Chapter 93 Pickup Truck

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  Chapter 93 Pickup Truck

  Tony knew that Russell was right.

  If Russell wanted to kill him, there were many ways.

  Moreover, if you really want to kill him, you don't need to agree to give him clothing, which will make it more difficult for you, and even add suspicion to yourself because of the safety device.

  Especially just now, when he attacked Russell, Russell had the opportunity to kill him, and he could also avoid trouble later on the grounds of self-defense.

  He gave Russell the chance to kill him, but Russell didn't kill him. The moment he opened his mask, he had already made Jarvis give up calling the police.

  Yes, he was just testing Russell just now. If he had discovered that Russell had the tendency and intention to kill him after he created the opportunity for Russell to kill him legitimately, he would have asked Jarvis to record the evidence and report it. Police, and took the opportunity to leave here, he would not stupidly let Russell blow up all the jets under him.

  After his doubts about Russell were lifted, Tony couldn't help but feel relieved. At the same time, another reason he thought of occupied his mind at this moment.

  "What? Are you still doubting me?"

  Looking at the look on Tony's face, Russell stood up, appeared in black clothes, and stretched out his hand to Tony, trying to pull him up.

  He had just broken the opponent's steel suit. If he didn't help, Tony couldn't stand up.

  Tony held Russell's hand, shook his head, and said: "No, before I came, I was very sure that it was not your fault. Otherwise, you have many ways to prevent me from returning to New York. "

  He is not a fool. If he thinks Russell is very suspicious, even if he makes a steel suit, he will not come to the old Broome house alone to ask for an explanation from Russell. It is precisely because he is more confident. I will come to Russell first.

  "Yo! I'm enlightened!" Russell smiled lightly and used a little force on his arms to pull up Tony, who was wearing a steel suit but could not stand up due to the loss of power and the weight of the steel suit.

  "Hahaha!" Tony raised the corner of his mouth and said: "You know, I have been depressed for too long during this period, so I came to you, in addition to relieving some doubts in my heart, mainly to vent and test the steel suit. function."

  Russell squinted at Tony, who was about to stand up, twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "You said, mainly to vent?" "

  Yes, I feel much more comfortable now!" Tony nodded with a smile and said : "This kind of confession feels pretty good."

  Russell smiled slightly, with a dangerous look in his eyes, and said in a gentle tone: "It feels pretty good, doesn't it?"

  Tony said 'hmm' without even thinking about it. .

  "Bang!" There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

  Looking at Mr. Stark, who was lying on the grass with a stunned face, unable to move, Russell clapped his hands indifferently, raised his foot and kicked the opponent, leaving a footprint, and said: "Since it still feels good, Yes, then just keep lying down."

  After saying that, Russell turned around and left under Tony's surprised eyes. At the same time, he waved to Caesar beside him and said: "Caesar, ignore him and let him lie down. "

  Caesar raised the corner of his mouth slightly and nodded to Russell.

  "Hey, hey!"


  you so stingy!" "Russell! Stop!"


  "I can't get out! Help!"

  Tony shouted, as if someone was being Like prawns wrapped in dough, they lay on the ground and screamed in vain.

  The current steel suit requires mechanical help to equip and take off, and he cannot take it off by himself. If no one helps him...


  Tony couldn't help but cry out again thinking that he would lie on the grass and spend a boring night like this.

  Ignoring the yelling Tony, Russell returned to the laboratory with a hint of urgency.

  Tony is not far away from becoming Iron Man, which means that the Avengers plan is about to begin, and continuous trouble is coming.

  Even though he already has some power, he still doesn't feel safe. He must hurry up.

  Just after Russell returned to the laboratory, Tony called out twice. Seeing that no one paid attention to him, and just when he felt weak, a tall and tall figure with gray hair appeared next to him, lowered his head and said to Tony lying on the ground: "Sir, I need Can you help me?"

  "Yes!" Tony nodded without hesitation and said, "Excuse me, old man."

  "No trouble!" Arthur smiled slightly, raised the chainsaw behind him, and looked at Tony's face. He said expressionlessly: "Where should I cut you to release you?"


  Hearing the buzzing sound of the chainsaw, he looked at the smile on Arthur's face that made him cringe. Although He knew that the steel suit he was wearing couldn't be cut with a chainsaw, but Tony couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat and said, "No need to bother, no need to bother!" "No need to bother!" Arthur said with the knife in his hand

  . The chainsaw gestured and cut into Tony's body.

  "Oh, no!" Tony's eyes widened, and all the hair on his body stood up.

  "Sir, it's very impolite to make a mess on the lawn that I have worked so hard to tidy up."

  Looking at the electric saw buzzing around his crotch, Tony swallowed and said, "Yes, it's impolite!"

  "It's wrong to trample on the bricks in the yard."

  "Yes, it's wrong. I'll apologize!" Tony responded hurriedly.

  "Very good!" Arthur expressed satisfaction with the other party's attitude of admitting his mistake. After gently moving the chainsaw away, he said, "I'll let you out right now." Tony shook his head hurriedly and smiled brightly at Arthur

  : "Don't bother, old gentleman, I think it's quite comfortable here!"

  "Buzz!" Arthur shook the chainsaw in his hand and said, "You don't believe me?"

  "I do!"

  "Then don't Talk!"

  The old butler held the chainsaw with one hand domineeringly, put it aside, looked down at the steel suit, and said, "How do you unload this thing? Can you tell me?" "Uh, you need

  ... "


  As the sky grew brighter, Tony drove the small truck provided by the old butler, carrying his steel suit, and rushed to his home while talking about work with Jarvis.

  "Jarvis, the automated loading of steel suits has been added to the work plan!"

  "Okay, sir."

  "The problem of high-altitude icing also needs to be solved." Tony yawned and asked Jarvis to record his next steps. Work.


  Suddenly, a white sports car appeared from behind him. After getting side by side with him, it blared its horn twice arrogantly. When Tony put his head out of the car window, the owner of the sports car shouted at him. Tony gave a middle finger, passed Tony's pickup truck, and disappeared.

  Tony's face turned dark. He never thought that he would be ridiculed like this one day. He stamped on the accelerator angrily, and a burst of black smoke came out. The pickup truck stopped on the road as if it was gasping twice.


  He slapped the steering wheel hard, and Tony couldn't help shouting: "Damn it! Where did the old man find such a shabby car? Can't Bloom afford a car?" "

  Sir, you need it. Roadside assistance or make repairs yourself."

  Roadside assistance?

  Don't even think about it, he doesn't want to appear in the newspaper tomorrow with this crappy car!
  "Damn it!"

  Tony cursed lightly, remembering the days when he was flying in the air...

  (End of this chapter)

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