Chapter 171 Shuiyun Tianguo [Additional update for Xiao Tian Alliance Leader]

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  Chapter 171 Shuiyun Tianguo [Additional update for Xiao Tian Alliance Leader]

  The other eleven people looked a little reluctant to give up, but after setting the rules, they all had to hold their noses and said: "Yes, this is yours."

  The man was overjoyed and stepped forward. It feels like the Five Spirit Gu hasn't come out yet. Is he not completely dead yet?
  The knife passed over and chopped off the head with a swipe.

  He murmured: "Why hasn't it come out yet?"

  At this moment...

  boom, boom, boom...

  continuous explosions sounded, but the things the woman had hidden under the body were detonated at the same time.

  Countless hair-like needles flew across the sky.

  The nearest few people and the person who stepped forward to absorb the Five Spirit Gu had their faces covered with hair needles, and they were screaming loudly and miserable.

  The remaining few people were more or less pricked with cow hair needles.

  I just felt extremely itchy, and I didn't know where my cultivation was at the moment. I couldn't help rolling on the ground and wailing.

  In an instant, this place became a hell.

  When the woman saw that the dozen or so people who were chasing her had fallen into the trap, she couldn't help but smile in her eyes, and was about to rush out to harvest them.

  As a result, his eyes suddenly locked and he blurted out: "I'm going..."

  I saw a big man with a beard rushing out from the opposite side, holding a dazzling long sword. He was on the field in an instant. The long sword was like the wind and the sword was bright.


  four heads have been chopped off.


  The woman was furious and rushed out with a sword, but the man didn't care about her at all and just chopped off the head.


  cut four more.

  The woman felt like her chest was going to explode with anger.

  He quickly turned around and killed the four people on his side in succession.

  But when he reached the third one, he finally missed the fourth one and was stabbed in the throat by Fang Che.

  Two Five Spirit Gu flew out at the same time to suck the Five Spirit Gu from the corpse killed by their respective masters.

  The woman gritted her teeth and looked at Fang Che. She shook her sword and was about to take action without saying a word.

  Fang Che hurriedly raised his hand: "Wait a minute!"

  The woman gritted her teeth: "What's there to say? Aren't you crazy?"

  Fang Che snorted and said, "Of course I'm crazy, but you're not bad either, and you can see that. Well, they have joined forces. Now, I am single and you are alone, why don't we join a family together?" The woman's eyes suddenly turned red: "

  You gangster, how dare you take advantage of my aunt."

  Chang Jian As soon as it was raised, it came over with a swipe.

  Fang Che resisted with his sword: "That's not what I meant... Listen to me. I wonder if you bitch will listen to what others say?" The

  woman agreed. She finally laid a trap and assassinated twelve people. Nine heads were robbed by this guy!

  I can't close my eyes at this loss!
  Join forces?

  I just want to kill this nasty bearded guy!
  The long sword was like the wind, instantly covering Fang Che.

  Fang Che cheered up, and the Seven Blood Spirit Swords rolled out like the Yangtze River.

  The woman attacked frantically, but Fang Che was unable to fight back but could only parry.

  Fang Che only felt that the pressure was heavy and he could only continue to relieve himself.

  The surprise in my heart was overwhelming.

  This woman's cultivation level is much higher than hers, and she definitely belongs to the type of genius who has a strong foundation and has not been forced to improve.

  Such qualifications are close to those of Mo Ganyun and others.

  Even much stronger than a few of them.

  Because this woman's current cultivation level is definitely above the eighth level general level!

  Fang Che has never dealt with someone with an eighth-level cultivation level before, and it has never been this difficult.

  If it weren't for his profound knowledge and endless supply of countless scriptures, he would have almost been cut down by this woman's sword.

  After dozens more moves, Fang Che complained again and again.

  "Why are you such a crazy and ignorant woman? I want to join forces with you to form a team. I don't want to marry you as my wife!..."

  Fang Che was furious.

  Being put at a disadvantage, he tried his best to resist.

  The woman's eyes exposed by the mask were cold: "Who wants to team up with you?"

  Seeing that Fang Che's cultivation level was not as good as his own, his heart suddenly moved and he started to force him to fight.

  With a clang, Fang Che's wind steel sword was swung away, and his clothes on his chest were cut with a sneer, almost disemboweling him.

  Fang Che resisted with all his strength and yelled: "Crazy woman! You dare not see anyone with a mask on, you must be ugly!"

  The woman became even more angry and her offensive became more and more urgent.

  Fang Che snorted and thought.

  The golden-horned dragon immediately and silently appeared in mid-air, invisible and invisible behind the woman, and was about to pounce on her.

  The woman suddenly felt a crisis and felt a chill. She immediately sheathed her sword and stepped back. The tip of her sword pointed at Fang Che and said, "What are you trying to do?" Fang Che thought

  : This woman actually has super spiritual senses.

  So he immediately ordered the Golden Horned Jiao to stop moving and come back.

  He raised his head and said to the other side: "What are you still doing in a daze? Let's start!"

  Is there someone behind you?

  The woman's instinct turned like a whirlwind. The sword light surrounds him while guarding against Fang Che.

  But I found that there was nothing behind me. How could there be anyone?

  He turned his head hurriedly, only to see that Fang Che had spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew out like a meteor. The speed was so fast that it was jaw-dropping!
  "Blood Burning Technique! This bastard! He actually escaped!"

  The woman's eyes were filled with anger: "Next time we meet, I will kill you with the sword! Bastard, rogue bastard!"

  Then she turned around angrily.

  Fang Che rushed out for more than five hundred miles in one breath, and then found a place to recover. I just feel sorry.

  I originally wanted to establish a relationship with this woman in the name of alliance, and then when I met my opponent, I would stab her in the back, kill her and steal the space ring.

  It turned out that this woman was so vigilant.

  He was hunted down alone and still refused to form an alliance with others!

  "This woman is too strong, let's find another chance in the future!"

  Fang Che hurriedly regained his strength to heal his wounds.

  Although he was not seriously injured, this woman forced him to fight many times, and the strong shock was difficult for his body to bear!
  "A woman with such strength must be ugly!"

  Fang Che gave himself a comfortable excuse, and he felt much better.

  After all, we are the school beauty Fang.

  Is that a joke?
  Healing was at a critical point when suddenly there seemed to be a faint sound of fighting, which made him startled.

  He seizes the time to regain his spiritual energy and quietly goes out in the direction of the sound.

  As we got closer, the sound of the battle became louder and clearer.

  "This is not just one or two people fighting, this is a large group of people fighting!"

  Fang Che was immediately surprised.

  Could there be a big melee here?
  This is also strange!
  what's going on? !

  While I was thinking about it, a gust of wind blew, and the strong smell of blood came with it.

  But among the smell of blood, there are other smells mixed in?
  Fang Che frowned.

  "That's a fresh scent. What scent? It's so clear even in the rich smell of blood... Now there's another big melee between the two groups..."

  Fang Che's eyes suddenly brightened.

  There is only one possibility!
  A treasure of heaven and earth!

  Here, I found something good!
  I suddenly became more energetic.

  This... our old devil must not miss it!
  But Fang Che still doesn't know what exactly it is and what circumstances can lead to such a group fight and looting.

  I quietly leaned over and saw a cliff in front of me, as straight as a wall.

  The battle apparently took place on the other side of the cliff.

  Fang Che flew up with a whoosh.

  When I reached the top and was about to climb over, I almost jumped.

  Because this cliff is really a wall: the top of the cliff is completely pointed, only half a meter thick at most. Although it is a bit wider downwards, but hundreds of feet down, it is only a foot wide at most.

  Then it gradually gets wider as it goes down, but it definitely can't be called a mountain.

  "It's truly a wonder of nature."

  Go down a few hundred feet and enter the half-cloud mist at the mouth of the valley. Through the clouds and mist, you can see the scene below.

  I saw three groups of people on alert. Some were fighting in the middle, and some were watching from the side. New generals were constantly coming in from the mouth of the valley and other places. These three groups of people did not fight, but were just hiding their bodies from those who had just come in. Recruiting generals.

  Then all the big things happened.

  Obviously these three waves of people are fighting over something.

  But Fang Che didn't see it.

  It wasn't discovered until it was about thirty feet above the ground.

  There is actually a water cloud in the sky so close to the ground.

  It seems to be gathering in the air.

  People were fighting to the death on the ground, and the wind was fierce.

  But the water clouds in the sky didn't move at all.

  And the faint fragrance came from the water clouds.

  Fang Che was stunned for a moment.

  This cloud of water, neither touching the sky nor the ground, just hanging in mid-air reminded Fang Che of a legend.

  Shuiyun Tianguo.

  It is recorded in Di Xing's "Qiwu Zhi".

  "If I don't touch the sky, the sky is my root; if I don't touch the earth, the earth is my body; the avenue in the sky is like the red dust in the mirror; the flowers bloom in the illusory world, and the fruits are created; and those who are brought about by good fortune are heavenly beings." Therefore, it is also called

  . For, the fruit of heaven and man.

  In the list of strange objects, the list of strange fruits ranks third.

  This kind of fruit can be consumed by both martial arts peak figures and ordinary people without any cultivation.

  And harmless to the body.

  Warriors also call it the Tenfold Pill.

  After taking this fruit, the medicinal power that cannot be absorbed will not evaporate at all, but will be silently stored in the meridians of the human body.

  Every day, wash the menstruation and cut the marrow once.

  And as long as you practice, the effect will be increased tenfold according to your personal practice speed.

  For example, if you are just a martial artist, if you can absorb the spiritual power of one wine cup in a day of normal practice, then after taking this fruit, you can earn ten wine cups a day.

  But if you are an emperor and absorb a large tank of spiritual power in one day, then after taking this fruit, you will earn ten large tanks in one day.

  And so on.

  If you have not practiced this day, it will only cleanse the meridians and cut the marrow, and the other medicinal effects will not disappear. Wait until you practice before you start cooperating.

  This kind of unreasonable promotion and daily cleansing and cutting of the marrow will not end until the medicinal power of Shuiyuntianguo completely disappears.

  According to rumors, it can directly upgrade the qualifications of an innate waste whose meridians are completely blocked to the level of heaven and human.

  This is the origin of the name 'Heavenly Fruit'.

  The growth period is unknown, but after the flowers bloom, they bear fruit within three hours. The fruits mature immediately and fall naturally.

  If no one eats it, the spiritual energy will spread into the mountains and forests, and the mountains will become a place of treasure.


  [Asking for monthly votes again]

  (End of chapter)

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