211. Chapter 208 Turning the devil into good

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  Chapter 208: Transform the devil into a righteous
  wind in Linzhou.

  southwest direction.

  An endless black swamp.

  The light of the teleportation array slowly lit up.

  A handsome-looking figure in black, who looked like a graceful young man, slowly walked out of the teleportation array.

  It was Lu Yuansheng.

  He looked up and looked not far away.

  The huge statue towers into the sky, with twenty-four arms stretched out.

  But these twenty-four arms were strangely closed in front of him.

  The statue is gently held up by its palms.

  It seems to be holding something.

  Lu Yuansheng stared slightly, with an inexplicable flash of solemnity in his eyes.

  He immediately jumped up and landed on one of the arms in the blink of an eye.

  His eyes quietly glanced at the palm of the statue, and his pupils suddenly narrowed.

  A corpse surging with rich blood was quietly suspended in the palm of the statue.

  The body was so strong that even when it was lying with its eyes closed, it gave people a weird feeling of being looked down upon!
  If it weren't for the obvious hole between his eyebrows and the dried blood, Lu Yuansheng would have even thought that this person was still alive.

  "Pang Xiao..."

  Lu Yuansheng couldn't help but feel shocked.

  But Xuan even immediately restrained all his emotions, because he heard Ning Daohuan's slightly cheerful voice coming from behind: "Here they come

  ? How are they? Are those people from Xianghuo Road easy to deal with?"

  Lu Yuansheng turned around quickly , and saluted respectfully towards Ning Daohuan, who was slowly walking down from the top of the statue.

  There was no emotion on his face:

  "Return to the leader, these people do have strange methods, but fortunately, thanks to the 'blood and bone saints' given by the leader, the disciples were lucky enough to kill two of them." "It's a pity that the magic power is not enough

  . , letting the other four people escape, but they got together with the people of the five major sects."

  Ning Daohuan's face showed no blame, and he nodded and said:
  "Not long after you entered the golden elixir, you were able to use the blood The Bone Saint has performed quite well to this extent."

  Then he sighed: "It's just a pity for Elder Ju and the others."

  Lu Yuansheng said nothing.

  Previously, Ning Daohuan killed Pang Xiao of Shanhai Sect, which caused the monks of the five sects of Chen Kingdom to take action in anger.

  With the combined efforts of more than twenty Jindan masters, even Ning Daohuan did not dare to take direct action.

  But he hid quickly, and the Tianmen Sect Jindan Masters who came with him to besiege Pang Xiao, but a few Jindan Masters who had lost their strength when besieging Pang Xiao before were unable to dodge, and were killed by them when they came across them. .

  If Ning Daohuan hadn't protected him in time, there wouldn't even be a body left.

  After all, Ning Daohuan, who had recovered some of his magic power, was the True Monarch of Nascent Soul. He quickly forced the monks from the five sects of the Chen Kingdom back and escaped smoothly.

  The five sects of Chen State could not catch up, so they could only give up when the situation was good.

  "By the way, I received news that not long ago, some disciples in the sect saw a group of people from the Dongsheng Sect heading west. They seemed to be planning to abandon this place."

  Ning Daohuan asked with a smile: "What do you think? ?"

  Lu Yuansheng still had a respectful expression on his face: "I can only say that they are quite wise, otherwise they will definitely die if they stay here any longer." "

  But be careful, this Ji Lan is very scheming. It's hard to guarantee that he didn't show it to us on purpose, but was actually sneaking up secretly. There's no telling whether we'll come back."

  Ning Daohuan nodded slightly when he heard the words:

  "You're right, then I'll leave this matter to you. Well, you did a very good job in getting the tiger away from the mountain this time."

  Lu Yuansheng felt a little excited when he heard the words . Lin, with a calm expression on his face, said:
  "It's not that the disciple did a good job, it's just that Cheng Shu was too stupid and thought no one would find out. In fact, I have never trusted him. I deliberately leaked some 'secrets' in front of him this time. As expected, he immediately reported it to the Dongsheng Sect."

  "Understanding people's hearts and manipulating them is not a simple matter. If you can learn it and make good use of it, you can rest assured that you can teach me after I have passed away. Everything is left to you."

  Ning Daohuan shook his head and smiled.

  "How can you say that the leader was in his prime in spring and autumn and could still enjoy a long life of ten thousand years?"

  Lu Yuansheng said quickly with a rare hint of admiration on his face.

  Ning Daohuan waved his hands and sighed:

  "Ten thousand years... Ha! Looking at Feng Linzhou, how many people can live for ten thousand years?" "

  But they are all wishing for nothing!" "

  I The four true methods of the Nascent Soul Avenue of the Tianmen Sect are all supreme methods that directly point to the Nascent Soul." "

  It's a pity that I only know the limitations of these four true methods at this stage."


  Lu Yuansheng couldn't help but be curious.

  This was the first time he heard Ning Daohuan talk about the true method of Nascent Soul.

  It was rare for Ning Daohuan to have such a mood. He explained with emotion:
  "The four true methods are indeed wonderful methods that directly point to the Nascent Soul Avenue." "

  But there is no need to deny that we are walking the path of the devil, taking all living beings. Use your destiny for your own use, harming the world and benefiting yourself even a little bit." "

  It starts quickly, has great power, and has strange methods, which are beyond the reach of ordinary monks." "

  But the way of heaven is noble, and there are gains and losses. These advantages, when it comes to After the golden elixir, it becomes a disadvantage."

  "Cultivation is difficult and you can't make any progress." "

  That's why I teach twenty golden elixirs, but I am the only one who is a Nascent Soul monk." "

  With my talent, when I reach Yuan Ying This step in the early stages of infancy has already exhausted everything. I still have eight hundred years left in my life, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to take another step forward!" "

  This may be my life!"

  After hearing Ning Daohuan's words, Lu Yuansheng couldn't help but think. shock.

  This was the first time he heard Ning Daohuan share these secrets with him so heart-to-heart.

  This is also the first time that I really know that there is such a big problem in Tianmen Sect's exercises.

  Even Ning Daohuan, who in his opinion was extremely gifted and talented, did not dare to ask for more.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yuansheng's heart suddenly became heavy.

  At such an age, he has already set foot in the Golden Elixir, and he has long had the idea of ​​​​aiming for the Nascent Soul.

  However, when I heard such news at this moment, I couldn't help but feel a little unable to accept it.


  Ning Daohuan paused.

  He walked slightly, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked down at the endless black pool below the statue.

  In his eyes, there was a trace of ambition that was deeply hidden, but could not be hidden at all:

  "I am a person who never believes in fate!"

  "Since the devil's way doesn't work, then I will switch to the righteous way!"

  "Turn the devil into good!"

  The voice was not loud, but at this moment, it was like thunder exploding in the ears!

  Lu Yuansheng looked at Ning Daohuan's back and was stunned for a moment.

  "Haha, you must be wondering why I deliberately wanted to take down Pang Xiao of Shanhai Sect?"

  Ning Daohuan suddenly pointed at the body in the palm of the statue and said with a smile.

  Lu Yuansheng nodded subconsciously.

  But soon he seemed to realize something, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

  "The leader wants to replace him..."

  "That's right! You boy really knows it all!"

  Ning Daohuan nodded appreciatively to Lu Yuansheng:
  "Physical cultivation is the only righteous body that can carry the devil! And physical cultivation is in the wind. It is extremely sparse in Linzhou. I have visited several countries in Dachu and have not found it. I only saw the Shanhai Sect here in Chen State." "It is a pity that the most suitable Pang Xiao, although his physical body is comparable to Yuanying, he is

  still My Nascent Soul couldn't bear it, so I waited for a long time, and then specially gave him a treasure for cultivating the physical body. Then he successfully entered the Nascent Soul, and his physical body also transformed under the tempering of the heavenly tribulation."

  Ning Daohuan sighed: "However, all the hard work is worth it!"

  Lu Yuansheng listened to Ning Daohuan's words without any surprise.

  Because he was involved in many aspects of these things.

  For example, when sending a treasure to Pang Xiao, he personally participated in the planning.

  It's just that he didn't know Ning Daohuan's purpose at the time. Now that he thinks about it, Ning Daohuan obviously calculated that after Pang Xiao got the treasure, he would cultivate impatiently until he could overcome the tribulation.

  The time of overcoming the tribulation was almost perfectly synchronized with the battle initiated by Ning Daohuan.

  It can be said that Ning Daohuan almost perfectly predicted all the reactions of the other two participants in this war.

  And responded to it almost perfectly.

  The only failure was probably the few Jindan elders who were killed by people from the five major sects.

  These people are all veteran Jindan and have strong strength.

  If he hadn't used too much mana to help Ning Daohuan restrain Pang Xiao and couldn't react in time, he wouldn't have been killed in a single encounter.

  But sometimes it is like this, fate is like this, and there is no one to blame.

  "So, you should know what I mean by calling you here this time, right?"

  Ning Daohuan turned around and looked at Lu Yuansheng.

  Lu Yuansheng's heart trembled, and he vaguely guessed what Ning Daohuan meant.

  "That's right, I will continue to leave it to you over at Dongsheng Station. No matter what, you must withstand the joint attack of the Five Sects of Chen Guo and Xianghuo Dao." "At least, it will take

  me half a year!"

  "Half a year, I can completely Complete the transformation from good to evil!"

  Ning Daohuan stared at Lu Yuansheng, with a hint of sharpness in his seemingly gentle eyes.

  Lu Yuansheng didn't dare to look at each other and quickly lowered his head:
  "Disciple understands!"

  "Disciple swears to defend the Dongsheng Station to the death!"

  "Well, that's good. If it doesn't work, you can give up the perimeter, but you must guard it for me!"

  Ning Dao Huan nodded slightly, and then gave serious instructions.

  "Yes! Master, please rest assured, unless the disciple dies, he will be found safe!" "

  Then the disciple will resign first."

  "Well, go ahead."

  Ning Daohuan nodded.

  Then he watched Lu Yuansheng slowly fall from the statue, strode into the teleportation array, and soon disappeared in the brilliance.

  Lu Yuansheng had just left not long ago.

  A dark shadow quietly appeared behind Ning Daohuan.


  Ning Daohuan did not turn around, but looked into the distance with his hands behind his hands.

  The gentleness, generosity, and ambition just now have all disappeared without realizing it, leaving only a trace of ruthless indifference in his eyes.

  "Who did he come into contact with after he achieved the golden elixir?"

  "The five golden elixir people, Elder Jing, Elder Bei..."

  "The eighty-four people who built the foundation, Zhang Xi, Zhu Ziji, Yan Yun... Yan Chi, Dong Qiyu...Wang Ba..."

  "Three Qi Refiners..."

  The shadows seemed to have no emotion at all as they spoke one after another.

  Ning Daohuan did not interrupt, but went through each one carefully in his mind.

  Then he asked:

  "What are the possible problems?"

  "Wu Yetan...Dong Qiyu...Wang Yan, Zhu Yushi."

  Ning Daohuan heard these names and went through them in his mind again.

  "Dong Qiyu... What a pity."

  Ning Daohuan shook his head, and then recalled the name 'Wang Ba':

  "I know this person, who is good at raising spiritual chickens. He reported to me before that this person What's the problem?"

  "This person once bribed him with a second-level top-quality spiritual chicken."

  Shadow said without emotion.

  "Did this person succeed?"

  "It should be successful. This Taoist companion was able to stay in the station during the previous mission."

  Shadow replied.

  Ning Daohuan gently twirled his fingers when he heard the words, his eyes revealing his thoughts.

  "Second-level top-quality spiritual chicken... This guy should have been in the foundation building not long ago, right?" "

  Yes, it has been less than two years since the foundation building."

  "Then this talent is pretty good, better than Yan Chi of the Xuan Fu Dao I'm afraid it's even higher."

  Ning Daohuan said without any hesitation:
  "Keep this person, by the way, this Zhu Yushi..." "


  Shadow returned without any emotion.

  "Well, okay, go back first. After all, you are just building the foundation. Don't make him suspicious."

  Ning Daohuan said coldly.


  The shadow turned around slightly and disappeared into the darkness.

  And at the same time.

  Dongsheng Station.

  Bai Yu slowly opened his eyes, and there was no emotion in his eyes.


  Wang Ba looked at the figure in front of him, and for a moment he felt like he was in a dream.

  He didn't dare to speak.

  I was afraid that the dream would disappear as soon as I opened my mouth.

  But at this moment, the beautiful figure in front of her waved her palms wrapped in a cloth in confusion.

  "Senior brother, senior brother?"

  Bu Chan looked confused, but before she could react, she was suddenly hugged tightly by Wang Hao who suddenly rushed towards her.

  Bu Chan was caught off guard and was hugged, and his face suddenly turned red.

  He quickly looked around, only to see that some of the monks around him had noticed Wang Yan's astonishing behavior. They were pointing with both kindness and disdain... "

  Brother! Senior brother! There are people here, here..."

  Bu Chan struggled He raised his hand, trying to break free.

  However, she soon realized something and couldn't help but look up at Wang Ba.

  But I saw a senior brother who was always quiet and almost never lost his temper.

  At this moment, the eyes looking at him were actually a little wet.

  "Senior brother..."

  At this moment, Bu Chan's heart was twisting.

  He raised his hand distressedly and held his senior brother's face.

  Don't let others see your senior brother's vulnerability at this moment.

  Immediately, he ignored all the looks around him and hugged his senior brother tightly.

  Feeling the temperature and heartbeat coming from the senior brother.

  There was also the senior brother's muttering to himself.

  "It's good that you're still here."

  "It's good that you're still here."

  "Senior brother, I'm here, and I've always been here."

  Bu Chan said softly, patting Wang Yan on the back as if coaxing a child.

  At this moment, the world is so quiet.

   This is my ideal heroine, and there shouldn’t be another heroine in the future. I’m

    too busy today and don’t have time to fish, so I can only update it tomorrow. I’m sorry everyone!

  (End of chapter)

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