Chapter 113 Technology

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  Chapter 113 Technology

  "Lawrence, did we give too much meat?"

  When cooking in the morning, Salil stirred the pot with a wooden spoon and thought seriously:
  "I feel like those people have gained weight recently. They have gained a lot more meat than when they first came here."

  Lawrence was polishing stones. After hearing this, he said: "Well, they are indeed fat. We have obtained a lot of meat recently. Since we can't preserve it, of course we have to eat it. It's the most cost-effective way to put it in your stomach."

  After hearing this, Sofia said happily: "I've grown a little taller recently!"

  Lawrence looked at Sofia, because they had always lived together, and he had always seen Sofia wearing She was wearing chubby winter clothes, so she didn’t realize that Sophia’s complexion had changed very, very much compared to the first time.

  After covering my face for so long in winter, fair and tender skin is revealed on my face, neck, and arms.

  Now Sofia is cleaner, more beautiful and energetic.

  If you think about it, it's almost puberty. By then, your body will mature rapidly and you will enter adulthood.

  Seeing Lawrence looking at her, Sofia said happily: "Master, I will grow up soon!"

  Lawrence said: "Indeed, Sofia is getting more and more beautiful."

  After hearing this, Sofia became even more happy. Salil smiled too.

  Lawrence got down to business again, "Selavin and Regloo have become a lot stronger recently and can do more strenuous work. Today, I asked Seravan to take two male slaves to build a house, and I want to build another one." Kitchen."

  Salil felt it was unnecessary. "It's enough now. Everyone can have enough to eat."

  Lawrence said, "It's not particularly troublesome. It's just a shack made of bricks. The roof is fixed with mud bricks and specially dropped from above. A pot with a large earthenware pot."

  "Seal all three sides, leaving only one side, just like in a cave." "

  It is also convenient to cook on rainy days, and we can cook separately from them. We use iron pots in the house They cook outside."

  "Otherwise, in summer, if the cooking time is too long, our house will be very hot, and sleeping will be very uncomfortable. Burning firewood for a long time will also make the house dark. "

  Salil was quickly convinced and agreed: "Then do it. I will go hunting today and you will help them build a shed." "

  No, since the wild boar has not been found in the past few days, there is no need to worry. "Use." Lawrence said: "We don't lack meat now, what we lack is a stable food source." The

  chickens, sheep, and pigs currently raised are raised at the foot of the mountain.

  There are more bugs on the mountain. Chickens can find food on their own, but pigs can easily get lost.

  Salil looked at the stone in Lawrence's hand and asked, "When will this be ready?"

  Lawrence smiled and said, "It will take a lot of time. It should be almost ready in another month. By then, you can grind the flour at home."

  Lawrence smiled . I am making a stone mill for home use. I got a lot of stones when I blasted the stones in the winter. I selected two round pieces of gravel from them. Now I am going to further process them.

  The stone weighs more than 70 kilograms, is neither big nor small, and is enough for a family of more than ten people.

  Sariel said: "Has the mill in the town been repaired?"

  Lawrence showed a puzzled expression, "I don't know about that, it probably isn't there. I went down the mountain to eat barbecue a while ago, but there were also a few pieces of bread."

  Sariel said directly . Said: "That's because it hasn't been repaired. There is no need for the mill there. Everyone just grinds the dough at home, which is much slower." Lawrence smiled and said: "

  Yes, you can grind the dough yourself at home and use stones and sticks to dry it in the sun. Just pound the wheat, but it will be much slower."

  "We are like this now." Lawrence seemed to be in a good mood.

  Although he also uses primitive methods to process wheat here, although he has almost used up the flour before, and although the stone mill will take a while to complete.

  But both Saryl and Lawrence were in good spirits.

  Because in the near future, we will be able to use stone mills to process wheat to obtain flour, but it seems that the situation in Pumixiu Town is still far away.

  Comparison will make people feel happy.

  One party is satisfied, and the other party either doesn't mind or cares very much.

  Lawrence worked more energetically, and inspiration came to him like a fountain.

  "The stream just upstream is relatively narrow, which cuts the stream into a stronger current, and uses the current to push the wooden wheel to grind the stone."

  Salil didn't know what it looked like specifically, but she supported Lawrence very much.

  After eating, Lawrence looked at the slaves who were obviously much stronger and quickly assigned the workload for today.

  Seravan and Lawrence built the kitchen together.

  Unlike Taloki who will run away soon, Seravan will always follow Lawrence, so Lawrence gives him the construction work that needs to be done repeatedly in the future and lets him lead others to build various buildings.

  Since Tulloji showed his intention to leave, Lawrence had let him live in the shack and not allowed him to go to live with Etty at the foot of the mountain.

  In terms of work, Taloji's job has also changed from a house overseer to a lumberjack, or a farmer working in the fields, a hard laborer carrying manure and retting it.

  The construction of the wooden house was mainly directed by Lawrence. It took less than two days to build the mud house, and two other slaves were doing the brick-laying, burning and dirty work.

  The foundation of the wooden house had been laid, and Lawrence stood on the hillside looking at his gradually expanding estate, thinking about the location of the public kitchen.

  "There are no more high-lying places. Stone houses and livestock pens were built in the best places, then new wooden houses, and then fertile farmland areas." "The

  pile of stones is reserved as a rest area and drying area. Inside the wall Except for a few sloping lands intended for farming, there is no other place."

  Lawrence kept thinking about the planning area, and finally located the public kitchen at the southern exit near the stream.

  Firstly, it is closer to the wooden house, and secondly, the terrain is below the wooden house, so you can see the situation over there when you go out.

  A few hundred meters above and to the right of the pine forest is the stream. As the stream curves downward, it enters a deep area and forms a river, which becomes wider as it goes down.

  Because the terrain of the pine forest is higher than that of the stream, in the future, objects can be transported by rolling logs on a cart and dropped into the stream, and then transported down through water conservancy.

  In turn, water flow and human drag can be used to transport materials downstream.

  If there is any expansion in the future, it will basically be near the river area. Concentrating people near the river bank can also save some trouble.

  There are indeed troubles such as flash floods and mudslides in the mountains, but Salil can provide early warning so that everyone can prepare for heavy rains in advance.

  After Lawrence determined the specific location, he took everyone to clear the wasteland near the exit of the South District, dug a reservoir, and used the excess soil to make mud bricks.

  In the future, whether it is building a water-powered mill or expanding outside, it will be more convenient to gather near the river.

  There was no need for extra wood for heating in the spring. After ensuring that there were enough materials for cooking, the men quickly allocated them to the construction.

  Salil and Sophia worked with the female workers to shear wool, pulling out the wool from sheep that did not need wool to withstand the cold. Wool and sisal, while processing these furs, Salil also thought of the deerskin that she had given to Emma before.

  "Etty, are you going back to the mountain today?" Salil asked Etty about her work today while arranging the wool.

  Edith said: "Not today, the master didn't say anything."

  Sariel nodded, "Then if you see Emma next time when you go back, ask me if the moose quilt is ready." "

  Okay." Edie accepted the role of hostess.

  Lawrence and others were drying bricks on the hillside, while Taloji stood in the pit digging soil with a hoe.

  The sun sets and the day passes quickly.

  Taloji held a piece of barbecue and ate it while walking towards the hut at the foot of the mountain.

  As they walked, Taloki suddenly felt very lonely.

  Looking around, Taloji found that there was no one else around him at all, and there were no Uggs watching nearby.


  Taroki suddenly realized that he could actually leave now and leave this uncomfortable place where he had to do hard work all day long and would be slapped in the face by Regello if he was just a little lazy.

  Although he could eat enough and eat meat here, Taloji still felt that it would be better to leave here.

  That was what he was thinking, but after walking back along the accustomed mountain road and seeing luxurious houses that were not in the village, and seeing the nearby Pumixiu people gathering to eat and drink together, Taluoji still went in without saying a word. The cabin went to sleep.

  "If I run away, I will definitely be caught by the Pumi Xiu people, so I'd better wait."

  In the end, Taloji didn't have the courage to run away, and felt that the current life was bearable.

  The days of numbness passed quickly. The peas in the field formed pods the size of fingers, and there were more and more green vegetables and plants.

  The pumpkin seedlings in the ground also began to grow, many blue flax flowers grew in the wild fields in the mountains, and there was more and more food in the mountains and forests.

  The two Dom sheep who had been living together for several months began to have an affair. The hens in the chicken pen began to lay eggs, and the colorful rooster also attracted the coquettish hen grouse who came to eat feed.

  There are also more crows coming to eat the chicken feed, but the big crows who also eat the chicken feed will drive those crows away angrily.

  It can't defeat a group of birds alone, but Sariel and the others will help when they see it. As long as the big crow knows how to hide behind people, it will be fine. It has terrifying savages to help it teach those little bastards a lesson.

  Taloji and another male slave carried a tree trunk outside the wooden house. Except for the four pine trees that blocked the chicken pen and the wooden house, all the other pine trees in the pine forest have been cleared away and are now from the forest on the other side of the river. Get wood.

  Lawrence looked at the house that had been repaired on the first floor. Currently, the fireplace, living room, warehouse, two bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen on the first floor were all completed. Several vacant room structures on the second floor were also divided with neat wood.

  The next main task is to lay the floor, place rectangular wooden boards in the gaps between the wooden beams reserved in the wooden house, and then complete the roof on this basis.

  Using bricks and stones would be more stable, but not as fast as a wooden house.

  This 150-square-meter house was built from scratch in less than a spring, and a lot of other things were done in the process, which wasted a lot of time.

  Lawrence looked at the wooden mansion that he had not yet completely built. This house could be lived in for at least five or six years.

  After five or six years, I will definitely have built a better house!

  From shacks to narrow stone houses, and now to large two-story houses that resemble villas, the next step is the larger and more durable manor villas!
  Lawrence wanted to build a manor house larger and more beautiful than the Baron Manor.

  All in all, I am very satisfied with my current life.

  Lawrence smiled and looked at Taloki who was already sitting on the wood and starting to plan the bark of the wood.

  It has been three months since Taloji arrived here from the Ug tribe. Rich food and a lot of hard work have gradually made his body stronger and his arms become thicker and stronger.

  "Talokhi, it's time for you to go home."

  Taloki, who was working, stood up quickly after hearing this and said, "Yes, I will go back to feed the pigs."

  Lawrence said, "It's not to feed the pigs, but to go back to you." In my hometown, I promised you that I would let you be free after you help me build four walls and a wooden house." "It's

  almost done now." Lawrence said, "I will send you down the mountain to Pumixiu Town. After leaving the town Just walk in the direction of your hometown. When people ask you where you are from, just say you are from Lawrence in Pumexiu Town."

  Taloji didn't know whether to be happy or in other moods at this moment.

  He quietly looked at the place he had been working on for several months, from being barren at the beginning to being full of life now.

  Taloki looked around and finally followed Lawrence down the mountain.

  Lawrence gave him a basket, a new woolen waistcoat, more than ten kilograms of dried meat eaten on the road, and a hard wooden stick.

  It is not suitable to carry weapons on long journeys, and Taloji does not have the quality to fight. If you carry weapons when you encounter a large group of people, you will be surrounded. When you encounter passers-by, the reputation of the Pumixiu people will be more useful.

  The place he went to was his own hometown, which was not far from here. At most, he would encounter some wild animals.

  Most wild beasts will not attack a man with a stick, especially a young man with a strong breath.

  Lawrence watched Tulloji leave the confines of Pumexiu Town, and then went to Emma's house to get the deerskin quilt.

  Emma was waiting for Lawrence at the door of the house. When she saw Lawrence coming, she picked up the basket containing the deerskin blanket.

  "Mr. Lawrence, the moose skin is ready. It will definitely keep you warm in the winter!"

  Lawrence smiled and said: "Thank you, why is the town so quiet today?"

  Emma explained: "Everyone has gone to Dumu Village, and the boat has been built. Well, we are testing the ship in the sea these days, and we will set off when there are no problems in the next few days."

  Most of the time in the Western Kingdom is in spring and autumn, and there are very few extreme seasons.

  Spring is about to pass in the Agama Mountains, and summer has just arrived in the Western Kingdom. Doug and others have to go to meet Andrew. A good navigator will decide the time to go to sea based on the wind direction and climate.

  This time often requires waiting. People are waiting for time, not time waiting for people.

  There are strong winds and strong waves in spring and summer. At this time, there will be no defense against ice pirates outside.

  There are risks but also benefits!
  Barbarians have always been willing to gamble, but when it comes to robbery, they especially like to customize plans and strategies, and prepare various types of wood, food, weapons, tools and other things to increase the success rate.

  Therefore, you must gather first and quickly seize the opportunity to go to sea when the waves are gentle and there is a favorable wind to ride on.

  Lawrence knew that among Doug and Andrew's friends were not only berserkers, but also senior shipbuilders and navigators.

  They had prepared winter, spring and summer for this harvest, and invested much more manpower, material resources and thought than farming.

  (End of chapter)

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