Chapter 19 Establishing a Stronghold 1

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  Chapter 19 Establishing a Stronghold 1
  "Andrew, I can borrow an ax and a hoe."

  Lawrence asked Andrew to borrow tools. It took more than ten chickens to get an ax.

  There is no extra expense to buy an ax at the moment. Maybe when spring comes, I will have something that can be exchanged for money.

  Andrew said boldly: "You can use it as you like. You can take the sheep to the mountains to find some food and come back together in the evening."

  Lawrence knew that he was taking care of himself and said gratefully: "Okay, thank you Andrew."

  Andrew was very happy, "I'm going to check the roof and chimney today, and I'll help you in the next two days."


  Lawrence knew that the Andrew family would check the granary, house cellar and other places before winter to ensure that they could have a warm winter. .

  After getting the tools from the house, Lawrence went to the sheepfold and fetched a Dome sheep.

  These Dom sheep are smaller than horses. There are no horses in this world, so compared with large mounts such as wild boars and camels, Dom sheep are considered small and medium-sized mounts.

  The king of the Kingdom of Luofen has a wild boar army. Plains barbarians riding large wild boars rush down the hillside. Under the brute force of the wild boar, those border villages and herdsmen will soon become the dead souls under the wild boar's hooves.

  Dom Sheep can also be used in legion combat. The mounts in this world will all be used in legion combat, and most of them are only suitable for small groups.

  The Wild Boar Legion would run around randomly when charging, often stopping after charging for more than ten meters, so they couldn't run very fast.

  Endurance and obedience are basic conditions and take precedence over the combat effectiveness of the mount itself.

  There is currently no mount that is more useful than a horse, and there are many alternatives, but none of them are as perfect.

  The advantage of the wild boar legion is that it has strong deterrence. With the combination of wild boars and barbarians, the serfs and farmers in front of them have no courage to stay and resist.

  The disadvantage is that it is only obedient for a while. As time goes by, various problems are easily exposed, and it can only be used for robbery and siege.

  Angry boars will surround strangers when they see them, and this wildness is a bonus when it comes to robbery.

  The Dome sheep does not have this wild nature. Compared with the big wild boar, the Dome sheep is timid and stupider.

  Although this goat is large in size, it has a poor memory and can only remember a few simple commands. Even commands such as left, right, forward and stop must be reiterated frequently, otherwise it will be completely forgotten soon.

  The advantage is that it is docile most of the time and will not actively attack people. It can also be controlled by women and children in winter, and can help transport some goods and pull carts.

  Lawrence led the goat up the mountain, thinking about the goat and the horse.

  "People can tame horses because they left many smart horses from many horses. After thousands of years of domestication, they gradually left the smartest parts." "

  Dom sheep do not have such a chance of domestication. This kind of goat is very difficult to tame." Few, they will use both good and bad, and there is not enough room to choose." "The

  same is true for people here in the North. It is difficult for short people to grow up, and those who survive are those who are strong since childhood and take the initiative to fight."

  "The ice barbarians in the North and Binghai Sea are selected by the environment and society. The cattle and sheep here are not selected because everyone has no extra choices. If they have the ability, they will feed all the cattle and sheep." "Raised by humans

  . There is not much difference between chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep." "

  On the contrary, the competition among human beings is more cruel. Those who survive first are the strong ones. All families will concentrate their resources on those strong men, and even villages will So is it."

  Lawrence thought of the strong Andrew.

  "I'm attached to Andrew now. Andrew treats me very well, but Salil doesn't like me. There's no way I can stay here forever." "


  Lawrence thought about his own affairs, and under the protection of Andrew Self-reliance is what I have to do in the past few years.

  "There are things to do, and goals have been set for a long time." "Eat well! Sleep well! Play well! I want these three good things!" "

  Eating well means eating well, not just every day. If I can eat meat, I also need to eat well and eat delicious food!" "

  To sleep well is to build a comfortable house, a big house. I don't want to be crowded with brothers, sisters or livestock, nor do I want to live with people. I've had enough of sleeping together with people who smell like sweat and have stinky armpits!"

  Lawrence was very angry. He endured torture every day for several years after he came to this world.

  Torture does not come from oppression, but from past memories.

  The comfortable life he once had on Earth and his recognition as a time traveler made Lawrence unable to tolerate those seemingly ordinary things.

  Especially yesterday, the men and children from Emma's family were huddled together on the same floor, snoring and smelling all kinds of things in the middle of the night, which made Lawrence feel like he was back on the farm again.

  This feeling of rejection made Lawrence willing to endure a few more days of hard work and get his own house as soon as possible!
  To have a good time is to relax mentally after having enough food and clothing, and slowly run your own and Sophia's small family.

  With sufficient motivation and sufficient food supplements in the past few days, Lawrence started working with high spirits.

  The first thing is to destroy the bark and branches of several trees. On the one hand, it is to kill the pine trees for easy felling, and on the other hand, it is to reserve fuel.

  "There must be a lot of wood to build the shed, let's do the math."

  Lawrence let the Dom sheep graze where he was, while he calculated the approximate amount of wood under the tree.

  "Use round logs pressed against each other to make walls. You can fill the spaces between the logs with mud and grass slurry. Let's make a one-meter-high doghouse first. It can be done in one day, and then we can build a larger residence nearby. ."

  Lawrence stood for three minutes and roughly thought about how to build a shack and the general materials needed.

  "The roof of the shed is made of sword-leaf grass, so that it can be used as material when it is demolished later. The wood of the shack can also be used as firewood after the new house is almost built, or it can be turned into a pig nest." The sword-leaf grass cannot run away, and there

  are As an alternative, Lawrence first collected wood.

  This is not easy either. Many trees on the mountain have curved branches, and only one or two out of ten trees have straight branches.

  Trees that are too big cannot be cut down, and many small trees that have not been pruned grow freely and are only suitable for burning as firewood.

  Fortunately, there are enough trees here. With the help of the axe, we collected more than ten horizontal logs in one morning.

  The large crossbar is two and a half meters long, and the short one is one and a half meters long, with a diameter of ten centimeters.

  The branches above can also be used as walls. Several tree sticks are needed to be fixed on the ground to make a windproof wall.

  Like a homeless man, Lawrence quickly built his temporary home next to the trees.

  This is how a lean-to shack built simply from wood and branches was built.

  The shack is very simple, with a wooden wall stacked 1.67 meters high on one side, sloping branches on the other side, leaning against a big tree on one side, and facing the doorway outside the hillside on the other side.

  "This place can only be used temporarily for a few days, or as a shelter from wind and rain. I want to build a wooden house as soon as possible!"

  Lawrence frowned and thought about it, and soon found that he did not have enough time and materials.

  "I can't destroy this grove before spring comes. If I can build a three-meter-long and two-meter-wide cabin in this forest, then there should be enough time." "This kind of cabin is

  definitely It’s not solid, but the terrain here is very good, and the snow won’t accumulate excessively. I can also push the snow down the hillside, and the woods and hillsides can block the cold wind and snow to a certain extent.” After spending eight days

  , After building the first settlement in just a few hours, Lawrence quickly made plans for a second settlement.

  (End of chapter)

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