Chapter 170 The magical effect of evil spirit [Additional update for the leader of the One-legged Lizard]

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  Chapter 170: The Magical Use of Evil Spirit [Additional update for the leader of the One-legged Lizard]

  Fang Che has killed three more people at this moment and is hiding in a small cave.

  Others can form a team, but Fang Che cannot form a team.

  Others will not team up with him. After all, he is outside and has directly offended more than 100,000 people.

  This is a tortuous cave, not deep, only one foot deep, and at the corner in front is another exit: open from front to back.

  Fang Che took a look.

  Then something clicked in my heart.

  What the hell...

  why is this cave so small?

  So he immediately rushed out, stood on a high place, and laughed loudly: "With a bunch of corpses, who dares to kill me! Who dares to kill me?!" The

  voice was like rolling thunder, spreading far away.

  "It's that guy!"

  "Fuck him, kill him first!"

  Suddenly, people were coming from several directions.

  Fang Che stood on the top of the tree and said loudly: "If you have the guts, come and fight me alone... Fuck you, why are there so many people? Are you so shameless?" He

  saw people coming from all directions, more than a dozen of them. !

  Fang Che yelled: "How despicable!"

  He jumped off the treetop and ran away close to the ground.

  "Chase him, he's over there!"

  Fang Che didn't dare to say anything anymore, rushed up the hill close to the ground, and slipped into the cave.

  A person chased after him, just in time to see him disappear at the entrance of the cave. He said loudly: "This bastard got into the cave! Let's go over there and see if there is an exit..."

  Whoosh, five figures fell down.

  Fang Che was already in the cave at the moment, and had already prepared about one-fifth of the Soul-Eating Incense in his hand.

  When you rub it with your hands, it will be completely filled with powder, and then the powder will burn at the same time.

  Fang Che waved his hand to block the wind, and then escaped from the other side.

  As soon as he went out, several hidden weapons rushed in, and then several figures rushed forward with a whoosh.

  Fang Che used his palm force from the other end to make a sudden sound of wind.

  Colorless poisonous smoke filled the air directly.

  The five people had just arrived at the cave entrance and were preparing to attack or test. Before they had time to discuss, they felt a gust of wind coming towards them.

  When he suddenly felt something was wrong, his whole body went limp and he fell to the ground.

  Fang Che appeared like a ghost, his long sword brushing against him!
  Five swords!

  The Five Spirit Gu jumped out instantly, sucked it five times in a row and jumped back on Fang Che's head.

  Then Fang Che stood up with his sword and used three crazy sword strikes. He blocked the attack of the three people who had just arrived. He jumped up to the top of the tree and disappeared again in a flash.

  The three people who had just arrived looked at the five corpses on the ground and couldn't help feeling numb.

  What the hell is going on?

  How come five people were killed without a sound? When I first arrived at the edge of the forest, I heard five people shouting. They were dead so quickly!

  Another person came from a distance: "What's going on...who did five of them at once?"

  "It was the one who was looking for death when we were outside!"

  "Wori is so fierce!"


  Fang Che had already Thousands of feet away.

  Kill someone and move to another place.

  Fang Che will never fall in love with fighting.

  Everyone was fighting each other, and Fang Che also encountered three fights with each other along the way, four people against four people.

  Fang Che attacked twice.

  He only killed one person and immediately ran away.

  He was running at full speed and rushed directly into the battle circle. No matter whether it was friend or foe, he just slashed at them randomly. Anyone killed counted as one. It didn't matter whether he was killed or not. He just rushed over like a hurricane without looking back.

  Anyway, as long as he kills it, other people's Five Spirit Gu can't absorb it.

  After Fang Che's Five Spirit Gu was absorbed, all it took was a flash of black light to return to his head.

  Extremely convenient.

  In this strange space, there is always a black fog above the head, making it impossible to distinguish between day and night.

  As for the concept of time, everyone can only make their own decisions.

  Fang Che felt that about six hours had passed.

  If we were outside now, it would be late at night.

  Counting the harvest, it’s almost sixteen!

  The Five Spirit Gu was very satisfying to eat, but I was not stable at all.

  Even warriors need to rest.

  But how can we rest when everyone is hunting each other in this area?
  There is time to meditate, but taking a long break is absolutely impossible!

  Although Fang Che had already made preparations, when it came, Yinshen Palace and others also stuffed a lot of things for him.

  However, it is really not possible to keep fighting and survive in this mountain forest.

  Think about it.

  Suddenly I remembered the golden horned dragon.

  This guy has been absorbing evil spirits. How is the absorption going?

  And that evil aura...

  Fang Che's eyes flickered slightly.


  Twilight shrouded, unclear and not dark.

  Fang Che deliberately met a group of five people, bumped into them head on, made a surprised expression, and then turned around and ran away.

  But those five people were overjoyed.

  Whoosh whoosh...

  Countless hidden weapons flew towards him. Fang Che avoided the hidden weapons and was finally caught up.

  Five people gathered in a circle with grinning faces.

  "Is it my turn now?" The third person in line laughed happily.

  The first one snorted, looked at Fang Che with squinted eyes, especially at the curly beard, and said calmly: "This guy is not simple. Isn't this the guy who is looking for death outside?" Since he came in

  , After that, whenever these guys mentioned Fang Che, they would refer to him as 'the guy who is out there looking for death'. Although they have never been discussed, they are extremely similar.

  "Be cautious."

  The five people were a little wary at the same time.

  At this moment, Fang Che suddenly gathered his whole body's cultivation and directed the evil energy accumulated in his consciousness space out!

  Suddenly, a colorless and odorless aura suddenly enveloped the space.

  The five people suddenly felt creepy and cold, as if they were suddenly trapped in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

  That kind of horror and despair suddenly came to my heart.

  What kind of momentum is this!
  Even the leaders of their respective sects do not have such terrifying evil aura.

  A cool air rose from the tailbone and reached Tianling Gai in an instant.

  Soreness of hands and feet.

  Fang Che's Seven Blood Swords were launched immediately.

  Swish, brush, brush...

  Four people died under the sword. The fifth person yelled, and he turned around and ran away, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

  He actually used the blood-burning technique!
  Fang Che grinned.

  This trick really works.

  It's a pity that I can only use it once after saving it for so long. The next time I want to use it, it will be at least a day later.

  The Five Spirit Gu rushed out excitedly and sucked them in one by one.

  Then he flew back to Fang Che and made a nest with satisfaction.

  Lie down comfortably.

  So happy!
  This period of time is really the happiest time for Gu Sheng. He is fed with spiritual energy every day and his strength is increasing every day. Extra tasty treats every day.

  It is simply a magical day.

  There was the sound of clothes flying in the air from ahead.

  Fang Che hid immediately.

  Just listening to the urgency of the sound, you knew it was very fast.

  Such a fast speed.

  If he didn't use the blood-burning technique, but used normal speed, then this person's cultivation level would definitely be higher than his own.

  Sure enough, a line of white smoke came from the sky, but it was a graceful figure.

  Fang Che's eyes narrowed.

  She is a woman, dressed in white, with a slim figure, smooth hair, and a ferocious mask on her face.

  It was the woman who struck up a conversation with him when he came in.

  He was moving in a hurry, obviously he was being hunted.

  So Fang Che became more careful and simply used the Bingche Lingtai Mental Technique.

  Her heart was as clear as ice and she was not surprised when the sky fell...

  When the woman came here, she looked at the four corpses on the ground, and they fell down with a swipe.

  Divine consciousness spread to the entire audience in an instant, and then he waved his hands.

  Puff puff...

  a dozen soft sounds sounded. Then with a tip of his toes, he turned a corpse over and leaned it against a big tree. He slapped the corpse's chest with a palm to stimulate the body's uncoagulated Qi and blood, and then stuffed a medicine into the corpse's mouth.

  Immediately the corpse began to bleed from its mouth.

  It creates a pattern of 'I killed three people but I'm about to die too'.

  As soon as he turned around, several small things fell darkly under several corpses and under the corpse leaning against the tree.

  Then the body flew out with a whoosh, making the appearance of passing through the forest, leaving behind its breath.

  But he instantly circled back from the other side.

  Just opposite Fang Che.

  Fang Che couldn't help but praise her greatly: This woman is so thoughtful and thoughtful.

  As soon as he saw the four corpses, he immediately prepared a trap.

  This mind is also very powerful.

  After all, there are four corpses here, so the murderer has already left after killing them and devouring them with the five spirit Gu.

  Now for this woman, the place with the corpse is the safest place.

  People have the same mind and the same reason.

  Since everyone thinks this place is safe, how can we not use it to make some traps?
  Fang Che was even more careful in his ambush, because when the woman radiated the power of consciousness, Fang Che clearly felt that the power of the other woman's consciousness was extremely powerful, and it was not even inferior to his own.

  This shocked him to the extreme.

  Where did this woman come from? How many adventures did she have to get to where she is now, how could she...

  The woman quietly lay down and waited.

  Fang Che also waited quietly.

  Then Fang Che suddenly realized with hindsight: Huh?

  There's something...something wrong with this.

  This woman's body is as flat as a frying pan. Where is the thing that was thrown just now?

  Also, she has a sword in her hand, but no scabbard.

  Where's the scabbard?
  Fang Che's eyes suddenly heated up: This woman actually has a space ring?
  What the hell!

  Damn it, there is such a windfall!

  Just thinking about it.

  I saw whirring from behind, and twelve people were flying towards me at the same time. When I saw the scene here, several people flew over, but suddenly turned back.

  Looking at the man leaning against the tree with his eyes wide open, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

  Several people's eyes lit up.

  Could it be...

  come over immediately.

  A few darts flew past.

  Stuck on the body leaning against the tree, the body trembled, blood and blood clots spurted out from the mouth, and the body slowly fell.

  "Sure enough, they are not dead!"

  The leader was overjoyed and said: "Brothers, we have taken advantage now. It seems that these four guys are killing each other. The guy won but was also seriously injured... What a lucky thing. "

  One of them looked at the corpse intently and said: "This time, it's my turn, right?"

  (End of Chapter)

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