145. Chapter 145 Why is fellow Taoist like this?

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  Chapter 145 Why is fellow Taoist like this?

  Song Yu raised his eyes and looked at the swelling River God in front of him.

  Not only was its body expanding, but its aura was also expanding. In the blink of an eye, a terrifying aura that transcended the ground level arrived, carrying the huge bloody evil energy from the flesh and blood hell and overwhelmingly coming towards the three of them to suppress it.

  But...how does this help you?
  Song Yu swallowed.

  He couldn't figure out whether the current River God had completely broken through, or was almost there. Anyway, he had surpassed him by two levels.

  He couldn't run over wrapped in a cloak and ask Li Yan to step back first while he endured the beating for a while.


  One word came out of his mouth, and he raised his hand to draw a piece of cloth.

  There are several unknown flowers embroidered on this piece of white and green cloth, which looks extremely simple.

  Li Yan's body was filled with fierce sword light. He faced the River God, fighting each other, and chopped off countless tentacles. The river was filled with a dark red color, which was the blood flowing from the River God.

  But a light green shadow suddenly appeared in her field of vision, so conspicuous in this filthy and dark hell of flesh and blood.

  But the aura emanating from it made Li Yan feel relieved.

  Not a river god.

  Then, from the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Song Yu, who was raising his hands in a mudra.

  Are you a fellow Taoist?
  In fact, Song Yu can control this... pillow towel with just a thought.

  But that's too outrageous, just pretend to show that you are working hard to control the magic weapon to attack the opponent.


  The pillow towel spun and rushed towards the river god.

  Its power is huge and its effect is amazing.

  I saw that several of the tentacles that originally attacked Xiang Liyan were cut into two pieces by the pillow towel. The most fatal thing was that the tentacles of the River God could no longer grow.

  Liyan had attacked hundreds of times just now, cutting off countless attacks, but those tentacles were reborn the next moment without weakening at all.

  This was the reason why she called Song Yu for help.

  Li Yan was overjoyed when he saw this, "Continue to attack, Friend Li Fei, this magic weapon of yours is indeed the nemesis of evil spirits."

  Song Yu said unhurriedly, "But that's all I can do. The rest depends on you and destiny." Already."

  Li Yan didn't have that much energy to speak, and focused on the River God again.

  The upper body of the River God was in human form, looking like a sturdy man, but he had a pair of eyes glowing with blood, staring at Song Yu.

  Song Yu could almost feel a hint of anger in its eyes.

  The river god waved his hand suddenly, and the evil energy exploded, cutting off its own tentacle. Then the tentacle could not restrain itself and was reborn in the blink of an eye.

  The next moment, a sense of crisis emerged from the bottom of my heart.

  Without saying a word, Song Yu jumped seven or eight meters to the side.

  A blood-red thread pierced through the hell of flesh and blood, penetrated from the ground, and almost stabbed Song Yu through.

  "It's too insidious to attack from below."

  Cold sweat broke out on Song Yu's forehead.

  But the lower part should be fine, I am quite confident in the defense of the sheets.

  He glanced at Tianyunsheng. At this moment, Tianyunsheng was sitting cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by ghostly auras, but inside, the power of Taoism and Buddha was constantly flowing, and his breath was unstable.


  Whoosh whoosh...

  Not only on the ground, but also on the surrounding riverbeds, rocks, or those squirming flesh and blood creatures, rapid lines of blood shot out, overwhelming the three of them.

  Li Yan held the sword in one hand, and the sword light scattered in all directions, intercepting all the blood lines of the side she was defending.

  The dark red sword in her hand was trembling slightly, and she seemed to have the urge to rush out and fight the River God, but she secretly suppressed it.

  Song Yu was even more straightforward, his cloak fluttering and his pillow spinning, blocking the blood line.

  Destiny was born between the two of them and was not affected at all.

  It's not that he was completely unprepared, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to prepare alone at the beginning.

  But when he saw the fighting power of Li Yan and Song Yu, he was shocked in his heart, and then he broke through with peace of mind.

  A vague aura gradually rose up in his body.

  There seemed to be the sound of chanting, which seemed particularly awkward in this horrific scene of flesh and blood hell.

  The power of Buddhism and Taoism exploded at the same time, and the momentum of destiny rose suddenly, gradually catching up with the river god.

  The river god didn't seem to expect such a change, and looked at Tian Yunsheng.

  After noticing that he had broken through the realm, he immediately opened his mouth and roared loudly.

  The river surged, and the scarlet flesh monsters in the flesh hell kept squirming, as if they were awakened.



  the sounds of objects rubbing against sand and stones penetrated the river water and reached the ears of the three of them.

  Looking around, one feels numb.

  There was nothing else to see around them, only scarlet. The monsters had strange shapes and rushed towards them collectively, and they also made strange screams with sharp thorns that could pierce their minds.

  Good news for patients with trypophobia.

  At the same time, the river god moved.

  It raised its hands, only to see his arms squirm, and two sharp bone sickles formed, replacing the hands.

  The tentacles danced, like a sharp arrow, drawing bubbles in the river water and rushing towards Tian Yunsheng's position.


  a sword light stopped in front of it.

  The long sword and the sickle collided, and both sides stopped.

  There were cracks in the sickle, the river god screamed, and the sickle was gradually repaired.

  There was a trace of confusion in Liyan's expression, but she raised her sword to point to the sky again.

  "The sword reflects the Toad Palace."

  A bright moonlight seemed to fall from the infinite sky and penetrated to the bottom of the river.

  The barrier of flesh and blood hell slowed down and was pierced.

  The moonlight reflected on Gui Huang Tian She, a chill surged out, and ice crystals appeared in the surrounding river water.

  Liyan's face was solemn, and he waved his long sword. The figure had disappeared, and only a ray of moonlight was seen cutting through the river water, rolling up the undercurrent, and hitting the river god directly.


  The sickle on the left hand of the River God broke, but its aura suddenly surged, roared, and the bloody evil energy exploded, knocking Li Yan away.


  A stream of blood spurted out from Li Yan's mouth, adding a strange bright red color to the already dark river water, which was extremely dazzling.

  Feeling the terrifying aura on the River God's body, she had a look of reluctance on her face.

  This is a great realm of suppression. If it has not completely broken through, it is still no match for you.

  The difference between the heavenly steps and the earthly steps cannot be overcome by Liyan's anger, unless...

  she looked at the sword in her hand.

  Guihuang Tianshe seemed to sense the master's thoughts, and it was trembling slightly.

  "Let me do it."

  At this time, Song Yu's voice sounded.

  Then, a light green shadow suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, blocking the rest of the impact and only trembling slightly.

  It's that piece of cloth-shaped magic weapon. Although the style of the magic weapon is very novel, its effect is powerful.

  Li Yan said: "This place has a natural bonus for it. It has completely achieved the heaven level. Be careful."

  This person calls himself a Nether Walker. Li Yan does not fully believe it, but his condition is really not suitable at this time. A head-on collision.

  Guihuang Tiansheng doesn't use it if he can. Even if he has tricks, it's not too late to take action.

  Afterwards, the two of them looked at Tian Yunsheng almost at the same time.

  He still had to resist the pressure of the River God to use the flesh and blood hell to break through. The aura on his body at this moment had already surpassed the peak of the earth level.

  He has a chance to break through, and the choice was not wrong.

  Song Yu swung his cloak and drew a few sharp edges, shattering the blood lines. Then he frowned and looked at the River God and the scarlet flesh monsters surrounding him.

  Although the level of these monsters is not very high, this human sea tactic is really useful for the two of them at this moment.

  Tianyunsheng's breakthrough state cannot be interrupted.

  Even though Song Yu felt that Tian Yunsheng should be prepared, he still wanted to do his part to avoid accidents.

  Whether it is to kill the river god or to get your own ingredients, you should put in the effort so that you can take away the ingredients with peace of mind.

  This time it’s big food.

  River god, hell of flesh and blood.

  It’s exciting to think about.

  Song Yu used his Yuan Power to mobilize the square pillow to attack.

  Not only can it attack with its own body, it can also spin to create a sharp edge similar to that of a sword.

  This was a range attack, and it cleared away the scarlet monsters surrounding it in a short period of time.

  But the vision has completely disappeared, and the eyes are filled with dim, dark red monster blood, and black strange liquid, which completely transform the river water into an environment that seems to be exclusive to the monsters.

  The River God roared, but Song Yu couldn't hear the anger in it, so he felt something was wrong.

  The three of them could only use their consciousness and perception to distinguish the locations of the river god and the monsters.

  Suddenly, the blood around them disappeared, and they surrounded the River God, cheering and cheering, as if they were welcoming the king.

  "Be careful."

  Li Yan stood beside Song Yu with his sword in hand.

  The River God chopped off several tentacles that had been injured by pillow towels and could not regenerate. New wounds appeared and quickly recovered.

  There was a terrifying pressure coming from the front, and the suppression of lower realms by the Heavenly Order was beyond Song Yu's expectation.

  A faint evil aura emanated from the long sword in front of Li Yan, blocking the pressure for her, making Song Yu's eyebrows jump.

  And with the help of the kitchen utensils on his body to protect himself, he can feel this pressure, which shows how strong the oppression is.

  The river god opened his mouth and let out a strange roar.

  Then, he swung the two scythes he had restored, and the bloody aura around him followed its attack, constantly looking for opportunities to corrode the two of them.

  Song Yu and Li Yan retreated continuously, not because their defenses were broken, but because the River God's huge power was simply beyond what they could bear.

  Both of them had terrifying weapons in their hands. Even after removing 70% to 80% of their strength, they were still shaken to the point of numbness all over and kept retreating.

  Soon, they arrived in front of Tian Yunsheng.

  But the two were not in a hurry, but looked at each other and launched attacks at the same time again.

  The sword light and pillow towel appeared in front of the River God at the same time.

  The River God did not hesitate at all, snorted coldly, and disappeared in a flash. The next moment, blood light suddenly appeared, and it appeared in front of Li Yan.

  The huge scythe passed over her waist and abdomen, accompanied by a bloody light.

  But Yijiao's cloak appeared quietly, stopped the sickle, and even caused a crack in the sickle.

  The huge force still knocked Li Yan away. Blood bleeded from the corner of her mouth, and she hit a huge rock at the bottom of the river before stopping.

  When Song Yu saw that Li Yan was not in serious trouble, he retreated.

  He let Tian Yunsheng out.

  The river god roared, and the scythe struck with a surge of blood.

  Tianyun Sheng seemed to be frightened, shouted a national curse and jumped up.

  He looked resentfully at Song Yu who was standing aside.

  "Why is Fellow Daoist Li Fei like this?"

  "Now that we have broken through, it's time to try a new level, even though it is only a short-term improvement..."

  Song Yu ignored his complaints and said calmly.

  "Okay, okay, leave it to me next."

  Tian Yunsheng stretched out his hands at the same time. At this time, the ghost energy around him was extremely weak, and the power of Buddhism was flowing in his hands.

  A Tai Chi diagram gradually took shape, a magnificent energy rose, and the surrounding river water was forcibly emptied, forming an airspace without water, and it was still extending into the distance.

  (End of chapter)

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