Chapter 87 Future Thoughts

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  Chapter 87 Thoughts on the Future

  The night passed peacefully.

  In the early morning, Lawrence was awakened by the movement around him.

  When I woke up, I saw Sophia crawling to the bed and going to the toilet in the corner.

  Lawrence looked at the place next to him again, and Salil also opened her somewhat confused eyes, as if she was awake, but she seemed not to be awake.

  The two looked at each other for a few seconds. Salil gradually looked at Lawrence in confusion, sat up and said, "What's wrong?"

  Lawrence also sat up, "It's nothing, I'll go down the mountain today to take a look."

  The two began to get dressed. , Salil hesitated for a few seconds, then asked in a low voice: "Lawrence, am I not beautiful?" " No, you are very beautiful."   Lawrence

  quickly praised: "You are the most beautiful I have ever seen."

Li'er felt much better and asked again: "Is she more beautiful than Delen?"

  Delen is the leader of the Cloda people, a strong and sexy warrior, and a beautiful witch who is a few years older than Salil.

  "Yes." Lawrence praised: "Dren is also very beautiful. I think I like to be friends with her, but Salil is more suitable to be a trustworthy family member." Salil looked at

  Lawrence squarely, "Then you Why don't you want to press on me? I can feel that when you see Delen, you want to press her under you." Lawrence said

  awkwardly: "Because our bed board is not strong, I'm worried that strenuous movement will cause the bed to break. , and if I have a child, I hope the child can be born in the more comfortable spring and summer."

  Salil was happy when she heard this and nodded meekly.

  "You are right. We need a bigger bed, more food, and two goats that can be milked. I heard my father say that we had a milk-producing goat in the past. Later, my father buried it after he died of old age."

  Salil calculated the necessary items with a happy face, and kept talking about wanting a dairy goat.

  Lawrence quickly got dressed, "Yes, let's go down the mountain and ask. Dairy goats are easy to find. In addition to goats, maybe we should also ask Emma something about the children." Sophia walked to the bed at this time

  , Blinking curious eyes, he said: "If I have a child, where will I sleep?"

  Lawrence smiled and said, "If you still sleep with me, we will have a bigger bed by then, and I will make a bed suitable for the child." A cradle for a child."

  Sofia felt relieved.

  The three of them packed up and then went down the mountain with the Dome sheep loaded with moose meat.

  The stone house was tightly closed with a wooden door, and there was a sheep tied to the ground with a rope.

  Sariel asked: "Tie the sheep to the box. Will it run around and break things, or bite off the rope and go to sleep on the bed?"

  Lawrence comforted: "No, we gave enough fodder before we left, and the window It's open there, and the temperature in the room won't be too high. At this time, the sheep will eat and digest food quietly without any mental disturbance."

  Salil was relieved and nagged again: "Go back quickly. Skin the two snow wolves."

  Lawrence did not respond to her nagging, and deliberately stopped in some vegetation areas on the way to let the Dom sheep eat some fresh food.

  Today we need to feed more fine feed to the Dom sheep. These Dom sheep have been used so frequently that Lawrence now dare not ride on them for fear of tiring these two big sheep.

  Lawrence soon returned to Saryl's house.

  One of the two slaves was herding sheep and the other was collecting firewood. When they saw Lawrence coming back, they didn't know to say hello.

  This kind of behavior was normal in this era, and Lawrence was already used to it. Lawrence walked up to Etty and asked: "Etty, what happened here after I left?"

  Etty quickly said: "No one came here."

  Lawrence felt that nothing was wrong, and there were no problems between the two parties. Effective communication. As long as you talk and communicate frequently in the future, the other party will gradually understand what you are asking.

  But this may take a few days, or it may take more than ten years to change. Some people are just so stubborn in their thinking.

  "Etty, have you ever had a child?" Lawrence looked at Etty.

  Although this young woman in her twenties is not beautiful and strong, she is not poor or weak either. She is a good-looking type.

  Etty lowered her head sadly at this time, "I have four children, and they all died."

  Lawrence asked, "How did they die?"

  "They died of illness, and they died suddenly." Etty said sadly: " Those who were killed by the Kur people, Dradi and Maren, they were all killed by the Kur people."

  Lawrence comforted: "You will be safe under my protection and can continue to have children and raise them to grow up. ."

  Etty looked at Lawrence, "Now? I'm not your opponent, I won't resist."

  Lawrence waved his hand quickly, "No, no, I mean you and Seravan."

  Etty said seriously: "I don't want to Give him a child, a coward's child won't survive. I don't want to see my child die again."

  Lawrence didn't want to create a nation by himself. Sophia and Salil were enough. Of course, the most important thing is that Etty is not here. Within Lawrence's aesthetic and acceptance range.

  "I will find a suitable man for you. Of course, if Seravan performs well, you can continue to raise children, this time under my protection and supervision, no problem." Yidi had no objection and accepted

  this arrange.

  Lawrence left some meat for the young couple and was about to go down the mountain when he saw Emma leading the sheep up.

  "Mr. Lawrence! Sariel! I brought a bag of wheat!"

  Emma approached happily and took the bag of wheat off the sheep's back.

  "Doug asked me to send this. He told me that this was Andrew's request at the time. If it's not enough, just ask Doug for it. His family has a lot of food recently." When saying the last sentence, Emma

  whispered Reported on the grapevine.

  Before Lawrence could speak, Sariel said happily: "We can't finish all the meat and food! Lawrence hunted a moose as big as five Frisons yesterday!" "This is the meat and skin

  of the moose! Salil showed off: "Lawrence is going to hit a bigger guy. We don't have time to clean up this skin. Emma, ​​please help us make a big warm blanket, and you can share some of the meat on it!"

  Emma She immediately looked at Lawrence with excited and envious eyes, "Mr. Lawrence! Such a big moose can feed our family for three months!"

  Although Salil didn't put much moose meat on the back of the sheep, Emma still felt that Enough to eat.

  Lawrence kept his mouth shut the entire time, and the two delighted women faced off on their own.

  Soon Emma talked about other things after accepting this good job.

  "I came up to see you today. Vip is holding a celebration today. Let's go down together!"

  (End of Chapter)

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