146. Chapter 146: Lose everything

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  Chapter 146: Losing Everything.
  The aura on Tian Yunsheng's body exploded at this moment, and he was no longer weaker than the River God. The two sides faced off, and the surrounding energy condensed, and there was great tension.

  Song Yu retreated silently and quietly poured the soy milk into his mouth.

  The battle just now had consumed most of his energy, but he just couldn't find a chance to drink soy milk, otherwise he would fall off his horse.

  "Come on, let's recover from the injuries first."

  After Song Yu finished speaking, he made a posture to restore mana on the spot and sat cross-legged on the ground.

  After this time, he doesn't plan to use this vest again. After all, after waiting for these two ingredients, he will probably be promoted to the ground level. By then, he will use the kitchen utensils freely when traveling, and there will be no need to be so restrained.

  Of course, at this moment, it is estimated that only the attack of the kitchen knife can cause serious damage to the river god.

  Since there is a destiny, this limelight will not come out by itself.

  Tianyun Sheng's Taichi diagram appeared in his hand at this moment, but it was half a Taoist figure and half a Buddha. It was extremely strange. The power emanating from it made the river in the distance turbulent and made it impossible to get close.

  The River God looked serious, and the boundless bloody aura shrouded his body. His whole body was scarlet, and his eyes were bloody like Shura ghosts.

  What it did just now was so frustrating.

  The swords and the piece of cloth in the hands of the two humans were strange, always able to remove most of the power of their attacks.

  That sword seemed to be able to absorb evil spirits, and there was an evil aura that frightened him, making the River God dare not let his body touch it.

  The piece of cloth and the cloak on the human being were also very strange, completely blocking the evil energy he exerted, and at the same time, they had special abilities that made his injuries irrecoverable.

  Fortunately, their strength is lower than mine, so they can be beaten by him.

  If it weren't for the fact that the Hell of Flesh was only in its rudiment and I didn't dare to use the power of Hell, why would I be so aggrieved?

  The River God looked up to the sky and roared, and a ball of blood appeared above his head. There were countless arms dancing in it, and it seemed that there were more than ten humans trapped inside.

  It waved its sickles with both arms, and the bloody light hit Tian Yunsheng.

  Tian Yunsheng looked solemn, and slowly pushed out the Tai Chi diagram in which Buddhist and Taoist magic powers rotated with each other.

  "Tai Chi seals demons, and Buddhism and Taoism flow together."

  He shouted seriously, and flew up at the same time.

  The two sides collided, and the surging power could no longer be contained and escaped in all directions.

  Song Yu silently moved the pillow towel and stopped him in front of him.

  Liyan, on the other hand, had Gui Huang Tian She inserted in front of her, blocking all impacts. She remained sitting cross-legged on the ground without moving.

  Tian Yunsheng waved his hand and fired out several bursts of mana, and after intercepting the aftermath, his expression became even more solemn.

  This river god is different from what I imagined. Its rebirth ability is too strong.

  I am confident that my current state is even more powerful than it. The attack just now did indeed collapse five of its tentacles, and even one of its sickles was broken.

  But in just two breaths, its limbs had been reborn.

  Even his own Buddhist magic power could not restrain it.

  "It's so difficult to deal with."

  Tian Yunsheng complained silently, turned over his hand and took out a flying knife.

  "Hey, I can finally use this guy."

  Then, he turned his fingers, and the flying knife was controlled by him, and it burst out with fierce murderous intent, heading straight for the river god's eyebrows.

  The River God held two sickles in front of him in defense, but there was only a flash of light and the sickles shattered. The River God only had time to turn his head, and half of his head was gone.

  Tian Yunsheng watched with regret as the River God's head gradually grew, and his brows furrowed.

  In the following time, the flying knife kept greeting the River God. The River God was tired of recovering, and it seemed that half of his head was not a fatal injury.

  Song Yu observed secretly and found that the River God's breath had not weakened at all despite his crazy recovery.

  Li Yan's voice sounded at the right time, "It's in the flesh and blood hell. Its recovery depends entirely on the flesh and blood power in the flesh and blood hell. You don't have to consume it." "

  Then shouldn't you destroy the flesh and blood hell first?" Song Yu was surprised.

  Li Yan shook his head: "But with the River God here, it's not easy to destroy it." "

  But it's not easy to kill the River God."

  "It must have weaknesses, and it can't be reborn infinitely." Li Yan said.

  Song Yu glanced at the river god whose head was repeatedly chopped off and reborn by Tian Yunsheng, and felt that this weakness might be difficult to find.

  But soon, Tian Yunsheng's flying knife brought unparalleled attack power and slashed at the large fleshy dumpling with tentacles on the upper and lower body of the river god human being.


  a ball of blood burst out, but the River God did not move at all. Instead, he launched a counterattack, and the blood energy rushed towards Tianyunsheng.

  Tian Yunsheng quickly dodged, his body flickered, and only a series of phantoms appeared, making Song Yu dazzled.

  The figure of the River God was almost born according to destiny, and only the roaring and muffled sound of the two fighting figures could be heard.

  Song Yu used his Tongyou eyesight to see clearly the process of their battle.

  The two are actually on par.

  If this stalemate continues, something will happen, right?

  Song Yu looked at the fight between the two, with a worried look on his eyebrows.

  This is a hell of flesh and blood. Tian Yunsheng broke through with the help of ghost energy, but now that the power of Buddhism has completely exploded, the hell of flesh and blood cannot ignore him and has been suppressing him.

  "Vajra Seal."

  A huge Buddha seal suddenly appeared, and as Tian Yunsheng shouted angrily, the River God was actually thrown away by him.

  Tian Yunsheng's face looked a little ugly, and he looked at Li Yan.

  "How can this guy not regenerate his limbs?"

  Li Yan shook his head: "I don't know either. If we had known, we would have killed it before it completely broke through."

  But she quickly looked towards Song Yu.

  "Fellow Taoist Li Fei, it's better for you to help curb its recovery. Only with the death of the River God can the people of Buddhism and Taoism come down to set up formations to completely collapse this space and break the hell of flesh and blood." Tian Yunsheng interjected

  . : "Wait, in that case, wouldn't it be a waste of a lot of formation materials? Otherwise, manpower will be needed to set up the formation. If the entire space collapses, the people who set up the formation may not survive, right?" Li Yan nodded: "Either have it

  . With your current cultivation level, you should be able to escape successfully if you are in the main formation."

  "I still want to keep a little bit, but it seems I can't."

  Tianyun Chang sighed, seeming to be very regretful.

  Then, I saw him taking out a chessboard and two chess boxes with black and white chess pieces.

  The chessboard was lifted out by him and floated in mid-air.

  "If you know how to play chess, you will lose every game."

  Tianyun Sheng said slowly like a machine without emotions, and then the black and white chess pieces flew out and landed on the chessboard.

  As the chess pieces fell, a terrifying energy erupted from the chessboard, causing a riot of evil energy all around.

  Song Yu's eyes lit up. This was a heaven-level magic weapon that could be exchanged for gold coins.

  He didn't understand much about Go. He only saw black and white chess pieces staggered down. At the end, there were killing roars coming from the chessboard, and it seemed that the fighting was quite fierce.

  The river god senses something is wrong and attacks the chessboard, but is blocked by invisible forces.

  "Every game is lost."

  Finally, Tian Yunsheng said again, and saw the black stones on the chessboard suddenly dissipating, and the white stones turned into white lights after a brief stagnation, and a white dragon appeared.

  For the first time the river god stepped back.

  It wants to drill down into the flesh and blood hell.

  But the white dragon is faster than it.


  The dragon's roar ended, and only a wriggling mass of flesh and blood was scattered on the ground, trying to restore the body of the River God.

  Tian Yunsheng's face was as pale as paper, and he raised his head and sprayed out a handful of blood.

  Song Yu quickly stepped forward to support him.

  Just when the three of them thought that the River God would never be reborn, another evil energy suddenly appeared from this pool of flesh and blood.


  the deep voice came out first, causing Tian Yunsheng to suddenly have an illusion in front of his eyes.

  "No, something evil has resurrected, retreat quickly."

  He shouted loudly, and the next moment, he was completely plunged into darkness.

  (End of chapter)

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