Chapter 20 Establishing a Stronghold 2

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  Chapter 20 Establishing a Stronghold 2
  In the evening, Lawrence returned to Andrew's house.

  Salil and Sophia were chatting in front of the door. While they were talking, their hands were not idle, and they were tanning and processing the sheepskin in the barrel.

  The soaked sheepskin is lifted up and then immersed in water, and this is done every day. After a series of processing, the sheepskin with blood and skin can be processed into fur suitable for making clothes.

  When Sophia saw Lawrence coming back, she quickly ran over from the barrel to help with the sheep.


  Lawrence had been working hard all day today. Carrying wood made his body very tired and painful, and he made him even hungrier.

  "What's for dinner?"

  Sofia said: "Boiled potatoes, vegetable soup, fish and boiled beans."

  The fish was bought at the market yesterday. This place is not too far from the seaside, and people often bring dried fish from the seaside for sale.

  Lawrence said: "There seem to be fish in the rivers in the mountains, but I don't have the tools or time."

  Sofia quickly said: "Then I'll go see if I can catch fish tomorrow."

  Salil generally does not participate in Lawrence and Sofia conversation, but this time there was no silence.

  "You can't go to the river often. Catching fish is a men's business and it's very dangerous. We have enough food and we shouldn't take risks." Salil's opinion of

  Lawrence mainly came from the discord between the two sides.

  Lawrence always showed some actions that seemed to Sariel to be trouble-free.

  Lawrence showed an unexpected look, "That's true. I have never seen a woman act as a fisherman. It may be a bit inappropriate."

  Salil warned the young Sophia: "Don't go to the river to play, let alone If you think about catching fish in the river, you will not only get sick if you stand in the water, but you will also be eaten by the devil in the river if you are not careful."

  Lawrence had already discovered his mistake. He just said it casually without considering it. The actual situation.

  Fishing is not a safe job. Even in modern society, people often die by the river, not to mention this strange and wild area.

  Parasites, wildlife, weather, terrain, fishing is a risky activity whether ancient or modern.

  "Salil is right, Sofia, you just need to study housework here. You don't need to do things like fishing."

  Salil breathed a sigh of relief after Lawrence spoke, and said to Sofia: " Sofia, girls should learn to knit and spin, and take care of livestock."

  Sofia nodded, remembering the education of the two.

  Andrew was still busy in the house, hearing about what was going on outside, but did not come out to interfere.

  As a father, Andrew has taught his daughter not to go near dangerous places since she was a child.

  Go to rivers, caves, or don't go out in extreme weather, and don't eat dangerous foods, and try strange foods and ways of survival.

  Lawrence is an outsider who always has some fresh ideas, and he doesn't get along with Andrew on some things.

  However, Lawrence is easy to communicate with, can understand the difficulty of survival, and knows how to give up some dangerous ideas.

  Andrew didn't interfere with Lawrence's strange ideas.

  The mountain will tell the young man what he needs to do and what he shouldn't do to survive here.

  After dinner, Andrew asked briefly: "Lawrence, how are you busy today?"

  Lawrence said: "A simple shed has been built, and it can only accommodate one person to sleep in it. It is surrounded by branches and leaves. I I plan to live there first and build a stable house on the mountain for the winter in the next few days."

  Andrew nodded when he heard that Lawrence was still thinking about the broken house, or even thinking about living outside.

  "Kid, living alone is not that simple." Lawrence said, "Yes, but I often worked when I was at home, and I helped a few times when building a house." Andrew stopped talking and started to clean up

  . dinner plate.

  Salyl was already packing her things for bed, and when she came over to clear Lawrence's plate, she talked about tomorrow's events.

  "Taking advantage of the warm weather tomorrow, we need to take a bath before winter begins. Sophia and I will take a bath at noon tomorrow, and you and your father will wait for the next day." Lawrence nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. If nothing happens at noon tomorrow, I

  will Come back early and bring you some sword-leaf grass for bathing."

  Salil had no intention of letting Lawrence help, but seeing that Lawrence was willing to give gifts, she was still very happy and said: "Okay!" Lawrence

  needed a lot of ropes, sword-leaf grass The fat can be used as soap, and the leather can be used as twine. Whether it is making traps or small ropes for building houses, there are big gaps, so Sophia and Salil can help.

  After entering winter, there is basically nothing to do except taking care of the livestock. Now that I have a good relationship with Sariel, I might be able to call her for help in a few days.

  At night, Lawrence entered the house and began to take off his shoes.

  Although I usually pay attention to hygiene, I washed my feet in a nearby creek before I came back today. However, because of the walking and the fact that the shoes and the cloth socks in the shoes have been used for a long time, I can smell something after taking off the shoes. A stink.

  Lawrence sighed, wondering when he would be able to live a comfortable life with hot water to wash his feet and bathe every day.

  Sophia took the initiative to take the smelly shoes to the box and cover them, and then take the shoes out of the box tomorrow.

  Unlike Lawrence, Sophia's memories were mostly from the time she was in the slave camp, where she was in a tense state both in terms of food, drink and mental state. It was not until she followed Lawrence out that she lived a quiet and soothing life.

  If you forget the light, you will naturally get used to the darkness.

  Lawrence closed his eyes to sleep, and Sophia quickly came to the bedside and whispered: "Master...Master..."

  Lawrence opened his eyes and saw Sophia lying next to him.

  "What's the matter?"

  Sophia quickly took out something wrapped in a cloth ball from her arms.

  Lawrence quickly sat up and looked at this thing in the moonlight outside the window.

  "What is this?" Lawrence also asked in a low voice. It seemed that it was not something he could say loudly.

  Sophia whispered: "I found it in a ditch when I went out to herd sheep today."

  Lawrence opened the cloth and soon saw a dagger.

  This dagger is a very common iron dagger. The blade is slightly rusty, and the wooden handle is wrapped with several layers of anti-slip rope. Other than that, there is nothing else.

  Lawrence looked at the inexpensive dagger, and then at Sophia who looked enthusiastic.

  This thing may be Andrew's lost thing, after all, it was found nearby.

  But judging from Sophia's attitude, it was obvious that she didn't tell Andrew and Salil about this.

  Now when I tell Andrew, I feel a little unclear.

  Forget it, I'd better keep it by myself and bring it back tomorrow to say that I picked it up in the mountains.

  And I also need a dagger to process wood branches, otherwise the work will be too laborious.

  "Sofia did a good job." Lawrence touched Sophia's head and said with a smile: "Okay, go to sleep, and when I build the house on the mountain, we will go there together." Sophia happily lay beside Lawrence, holding her tightly

  . Remembering Lawrence's words, "Yeah!"

  (End of Chapter)

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