all the way, casually strolling in the courtyard, but then stepped out and looked like he was dominating the world.

  His eyes were filled with confusion.

  "So majestic!"

  "So handsome!"

  Ning Xuejian looked at Fang Che's increasingly majestic aura, with an interesting smile in his eyes.

  He already knew what Fang Che was going to do - Fang Che also saw the weakness of Xue Wansi, which was that he was a new recruit on the battlefield who had not experienced hardships.

  So he gathered his strength.

  Because the new recruits have no killing potential.

  When Fang Che calmly walked to the stage, his momentum was as if he was walking with the blue sky and the earth, and he was so powerful that he couldn't control it.


  He narrowed his eyes and looked at Xue Wanshi, who was looking at him arrogantly.

  Yu Zhongge shouted excitedly from behind: "Boss Fang!"

  Fang Che nodded, without looking back, and said calmly: "Don't worry, I'm here!"

  I'm here!

  These two words made Ding Juran, Qiu Yun Shang, Mo Gan Yun, Sing in the Rain, Jing Shuang Gao, etc. all suddenly feel warm in their hearts.

  In an instant, his eyes turned red.

  The black robe flashed.

  Dark golden light flashed, and stars shone all around.

  Fang Che has already reached the high platform.

  He stretched out his hand and picked it up, and the cloak fell into his hand. Together with the sword inside, it turned into a black shadow with a swipe sound, and flew towards the autumn clouds like a swallow in the forest.

  Qiu Yunshang hurriedly caught it.

  On the stage, Fang Che stood tall and handsome, with arms and waist, broad shoulders and long legs.

  Countless girls watching the match were shocked to see that another handsome man came forward.

  This one should be the most handsome and good-looking in this competition. The most rare thing is that he is so majestic and calm.

  "You are Fang Che!" Xue Wanshi stared at his face.

  "I am Fang Che."

  Fang Che said calmly: "The outcome has been decided. Your Tianren Martial Academy is the champion. I have no intention of competing for your championship." He smiled faintly and

  said: "I am not here to beat my son. , my son, can't stand it and I beat him."

  "I'm here to teach my son a lesson!"

  Xue Wanshi was furious and shouted: "Fang Che, today I will show the world how to beat my grandson!"

  He With a clang, he pulled out the long sword and said sternly: "Come on."

  Fang Che slowly pulled out the sword, held it in his hand, with the tip of the sword facing the sky, and smiled: "Come on."

  Xue Wanshi roared, the long sword trembled, and the dragon With a groan, the sword light flew across the sky like lightning, heading towards Fang Che.

  Just when he was about to get close, Fang Che suddenly hit the ground with one foot, took a fierce step forward with the other foot, swooped forward, and pointed the tip of the knife in his hand towards Xue Wanshi's face.

  In an instant, the sharp sword intent rolled wildly.

  The evil aura that killed tens of thousands of demons by itself, the evil aura of the ancient demons, the frenzied murderous aura, and the mammoth aura rolled towards Xue Wansi with a roar.

  He was immediately enveloped!
  At the same time, Fang Che's front foot slammed onto the ground, and suddenly the whole arena rumbled and shook.

  A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he shouted sternly: "Roar!"

  Xue Wanshi's momentum, which bore the brunt, was immediately crushed and destroyed by Fang Che's momentum, and then the sword intent formed a severe cold covering the body, as if he were naked in the ice and snow. In, crazy impact.

  Suddenly, he felt that his consciousness was in a trance, and the world was shaking, and there was a darkness in front of him.

  His eyes widened in fear, because he clearly saw a ghost gate, suddenly opened, and thousands of ghosts came out, including those with missing arms and legs, those without heads, those broken into several sections, endless ghosts were rushing towards him!

  In an instant, he fell into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

  The chirping sounds of ghosts are not human beings at all.

  I was heartbroken for a moment.

  At this moment, Fang Che's feet suddenly fell down, and the arena shook with a roar. In Xue Wansi's eyes, the world suddenly reversed, a sea of ​​blood and turbid waves rose into the sky, and countless fierce ghosts were rushing towards him.


  Xue Wanshi's body was cold and he screamed in fear, feeling like he had been eaten by a ghost. There is a sword in his hand, but he is completely unaware of it.

  At this moment, Fang Che's deafening shout came: "Roar!" The

  murderous aura in his eyes solidified!

  Fang Che had fought to the death and gone through thousands of battles, and the evil spirit had already invaded his bone marrow, and was even mixed with the unparalleled evil spirit of the ancient world-destroying demon. Xue Wansi, however, was only at the basic level of competition and had not even experienced a few life-and-death fights. Moreover, Fang Che's cultivation level was far higher than that of Xue Wansi. No matter which aspect he was in, he was completely crushed... There

  was only one feeling at this moment.

  I am dead.

  I'm going to die soon!

  There was a clang.

  Xue Wanshi's consciousness was taken away directly, the sword in his hand fell to the ground, and he knelt in front of Fang Che with a plop: "Spare my life, spare your life...I, I, I, oh...ahhhhh..." Suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and in the blood,

  unexpectedly There was something yellow, and then he rolled his eyes and fainted.

  A foul smell came out, and there was a flow of feces and urine.

  The face is full of extreme fear!
  This turn of events simply stunned everyone present.

  In the eyes of ordinary viewers, Xue Wanshi rushed up, Fang Che also made a dive with the sword, and then shouted sharply; then Xue Wanshi suddenly threw the sword, knelt down and begged for mercy, and even fainted and excreted and urinated...

  How is this going?

  Only those martial arts masters of sufficient level could see that Xue Wanshi's momentum was directly taken away by Fang Che. The sword intention crushed the fighting intention, the evil aura directly went to the head, the murderous aura destroyed the sanity, and the roar shocked the soul.

  Clear five-step punch.

  Take full-scale crushing to the extreme!
  Xue Wansi's soul was disturbed, and looking at it like this, his internal organs were also injured, and his gallbladder was frightened!
  With a roar, the people from the Tianren Martial Academy stood up at the same time and looked at Fang Che in shock.

  Even Ningxue Sword stared at it intently.

  Why is there such a strong evil spirit in this kid?
  How many people has he killed to have such evil aura?
  Although this Xue Wansi is just a child of a noble family, he has not experienced the hardships of the world, nor has he experienced many battles of life and death.

  But it shouldn't be so frightened.

  On stage.

  Fang Che looked at Xue Wanshi, sighed lightly, and said: "The flowers in the greenhouse are so protected from wind and rain."

  These thirteen words were like thirteen slaps in the face, which were slapped hard on Tianren Wuyuan. On the faces of all the leaders!

  And it was slapped from the front and back, back and forth!

  Fang Che took a step forward, stretched out a hand from a distance, and picked up Xue Wanshi. Suddenly, a stench filled the air.

  Fang Che sighed, and just carried Xue Wanshi, letting the yellow urine drip and drip, and said: "Come on, someone, give me treatment and clean up. It's so unsightly. I'll be on stage to receive the award later." Where is the champion, tut tut."

  There was silence.

  "Put him down!"

  someone shouted.

  "Oh, oh. Okay."

  Fang Che let go immediately. Xue Wanshi fell into the feces and urine with a snap.

  One man flew up to the stage, put his hand on Xue Wansi's pulse, and turned his head: "Ugh, vomit..."

  Then he suddenly became angry: "Have you ruined his martial arts foundation?"

  Fang Che said calmly: "This teacher must be responsible for what he says. , in full view of the public, I didn’t take any action, I just shouted. How did I know he was so frightened?" He

  turned to Jing Shuanggao and cursed: "You said you have no future, you should have shouted at him a long time ago. Isn't it the end of the throat?"

  Jing Shuanggao looked ashamed: "Boss, I'm sorry, I forgot..."

  "It's really... I just sent the champion away, what do you think you will do when you go back! It's such an easy thing It's true."

  Fang Che said to Jing Shuanggao, hating the iron.

  As he walked down the stage, he said, "Hey, this is a big deal."

  "Don't leave! Stop!"

  the man just said sternly.

  "What? Can't leave?"

  Fang Che turned around and asked strangely.

  The head of the Tianren Martial Academy has also come up: "What's going on?"

  "Xue Wansi is ruined! The spiritual consciousness was broken by the evil energy, and the gallbladder was directly frightened. I'm afraid from now on..." The instructor's voice was trembling.

  The mountain chief suddenly turned around, looked at Fang Che, and said angrily: "Are you too cruel?"

  Before Fang Che could speak, Ningxue Jian was already unhappy: "How did you become the mountain chief? In the middle of a competition, you just now A student almost cut someone into a stick, why didn't you come out and say it was too cruel?" "

  How can you be a mountain leader like you?" Ningxue Jian frowned and said: "The students only talk about cultivation, not actual combat; Without tempering, without fighting, and unable to withstand even a little bit of evil spirit, is this how your Tianren Martial Academy teaches students?" The

  mountain chief shook his body.

  These words spoken by Ning Xuejian were extremely important to him.

  This is what Master Jian said in front of the whole world in public. It is equivalent to directly removing him from his position!
  In other words.

  With Ningxue Jian's words in his position as mountain chief, even if Xue Fuxiao came, he wouldn't be able to keep it!
  At this moment, Ning Xuejian also felt that he had gone too far, but with his personality, he would go too far.

  Turning around, Fang Che asked: "How could such a powerful evil spirit come from such a young age?"

  Fang Che bowed respectfully and said, "The more demons you kill, the more evil energy you will naturally have."

  He really said this. The truth.

  Ningxue Jian sighed and said: "What Fang Che said just now is right, the flowers in the greenhouse can't see the wind and rain. This Xue Wansi is an example. On the surface, it looks very strong. It takes cultivation to have cultivation. Martial arts require martial arts, speed, and realm; but they lack combat experience." "Lacks the experience

  of life and death combat."

  "Such a person has cultivated to the highest level in the martial arts academy, and then What's the use? On the battlefield, don't you still have to pee your pants? Which demon doesn't kill countless people and have overwhelming evil spirits? Does he want to be unable to face the evil spirits in this life?" (End of this chapter


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