210.Chapter 207 Ring

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  Chapter 207 The ring
  is within sight.

  The originally lush green hills, lakes, markets, and homes... are no longer visible.

  It was like being baptized by a natural disaster, everything was in ruins.

  If you look down from the sky.

  The ground seemed to be covered with ugly scars.

  Wang Ba stood beside the former Nanhu Lake.

  He couldn't help but look slightly cold.

  Nanhu, which was once not destroyed even by the Tianmen Sect's invasion of the Dongsheng Sect, has now become turbid, and the mound next to it was broken in half and fell into the lake.

  On the banks of Nanhu Lake, the former chicken farms and spiritual fields... no longer exist.

  All he saw was a piece of scorched earth.

  Wang Ba seemed to feel something, and walked quickly to a place, and found half of the blackened gourd vine in the scorched earth.

  This second-level gourd vine failed to grow after all.

  "Senior brother, there is no scent of Bu Chan here."

  Shen Fu frowned and walked over.

  As the saying goes, the passing geese leave a sound. Although the monk is dead, it is not long after all. With special means or a sharp soul, one can still detect the monk's aura.

  However, Shen Fu did not notice Bu Chan's aura.

  When Wang Ba heard this, a glimmer of hope suddenly rose in his eyes, and he immediately dropped the gourd vine in his hand.

  Quickly lifted into the air and looked down.

  Soon, he saw a place where the blood evil spirit was soaring into the sky.


  Wang Hao flew over.

  Soon, he landed next to the same scorched black land.

  There is no trace of blood here, nor any broken limbs or the like.

  However, Wang Ba's expression became even more serious.

  Because the rich blood-evil spirit here will not deceive others, it is obvious that the person who took action was so filled with hatred that he actually turned the monks here directly into ashes!
  With the strength of Master Jin Dan, he can do this in an instant.


  Wang Hao's eyes were filled with coldness.

  But what made him vaguely feel that something was wrong was that he still didn't notice Bu Chan's aura here.

  Shen Fu, who followed closely, also looked at him and shook his head slightly.

  Wang Hao frowned.

  He suddenly climbed up again and searched everywhere.

  Soon, when he glanced at the purple figure among the peaks, he immediately noticed a scorched black place around it.

  Wang Ba did not let go of this doubt. Although he was wary of this transfiguration soul, he still fell down.

  However, for safety reasons, he immediately summoned Bingyi.

  After being implanted with soul seeds by Wang Ba, this black-feathered chicken swallowed the third-level Yin ghost and successfully advanced to the second-level top grade. Now it is full of life.

  Compared to before, there was a hint of spirituality in his eyes.

  It's best at dealing with ghosts, but I don't know if it's useful against souls.

  When Bingyi was released from the spirit beast bag, he immediately approached Wang Ba happily and rubbed his head against Wang Ba.

  However, it soon noticed that the owner didn't seem to want to play with it.

  Bingyi was not angry, he tilted his head and looked around.

  Immediately, he was attracted by the purple figure tied with heavy iron ropes.

  He walked towards the purple figure curiously.


  Wang Hao shouted quickly.

  Bingyi turned his head and glanced at Wang Hao doubtfully. Then he couldn't stop his curiosity and took two steps forward.

  The purple figure turned bright, but its eyes were closed tightly, seemingly unaware.

  Seeing that there seemed to be no danger, Wang Ba stopped caring about it.

  I quickly sensed it and found that there was no monk's aura left in the scorched earth here.

  "Not here either..."

  Wang Yan didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

  Bu Chan's breath was not found, which proved that Bu Chan might not be dead yet.

  But there is also a possibility that he still hasn't found Bu Chan's location.

  But at this moment, he suddenly noticed something vibrating in the storage bag.

  Take it out of the storage bag immediately.

  It turned out to be the 'Dragon-Seeking Compass' that I had previously obtained from Sanxiu Wu Buping in Qianyu Lake.


  Wang Yan was a little confused.

  But he saw that the pointer on the compass was pointed at the iron rope on Ming Yuanshen's body.

  And it was shaking violently.

  At this moment, Wang Hao had no intention of searching for spiritual objects. Besides, if he could uncover the trapped objects, how could he be able to remove them.

  Then he tried it and found that it was true, so he didn't try again.

  Dang even put the compass back into the storage bag.

  He lowered his head and examined it carefully, and found that except for the scorched earth and an obvious crack in the iron cable, there were no traces of any spells.

  There is no aura of Bu Chan either.

  However, soon, there was another shock in the storage bag.

  Wang Ba frowned and took out the dragon-seeking compass.

  But the pointer pointed to another place.

  Wang Hao hesitated for a moment and walked in the direction of the pointer. Suddenly, he found a large piece of iron in the stone that seemed to be made of exactly the same material as Fanming Yuanshen.

  He didn't have the time to think too much, but since he could take it away and it was highly recommended by the Dragon-Seeking Compass, he conveniently put it in his storage bag.

  But when he raised his head, he couldn't help but feel excited!
  Among the iron ropes, Fan Ming had already opened his eyes and was looking at him emotionlessly!
  What made Wang Yan even more horrified was that a purple shadow was quietly spreading out from a very new crack on the iron cable, covering the black-feathered chicken from behind who was not aware of it at all!

  "Bingyi! Run!"

  Wang Hao shouted immediately.

  At the same time, he immediately activated the magic weapon and smashed it towards Fanming Yuanshen!
  However, when he saw the magical weapon that was thrown at him, his eyes showed a trace of human mockery.

  The purple shadow that spread out from the cracks in the iron chain also accelerated suddenly and directly enveloped Bingyi!

  Then, in Wang Ba's shocked eyes, the purple shadow wrapped around Bingyi, quickly shrunk, and then retracted from the crack.

  And the black-feathered chicken suddenly disappeared under the iron rope!

  At this time, Wang Ba's magic weapon just hit the iron rope that turned the soul of Ming Dynasty.

  There was a crisp sound.

  But even though Wang Haoxuan discovered that his magic weapon was obviously damaged!
  He couldn't help but look at the iron ropes with horror, and then he realized that the value of these iron ropes on Fan Ming's body was probably far beyond his imagination.

  It's a pity that he can't get these iron ropes, otherwise the people from the five major sects who came here before would have released him long ago.


  Wang Hao glanced at Fan Ming, his expression ugly, but he immediately flew away from here without hesitation.

  Although he felt extremely sorry for Bingyi, he did not dare to have any thoughts of rescuing him when he was swept away by the unknown Fan Ming.

  At that moment, he flew the flying magic weapon in a circle, but he still couldn't find Bu Chan's aura.

  "Where is she? Could it be that she was taken away by the monks from the five major sects who came?"

  "Could she be from the Dongsheng Sect?"

  Wang Hao couldn't help but have this fantasy in his heart.

  After all, Bu Chan was once a member of the Dongsheng Sect, so he might have been recognized by the monks of the Dongsheng Sect and brought back.

  This is not impossible.

  After all, the Dongsheng Sect must be extremely short of disciples now, so it is normal to do this.

  At this moment, Shen Fu suddenly flew over with a low mood.

  Wang Ba's heart suddenly felt uneasy.

  And soon, this uneasiness was confirmed.

  "I found this on the shore of Nanhu Lake."

  Shen Fu opened his palm, revealing an ancient ring stained with mud.

  Seeing this ring, Wang Hao was stunned.

  That was Bu Chan's ring, the ring that Bu Chan had left to him, and that he had returned to Bu Chan in later years.

  That was the bond between the two of them.

  At this moment, many fragments about Bu Chan surged out of his mind and could not be suppressed.

  But he endured it all his life.

  Taking it in his hand, consciousness poured into the ring.

  There are some sundries inside, such as magical instruments, talismans, etc.

  These things... were all left by him to Bu Chan.

  He couldn't help but squeeze the ring.

  His eyes were all cold.



  Three days later.

  "Congratulations to the leader for beheading the Shanhai Sect's supreme leader!"

  "Congratulations to the leader for beheading..."

  Dongsheng station.

  In a huge square that has been renovated and looks brand new.

  The Tianmen Sect monks respectfully faced Ning Daohuan above and shouted praises.

  Beside the leader Ning Daohuan, more than ten Jindan masters finally revealed their true colors in front of everyone.

  They also enjoyed the congratulations from the monks below.

  Although, among the people below, there are already many familiar faces missing.

  Among the crowd, Wang Yan looked cold.

  However, he pieced together Ning Daohuan's entire plan bit by bit from the whispers of the people around him.

  On the surface, Ning Daohuan sent Lu Yuansheng to entangle with Xianghuo Dao to attract everyone's attention. Secretly, he deliberately spread the news and exposed the fact that the strength of Dongsheng Station was empty, which then attracted the attention of the five major Jindan masters.

  In the end, he deceived everyone at the expense of the monks who remained in the Dongsheng Station.

  Then he appeared in Shanhai Sect to everyone's surprise.

  Taking advantage of the opportunity that Pang Xiao, the supreme leader of the Shanhai Sect, had just survived the tribulation and had yet to recover from severe injuries, he killed this important scourge in one fell swoop.

  Shanhaizong suffered heavy losses!
  Not only was the Nascent Soul Lord who was warmed up just now gone, but the mountain gate was also burned to the ground.

  Wang Yan couldn't help but think of the task of setting up the formation that he had performed before.

  When the original formation was deployed in Luolan Mountain, not far from Shanhaizong, he felt something was wrong.

  Thinking about it now, these formations were probably preparing for Ning Daohuan and a group of Jindan Daoist people to sneak into the Shanhai Sect.

  But what puzzled Wang Ba was how Ning Daohuan was sure that the Shanhai Sect's Supreme Master would survive the Nascent Soul Tribulation at this time?
  But his doubts were destined to remain unanswered.

  He could only use his peripheral vision to remember Ning Daohuan's figure in his heart.

  If Ning Daohuan hadn't deliberately thrown the Dongsheng Station out as bait, the Dongsheng Station would not have been breached.

  Dongsheng's station was not destroyed, and Bu Chan also...

  Thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart again.

  But he quickly restrained himself.

  Ning Daohuan didn't say much nonsense, although he successfully killed Pang Xiao.

  However, the Incense Road has not yet been solved, and the four major sects of Chen State are still watching.

  That is to say, the destruction of Dongsheng Station caused people to panic, so he had to hold this celebration ceremony to boost morale, otherwise he would not have time to take care of this at all.

  And soon, the work of rebuilding the residence began to be put on the agenda.

  Wang Ba and Shen Fu were also assigned tasks to help set up the teleportation array.

  This is also a top priority for the station.

  Jing Kongcheng, the master of Jindan, personally arranged the arrangements, while Wang Yan and the others were responsible for the execution.


  Accompanied by a burst of light.

  The teleportation array was operating smoothly.

  "Go and let a few other residents try."

  Jing Kongcheng ordered.

  Immediately, a monk carefully walked in and quickly disappeared.

  After a while, he walked out of the teleportation array.

  Soon, the teleportation array started operating again.

  A group of monks who stayed from other stations appeared in the teleportation array.

  "Okay, no problem!"

  a monk shouted.

  Wang Hao was expressionless on the side, and he just wanted to end this mission as soon as possible so that he could go back to practice.

  Bu Chan was gone, and his last concern in Tianmen Sect also disappeared.

  As soon as the second dantian was developed enough to withstand the parasitism of the female Yin-eating Insect, he would leave here immediately.

  "By the way, there is also Shenfu..."

  He glanced around and found that Shenfu had also been sent to inspect the teleportation array.

  "Take him with you when the time comes."

  Thinking of this, the figure of Bu Chan seemed to appear in front of his eyes again.

  My heart became increasingly painful, lonely and cold.

  And just then.

  A very familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

  "Senior Brother!"

  (End of Chapter)

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