Chapter 188 Slaves and Population

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  Chapter 188 Slaves and Population

  Spring has just arrived, and summer is still two or three months away.

  Lawrence held a rope in one hand to measure the distance. On the other end of the rope, Sophia tightened the rope and stood at the edge of the warehouse.

  A warehouse has been built behind the wooden house, and crops have been planted in part of the area. There is not much open space left.

  Fortunately, the bathhouse does not need to be too big. A bathtub with a double bed size and three shower areas is enough.

  Lawrence measured the approximate required area and then looked at the empty space in the distance.

  "How about using a stone stool in the shower?"

  "Okay!" Sofia didn't quite understand this, but she wanted it very happily.

  Lawrence calculated the area of ​​the five beds, the pool for bathing, the shower area for washing your hair, the walkway and a place for a bathing bed.

  correct! There is also a toilet!

  When Lawrence thought of this, he felt it was very necessary. It seemed that it was easy to want to go to the toilet when taking a shower.

  About...2.5*4 meters?
  "Isn't the ten-square-meter bathroom a little too small?" Lawrence said to himself, feeling a little small.

  After hearing this, Sophia quickly said: "Well! It's too small!"

  Lawrence frowned and calculated. If it were ten square meters, the size of the bath should be 1.6*1.8 meters, and the shower area would be the remaining space next to the bath. That's it.

  The toilet does not need to be too big, one square meter is enough, and then ten square meters is definitely enough for a bed, but it feels like there is something missing.

  "You may need to lie down and rest for a while after taking a bath. How about building a rest room?"

  Lawrence asked Sophia for her opinion. After all, this bathroom was built for everyone.

  Sofia said happily: "Okay!"

  Lawrence couldn't get any valid advice and could only build the bathroom according to his own ideas.

  "Measure the length of the sewer needed, from the house to the wall, and see how to dig it."

  Lawrence retracted the rope, "I'll measure the height of the house, and place the wooden bucket filled with water on it. It must be stronger. ."

  "Yes, Master~!" Sophia quickly moved her calves and began to use the rope to measure the distance.

  Sofia has learned addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and some simple equations, including calculations such as perimeter and area.

  She can help with many things and is usually the little princess in the family.

  Lawrence pondered whether to build the bath out of wood or stone.

  After some thought, Lawrence decided to seek Derren's advice.

  Lawrence quickly walked around the house and saw Delenn chopping firewood in the wood shed on one side.

  Dren swung his ax and chopped off a standing log, splitting it into two pieces more suitable for burning.

  In addition to witchcraft, Delenn's power cannot be underestimated.

  Delen noticed Lawrence's gaze and asked, "What's the matter?"

  Lawrence leaned over and said, "I want to ask you what material you want to use in the bathroom, whether it is a stone house or a wood house."

  Delen thought for a moment, and found out between the two types of houses. I thought hard for a while.

  "You choose."

  Lawrence explained: "Both the wooden house and the stone house have their own advantages. The stone house is sturdier and definitely more comfortable. You don't have to worry about wind, rain and noise." Delen said directly: "Then the

  stone house."

  Lawrence looked at Delen with a smile, "If it's a stone house, you will be responsible for the reinforcement. If it's a wooden house, I will definitely do it myself." "

  Leave it to me." Delen bent down and put a piece of wood in place, and clicked the wood. Cut in half.

  With Delenn's approval, Lawrence chose to build a sturdier stone house bath.

  Maybe the castle can be built next year?

  Laurence thought of more distant things as he returned to his work.

  Compared to a stone house and a wooden house, a castle is definitely more suitable for a manor.

  More than a hundred people are already quite a lot, and they can fully support a castle.

  And if there is a war in the future, the castle will become everyone's refuge, which is of great significance.

  On the contrary, there is no need to worry too much about the cave. Living in a dull cave without light for a long time will make you sick and depressed. Emma finds Lawrence.

  "Master, now that the sowing has been done and a lot of firewood has been collected, we no longer need so many people in the manor." Lawrence looked outside and found that there were indeed many

  women with nothing to do.

  In addition to gathering wild vegetables and going to lumber camps to help, most people are waiting for trees to fall, and then go to the forest to dig out wood, dig out tree roots and stones from the land, and transform it into farmland more suitable for growing crops.

  But these don’t require many people.

  The men now eat three meals a day, because there is a lot of physical work. The men in the lumber camp will not have the energy to work if they don’t have enough to eat.

  Lawrence thought for a moment and said quickly: "Let these people be divided into several groups in order. Every six days of work, they can have one day off. You can do whatever you want on this day." "The same goes for men. Men in the lumber camp cannot always work every day

  . Work, our God is not so cruel."

  "The benevolent God of the Stars is always paying attention to those who work hard. Their sweat dripping under the sun is proof of honor. God allows them to have their own time on this day. "

  Whether you are resting at home, hanging out to take a bath, or playing with your children, it is all allowed." "

  If you go out hunting, you must pay taxes to the owner of this land, that is, me."

  Lawrence did not forget to add Said: "The same goes for women. Even on rest days, if they pick up food or good things, they have to pay taxes to me." Emma nodded and said: "

  I understand, just go and tell them."

  Lawrence faced Emma Said: "Emma, ​​you also have a day off, you can arrange it freely."

  Emma said confused: "But I don't want to take a rest. I sleep long enough at night and don't need to rest during the day."

  Lawrence said: "But you The child may need your care, and you can also go find someone else to chat with and be a guest. In short, it’s fine. You don’t have to rest. I’ll save it for you if you feel uncomfortable one day.” Emma smiled and said, “Thank you, Master.


  Lawrence also said sincerely: "When there is no one else, just call me Lawrence."

  "Yes, Mr. Lawrence!" Emma was very happy, and the relationship between the two returned to its previous state.

  Lawrence also blessed the Emma family and had a good relationship with the Emma family from before.

  After Emma went to work, Lawrence thought about whether the bathroom should be bigger?

  Because not only himself, but Emma and others also need to use the bathroom.

  Lawrence was thinking about this, and when he saw the plus-size Kehalan coming out to bask in the sun, he shouted: "Khalan!"

  Kehalan came over and asked, "What's the matter?"

  Lawrence told Kehalan what he thought. Harlan, wondering if the bathroom needs to be bigger.

  Kehalan looked at Lawrence with a strange look on his face, "What are you doing to those slaves who are so nice? They didn't come to be nobles. You let them rest and let them take a bath. Aren't they just for work?" Lawrence knew that

  Kehalan Lan was right, buying those slaves was of no use at all.

  Two meals a day are enough to buy him off, and no matter how much else he gives, it is an unnecessary waste.

  As long as you can have enough to eat, and are not abused or harmed by robbers or wild beasts, it is a very comfortable life in this era.

  Especially here, there is no need to fast, or to eat this or that every now and then.

  Apart from being separated from their families, life here is much better than when they were not slaves!

  "Then the weekly rest day will be changed to half a day, and I will let them build a public bathhouse in the forest. From now on, they can bathe in the river in the summer and in the bathhouse in the winter." Lawrence reduced the treatment, but even so,

  here The treatment is still amazingly generous!

  Even without statistics, Lawrence believes that most people want to stay here, rather than thinking about going back to live a better life like Colin, whose family has property.

  The Western female slaves who were exchanged for Ug slaves and Dogweip and others last year have also given birth.

  With sufficient food, advance guidance, and the care of several experienced wives, three Western women gave birth to three mixed-race children in a clean house.

  Manor population +3! ! !

  Lawrence personally blessed the three children.

  "God said: All children of slaves are free. When they are fifteen years old, they will receive a sum of money and can choose to stay or leave according to their own wishes. Before that, they will stay with their parents here and receive The blessing of the prophet and the manor."

  "Crowga!" Lawrence concluded casually, using a meaningless but smooth word as a particle.

  (End of chapter)

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