Chapter 114 Family

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  Chapter 114 Family
  Lawrence left Emma’s house and went to have a look at the mill when leaving the village.

  Through the gap in the wooden door of the mill, I could see the scattered stones inside and the stone tools placed on the shelves.

  It wasn't that there was nothing inside. The miller had placed some wooden barrels and stone mortars.

  The stone mill used to grind flour was not very useful. Since the death of the miller, the mill has declined.

  There are fewer people who understand technology, or perhaps the current mill owners are not interested in running the business.

  Lawrence led the Dom sheep home and looked at the terrain outside the village again.

  Most villages will be built in riverside areas. The Pumixiu people are an exception in this regard. The villages rely on wells rather than rivers.

  The nearest river is one kilometer away. In fact, if there is enough mobilization power, the water from the river can be diverted there.

  Lawrence considers the development of the Pumixiu people.

  "It's like this now because there are few people. When there are more people and the groundwater is not enough to eat, and the well water drops, we will find a way." "They will

  definitely come to me then, and then I will provide them with some ways." "

  For example . Let the slaves dig canals, such as moving..."

  Lawrence thought about how his life would be affected if the Pumixiu people left here at the foot of the mountain.

  The first is the loss of the protection of the Pumixiu people at the foot of the mountain.

  Secondly, although the Pumixiu people went into the mountains to hunt and digest some of the animal resources, they also curbed the activity of large beasts to a certain extent.

  The skills of the Pumixiu people are actually quite high. They have blacksmiths, brewers, bakers, shipbuilders, and animal trainers.

  While maintaining a good relationship, I should actually take the initiative to integrate into the Pumi Xiu people's collective.

  "Let's wait a few more years. I don't have the ability to keep my word now. The social trend of this period is to go out to obtain wealth. I don't want to take them out to rob. If I integrate into the group, I will soon be overthrown." "Keep it

  . The current transcendent status is good for everyone."

  Although the status of the prophet and witch doctor is high, the barbarians have some simple and radical desires in their bones.

  The most important thing is that the assassination culture is very strong here. As a prophet, he tried his best to suppress the people in the tribe from venturing out, always hiding behind and refusing to go out to work.

  Not to mention the Pumixiu people, the earl would also notice the sluggish guy here.

  If you block other people's path to wealth, you will die.

  If there are a few simple-minded people among the savages who think that they cannot get rich because of themselves, then hiding in the house will only make them more hated.

  The cowards in the village will not be grateful to themselves. They will think that they can actually go out and fight, only because a certain opinion leader is holding them back, which makes them useless.

  After thinking for a long time, Lawrence decided to develop his own family first, and then help Pumi cultivate people when he had the opportunity.

  "Hey, I have to be careful about the assassination trend here. I need to equip two shield girls."

  The nobles of the Luofen Kingdom will go out with escorts and followers. Most of them are knights and followers, but there are only a few who use shield girls.

  The shield maidens are mainly used during wars, when their strong men go out to fight and there is no one available around them. This is when shield maidens are put on duty.

  When Lawrence returned to the mountain manor, he saw Sophia playing with the puppy throwing sticks outside the house.

  "Master~" Sophia threw away the small wooden stick and ran to Lawrence.

  The two puppies quickly fought for the small wooden stick, raised their heads and looked for their little master who was still standing here just now.

  Sophia ran up to Lawrence and offered to help move something.

  Lawrence looked at Sofia and asked: "Sofia, how are the wooden shield skills you and Salil learned?"

  Sofia replied: "Salil said that she would teach me the back ones when the grass outside grows longer. In this way, It doesn't hurt when I roll on the ground." Lawrence said directly: "I lack guards around me. In the future, you should stop doing housework. Try to leave some troublesome things to others, and give priority to learning self-defense skills and the use of shields." Sophia was very happy

  . He almost understood what Lawrence meant, "Master, are you asking me to be a shield maiden?"

  "Yes." Lawrence affirmed: "This will not only protect me, but also protect yourself."

  Sophia said happily: "Yes, I Got it!"

  Lawrence took Sophia into the house. Salil was taking a nap and soon woke up in a daze and looked at the two of them.

  "Lawrence, you're back. Did Taloki leave?"

  Lawrence sat down and said, "I'm leaving. I went to the town to bring back the deerskin. You put it away and use it in the fall."

  Salil saw it clearly . After leaving Lawrence and Sophia, they got off the bed and picked up the deerskin from the basket.

  Sofia helped hold the two horns, and together they stretched out the deerskin blanket.

  The animal skin mattress made of moose skin is two meters long and one meter sixty-seven meters wide, which is much larger than the current bed for three people.

  "It needs to be dried, so I took it out to dry. There is still the smell of smelly meat on it. It can be used after washing it three times and drying it three times."

  Salil's quality requirements for fur products are higher than those of barbarian women.

  Salil has more experience than Lawrence in how to clean animal skin products.

  Lawrence ignored these trivial matters and said smoothly: "Sariel, take some time to teach Sophia the shield skills, and give her the throwing ax skills. From now on, she will be by my side as a shield girl to protect me." Most of the shield girls are

  actually There is no need to fight. Unlike male warriors, women who are chosen as shield maidens because of their bravery spend most of their time working with nobles, away from the raging flames of war.

  Salil agreed: "Okay, do you need me to teach Itty and the others?"

  "No." Lawrence said calmly: "There is always someone to work."

  Both Salil and Sophia thought it was okay. Itty was actually a slave. Lawrence had been very kind to her.

  "I still don't understand why you asked Taloki to leave. Aren't we still short of people now?"

  Lawrence stood up and said: "At the beginning, it was to make him work better and to motivate him to escape from slavery after completing these tasks. Identity."

  "Then I thought about whether he could get more people to come work for me after he goes back."

  Salil looked at Lawrence, "What about now?"

  "Now?" Lawrence smiled and said, "I now I don't have the heart to pay attention to him. Since I let him go, let him go. I have to do what I promised. One less person will not have much impact on me." Salil didn't think so, "I think one less person will make things worse

  . Some things are postponed until tomorrow. If Sophia and I don't work, you will have to do more and more things."

  Lawrence had already considered this problem and had a solution.

  "There are still many slaves among the Ug people. We may be able to rescue those unfortunate slaves."

  Sariel asked curiously: "How to rescue them? Although the Ug people are obedient, they will not hand over all the slaves to us."

  Lawrence said calmly: "I believe in the wisdom of Doug and Vip. They will not ignore any risks." "

  In order to protect the village from being attacked, and also to have enough food in the village to survive the winter after they leave, guess what? Who will they fight?"

  The savages were not careless about their families; they would leave food and clothing for the women and children at home before venturing out.

  At this time, they will hunt vigorously, and after leaving enough food for their families, they will think of ways to raise food and wine for the voyage.

  The Uge people are mountain people, and summer is the time when supplies are most abundant in the mountains.

  Before Doug sets off, he will definitely lead the Pumixiu people to do something!
  In order to improve morale and blood, but also for the women and children at home!
  (End of chapter)

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