Chapter 189 Fruit Mountain

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  Chapter 189

  You don’t have to take a shower in the fruit mountain, but you must have diarrhea.

  In order to prevent the place where he lived from being filled with the smell of feces and urine, and to avoid seeing the feces when he went to work in the forest, Lawrence began to plan the location of the first public toilet.

  This location cannot be too close to a river as the wastewater needs to be fertilized as waste.

  Lawrence took his men to the back of the lumber camp and built a long log cabin.

  There are two horizontal ditches in the wooden house, one is a urinal, and the other is a feces tank connected to a large pit.

  A partition wall was built with stones and mud to divide the men's and women's toilets.

  Considering the number of women, the women's restroom is naturally larger.

  Regardless of whether they are adults or children, except for children under five years old, others are not allowed to litter anywhere. If they are caught, they will be whipped.

  One toilet is enough to meet the needs of more than a hundred people, and Lawrence and others have dedicated toilets.

  Lawrence left the manor with Kehalan and Delen, and today the three of them were going to check Mount Talim.

  Kehalan felt very bored, "Why go to that mountain to see? I am planning to help you build a bathroom today."

  Lawrence explained: "For more fruits, if possible, I want to see where you live. Not suitable for beekeeping."

  Kharan said casually: "Bees...I thought of it when you mentioned this. I did see bees flying around me before, and then..." "

  What's wrong?" Lawrence Somewhat curious.

  Kehalan showed a naughty smile, "Of course he was killed by me. Wouldn't you kill a bee when you saw it?" "

  I would only kill a mosquito if I saw it." Lawrence said speechlessly: "Even if it is a mosquito, as long as it is not with me Even if it's walking around, I won't kill it."

  Delen asked curiously: "Mosquitoes? Are there mosquitoes here too?"

  Lawrence replied: "Yes, but not many. I don't see many in summer, maybe because we are here." It's relatively cold."

  Delen also said: "The house I lived in before was relatively hot and there were no mosquitoes, but many people in the tribe were often bitten by mosquitoes and got a lot of red patches." Kharan looked at the two people with a smile

  . People said, "I have a way to do this, just believe me, I will let you know how powerful the wizard is!"

  Lawrence's mosquito net was put away. Khalan did not see this kind of obstruction in daily life, but it is particularly useful for sleeping. thing.

  Lawrence would not let others take advantage of him casually, and he also felt that Kehalan might really have some powerful mosquito repellent methods.

  "Then it depends on how good you are." Lawrence looked at Talim Mountain in front of him and asked, "What other fruits are there besides apples on the mountain?"

  Kharan said, "Pear, date, Alteran, Purton... ..."

  The first two of Lawrence knew it, but the latter gradually became confused.

  Different regions have different names for some fruits. It seems you have to go and see for yourself to find out.

  Although the Luofen Kingdom is not a land of ice and snow, and there are many crops and grasslands, it does not produce many fruits.

  The most important ones are berries on the ground, followed by apples and pears.

  In the south, a lot of grapes are grown for winemaking, basically these are the types.

  Lawrence approached Mount Talim again. The last time he came was when he was delivering fried chicken.

  Kehalan was not happy when he returned to his hometown. He acted very indifferently and seemed to want to leave here as soon as possible.

  "There's nothing to see here." Kharan disliked this place very much.

  Lawrence led the sheep up and saw many fruit trees and oak trees in the forest, as well as vines full of berries.

  He looked at it very carefully and kept identifying various fruits and plants.

  Kehalan walked with a disgusted and uncomfortable expression, covering his mouth and nose and said: "I can't stand it anymore, my smell is everywhere here."

  Lawrence looked around in shock, and then looked at the surroundings as if he was surrounded by It's the smelly garbage dump area of ​​Kohalan.

  "Oh, I remembered. You will feel disgusted when you use witchcraft to ripen things. In other words, these mountains and plains are full of fruit trees that you...ripened?"

  Kehalan covered his mouth with an animal skin and nodded. Said: "Hurry up! There is nothing to see here!"

  To the rest of the people, this place is full of fruit trees that can't be eaten, but to Kehalan, who ripens these fruit trees, it simply stinks. , even eye-catching.

  Lawrence said helplessly: "You go to the bottom of the mountain and wait for us. I want to take another look." "

  Is there anything good to see?" Kehalan quickly walked towards the mountain. "I'll go to the mountain to get some air first. There are no such things on the mountain." Yes."

  "Okay." Lawrence continued to check the nearby fruit trees.

  There are many more fruit trees around than normal trees. It may be due to the ripening process of Kehalan. These fruit trees that drop fruits account for the vast majority.

  Lawrence saw apple and pear trees, kiwi trees, and small trees that looked like hawthorns.

  As he walked, Lawrence soon saw pendants on branches bearing a large number of orange fruits.

  "This is... an orange tree?"

  Lawrence approached this big tree that looked like an orange tree. The tree was full of orange-like fruits and was crumbling.

  A large number of rotten fruits fell on the ground. There was a strong stench in some places, but green saplings also grew in some places.


  Lawrence was startled and looked around quickly, only to find a crow standing on a branch eating an apple hanging in front of him.

  It was obviously the crow from before, the crow that always ran away when it was full. I don’t know when it followed this time.

  Lawrence raised his hand, "Come here."

  "Gah~" the crow called to Lawrence, and then continued to stand on the branch eating apples. After having food, the crow was of course busy eating.

  Lawrence suddenly said angrily: "See if these fruits can be eaten for me!"

  Delen heard what Lawrence said and worried: "What if these fruits are poisonous and it dies?" "

  It doesn't matter, there are other crows who can If it doesn’t work, there are still a lot of pheasants!” Lawrence was hurt by the crow and decided to raise a crow, and he had to train it from an early age!
  I’ve already thought of a name, let’s call it Egg!
  The crow continued to eat the apple. After taking a few bites, he quickly flew to another branch and continued to taste the apple.

  Laurence soon lost sight of the crow and looked back at the orange tree.

  Carefully avoiding the sticky stuff that rotted and condensed into a large piece on the ground, Lawrence used a hoe to hook off a branch.

  After plucking a bunch of oranges, Lawrence peeled one open and looked at it.

  The white flesh lines and yellow flesh flaps look like oranges.

  Lawrence still didn't eat the food, so he went to the mountain to find Khalan with a branch full of oranges.

  Kehalan was sitting on a stone on the mountain. Lawrence went up and shouted: "Khalan, can this be eaten?" "

  No." Kehalan quickly shook his head and said, "I don't eat it. Only winter food can be eaten. Now all the mature ones have my smell."

  Lawrence was sure that this thing was edible, and under the unbearable gaze of Kharan, he tore open a tooth and handed it to Delen.

  Delen glanced at Kehalan, who had a wonderful expression on his face, and quickly put the orange segment into his mouth.

  "A little sour, a little sweet..." Delen said honestly: "It tastes better than honey."

  Lawrence also tasted one, and the cool sweet water made Lawrence feel like he had arrived in summer.

  "Very good, pick more."


  Delen quickly went to pick oranges with Lawrence.

  On the way back, Lawrence looked at Kehalan who was silent and said, "Look around. God has said that people will always encounter things that they must accept."

  Kehalan still covered his face and turned to look aside. , "I don't have to accept it."

  Lawrence handed over a half-eaten orange, "Try it, otherwise you will resist us. You can't stop us from eating this orange, and you can't stop us from eating it just because we eat it. Alienate us, right?”

  Lawrence and Derren both ate the orange, and Salyl and Sophia must have also enjoyed the sweet and sour fruit.

  If Kharan cannot accept this, then when he gets along with everyone in the future, he will show resistance and discomfort as if he is not used to wearing clothes.

  Kehalan looked at Lawrence, and then at the orange in Lawrence's hand, frowning tightly.

  Lawrence moved his hand, "Eat it, just think it's for us."

  Under Lawrence's persuasion, Khalan finally took the orange and swallowed the ripened orange fruit he produced.

  Lawrence looked at Kehalan's depressed expression and asked, "How does it taste?"

  "Bitter..." Kehalan didn't want to continue commenting.

  Lawrence put away the oranges and said, "Then I will plant an orange tree in the manor. We will eat natural orange trees in the future, and then you will be able to eat sweet fruits." Kehalan breathed a sigh of relief


  Lawrence asked: "Those fruit trees were from a long time ago, why do you still feel uncomfortable?"

  Kharan shook his head and said depressedly: "Because I ripened too many things casually when I was free, and those things gathered Together, they form a very special forest. All other trees are killed by them, and even the weeds and their own saplings do not survive long." "But there are still

  many berries on the mountain, and some birds fly over the mountain, and they will grow Some new fruit trees."

  Kehalan can actually eat her own ripened crops and fruits, but she can't adapt to this kind of thing psychologically. She resists these things when she has a choice, and then it gets worse and worse.

  Lawrence asked: "Actually, you can think of your ability as the technology of making bread, getting bread and water from the air and the earth. Is it more acceptable to eat like this?" "No..." Kharan shook his head

  . "That kind of life is too miserable."

  Lawrence comforted: "Okay, we respect each other and understand each other. We are all a family now. I will sell these oranges and will not eat them at home.

  " Lun frowned and looked at Lawrence, but in the end he did not refute Lawrence's decision.

  Kehalan said gratefully: "Thank you, but it doesn't matter. I have already thought about it clearly. I am also very happy that you like the fruits I made." Lawrence

  said: "It doesn't matter. Let's go back and plant some normal fruit trees, and we will have them in winter ." The fresh citrus can be eaten. As for these, we will sell them to Red Beard when he comes over."

  Kehalan was a little curious, "How much can these fruits cost? Will they need this?"

  Lawrence looked confident, Very sure.

  "Yes, they may invite me to go to sea together, but I will definitely refuse. If there are no special circumstances, this thing can bring a lot of benefits to Redbeard." At this time, Lawrence, Delenn and Kharan all looked

  at A flock of crows flew overhead.

  These crows flew in the direction of Talim Mountain, and they seemed to be organized and premeditated.

  Lawrence was not worried about the oranges being eaten. The crows preferred apples and pears to oranges with peels.

  When there are more crows, various animals will be attracted to them.

  Various animals and crows will spread the seeds of fruit trees, allowing more places to bear natural fruits that can also be eaten by Khalan.

  Talim Mountain is a ripe mountain and requires a large number of animals to break down the excess nutrients.

  The animals also leave behind droppings and carcasses, bringing with them fresh seeds and grass seeds, which neutralize the witch's magic.

  (End of chapter)

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