Chapter 88 The Historical Process of the Barbarians

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  Chapter 88: The Historical Process of the Barbarians
  Salil asked curiously: "Why the celebration?"

  Emma explained: "We have harvested a lot of food and farm tools from nearby, as well as wine and meat. Vip's house has a lot of good things. We couldn't finish the food, so we took some of it out with Doug for a celebration. Let's eat and drink together today."

  Emma's house didn't have too much to eat, only Doug and Vip's house had too much meat to finish, just like It's the same as Lawrence now.

  But those two people were not in the mood for hunting. They had an easier and faster way to get rich than hunting.


  Or as an organizer of robbery activities.

  Most of the time, being an organizer has additional benefits that exceed those of participants.

  Every time they came back from robbery, Vip and Doug took the big prize. This was something everyone recognized.

  Of course, Salil would not refuse a good thing for free. She quickly took Lawrence and Sophia down the mountain and went to the town to pick up a milk-producing sheep.

  Lawrence walked quietly behind, holding the sheep, but his brows were slightly furrowed, thinking of something bad.

  Like the barbarian nobles of the Lofen Kingdom, the Pumixiu and Vakili people have deep-rooted ways of thinking and traditional concepts.

  Once it is discovered that the harvest from robbery exceeds expectations, no one will think about farming and building.

  Barbarism, violence, destruction, occupation, plunder...

  The Pumixiu people now have a tendency to turn into bandits. With high profits, these barbarians who are naturally fond of risky gambling will only stubbornly step on the sword. Road with blood.

  Farming would soon be regarded as something to be discriminated against and ridiculed, something that should be done by women and slaves, while men should take risks and rob!
  One of the reasons why Lawrence fled from Trent City was that if he wanted to become a freeman with land and a house there, he had to commit robbery and murder, and it was a lifelong occupation.

  Only when there is nothing to grab and the risks outweigh the benefits, most people will farm and build with peace of mind. Perhaps this is how the former Pumixiu people settled down.

  But now that part of the southern kingdom is occupied by barbarians, more barbarians can not only rob rich places further south, but also take ships to rob coastal countries further away.

  Although they don't want to admit it, the barbarian kingdom is currently on the rise in its career. They have a large number of goals to choose from, and naturally they will not stop farming.

  Just like wild beasts and birds, women give birth at home and men go out to hunt.

  Only a stupid bird would sit in a tree and wait for fruit.

  Lawrence found that he was now the stupid bird, and most of the savages around him were diligent and vicious birds.

  "I have to make up some reasons. For example, I want to protect the mountain, so that I can refuse the robbery invitation from the Pumixiu people."

  Lawrence quickly took precautions. The warm and friendly Pumixiu people would definitely invite him to go out and rob together.

  Both Pumi Xiu and barbarians believe that robbery is the best way to make a fortune. Inviting others to join in robbery is not out of malice, but out of trust in others' strength and bravery.

  But sometimes this kindness is not appreciated by others, such as Lawrence.

  Now neither Emma nor the rest of the village denies robbery.

  Even if a few people are worried about safety issues, they are still a minority. Collectively, everyone is willing to gain more.

  Lawrence had a premonition that there would be fewer and fewer farmers farming recently. He had to say that this might be a good thing, because crops in cold areas grow slowly, and there has been a problem with potatoes in the past two years. Going out to rob is indeed a problem. most in line with the current development path.

  Lawrence thought about his place in this period.

  These savages did nothing wrong, and Lawrence himself did nothing wrong. They just chose different paths.

  Lawrence would not object to the Pumixiu way out. Lawrence himself went to learn from the Pumi Xiu people, and everyone could get rewards equal to the risks.

  The Pumixiu people followed Lawrence's example and went up to the mountains to hunt and plant. Everyone was about to starve to death.

  When hunting on a large scale in the mountains, except for a few stupid ones, the rest of the wild beasts will evacuate the area early.

  Andrew fully proves this point. Hunting is not as good as farming, and farming is not as good as plundering.

  From the perspective of survival and development, the barbarians' approach is more in line with the interests of the race.

  The tribe of barbarians who cannot be beaten down from the ice region will not be able to expand, and they will be trapped in the ice region for generations as barbarians who eat wild beasts alive and drink their blood.

  Only by leaving this area can we think about the future, just like the former southern kingdom and the kings and nobles who once belonged to the barbarians.

  Lawrence understood that he was a weakling in the barbarian country, and the path he wanted to take was different from that of most barbarians.

  "Perhaps I should develop the remaining human and animal power and encourage the barbarians to bring in population and resources? Make better use of the initial capital accumulation."

  In the past, most barbarians relied on the harvest of farming. It was not easy for them to feed themselves. The excess food is given to others, so slaves are not raised.

  Except for a few urban areas, slaves in most areas are used as props for physiological problems or childbirth.

  There are also mining slaves, who mainly work under the nobles. Ordinary people do not raise slaves.

  The thugs represented by ordinary people were extremely murderous when looting, and basically left no survivors alive.

  Lawrence quickly determined his development route. He needed to make iron tools, medicinal materials, cloth and other things in exchange for digesting the materials brought back by the other barbarians.

  Doing this requires technology, strength, and labor.

  "If you don't want to join them in robbery, it's better to live in the mountains." "

  And...if the Pumixiu people don't grab enough food and treasure, without Andrew's protection, I might become a fat sheep. ."

  Lawrence knew the ethics and simple character of the savages very well, and could be 100% sure that when going out proved fruitless, some people's eyes would be fixed on the big families in the village.

  Once barbarism and cruelty cannot be directed externally, they will quickly be exposed internally.

  Saving someone else's life will make them listen to you for the rest of their lives. This only exists in the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and does not exist when positions are unequal.

  After comprehensive consideration, Lawrence decided to live in the mountains and recruit some people. It was no longer enough to just rely on Salil and Sophia.

  Lawrence thought about many things. These things were all very far away, or they might just be guesses.

  When he led the sheep near the town of Pumexiu and saw the lively town with smoke rising in front of him, Lawrence looked at the medieval town like a painting under the snow-capped mountains, and his thoughts suddenly opened up.

  Like a sharp blade, it was cut through the barbarian's belly, and a god of war holding a spear and shield walked out of the barbarian's body.

  Everyone needs a belief to live, otherwise it will be numb and meaningless.

  Lawrence found his own faith, which perfectly eliminated the awkward feeling that he did not belong to this world and had to live in this world.

  Fight against foreign races, slaves to sacrifice to heaven, and rob and occupy rich lands. Only after the initial accumulation is completed, the savage giant beasts will collapse from exhaustion.

  "Civilization was born from barbarism."

  (End of chapter)

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