Chapter 132 Reserves

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  Chapter 132 Reserve
  Pumixiu People There are still some normal people here who are the result of inbreeding.

  Although there is a ban on marriage between close relatives, this is not the time to take a radical approach.

  Only when the Phumexiu people start to think, get inspiration from some deformed children and problem children who died from genetic diseases, and really think about this kind of thing, will they believe Lawrence's theory.

  After all, even problem children are still their own children to each family, and family relationships are not so fragile if they are cooked before they are cooked.

  Lawrence took the initiative and said: "Let's work first. After harvesting the peas in these acres of land, we will plant some vegetables."

  Mature peas are all green, including leaves and pod rhizomes.

  These green peas can be cooked and eaten directly, or dried and stored until needed.

  In addition to beans, pods, roots and leaves are also used.

  Fuel, feed, fertilizer, the more scarce the materials are, the higher the utilization rate will be.

  Picking peas is a job that both adults and children can do. The women collect the peas and put them in sacks, and Seravan and the shepherdess Iti lead the sheep away.

  Each sheep can carry at most one hundred kilograms of peas, and more peas must be transported up by manpower.

  Most of these pea plants were more than 1.23 meters long. Everyone pulled out the bean stems lying on the ground, put them together, arranged them and tied them with ropes.

  Shelling the beans can wait until tomorrow. Today we will take some of the peas from the field home.

  Lawrence and Saryl had collected their optimized peas into separate baskets.

  The peas that were specially protected have matured and are growing better than those around them.

  This part of the seeds will be used as next year's seeds, the rest will be used as food, and a small part will be kept as a test field, and the seeds will be screened again at that time.

  More than a dozen people quickly gathered the peas in the two acres of land, and each person carried a bundle of bean poles on their backs and walked towards the mountain.

  Emma said: "Mr. Lawrence, I'm going back."

  Lawrence nodded and said: "Okay."

  Emma also got paid today, half a bundle of peas.

  On the way back, Lawrence calculated today's harvest.

  Andrew doesn't grow many peas. The total peas harvested from two acres of land should be less than 500 kilograms.

  It’s not that the number of peas carried by everyone has been calculated. These peas have not been picked yet, and the specific number cannot be calculated accurately.

  Lawrence calculated the normal harvest ratio.

  The wheat harvest ratio here in the north is one to three. One hundred pounds of wheat seeds can be exchanged for three hundred pounds of wheat.

  Wheat is a delicate crop, peas are a little simpler, so the harvest ratio is one to five.

  The good thing is that you don't have to worry about it. Just scatter the seeds into the soil and that's it. After that, you can only water it and throw in some fertilizer.

  Lawrence weighed the vegetable basket he was carrying. The peas in it were the harvest of the four square meters of land he had fought for.

  Because it happened last year, Lawrence took some time to recall it carefully.

  [I didn’t use many beans at the beginning. Because of Andrew and Salil’s objections, I didn’t dare to waste too many seeds. ]

  [About a pound, right? Excluding some unqualified beans, it should be less than this number. Lawrence

  looked down at the green peas in the basket. These peas were so plump that they weighed seven or eight pounds.

  If drying beans, the harvest ratio should also be higher than one to ten.

  Although there are not many relevant surveys, it is certain that carefully selected seeds can improve yields, and this can be continued next year.

  Refined farming requires a lot of people. The trouble is that the locals don't like farming...

  Lawrence decided to try the small estate model first.

  Plant optimized vegetables and wheat in the manor, find ways to obtain cattle, and then raise healthy cattle and sheep.

  A real manor can produce and sell its own goods and be self-sufficient.

  If there are only more than ten people, the current manor plus the forests and rivers outside can completely support them.

  Each person calculates one kilogram per day, which means one hundred and thirty kilograms in ten days, and only more than one thousand kilograms in one hundred days.

  If you hunt a large animal like a moose, you can easily survive.

  After returning to the manor, Lawrence asked the slaves to rest and wait for meals, and he put the optimized peas into the warehouse of the wooden house. Most of the food in the manor was concentrated in the wooden house. Lawrence placed the warehouse on the first floor. Only a few people could enter the wooden house.

  The rest of the peas were placed on the pile of rocks to dry. Etty and others peeled the peas they would eat tonight and waited to peel the rest tomorrow.

  Lawrence stood in the warehouse looking for a suitable spot.

  There are a lot of ropes hanging in the warehouse, and the only ventilation openings are on the walls near the roof, and they are very small, with woolen gauze used to block some insects and birds.

  The place is now hung with bacon, ham, dried pheasant racks, and game bird meat similar to wild geese.

  The nine-square-meter house looks small, but it is also very large and crowded. Not only are there hanging bacon and vegetable skewers, but there are also less and less wheat and small bags of flour, as well as eggs, wild vegetables and berries.

  There are also wooden barrels containing wine and pickles in the room, as well as a jar of meat fat that I have been reluctant to eat.

  Lawrence placed the pea seeds in a separate empty box, checked the room again, and made sure that no mice, insects, or strangers had entered before he left, and bolted the door carefully.

  The room on the second floor above the granary is the weapons warehouse, which contains Lawrence's carpenter's tools, as well as farm tools and iron bows and arrows.

  Next to the weapons depot is Lawrence's bedroom. Lawrence's bedroom is connected to the weapons depot and the bathroom. In the middle are two doors connecting the two rooms on the left and right respectively.

  If there is a cry from outside, you can immediately find weapons to fight.

  Lawrence went into his bathroom to wash his hands and use the restroom.

  The bathroom at home is a device similar to a water outlet. An inclined wooden tunnel drains the dirt in the barrel into the sewer behind the house.

  The sides of the barrel have been carefully polished and covered with comfortable fur mats, so you can sit on them and go to the toilet.

  After you are done, you can use the bucket and wooden bowl next to you to get water, and flush the toilet bucket to take away the dirt.

  Because the pipes are directly connected, the odor will rise after being used for a long time.

  There is no time to resolve this matter at the moment, Lawrence has too many things to do.

  Compared with the future, this toilet is very backward, but compared with people of this era, having a separate toilet is already amazing.

  Lawrence poured the water for his hands and face into the toilet. In this world without horses, this bucket is currently called the dirty bucket.

  As long as you maintain physical hygiene every day, such as bath water and shampoo, there will be a lot of waste water to wash away the garbage in the dirty buckets, and the smell will naturally be less obvious.

  Over the next few days, people on the estate were busy building wells, shelling beans, and drying fodder.

  Before you know it, the lease period is here.

  The slaves soon returned to the town of Phumexiu and to their masters.

  Salil looked at the manor, which was much quieter than usual, and said to Lawrence: "Don't we want to hire them for a few more days? I think the people in the town will be very happy." Lawrence shook his head, "

  This time is just a try, for the future. Lay the foundation for cooperation."

  This time should be the first time that most Pumixiu people come into contact with the contract and employment model.

  There would be more opportunities to come, and Lawrence was targeting not just slaves, but women and warriors as well.

  The Pumixiu people have mayors, lords, and leaders like Doug, so Lawrence can only develop the employment model.

  The blacksmith asked his wife to send him the following tools, and Lawrence gave him two fish as extra payment.

  "The well has been dug deep enough. Let Kenny take care of the bees at the foot of the mountain while the others come back."

  There are currently thirteen people in the manor.

  There were three Lawrences, Seravan, Itty, the Shepherdess, Reglo, two male slaves, and five Ug slaves (originally six, one of whom was exchanged for the missionary Kenny). Lawrence looked at Reglo
  , "Next, Seravan and I will build the well. Reglo, you train the seven slaves and let them learn to fight with shields and axes."

  Reglo was very confused. She didn't know how to train.

  Lawrence saw Reglo's confusion, "First remember the names of the seven of them, and take them to hunt some rabbits or crows. After two days of familiarity, I will tell you how to do it." Reglo said quickly:

  " Yes, Master!"

  Now there is not much shortage of basic supplies, and the crops in the manor are gradually maturing.

  In order to prevent possible risks, Lawrence felt it was time to improve the manor's protective capabilities.

  "Let the two dogs sleep near the entrance from now on, and don't let them enter the house."

  (End of Chapter)

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